package org.dcache.auth; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import static org.junit.Assert.*; /** * This class provides test-cases for the FQAN class. * * From page 6 of * * * * "This information is encoded in a Fully Qualified Attribute Name (FQAN), * in the following format: * * <group name>/Role=<role name>/Capability=<capability name> * * This syntax means that the user holds the role <role name> in the group * <group name>. If no specific role is held, the <role name> is NULL. The * /Capability=<capability name> part is deprecated and will disappear in * the future: conforming applications SHOULD be able to handle FQANs where * it is absent and SHOULD NOT rely on its presence. * * Future compatibility issue: It is possible that in the future a * /Role=NULL component may be omitted in its entirety. The same goes for a * /Capability=NULL part. Conforming applications SHOULD be prepared to * handle these cases." * * @author jans * @author Paul Millar <> */ public class FQANTest { /** * The items that may make up a FQAN. The VO is always * present, but GROUP, ROLE and CAPABILITY are optional. */ public enum FqanElements { VO, GROUP, ROLE, CAPABILITY } /* Main set of data used to build test FQANs */ private static final String VO_NAME = "atlas"; private static final String GROUP_NAME = "higgs"; private static final String ROLE_NAME = "production"; private static final String CAPABILITY_NAME = "some-capability"; /* Alternative non-equal data used for inequality tests */ private static final String OTHER_VO_NAME = "cms"; private static final String OTHER_GROUP_NAME = "LAr"; private static final String OTHER_ROLE_NAME = "observer"; private static final String OTHER_CAPABILITY_NAME = "other-capability"; private static final String EMPTY_STRING = ""; private static final FQAN[] ALL_TYPES = buildFqanArrayOfAllTypes(); private static final String[] INVALID_FQANS = { null, // null isn't valid VO_NAME, // lack of initial '/' "/*", // illegal character of VO "/-" + VO_NAME, // illegal initial character of VO "/0" + VO_NAME, // " " " " " "/A" + VO_NAME, // " " " " " "/" + VO_NAME + "-", // illegal final character of VO "/" + VO_NAME + ".", // " " " " " "/" + VO_NAME + "/", // empty group not allowed "/" + VO_NAME + "/*", // illegal character in (sub)group "/" + VO_NAME + "/=" + GROUP_NAME, // illegal character in (sub)group "/" + VO_NAME + "/" + GROUP_NAME + "=", // illegal character in (sub)group "/" + VO_NAME + "/" + GROUP_NAME + "=NULL", // illegal character in (sub)group "/" + VO_NAME + "/Role=", // empty role not allowed "/" + VO_NAME + "/Role=" + ROLE_NAME + " ", // illegal character in role "/" + VO_NAME + "/Role= " + ROLE_NAME, // illegal character in role "/" + VO_NAME + "/Role=" + ROLE_NAME + ".", // illegal character in role "/" + VO_NAME + "/Role=." + ROLE_NAME, // illegal character in role "/" + VO_NAME + "/Role=*", // illegal character in role "/" + VO_NAME + "/Capability=", // empty capability not allowed "/" + VO_NAME + "/Capability=" + CAPABILITY_NAME + " ", // illegal character in capability "/" + VO_NAME + "/Capability= " + CAPABILITY_NAME, // illegal character in capability "/" + VO_NAME + "/Capability=" + CAPABILITY_NAME + ".", // illegal character in capability "/" + VO_NAME + "/Capability=." + CAPABILITY_NAME, // illegal character in capability }; @Test(expected=IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testCreateWithNullNotAllowed() { new FQAN(null); } @Test public void testTypesEqualsIsReflexive() { for( FQAN fqan1 : ALL_TYPES) { assertEquals( fqan1, fqan1); FQAN fqan2 = new FQAN( fqan1.toString()); assertEquals( fqan1, fqan2); } } @Test public void testDifferentTypesNotEqual() { for( int i = 0; i < ALL_TYPES.length; i++) { FQAN fqan1 = ALL_TYPES[i]; for( int j = 0; j < ALL_TYPES.length; j++) { FQAN fqan2 = ALL_TYPES[j]; if( i != j) { assertFalse( fqan1.equals( fqan2)); } } } } @Test public void testNotEqualByVO() { FQAN[] otherVoFqans = buildFqanArrayWithOtherVo( OTHER_VO_NAME); assertNoneEqual( otherVoFqans); } @Test public void testNotEqualByGroup() { FQAN[] otherGroupFqans = buildFqanArrayWithOtherGroup( OTHER_GROUP_NAME); assertNoneEqual( otherGroupFqans); } @Test public void testNotEqualByRole() { FQAN[] otherRoleFqans = buildFqanArrayWithOtherRole( OTHER_ROLE_NAME); assertNoneEqual( otherRoleFqans); } @Test public void testNotEqualByCapability() { FQAN[] otherCapabilityFqans = buildFqanArrayWithOtherCapability( OTHER_CAPABILITY_NAME); assertNoneEqual( otherCapabilityFqans); } @Test public void testGetGroupForFqansWithGroup() { FQAN[] fqansWithGroup = buildFqanArrayWith( FqanElements.GROUP); for( FQAN fqanWithGroup : fqansWithGroup) { String expectedString = "/" + VO_NAME + "/" + GROUP_NAME; assertEquals( "Testing " + fqanWithGroup, expectedString, fqanWithGroup.getGroup()); } } @Test public void testGetGroupForFqansWithoutGroup() { FQAN[] fqansWithoutGroup = buildFqanArrayWithNoneOf( FqanElements.GROUP); String expectedGroup = "/" + VO_NAME; for( FQAN fqanWithoutGroup : fqansWithoutGroup) { assertEquals( "Testing " + fqanWithoutGroup, expectedGroup, fqanWithoutGroup.getGroup()); } } @Test public void testGetRoleForFqansWithRole() { FQAN[] fqansWithRole = buildFqanArrayWith( FqanElements.ROLE); for( FQAN fqanWithRole : fqansWithRole) { assertEquals( "Testing " + fqanWithRole, ROLE_NAME, fqanWithRole .getRole()); } } @Test public void testGetRoleForFqansWithoutRole() { FQAN[] fqansWithoutRole = buildFqanArrayWithNoneOf( FqanElements.ROLE); for( FQAN fqanWithoutRole : fqansWithoutRole) { assertEquals( "Testing " + fqanWithoutRole, EMPTY_STRING, fqanWithoutRole.getRole()); } } @Test public void testGetCapabilityForFqansWithCapability() { FQAN[] fqansWithCapability = buildFqanArrayWith( FqanElements.CAPABILITY); for( FQAN fqanWithCapability : fqansWithCapability) { assertEquals( "Testing " + fqanWithCapability, CAPABILITY_NAME, fqanWithCapability.getCapability()); } } @Test public void testGetCapabilityForFqansWithoutCapability() { FQAN[] fqansWithoutCapability = buildFqanArrayWithNoneOf( FqanElements.CAPABILITY); for( FQAN fqanWithoutCapability : fqansWithoutCapability) { assertEquals( "Testing " + fqanWithoutCapability, EMPTY_STRING, fqanWithoutCapability.getCapability()); } } @Test public void testHasRoleForFqanWithNoRole() { FQAN[] fqansWithoutRole = buildFqanArrayWithNoneOf( FqanElements.ROLE); for( FQAN fqanWithoutRole : fqansWithoutRole) { assertFalse( "Testing " + fqanWithoutRole, fqanWithoutRole.hasRole()); } } @Test public void testHasRoleForFqanWithRole() { FQAN[] fqansWithRole = buildFqanArrayWith( FqanElements.ROLE); for( FQAN fqanWithRole : fqansWithRole) { assertTrue( "Testing " + fqanWithRole, fqanWithRole.hasRole()); } } @Test public void testHasCapabilityForFqanWithNoCapability() { FQAN[] fqansWithoutCapability = buildFqanArrayWithNoneOf( FqanElements.CAPABILITY); for( FQAN fqanWithoutCapability : fqansWithoutCapability) { assertFalse( "Testing " + fqanWithoutCapability, fqanWithoutCapability.hasCapability()); } } @Test public void testHasCapabilityForFqanWithCapability() { FQAN[] fqansWithCapability = buildFqanArrayWith( FqanElements.CAPABILITY); for( FQAN fqanWithCapability : fqansWithCapability) { assertTrue( "Testing " + fqanWithCapability, fqanWithCapability.hasCapability()); } } /* * TEST for Role=NULL and Capability=NULL */ @Test public void testRoleNullAndNoCapabilityEqualsWithoutRole() { FQAN[] fqansWithoutRoleOrCapability = buildFqanArrayWithNoneOf( EnumSet.of( FqanElements.ROLE, FqanElements.CAPABILITY)); for(FQAN fqan : fqansWithoutRoleOrCapability) { FQAN fqanWithNullRole = new FQAN(fqan.toString() + "/Role=NULL"); assertTrue("Testing " + fqan + " equals " + fqanWithNullRole, fqan.equals( fqanWithNullRole)); assertTrue("Testing " + fqanWithNullRole + " equals " + fqan, fqanWithNullRole.equals( fqan)); } } @Test public void testRoleNullAndCapabilityEqualsWithoutRole() { FQAN[] fqansWithoutRoleOrCapability = buildFqanArrayWithNoneOf( EnumSet.of( FqanElements.ROLE, FqanElements.CAPABILITY)); for(FQAN fqan : fqansWithoutRoleOrCapability) { String capabilitySuffix = "/Capability=" + CAPABILITY_NAME; FQAN fqanWithoutNullRole = new FQAN(fqan + capabilitySuffix ); FQAN fqanWithNullRole = new FQAN(fqan + "/Role=NULL" + capabilitySuffix ); assertTrue("Testing " + fqanWithNullRole, fqanWithoutNullRole.equals( fqanWithNullRole)); assertTrue("Testing " + fqanWithNullRole, fqanWithNullRole.equals( fqanWithoutNullRole)); } } @Test public void testCapabilityNullEqualsWithout() { FQAN[] fqansWithoutRoleOrCapability = buildFqanArrayWithNoneOf( FqanElements.CAPABILITY); for(FQAN fqan : fqansWithoutRoleOrCapability) { FQAN fqanWithNullCapability = new FQAN(fqan.toString() + "/Capability=NULL"); assertTrue("Testing " + fqan, fqan.equals( fqanWithNullCapability)); assertTrue("Testing " + fqan, fqanWithNullCapability.equals( fqan)); } } @Test public void testGetRoleForRoleNull() { FQAN[] fqansWithoutRoleOrCapability = buildFqanArrayWithNoneOf( EnumSet.of( FqanElements.ROLE, FqanElements.CAPABILITY)); for(FQAN fqan : fqansWithoutRoleOrCapability) { FQAN fqanWithNullRole = new FQAN(fqan.toString() + "/Role=NULL"); assertEquals("Checking " + fqanWithNullRole, "", fqanWithNullRole.getRole()); } } @Test public void testGetCapabilityForCapabilityNull() { FQAN[] fqansWithoutCapability = buildFqanArrayWithNoneOf( FqanElements.CAPABILITY); for(FQAN fqan : fqansWithoutCapability) { FQAN fqanWithNullCapability = new FQAN(fqan + "/Capability=NULL"); assertEquals("Testing " + fqanWithNullCapability, "", fqanWithNullCapability.getCapability()); } } @Test public void testToStringForRoleNullAndNoCapability() { FQAN[] fqansWithoutRoleOrCapability = buildFqanArrayWithNoneOf( EnumSet.of( FqanElements.ROLE, FqanElements.CAPABILITY)); for(FQAN fqan : fqansWithoutRoleOrCapability) { FQAN fqanWithNullRole = new FQAN(fqan.toString() + "/Role=NULL"); assertEquals("Testing " + fqan, fqan.toString(), fqanWithNullRole.toString()); } } @Test public void testToStringForRoleNullAndSomeCapability() { FQAN[] fqansWithoutRoleOrCapability = buildFqanArrayWithNoneOf( EnumSet.of( FqanElements.ROLE, FqanElements.CAPABILITY)); for(FQAN fqan : fqansWithoutRoleOrCapability) { String capabilitySuffix = "/Capability=" + CAPABILITY_NAME; FQAN fqanWithoutNullRole = new FQAN(fqan + capabilitySuffix ); FQAN fqanWithNullRole = new FQAN(fqan + "/Role=NULL" + capabilitySuffix ); assertEquals("Testing " + fqanWithoutNullRole, fqanWithoutNullRole.toString(), fqanWithNullRole.toString()); } } @Test public void testToStringForCapabilityNull() { FQAN[] fqansWithoutRoleOrCapability = buildFqanArrayWithNoneOf( FqanElements.CAPABILITY); for(FQAN fqan : fqansWithoutRoleOrCapability) { FQAN fqanWithNullCapability = new FQAN(fqan.toString() + "/Capability=NULL"); assertEquals("Testing " + fqan, fqan.toString(), fqanWithNullCapability.toString()); } } @Test public void testIsValidForValidFqans() { for( FQAN fqan : ALL_TYPES) { assertTrue( "Checking " + fqan + " is valid", FQAN.isValid( fqan.toString())); } } @Test public void testIsValidForInvalidFqans() { for( String invalidFqan : INVALID_FQANS) { assertFalse( "Checking " + invalidFqan + " is invalid", FQAN.isValid( invalidFqan)); } } private void assertNoneEqual( FQAN[] others) { for( FQAN fqan1 : ALL_TYPES) { for( FQAN fqan2 : others) { assertFalse( "Testing " + fqan1 + " not equal to " + fqan2, fqan1.equals( fqan2)); assertFalse( "Testing " + fqan2 + " not equal to " + fqan1, fqan2.equals( fqan1)); } } } private static FQAN[] buildFqanArrayOfAllTypes() { return buildFqanArrayOfAllWith( VO_NAME, GROUP_NAME, ROLE_NAME, CAPABILITY_NAME, EnumSet.allOf( FqanElements.class)); } private static FQAN[] buildFqanArrayWith( FqanElements allWith) { return buildFqanArrayOfAllWith( VO_NAME, GROUP_NAME, ROLE_NAME, CAPABILITY_NAME, EnumSet.of( allWith)); } private static FQAN[] buildFqanArrayWithNoneOf( FqanElements allWithout) { return buildFqanArray( VO_NAME, GROUP_NAME, ROLE_NAME, CAPABILITY_NAME, EnumSet.allOf( FqanElements.class), EnumSet.of( allWithout)); } private static FQAN[] buildFqanArrayWithNoneOf( Set<FqanElements> allWithout) { return buildFqanArray( VO_NAME, GROUP_NAME, ROLE_NAME, CAPABILITY_NAME, EnumSet.allOf( FqanElements.class), allWithout); } private static FQAN[] buildFqanArrayWithOtherVo( String voName) { return buildFqanArrayOfAllWith( voName, GROUP_NAME, ROLE_NAME, CAPABILITY_NAME, EnumSet.of( FqanElements.VO)); } private static FQAN[] buildFqanArrayWithOtherGroup( String groupName) { return buildFqanArrayOfAllWith( VO_NAME, groupName, ROLE_NAME, CAPABILITY_NAME, EnumSet.of( FqanElements.GROUP)); } private static FQAN[] buildFqanArrayWithOtherRole( String roleName) { return buildFqanArrayOfAllWith( VO_NAME, GROUP_NAME, roleName, CAPABILITY_NAME, EnumSet.of( FqanElements.ROLE)); } private static FQAN[] buildFqanArrayWithOtherCapability( String capabilityName) { return buildFqanArrayOfAllWith( VO_NAME, GROUP_NAME, ROLE_NAME, capabilityName, EnumSet.of( FqanElements.CAPABILITY)); } private static FQAN[] buildFqanArrayOfAllWith(String voName, String groupName, String roleName, String capabilityName, Set<FqanElements> allWith) { return buildFqanArray( voName, groupName, roleName, capabilityName, allWith, EnumSet.noneOf( FqanElements.class)); } /** * Build an array of FQANs by considering the supplied VO name, group * name, role name and capability name. The resulting FQANs have the * form: * *<pre> * "/" voName ["/" groupName] ["/Role=" roleName] ["/Capability=" capabilityName] *</pre> * * The allWith argument is used to control the list of FQANs returned. * Only those FQANs that include some type corresponding to an element in * the allWith Set are included in the returned array; for example, specifying * allWith with ROLE as its single element, {ROLE}, returns an array with * only those FQANs with a "/Role=" value: * *<pre> * /voName/Role=roleName * /voName/Role=roleName/Capability=capabilityName * /voName/groupName/Role=roleName * /voName/groupName/Role=roleName/Capability=capabilityName *</pre> * * The allWithout argument further controls the output so that the returned array * of FQANs will not include any that have an FqanElement included in the * allWithout Set. */ private static FQAN[] buildFqanArray( String voName, String groupName, String roleName, String capabilityName, Set<FqanElements> allWith, Set<FqanElements> allWithout) { List<FQAN> fqans = new ArrayList<>(); String voFqan = "/" + voName; String voAndGroup = voFqan + "/" + groupName; String roleSuffix = "/Role=" + roleName; String capabilitySuffix = "/Capability=" + capabilityName; if( isIncludeable( allWith, allWithout, EnumSet.of( FqanElements.VO))) { fqans.add( new FQAN( voFqan)); } if( isIncludeable( allWith, allWithout, EnumSet.of( FqanElements.VO, FqanElements.ROLE))) { fqans.add( new FQAN( voFqan + roleSuffix)); } if( isIncludeable(allWith, allWithout, EnumSet.of(FqanElements.VO, FqanElements.CAPABILITY))) { fqans.add( new FQAN( voFqan + capabilitySuffix)); } if( isIncludeable( allWith, allWithout, EnumSet.of( FqanElements.VO, FqanElements.ROLE, FqanElements.CAPABILITY))) { fqans.add( new FQAN( voFqan + roleSuffix + capabilitySuffix)); } if( isIncludeable( allWith, allWithout, EnumSet.of( FqanElements.VO, FqanElements.GROUP))) { fqans.add( new FQAN( voAndGroup)); } if( isIncludeable( allWith, allWithout, EnumSet.of( FqanElements.VO, FqanElements.GROUP, FqanElements.ROLE))) { fqans.add( new FQAN( voAndGroup + roleSuffix)); } if( isIncludeable(allWith, allWithout, EnumSet.of(FqanElements.VO, FqanElements.GROUP, FqanElements.CAPABILITY))) { fqans.add( new FQAN( voAndGroup + capabilitySuffix)); } if( isIncludeable( allWith, allWithout, EnumSet.of( FqanElements.VO, FqanElements.GROUP, FqanElements.ROLE, FqanElements.CAPABILITY))) { fqans.add( new FQAN( voAndGroup + roleSuffix + capabilitySuffix)); } return fqans.toArray( new FQAN[fqans.size()]); } private static boolean isIncludeable( Set<FqanElements> allWith, Set<FqanElements> allWithout, Set<FqanElements> present) { boolean isIncludeableFromAllWith = !Collections.disjoint( allWith, present); boolean isIncludeableNotAllWithout = Collections.disjoint( allWithout, present); return isIncludeableFromAllWith && isIncludeableNotAllWithout; } }