package; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import diskCacheV111.doors.FTPTransactionLog; import diskCacheV111.util.CacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsId; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.DoorRequestInfoMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.DoorTransferFinishedMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.IoJobInfo; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.IpProtocolInfo; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.Message; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PnfsCreateEntryMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PnfsDeleteEntryMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PnfsMapPathMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PnfsMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolAcceptFileMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolDeliverFileMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolIoFileMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolMgrSelectPoolMsg; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolMgrSelectWritePoolMsg; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolMoverKillMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.transferManager.TransferCompleteMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.transferManager.TransferFailedMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.transferManager.TransferManagerMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.transferManager.TransferStatusQueryMessage; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellAddressCore; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessage; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellPath; import org.dcache.acl.enums.AccessMask; import org.dcache.auth.Subjects; import org.dcache.cells.AbstractMessageCallback; import org.dcache.cells.CellStub; import org.dcache.cells.MessageReply; import org.dcache.namespace.ACLPermissionHandler; import org.dcache.namespace.ChainedPermissionHandler; import org.dcache.namespace.FileAttribute; import org.dcache.namespace.FileType; import org.dcache.namespace.PermissionHandler; import org.dcache.namespace.PosixPermissionHandler; import org.dcache.pool.assumption.Assumption; import org.dcache.vehicles.FileAttributes; import org.dcache.vehicles.PnfsGetFileAttributes; import static org.dcache.namespace.FileAttribute.*; public class TransferManagerHandler extends AbstractMessageCallback<Message> { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TransferManagerHandler.class); private final TransferManager manager; private final TransferManagerMessage transferRequest; private final CellPath requestor; private String pnfsPath; private transient String parentDir; boolean store; boolean created; private PnfsId pnfsId; private String pnfsIdString; private String remoteUrl; transient boolean locked; private String pool; private CellAddressCore poolAddress; private Assumption assumption; private FTPTransactionLog tlog; private FileAttributes fileAttributes; public static final int INITIAL_STATE = 0; public static final int WAITING_FOR_PNFS_INFO_STATE = 1; public static final int RECEIVED_PNFS_INFO_STATE = 2; public static final int WAITING_FOR_PNFS_ENTRY_CREATION_INFO_STATE = 5; public static final int RECEIVED_PNFS_ENTRY_CREATION_INFO_STATE = 6; public static final int WAITING_FOR_POOL_INFO_STATE = 7; public static final int RECEIVED_POOL_INFO_STATE = 8; public static final int WAITING_FIRST_POOL_REPLY_STATE = 9; public static final int RECEIVED_FIRST_POOL_REPLY_STATE = 10; public static final int WAITING_FOR_SPACE_INFO_STATE = 11; public static final int RECEIVED_SPACE_INFO_STATE = 12; public static final int WAITING_FOR_PNFS_ENTRY_DELETE = 13; public static final int RECEIVED_PNFS_ENTRY_DELETE = 14; public static final int WAITING_FOR_PNFS_CHECK_BEFORE_DELETE_STATE = 15; public static final int RECEIVED_PNFS_CHECK_BEFORE_DELETE_STATE = 16; public static final int SENT_ERROR_REPLY_STATE = -1; public static final int SENT_SUCCESS_REPLY_STATE = -2; public static final int UNKNOWN_ID = -3; public static final Map<Integer,String> STATE_DESCRIPTION = ImmutableMap.<Integer,String>builder() .put(INITIAL_STATE, "initialising") .put(WAITING_FOR_PNFS_INFO_STATE, "querying file metadata") .put(RECEIVED_PNFS_INFO_STATE, "recieved file metadata") .put(WAITING_FOR_PNFS_ENTRY_CREATION_INFO_STATE, "creating namespace entry") .put(RECEIVED_PNFS_ENTRY_CREATION_INFO_STATE, "namespace entry created") .put(WAITING_FOR_POOL_INFO_STATE, "selecting pool") .put(RECEIVED_POOL_INFO_STATE, "pool selected") .put(WAITING_FIRST_POOL_REPLY_STATE, "waiting for transfer to start") .put(RECEIVED_FIRST_POOL_REPLY_STATE, "transfer has started") .put(WAITING_FOR_SPACE_INFO_STATE, "reserving space") .put(RECEIVED_SPACE_INFO_STATE, "space reserved") .put(WAITING_FOR_PNFS_ENTRY_DELETE, "requesting file deletion") .put(RECEIVED_PNFS_ENTRY_DELETE, "notified of file deletion") .put(WAITING_FOR_PNFS_CHECK_BEFORE_DELETE_STATE, "checking before file deletion") .put(RECEIVED_PNFS_CHECK_BEFORE_DELETE_STATE, "confirmed file deletion OK") .put(SENT_ERROR_REPLY_STATE, "transfer failed") .put(SENT_SUCCESS_REPLY_STATE, "transfer succeeded") .put(UNKNOWN_ID, "unknown transfer") .build(); public int state = INITIAL_STATE; private long id; private Integer moverId; private IpProtocolInfo protocol_info; private long creationTime; private long lifeTime; private Long credentialId; private transient int numberOfRetries; private transient int _replyCode; private transient Serializable _errorObject; private transient boolean _cancelTimer; private final transient DoorRequestInfoMessage info; private final transient PermissionHandler permissionHandler; private transient PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg.Context _readPoolSelectionContext; private final transient Executor executor; public TransferManagerHandler(TransferManager tManager, TransferManagerMessage message, CellPath requestor, Executor executor) { this.executor = executor; numberOfRetries = 0; creationTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); manager = tManager; id = manager.getNextMessageID(); message.setId(id); transferRequest = message; pnfsPath = transferRequest.getPnfsPath(); store = transferRequest.isStore(); remoteUrl = transferRequest.getRemoteURL(); credentialId = transferRequest.getCredentialId(); Subject subject = transferRequest.getSubject(); info = new DoorRequestInfoMessage(manager.getCellAddress()); info.setTransactionDuration(-creationTime); info.setSubject(subject); info.setBillingPath(pnfsPath); info.setTransferPath(pnfsPath); info.setTimeQueued(-System.currentTimeMillis()); this.requestor = requestor; try { info.setClient(new URI(transferRequest.getRemoteURL()).getHost()); } catch (Exception e) { } try { if (manager.getLogRootName() != null) { tlog = new FTPTransactionLog(manager.getLogRootName()); String user_info = Subjects.getDn(transferRequest.getSubject()) + "(" + info.getUid() + "." + info.getGid() + ")"; String rw = store ? "write" : "read"; InetAddress remoteaddr = InetAddress.getByName(new URI(transferRequest.getRemoteURL()).getHost()); tlog.begin(user_info, "remotegsiftp", rw, transferRequest.getPnfsPath(), remoteaddr); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("starting tlog failed :", e); } manager.addActiveTransfer(id, this); setState(INITIAL_STATE); permissionHandler = new ChainedPermissionHandler( new ACLPermissionHandler(), new PosixPermissionHandler()); } public static String describeState(int state) { String description = STATE_DESCRIPTION.get(state); return description != null ? description : ("Unknown state: " + state); } public void handle() { log.debug("handling: " + toString(true)); int last_slash_pos = pnfsPath.lastIndexOf('/'); if (last_slash_pos == -1) { transferRequest.setFailed(2, new IOException("pnfsFilePath is not absolute:" + pnfsPath)); return; } parentDir = pnfsPath.substring(0, last_slash_pos); PnfsMessage message; if (store) { message = new PnfsCreateEntryMessage(pnfsPath, FileAttributes.ofFileType(FileType.REGULAR)); message.setSubject(transferRequest.getSubject()); message.setRestriction(transferRequest.getRestriction()); setState(WAITING_FOR_PNFS_ENTRY_CREATION_INFO_STATE); } else { EnumSet<FileAttribute> attributes = EnumSet.noneOf(FileAttribute.class); attributes.addAll(permissionHandler.getRequiredAttributes()); attributes.addAll(PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg.getRequiredAttributes()); message = new PnfsGetFileAttributes(pnfsPath, attributes); message.setSubject(transferRequest.getSubject()); message.setRestriction(transferRequest.getRestriction()); message.setAccessMask(EnumSet.of(AccessMask.READ_DATA)); setState(WAITING_FOR_PNFS_INFO_STATE); } manager.persist(this); CellStub.addCallback(manager.getPnfsManagerStub().send(message), this, executor); } @Override public void success(Message message) { if (message instanceof PnfsCreateEntryMessage) { PnfsCreateEntryMessage create_msg = (PnfsCreateEntryMessage) message; if (state == WAITING_FOR_PNFS_ENTRY_CREATION_INFO_STATE) { setState(RECEIVED_PNFS_ENTRY_CREATION_INFO_STATE); createEntryResponseArrived(create_msg); return; } log.error(this.toString() + " got unexpected PnfsCreateEntryMessage " + " : " + create_msg + " ; Ignoring"); } else if (message instanceof PnfsGetFileAttributes) { PnfsGetFileAttributes attributesMessage = (PnfsGetFileAttributes) message; if (state == WAITING_FOR_PNFS_INFO_STATE) { setState(RECEIVED_PNFS_INFO_STATE); storageInfoArrived(attributesMessage); return; } log.error(this.toString() + " got unexpected PnfsGetStorageInfoMessage " + " : " + attributesMessage + " ; Ignoring"); } else if (message instanceof PnfsMapPathMessage) { PnfsMapPathMessage mapMessage = (PnfsMapPathMessage) message; if (state == WAITING_FOR_PNFS_CHECK_BEFORE_DELETE_STATE) { state = RECEIVED_PNFS_CHECK_BEFORE_DELETE_STATE; deletePnfsEntry(); return; } else { log.error(this.toString() + " got unexpected PnfsMapPathMessage " + " : " + mapMessage + " ; Ignoring"); } } else if (message instanceof PoolMgrSelectPoolMsg) { PoolMgrSelectPoolMsg select_pool_msg = (PoolMgrSelectPoolMsg) message; if (state == WAITING_FOR_POOL_INFO_STATE) { setState(RECEIVED_POOL_INFO_STATE); poolInfoArrived(select_pool_msg); return; } log.error(this.toString() + " got unexpected PoolMgrSelectPoolMsg " + " : " + select_pool_msg + " ; Ignoring"); } else if (message instanceof PoolIoFileMessage) { PoolIoFileMessage first_pool_reply = (PoolIoFileMessage) message; if (state == WAITING_FIRST_POOL_REPLY_STATE) { setState(RECEIVED_FIRST_POOL_REPLY_STATE); poolFirstReplyArrived(first_pool_reply); return; } log.error(this.toString() + " got unexpected PoolIoFileMessage " + " : " + first_pool_reply + " ; Ignoring"); } else if (message instanceof PnfsDeleteEntryMessage) { PnfsDeleteEntryMessage deleteReply = (PnfsDeleteEntryMessage) message; if (state == WAITING_FOR_PNFS_ENTRY_DELETE) { setState(RECEIVED_PNFS_ENTRY_DELETE); log.debug("Received PnfsDeleteEntryMessage, Deleted : {}", deleteReply.getPnfsPath()); sendErrorReply(); } } manager.persist(this); } @Override public void failure(int rc, Object error) { switch (state) { case WAITING_FOR_PNFS_INFO_STATE: sendErrorReply(rc, "Failed to lookup file: " + error); break; case WAITING_FOR_PNFS_ENTRY_CREATION_INFO_STATE: sendErrorReply(rc, "Failed to create namespace entry: " + error); break; case WAITING_FIRST_POOL_REPLY_STATE: // FIXME: in the case of an attempted read (pool pushing the file // to some remote site), we can ask PoolManager for another // pool. For an attempted write (pool pulling the file) // we must fail the transfer as we don't know if a mover // was started. sendErrorReply(CacheException.SELECTED_POOL_FAILED, "Failed while waiting for mover to start: " + error); break; case WAITING_FOR_PNFS_CHECK_BEFORE_DELETE_STATE: sendErrorReply(rc, "Pre-delete check failed: " + error); break; case WAITING_FOR_POOL_INFO_STATE: if (rc == CacheException.OUT_OF_DATE) { handle(); } else { sendErrorReply(rc, "Failed to select pool: " + error); } break; case WAITING_FOR_PNFS_ENTRY_DELETE: log.warn("Delete attempt ({} of {}) failed: {}", numberOfRetries + 1, manager.getMaxNumberOfDeleteRetries(), error); numberOfRetries++; if (numberOfRetries < manager.getMaxNumberOfDeleteRetries()) { deletePnfsEntry(); } else { sendErrorReply(_replyCode, "Failed to delete file " + "(" + error + "), triggered by: " + _errorObject); } break; default: /* The code should never get here, but we try to recover from bugs. */ sendErrorReply(rc, "Failed in state " + state + ": " + error + " [" + rc + "]"); break; } } public void createEntryResponseArrived(PnfsCreateEntryMessage create) { created = true; manager.persist(this); fileAttributes = create.getFileAttributes(); pnfsId = create.getPnfsId(); pnfsIdString = pnfsId.toString(); info.setPnfsId(pnfsId); info.setStorageInfo(create.getFileAttributes().getStorageInfo()); if (create.getFileAttributes().isDefined(STORAGEINFO) && create.getFileAttributes().getStorageInfo().getKey("path") != null) { info.setBillingPath(create.getFileAttributes().getStorageInfo().getKey("path")); } selectPool(); } public void storageInfoArrived(PnfsGetFileAttributes msg) { if (!store && tlog != null) { tlog.middle(msg.getFileAttributes().getSize()); } // // Added by // pnfsId = msg.getPnfsId(); info.setPnfsId(pnfsId); info.setStorageInfo(msg.getFileAttributes().getStorageInfo()); pnfsIdString = pnfsId.toString(); manager.persist(this); if (store) { synchronized (manager.justRequestedIDs) { if (manager.justRequestedIDs.contains(msg.getPnfsId())) { sendErrorReply(6, new CacheException("pnfs pnfsid: " + pnfsId.toString() + " file " + pnfsPath + " is already there")); return; } for (PnfsId pnfsid : manager.justRequestedIDs) { log.debug("found pnfsid: {}", pnfsid); } manager.justRequestedIDs.add(pnfsId); } } if (fileAttributes == null) { fileAttributes = msg.getFileAttributes(); } log.debug("storageInfoArrived(uid={} gid={} pnfsid={} fileAttributes={}", info.getUid(), info.getGid(), pnfsId, fileAttributes); selectPool(); } public void selectPool() { protocol_info = manager.getProtocolInfo(transferRequest); PoolMgrSelectPoolMsg request = store ? new PoolMgrSelectWritePoolMsg(fileAttributes, protocol_info) : new PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg(fileAttributes, protocol_info, _readPoolSelectionContext); request.setBillingPath(pnfsPath); request.setSubject(transferRequest.getSubject()); log.debug("PoolMgrSelectPoolMsg: " + request); setState(WAITING_FOR_POOL_INFO_STATE); manager.persist(this); CellStub.addCallback(manager.getPoolManagerStub().sendAsync(request), this, executor); } public void poolInfoArrived(PoolMgrSelectPoolMsg pool_info) { log.debug("poolManagerReply = " + pool_info); if (pool_info instanceof PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg) { _readPoolSelectionContext = ((PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg) pool_info).getContext(); } setPool(pool_info.getPoolName()); setPoolAddress(pool_info.getPoolAddress()); setAssumption(pool_info.getAssumption()); fileAttributes = pool_info.getFileAttributes(); manager.persist(this); log.debug("Positive reply from pool {}", pool); startMoverOnThePool(); } public void startMoverOnThePool() { PoolIoFileMessage poolMessage = store ? new PoolAcceptFileMessage( pool, protocol_info, fileAttributes, assumption) : new PoolDeliverFileMessage( pool, protocol_info, fileAttributes, assumption); poolMessage.setBillingPath(info.getBillingPath()); poolMessage.setTransferPath(info.getTransferPath()); poolMessage.setSubject(transferRequest.getSubject()); if (manager.getIoQueueName() != null) { poolMessage.setIoQueueName(manager.getIoQueueName()); } poolMessage.setInitiator(info.getTransaction()); poolMessage.setId(id); setState(WAITING_FIRST_POOL_REPLY_STATE); manager.persist(this); CellStub.addCallback(manager.getPoolManagerStub().startAsync(poolAddress, poolMessage), this, executor); } public void poolFirstReplyArrived(PoolIoFileMessage poolMessage) { log.debug("poolReply = " + poolMessage); info.setTimeQueued(info.getTimeQueued() + System.currentTimeMillis()); log.debug("Pool " + pool + " will deliver file " + pnfsId + " mover id is " + poolMessage.getMoverId()); log.debug("Starting moverTimeout timer"); manager.startTimer(id); setMoverId(poolMessage.getMoverId()); manager.persist(this); } public void deletePnfsEntry() { if (state == RECEIVED_PNFS_CHECK_BEFORE_DELETE_STATE) { PnfsDeleteEntryMessage pnfsMsg = new PnfsDeleteEntryMessage(pnfsPath); setState(WAITING_FOR_PNFS_ENTRY_DELETE); manager.persist(this); pnfsMsg.setReplyRequired(true); CellStub.addCallback(manager.getPnfsManagerStub().send(pnfsMsg), this, executor); } else { PnfsMapPathMessage message = new PnfsMapPathMessage(pnfsPath); setState(WAITING_FOR_PNFS_CHECK_BEFORE_DELETE_STATE); CellStub.addCallback(manager.getPnfsManagerStub().send(message), this, executor); } } public void poolDoorMessageArrived(DoorTransferFinishedMessage doorMessage) { log.debug("poolDoorMessageArrived, doorMessage.getReturnCode()={}", doorMessage.getReturnCode()); if (doorMessage.getReturnCode() != 0) { sendErrorReply(CacheException.THIRD_PARTY_TRANSFER_FAILED, doorMessage.getErrorObject()); return; } if (store && tlog != null) { tlog.middle(doorMessage.getFileAttributes().getSize()); } sendSuccessReply(); } public void sendErrorReply(int replyCode, Serializable errorObject) { sendErrorReply(replyCode, errorObject, true); } public void sendErrorReply(int replyCode, Serializable errorObject, boolean cancelTimer) { _replyCode = replyCode; _errorObject = errorObject; _cancelTimer = cancelTimer; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("sending error reply {}:{} for {}", replyCode, errorObject, toString(true)); } if (store && created) {// Timur: I think this check is not needed, we might not ever get storage info and pnfs id: && pnfsId != null && aMetadata != null && aMetadata.getFileSize() == 0) { if (state != WAITING_FOR_PNFS_ENTRY_DELETE && state != RECEIVED_PNFS_ENTRY_DELETE) { log.debug("deleting pnfs entry we created: {}", pnfsPath); deletePnfsEntry(); return; } } if (tlog != null) { tlog.error("getFromRemoteGsiftpUrl failed: state = " + state + " replyCode=" + replyCode + " errorObject=" + errorObject); } if (info.getTimeQueued() < 0) { info.setTimeQueued(info.getTimeQueued() + System .currentTimeMillis()); } if (info.getTransactionDuration() < 0) { info.setTransactionDuration(info .getTransactionDuration() + System .currentTimeMillis()); } sendDoorRequestInfo(replyCode, errorObject.toString()); setState(SENT_ERROR_REPLY_STATE, errorObject); manager.persist(this); if (cancelTimer) { manager.stopTimer(id); } if (store) { synchronized (manager.justRequestedIDs) { manager.justRequestedIDs.remove(pnfsId); } } manager.finishTransfer(); try { TransferFailedMessage errorReply = new TransferFailedMessage(transferRequest, replyCode, errorObject); manager.sendMessage(new CellMessage(requestor, errorReply)); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error(e.toString()); //can not do much more here!!! } //this will allow the handler to be garbage collected // once we sent a response manager.removeActiveTransfer(id); } public void sendErrorReply() { int replyCode = _replyCode; Serializable errorObject = _errorObject; boolean cancelTimer = _cancelTimer; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("sending error reply {}:{} for {}", replyCode, errorObject, toString(true)); } if (tlog != null) { tlog.error("getFromRemoteGsiftpUrl failed: state = " + state + " replyCode=" + replyCode + " errorObject=" + errorObject); } if (info.getTimeQueued() < 0) { info.setTimeQueued(info.getTimeQueued() + System .currentTimeMillis()); } if (info.getTransactionDuration() < 0) { info.setTransactionDuration(info .getTransactionDuration() + System .currentTimeMillis()); } sendDoorRequestInfo(replyCode, errorObject.toString()); setState(SENT_ERROR_REPLY_STATE, errorObject); manager.persist(this); if (cancelTimer) { manager.stopTimer(id); } if (store) { synchronized (manager.justRequestedIDs) { manager.justRequestedIDs.remove(pnfsId); } } manager.finishTransfer(); try { TransferFailedMessage errorReply = new TransferFailedMessage(transferRequest, replyCode, errorObject); manager.sendMessage(new CellMessage(requestor, errorReply)); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error(e.toString()); //can not do much more here!!! } //this will allow the handler to be garbage collected // once we sent a response manager.removeActiveTransfer(id); } public void sendSuccessReply() { log.debug("sendSuccessReply for: " + toString(true)); if (info.getTimeQueued() < 0) { info.setTimeQueued(info.getTimeQueued() + System .currentTimeMillis()); } if (info.getTransactionDuration() < 0) { info.setTransactionDuration(info .getTransactionDuration() + System .currentTimeMillis()); } sendDoorRequestInfo(0, ""); setState(SENT_SUCCESS_REPLY_STATE); manager.persist(this); manager.stopTimer(id); if (store) { synchronized (manager.justRequestedIDs) { manager.justRequestedIDs.remove(pnfsId); } } manager.finishTransfer(); if (tlog != null) { tlog.success(); } try { TransferCompleteMessage errorReply = new TransferCompleteMessage(transferRequest); manager.sendMessage(new CellMessage(requestor, errorReply)); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error(e.toString()); //can not do much more here!!! } //this will allow the handler to be garbage collected // once we sent a response manager.removeActiveTransfer(id); } /** * Sends status information to the biling cell. */ void sendDoorRequestInfo(int code, String msg) { info.setResult(code, msg); log.debug("Sending info: " + info); manager.getBillingStub().notify(info); } public void timeout() { log.error(" transfer timed out"); if (moverId != null) { killMover(moverId, "timed out"); } sendErrorReply(24, new IOException("timed out while waiting for mover reply"), false); } public void cancel(String explanation) { log.debug("transfer cancelled: {}", explanation); if (moverId != null) { killMover(moverId, explanation); } // FIXME: sending the reply here removes the TransferManagerHandler // from the set of active transfers. This triggers an error // when the pool's DoorTransferFinishedMessage is received since // TransferManager now cannot find the corresponding // TransferManagerHandler message. sendErrorReply(24, new IOException("transfer cancelled: " + explanation)); } public synchronized String toString(boolean isLongFormat) { String src = store ? transferRequest.getRemoteURL() : transferRequest.getPnfsPath(); String dest = store ? transferRequest.getPnfsPath() : transferRequest.getRemoteURL(); String siPath = fileAttributes == null ? null : fileAttributes.getStorageInfo().getKey("path"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("id: ").append(id); if (isLongFormat) { sb.append('\n'); sb.append(" Source: ").append(src).append('\n'); sb.append(" Destination: ").append(dest).append('\n'); if (store && siPath != null && !siPath.equals(dest)) { sb.append(" Final destination: ").append(siPath).append('\n'); } sb.append(" State: ").append(describeState(state)).append('\n'); sb.append(" User: ").append(Subjects.getDisplayName(transferRequest.getSubject())).append('\n'); sb.append(" Restriction: ").append(transferRequest.getRestriction()).append('\n'); if (pnfsId != null) { sb.append(" PNFS-ID: ").append(pnfsId).append('\n'); } if (fileAttributes != null) { if (fileAttributes.isDefined(ACCESS_LATENCY)) { sb.append(" Access latency: ").append(fileAttributes.getAccessLatency()).append('\n'); } if (fileAttributes.isDefined(RETENTION_POLICY)) { sb.append(" Retention policy: ").append(fileAttributes.getRetentionPolicy()).append('\n'); } if (fileAttributes.isDefined(STORAGECLASS)) { sb.append(" Storage class: ").append(fileAttributes.getStorageClass()).append('\n'); } if (fileAttributes.isDefined(SIZE)) { sb.append(" Size: ").append(fileAttributes.getSize()).append('\n'); } } sb.append(" Pool: ").append(pool == null ? "not yet selected" : pool); if (moverId != null) { sb.append('\n'); sb.append(" Mover: ").append(moverId); } } else { sb.append(' ').append(src).append(" --> ").append(dest); if (store && siPath != null && !siPath.equals(dest)) { sb.append(" [").append(siPath).append("]"); } } return sb.toString(); } public boolean isMoverActive() { return state == RECEIVED_FIRST_POOL_REPLY_STATE; } public Object appendInfo(final TransferStatusQueryMessage message) { message.setState(state); if (!isMoverActive()) { return message; } final MessageReply<TransferStatusQueryMessage> reply = new MessageReply<>(); final ListenableFuture<IoJobInfo> future = manager.getPoolStub(). send(new CellPath(poolAddress), "mover ls -binary " + moverId, IoJobInfo.class, 30_000); Futures.addCallback(future, new FutureCallback<IoJobInfo>() { @Override public void onSuccess(IoJobInfo info) { message.setMoverInfo(info); reply.reply(message); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable e) {, CacheException.UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, "failed to query pool: " + e.getMessage()); } }, MoreExecutors.directExecutor()); return reply; } @Override public String toString() { return toString(false); } public String getPool() { return pool; } public void setPool(String pool) { this.pool = pool; } public void setPoolAddress(CellAddressCore poolAddress) { this.poolAddress = poolAddress; } public void setAssumption(Assumption assumption) { this.assumption = assumption; } public void killMover(int moverId, String explanation) { log.debug("sending mover kill to pool {} for moverId={}", pool, moverId); PoolMoverKillMessage killMessage = new PoolMoverKillMessage(pool, moverId, "killed by TransferManagerHandler: " + explanation); killMessage.setReplyRequired(false); manager.getPoolStub().notify(new CellPath(poolAddress), killMessage); } public void setState(int istate) { this.state = istate; TransferManagerHandlerState ts = new TransferManagerHandlerState(this, null); manager.persist(ts); } public void setState(int istate, Object errorObject) { this.state = istate; TransferManagerHandlerState ts = new TransferManagerHandlerState(this, errorObject); manager.persist(ts); } public void setMoverId(Integer moverid) { moverId = moverid; } public String getPnfsPath() { return pnfsPath; } public boolean getStore() { return store; } public boolean getCreated() { return created; } public boolean getLocked() { return locked; } public String getPnfsIdString() { return pnfsIdString; } public String getRemoteUrl() { return remoteUrl; } public int getState() { return state; } public long getId() { return id; } public Integer getMoverId() { return moverId; } public long getCreationTime() { return creationTime; } public long getLifeTime() { return lifeTime; } public Long getCredentialId() { return credentialId; } }