package diskCacheV111.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import static; /** * Immutable absolute abstract path in the dCache name space. * * An FsPath represents a path in the dCache name space. It is always * absolute, meaning it is rooted at the name space root. * * Self and parent references are eliminated during construction, which * means an FsPath never contains '.' or '..' elements. The elimination * is done on the abstract path and not on the actual name space, meaning * that /a/b/.. becomes /a even if b is a symbolic link, a file or when * it doesn't exist. */ public abstract class FsPath implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4852395244086808172L; /* An FsPath is implemented as a single linked list from the tail to the * root. All operations are implemented recursively and modifying operations * return a new FsPath rather than changing the existing FsPath. */ /** * FsPath representing the file system root. This is the only instance. */ public static final FsPath ROOT = new Root(); public static FsPath create(String path) { checkArgument(path.startsWith("/")); return ROOT.resolve(path.substring(1)); } /** * Provided for compatibility with type conversion libraries that rely * on a static valueOf function. Use {@code create} when creating an FsPath * directly. */ public static FsPath valueOf(String path) { return create(path); } @Override public String toString() { return appendTo(new StringBuilder()).toString(); } /** * Append the path represented by this FsPath to {@code path}. * * @param path StringBuilder to append to * @return The {@code path} StringBuilder */ protected abstract StringBuilder appendTo(StringBuilder path); /** * A version of {@code appendTo} that terminates {@code path} with a slash. * * @param path StringBuilder to append to * @return The {@code path} StringBuilder */ protected abstract StringBuilder appendTo2(StringBuilder path); /** * Drops the length of {@code path} elements from this FsPath and * returns the remaining prefix. Returns null if {@code path} * is longer than this FsPath. */ protected abstract FsPath tryDropLength(FsPath path); /** * Drops the length of {@code path} elements from this FsPath and * returns the remaining prefix. * * Equivalent to {@code drop(path.length())}. */ protected abstract FsPath dropLength(FsPath path); /** * Returns true if {@code path} forms a suffix of this FsPath. * * @param path Path elements in reverse order (child before parent) * @return True iff {@code path} forms a suffix of this FsPath. */ protected abstract boolean isSuffix(Iterator<String> path); /** * Returns true if {@code path} is fully contained within this FsPath. * * @param path Path elements in reverse order (child before parent). * @return True iff {@code path} is fully contained within this FsPath. */ protected abstract boolean contains(List<String> path); /** * Returns true if {@code path} is fully contained within this FsPath. * * Path elements in {@code path} are separated by a slash. Empty path * elements are stripped. * * @param path Slash separated path to check for inclusion. * @return True iff {@code path} is fully contained within this FsPath. */ public boolean contains(String path) { return contains(Lists.reverse(Splitter.on("/").omitEmptyStrings().splitToList(path))); } /** * Returns true if this is the path of the file system root, false otherwise. * * @return True iff this is the path of the file system root. */ public abstract boolean isRoot(); /** * Returns the path of this FsPath's parent. * * @return The path of this FsPath's parent. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if this is a root path */ public abstract FsPath parent(); /** * Returns the name of the file or directory denoted by this FsPath. * * @return The name of the file or directory denoted by this FsPath. */ public abstract String name(); /** * Returns the number of elements of this FsPath. * * The length of the path of the file system root is 0. * * @return The number of elements of this FsPath. */ public abstract int length(); /** * Returns the path obtained by dropping up to {@code n} elements of this FsPath. * * @return The path obtained by dropping up to {@code n} elements of this FsPath. */ public abstract FsPath drop(int n); /** * Returns the path obtained by resolving {@code path} relative to this FsPath. * * If {@code path} is a relative path, the path is effectively appended. */ public FsPath resolve(String path) { int i = path.lastIndexOf('/'); switch (i) { case -1: return resolvePathElement(ROOT, path); case 0: return ROOT.resolvePathElement(ROOT, path.substring(1)); default: return resolve(path.substring(0, i)).resolvePathElement(ROOT, path.substring(i + 1)); } } /** * Returns the path obtained by resolving {@code path} relative to this FsPath. * * Differs from {@code resolve} in that this FsPath is considered the root to resolve * {@code path} against. This means that {@code path} is appended to this FsPath even * if {@code path} is an absolute path. If {@code path} contains .. elements, these * never walk above this FsPath. */ public FsPath chroot(String path) { int i = path.lastIndexOf('/'); switch (i) { case -1: return resolvePathElement(this, path); case 0: return resolvePathElement(this, path.substring(1)); default: return chroot(path.substring(0, i)).resolvePathElement(this, path.substring(i + 1)); } } private FsPath resolvePathElement(FsPath root, String name) { switch (name) { case "": case ".": return this; case "..": return (this == root) ? this : parent(); default: return new Child(this, name); } } /** * Returns an FsPath representing the path of the named {@code name} of the path * represented by this FsPath. */ public FsPath child(String name) { checkArgument(!name.isEmpty(), "Name must be non-empty."); checkArgument(!name.contains("/"), "Name must not contain '/'."); checkArgument(!name.equals("."), "Name must not be '.'."); checkArgument(!name.equals(".."), "Name must not be '..'."); return new Child(this, name); } /** * Returns true if the path of {@code prefix} is a prefix of the path of this FsPath. */ public boolean hasPrefix(FsPath prefix) { /* The purpose of delta is just to describe how much longer this path is than prefix - the * actual path in delta is of no interest. It's just a clever way to implement the prefix * in O(n + m) steps. */ FsPath delta = tryDropLength(prefix); return delta != null && prefix.equals(dropLength(delta)); } /** * Strips {@code prefix} from the beginning of this FsPath and returns the string form of * the remaining suffix. The suffix starts with a slash. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code prefix} is not a prefix of this FsPath. */ public String stripPrefix(FsPath prefix) { FsPath delta = dropLength(prefix); return appendSuffix(prefix, delta, new StringBuilder()).toString(); } /** * Appends the string representation of the suffix of this FsPath with the same length as * {@code length} to {@code s}. * * @param prefix A prefix of this path. * @param length An FsPath of the same length as the suffix to append to {@code s}. * @param s A StringBuilder to append the path to. * @return The {@code path} StringBuilder * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code prefix} is not a prefix of this FsPath or if the * the length of this FsPath is not the sum of the length of * {@code prefix} and {@code length}. */ protected abstract StringBuilder appendSuffix(FsPath prefix, FsPath length, StringBuilder s); /** * A version of {@code appendSuffix} that terminates {@code path} with a slash. * * @param prefix A prefix of this path. * @param length An FsPath of the same length as the suffix to append to {@code s}. * @param s A StringBuilder to append the path to. * @return The {@code path} StringBuilder * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code prefix} is not a prefix of this FsPath or if the * the length of this FsPath is not the sum of the length of * {@code prefix} and {@code length}. */ protected abstract StringBuilder appendSuffix2(FsPath prefix, FsPath length, StringBuilder s); /** * Helper method to write a path to a stream. * * @param out Stream to write the path to * @param len The length of the suffix of this path being written * @throws IOException */ protected abstract void write(ObjectOutput out, int len) throws IOException; /** * Helper method to read a path from a stream. * * @param in Stream to read the path from * @param len The length of the suffix of this path being read * @throws IOException */ protected FsPath read(ObjectInput in, int len) throws IOException { return (len == 0) ? this : child(in.readUTF()).read(in, len - 1); } private Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException { return new SerializedPath(this); } private static final class Root extends FsPath { @Override protected StringBuilder appendTo(StringBuilder path) { return appendTo2(path); } @Override protected StringBuilder appendTo2(StringBuilder path) { return path.append('/'); } @Override public boolean isRoot() { return true; } @Override public FsPath parent() { throw new IllegalStateException("Root does not have a parent"); } @Override public int hashCode() { return 0; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { return (o instanceof Root); } @Override public String name() { return "/"; } @Override public int length() { return 0; } @Override public FsPath drop(int n) { checkArgument(n >= 0); return this; } @Override protected FsPath tryDropLength(FsPath path) { return path.isRoot() ? this : null; } @Override protected FsPath dropLength(FsPath path) { return this; } @Override protected boolean isSuffix(Iterator<String> path) { return !path.hasNext(); } @Override protected boolean contains(List<String> path) { return path.isEmpty(); } @Override protected StringBuilder appendSuffix(FsPath prefix, FsPath length, StringBuilder s) { return appendSuffix2(prefix, length, s); } @Override protected StringBuilder appendSuffix2(FsPath prefix, FsPath length, StringBuilder s) { if (!prefix.isRoot()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(prefix + " is not a prefix of " + this); } return s.append('/'); } @Override protected void write(ObjectOutput out, int len) throws IOException { out.writeShort(len); } } private static final class Child extends FsPath { private final FsPath parent; private final String name; private Child(FsPath parent, String name) { this.parent = parent; = name; } @Override protected StringBuilder appendTo(StringBuilder path) { return parent.appendTo2(path).append(name); } @Override protected StringBuilder appendTo2(StringBuilder path) { return appendTo(path).append('/'); } @Override public boolean isRoot() { return false; } @Override public FsPath parent() { return parent; } @Override public int hashCode() { return 31 * parent.hashCode() + name.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof FsPath)) { return false; } FsPath other = (FsPath) o; return !other.isRoot() && name().equals( && parent().equals(other.parent()); } @Override public String name() { return name; } @Override public int length() { return parent().length() + 1; } @Override public FsPath drop(int n) { checkArgument(n >= 0); return (n == 0) ? this : parent().drop(n - 1); } @Override protected FsPath tryDropLength(FsPath path) { return path.isRoot() ? this : parent().tryDropLength(path.parent()); } @Override protected FsPath dropLength(FsPath path) { return path.isRoot() ? this : parent().dropLength(path.parent()); } @Override protected boolean isSuffix(Iterator<String> path) { return !path.hasNext() || && parent().isSuffix(path); } @Override protected boolean contains(List<String> path) { return isSuffix(path.iterator()) || parent().contains(path); } @Override protected StringBuilder appendSuffix(FsPath prefix, FsPath length, StringBuilder s) { if (length.isRoot()) { if (!equals(prefix)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(prefix + " is not a prefix of " + this); } return s; } return parent().appendSuffix2(prefix, length.parent(), s).append(name()); } @Override protected StringBuilder appendSuffix2(FsPath prefix, FsPath length, StringBuilder s) { return appendSuffix(prefix, length, s).append('/'); } @Override protected void write(ObjectOutput out, int len) throws IOException { parent.write(out, len + 1); out.writeUTF(name); } } private static class SerializedPath implements Externalizable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2301167077307955976L; private transient FsPath path; public SerializedPath() { } public SerializedPath(FsPath path) { this.path = path; } @Override public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException { path.write(out, 0); } @Override public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { this.path =, in.readShort()); } private Object readResolve() { return path; } } }