package org.dcache.pool.classic; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import java.nio.channels.CompletionHandler; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import diskCacheV111.pools.StorageClassFlushInfo; import diskCacheV111.util.CacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsId; import org.dcache.pool.nearline.NearlineStorageHandler; import org.dcache.pool.repository.CacheEntry; import static; import static java.util.Collections.min; import static java.util.Collections.singleton; import static java.util.Comparator.comparingLong; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; /** * Holds the files to flush for a particular storage class. */ public class StorageClassInfo implements CompletionHandler<Void,PnfsId> { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StorageClassInfo.class); private static class Entry implements Comparable<Entry> { final PnfsId pnfsId; final long timeStamp; final long size; Entry(CacheEntry entry) { pnfsId = requireNonNull(entry.getPnfsId()); timeStamp = entry.getCreationTime(); size = entry.getReplicaSize(); } @Nonnull PnfsId pnfsId() { return pnfsId; } long getTimeStamp() { return timeStamp; } @Override public int compareTo(Entry entry) { return ComparisonChain.start() .compare(timeStamp, entry.timeStamp) .compare(pnfsId, entry.pnfsId) .result(); } } private final Map<PnfsId, Entry> _requests = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<PnfsId, Entry> _failedRequests = new HashMap<>(); private final String _storageClass; private final String _hsmName; private final NearlineStorageHandler _storageHandler; private boolean _isDefined; private long _expiration; // expiration time in millis since _time private long _maxTotalSize; private int _pending; /** * When flushing, new files are flushed right away. */ private boolean _isOpen; /** * Suppresses open flushing when true. */ private boolean _isDraining; private long _time; // creation time of oldest file or 0L. private long _totalSize; private int _activeCounter; private boolean _isSuspended; private int _errorCounter; private long _lastSubmittedAt; private long _recentFlushId; private int _requestsSubmitted; private int _maxRequests; private StorageClassInfoFlushable _callback; private Executor _callbackExecutor; public StorageClassInfo(NearlineStorageHandler storageHandler, String hsmName, String storageClass) { _storageHandler = requireNonNull(storageHandler); _storageClass = requireNonNull(storageClass); _hsmName = hsmName.toLowerCase(); } public synchronized StorageClassFlushInfo getFlushInfo() { StorageClassFlushInfo info = new StorageClassFlushInfo(_hsmName, _storageClass); Collection<Entry> entries = _requests.values(); if (entries.isEmpty()) { info.setOldestFileTimestamp(0); } else { Entry entry = min(entries, comparingLong(Entry::getTimeStamp)); info.setOldestFileTimestamp(entry.timeStamp); } info.setRequestCount(_requests.size()); info.setFailedRequestCount(_failedRequests.size()); info.setExpirationTime(_expiration); info.setMaximumPendingFileCount(_pending); info.setTotalPendingFileSize(_totalSize); info.setMaximumAllowedPendingFileSize(_maxTotalSize); info.setActiveCount(_activeCounter); info.setSuspended(_isSuspended); info.setErrorCounter(_errorCounter); info.setLastSubmittedTime(_lastSubmittedAt); info.setFlushId(_recentFlushId); return info; } private synchronized Runnable internalCompleted() { _activeCounter--; if (_activeCounter <= 0) { _activeCounter = 0; if (_callback != null) { CallbackTask task = new CallbackTask(_hsmName, _storageClass, _errorCounter, _recentFlushId, _requestsSubmitted, _callback); Executor executor = _callbackExecutor; _callbackExecutor = null; _callback = null; return () -> executor.execute(task); } } return () -> {}; } private synchronized Runnable internalFailed(Throwable exc, PnfsId pnfsId) { _errorCounter++; if (exc instanceof CacheException) { CacheException ce = (CacheException) exc; if (ce.getRc() >= 30 && ce.getRc() < 40) { Entry entry = removeRequest(pnfsId); if (entry != null) { _failedRequests.put(entry.pnfsId(), entry); } _errorCounter--; } } return internalCompleted(); } @Override public void completed(Void nil, PnfsId attachment) { internalCompleted().run(); } @Override public void failed(Throwable exc, PnfsId pnfsId) { internalFailed(exc, pnfsId).run(); } private static class CallbackTask implements Runnable { private final int flushErrorCounter; private final long flushId; private final int requests; private final StorageClassInfoFlushable callback; private final String hsm; private final String storageClass; private CallbackTask(String hsm, String storageClass, int flushErrorCounter, long flushId, int requests, StorageClassInfoFlushable callback) { this.flushErrorCounter = flushErrorCounter; this.flushId = flushId; this.requests = requests; this.callback = callback; this.hsm = hsm; this.storageClass = storageClass; } @Override public void run() { try { callback.storageClassInfoFlushed(hsm, storageClass, flushId, requests, flushErrorCounter); } catch (Throwable e) { Thread t = Thread.currentThread(); t.getUncaughtExceptionHandler().uncaughtException(t, e); } } } public long flush(int maxCount, StorageClassInfoFlushable callback, Executor executor) { long id = System.currentTimeMillis(); internalFlush(id, maxCount, callback, executor).run(); return id; } private synchronized Runnable internalFlush(long id, int maxCount, StorageClassInfoFlushable callback, Executor executor) {"Flushing {}", this); if (_activeCounter > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Is already active."); } _maxRequests = maxCount; List<Entry> entries = Ordering.natural().sortedCopy(_requests.values()); maxCount = Math.min(entries.size(), maxCount); _isDraining = false; _errorCounter = 0; _requestsSubmitted = maxCount; _activeCounter = maxCount; _recentFlushId = _lastSubmittedAt = id; if (maxCount != 0) { _callback = callback; _callbackExecutor = executor; _storageHandler.flush(_hsmName, transform(entries.subList(0, maxCount), Entry::pnfsId), this); } else if (callback != null) { CallbackTask task = new CallbackTask(_hsmName, _storageClass, 0, id, 0, callback); return () -> executor.execute(task); } return () -> {}; } public synchronized long getLastSubmitted() { return _lastSubmittedAt; } public synchronized int getActiveCount() { return _activeCounter; } public synchronized boolean isActive() { return _activeCounter > 0; } public synchronized int getErrorCount() { return _errorCounter; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(_storageClass, _hsmName); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof StorageClassInfo)) { return false; } StorageClassInfo info = (StorageClassInfo) obj; return info._storageClass.equals(_storageClass) && info._hsmName.equals(_hsmName); } private synchronized void addRequest(Entry entry) { _requests.put(entry.pnfsId(), entry); if (_time == 0L || entry.timeStamp < _time) { _time = entry.timeStamp; } _totalSize += entry.size; if (_isOpen && !_isDraining && _activeCounter > 0 && _requestsSubmitted < _maxRequests) { _requestsSubmitted++; _activeCounter++; _storageHandler.flush(_hsmName, singleton(entry.pnfsId()), this); } } private synchronized Entry removeRequest(PnfsId pnfsId) { Entry entry = _requests.remove(pnfsId); if (entry != null) { if (_requests.isEmpty()) { _time = 0L; } _totalSize -= entry.size; } return entry; } public synchronized void add(CacheEntry entry) throws CacheException { PnfsId pnfsId = entry.getPnfsId(); if (_failedRequests.containsKey(pnfsId) || _requests.containsKey(pnfsId)) { throw new CacheException(44, "Request already added : " + pnfsId); } addRequest(new Entry(entry)); } public synchronized void activate(PnfsId pnfsId) throws CacheException { Entry entry = _failedRequests.remove(pnfsId); if (entry == null) { throw new CacheException("Not a deactivated Request : " + pnfsId); } addRequest(entry); } public synchronized void activateAll() { for (Entry entry : _failedRequests.values()) { addRequest(entry); } _failedRequests.clear(); } public synchronized void deactivate(PnfsId pnfsId) throws CacheException { Entry entry = removeRequest(pnfsId); if (entry == null) { throw new CacheException("Not an activated Request : " + pnfsId); } _failedRequests.put(pnfsId, entry); } public synchronized boolean remove(PnfsId pnfsId) { Entry entry = removeRequest(pnfsId); if (entry == null) { entry = _failedRequests.remove(pnfsId); } return entry != null; } public String getHsm() { return _hsmName; } public String getFullName() { return _storageClass + "@" + _hsmName; } public synchronized Collection<PnfsId> getRequests() { return new ArrayList<>(_requests.keySet()); } public synchronized Collection<PnfsId> getFailedRequests() { return new ArrayList<>(_failedRequests.keySet()); } public synchronized String toString() { return "SCI=" + _storageClass + "@" + _hsmName + ";def=" + _isDefined + ";exp=" + TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(_expiration) + ";pend=" + _pending + ";maxTotal=" + _maxTotalSize + ";waiting=" + _requests.size(); } public synchronized boolean hasExpired() { return (!_requests.isEmpty()) && ((_time + _expiration) < System.currentTimeMillis()); } public synchronized long expiresIn() { return _time == 0L ? 0L : ((_time + _expiration) - System.currentTimeMillis() ) / 1000; } public synchronized boolean isFull() { return (!_requests.isEmpty()) && ((_requests.size() >= _pending) || (_totalSize >= _maxTotalSize)); } public synchronized void setSuspended(boolean suspended) { _isSuspended = suspended; } public synchronized boolean isSuspended() { return _isSuspended; } public synchronized boolean isTriggered() { return (hasExpired() || isFull()) && !isSuspended(); } public String getStorageClass() { return _storageClass; } public synchronized void setTime(long time) { _time = time; } public synchronized long getTime() { return _time; } public synchronized void setDefined(boolean d) { _isDefined = d; } public synchronized boolean isDefined() { return _isDefined; } public synchronized void setOpen(boolean isOpen) { _isOpen = isOpen; } public synchronized boolean isOpen() { return _isOpen; } public synchronized void drain() { _isDraining = true; } public synchronized int size() { return _requests.size() + _failedRequests.size(); } public synchronized long getTotalSize() { return _totalSize; } /** * Sets the maximum age of a request before a flush to tape will be triggered. * * @param expiration Maximum age in milliseconds */ public synchronized void setExpiration(long expiration) { _expiration = expiration; } /** * Sets the maximum number of requests before a flush to tape will be triggered. * * @param pending Maximum number of requests */ public synchronized void setPending(int pending) { _pending = pending; } /** * Sets the maximum accumulated size of requests before a flush to tape will be triggered. * * @param maxTotalSize Maximum size in bytes */ public synchronized void setMaxSize(long maxTotalSize) { _maxTotalSize = maxTotalSize; } public synchronized long getMaxSize() { return _maxTotalSize; } public synchronized int getPending() { return _pending; } public synchronized long getExpiration() { return _expiration; } public synchronized int getRequestCount() { return _requests.size(); } public synchronized int getFailedRequestCount() { return _failedRequests.size(); } }