package; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; /** * A set of tests for checking ReservationInfo behaves as expected. */ public class ReservationInfoTests { int nextReservationId = 1; String _reservationId; ReservationInfo _info; @Before public void setUp() { _reservationId = Integer.toString( nextReservationId); _info = new ReservationInfo( _reservationId); } @Test public void testGetId() { assertEquals( "checking reservation ID is as set.", _reservationId, _info.getId()); } @Test public void testGetAccessLatencyEmpty() { assertNull( "check access latency initiall null", _info.getAccessLatency()); } @Test public void testInitialHasAccessLatencyValue() { assertFalse( "check initial hasAccessLatency value", _info.hasAccessLatency()); } @Test public void testSetAccessLatencyThenGet() { ReservationInfo.AccessLatency al = ReservationInfo.AccessLatency.NEARLINE; _info.setAccessLatency( al); assertEquals( "check access latency initiall null", al, _info.getAccessLatency()); } @Test public void testSetAccessLatencyThenHasAccessLatency() { _info.setAccessLatency( ReservationInfo.AccessLatency.ONLINE); assertTrue( "check hasAccessLatency", _info.hasAccessLatency()); } @Test(expected = RuntimeException.class) public void testSetAlTwice() { ReservationInfo.AccessLatency al = ReservationInfo.AccessLatency.NEARLINE; _info.setAccessLatency( al); _info.setAccessLatency( al); } @Test public void testDescriptionEmpty() { assertNull( "empty description", _info.getDescription()); } @Test public void testSetDescriptionThenGet() { String description = "a description"; _info.setDescription( description); assertEquals( "check description after setting it.", description, _info.getDescription()); } @Test(expected = RuntimeException.class) public void testSetDescriptionTwice() { _info.setDescription( "a string"); _info.setDescription( "another string"); } @Test public void testInitialHaveLifetime() { assertFalse( "haveLifetime initially", _info.hasLifetime()); } @Test public void testSetLifetimeThenGet() { int lifetime = 10; _info.setLifetime( lifetime); assertEquals( "check lifetime after setting it", lifetime, _info.getLifetime()); } @Test(expected = RuntimeException.class) public void testSetLifetimeTwice() { _info.setLifetime( 10); _info.setLifetime( 10); } @Test public void testHaveLifetimeAfterSet() { _info.setLifetime( 10); assertTrue( "haveLifetime after setting a value", _info.hasLifetime()); } @Test public void testInitialRetentionPolicy() { assertNull( "check that retention policy inial value", _info.getRetentionPolicy()); } @Test public void testInitialHasRetentionPolicyValue() { assertFalse( "initial hasRetentionPolicy() value", _info.hasRetentionPolicy()); } @Test public void testSetRetentionPolicyThenGet() { ReservationInfo.RetentionPolicy rp = ReservationInfo.RetentionPolicy.CUSTODIAL; _info.setRetentionPolicy( rp); assertEquals( "check that retention policy follows value", rp, _info.getRetentionPolicy()); } @Test public void testSetRetentionPolicyThenHasRetentionPolicy() { _info.setRetentionPolicy( ReservationInfo.RetentionPolicy.OUTPUT); assertTrue( "hasRetentionPolicy()", _info.hasRetentionPolicy()); } @Test(expected = RuntimeException.class) public void testSetRetentionPolicyTwice() { ReservationInfo.RetentionPolicy rp = ReservationInfo.RetentionPolicy.CUSTODIAL; _info.setRetentionPolicy( rp); _info.setRetentionPolicy( rp); } @Test public void testGetStateInitialValue() { assertNull( "initial state of reservation", _info.getState()); } @Test public void testHaveStateInitialValue() { assertFalse( "initial state of haveState", _info.hasState()); } @Test public void testSetStateThenHaveState() { _info.setState( ReservationInfo.State.RESERVED); assertTrue( "state of haveState after setting state", _info.hasState()); } @Test public void testSetStateInitialValueThenGet() { ReservationInfo.State state = ReservationInfo.State.RESERVED; _info.setState( state); assertEquals( "state of reservation after setting", state, _info.getState()); } @Test(expected = RuntimeException.class) public void testSetStateTwice() { ReservationInfo.State state = ReservationInfo.State.RESERVED; _info.setState( state); _info.setState( state); } @Test public void testHaveTotalInitialValue() { assertFalse( "initial value of haveTotal", _info.hasTotal()); } @Test public void testSetTotalThenGet() { int value = 100; _info.setTotal( value); assertEquals( "value of total after setting it", value, _info.getTotal()); } @Test public void testHaveTotalAfterSet() { _info.setTotal( 100); assertTrue( "haveTotal after setTotal", _info.hasTotal()); } @Test(expected = RuntimeException.class) public void testSetTotalTwice() { _info.setTotal( 100); _info.setTotal( 100); } @Test public void testHaveFreeInitialValue() { assertFalse( "initial value of haveFree", _info.hasFree()); } @Test public void testSetFreeThenGet() { int value = 100; _info.setFree( value); assertEquals( "value of free after setting it", value, _info.getFree()); } @Test public void testHaveFreeAfterSet() { _info.setFree( 100); assertTrue( "haveFree after setFree", _info.hasFree()); } @Test(expected = RuntimeException.class) public void testSetFreeTwice() { _info.setFree( 100); _info.setFree( 100); } @Test public void testHaveAllocatedInitialValue() { assertFalse( "initial value of haveAllocated", _info.hasAllocated()); } @Test public void testSetAllocatedThenGet() { int value = 100; _info.setAllocated( value); assertEquals( "value of allocated after setting it", value, _info.getAllocated()); } @Test public void testHaveAllocatedAfterSet() { _info.setAllocated( 100); assertTrue( "haveAllocated after setAllocated", _info.hasAllocated()); } @Test(expected = RuntimeException.class) public void testSetAllocatedTwice() { _info.setFree( 100); _info.setFree( 100); } @Test public void testHaveUsedInitialValue() { assertFalse( "initial value of haveTotal", _info.hasUsed()); } @Test public void testSetUsedThenGet() { int value = 100; _info.setUsed( value); assertEquals( "value of total after setting it", value, _info.getUsed()); } @Test public void testHaveUsedAfterSet() { _info.setUsed( 100); assertTrue( "haveTotal after setTotal", _info.hasUsed()); } @Test(expected = RuntimeException.class) public void testSetUsedTwice() { _info.setTotal( 100); _info.setTotal( 100); } @Test public void testHaveVoInitialValue() { assertFalse( "initial value of haveVo", _info.hasVo()); } @Test public void testSetVoThenGet() { String voName = "the vo"; _info.setVo( voName); assertEquals( "checking setVo() followed by getVo()", voName, _info.getVo()); } @Test public void testSetVoThenHaveVo() { _info.setVo( "the vo"); assertTrue( "haveVo() after setVo()", _info.hasVo()); } @Test(expected = RuntimeException.class) public void testSetVoTwice() { _info.setVo( "this vo"); _info.setVo( "that vo"); } }