package gov.fnal.XMLList; import; import; import; import; import gov.fnal.XMLList.XMLLister; public class dirLister { private dataStore ds; private boolean recurse; private boolean doMath; private XMLLister lister; String sortOrder; String source; String dest; public dirLister(String inSource, String inDest, boolean inRecurse, String inSortOrder) { // source: Starting directory. // dest: Name of XML output file. // recurse: recurse down into sub-directories // sortOrder: of listings of files and directories. // natural: use Java sorting (based on file name, from A to Z) // FA: by file name from A to Z (same as previous) // FZ: by file name from Z to A // LA: by file length, ascending // LZ: by file length, descending // DA: by last modified date, ascending // DZ: by last modified date, descending sortOrder = inSortOrder; recurse = inRecurse; source = inSource; dest = inDest; } public void doIt() { try { File sourceDir = new File(source); if(sourceDir.exists() && sourceDir.isDirectory() && sourceDir.canRead()) { File destFile = new File(dest); if(!destFile.exists() || (destFile.isFile() && destFile.canWrite())) { OutputStreamWriter destWriter = new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(destFile), "UTF-8"); ds = new dataStore(sourceDir, destFile, recurse, doMath); lister = new XMLLister(destWriter); System.out.println("Processing directory " + ds.getDir()); System.out.println(); doWrite(ds.getDir()); lister.close(); } else { System.out.println( "A problem occurred with the destination file."); } } else { System.out.println( "A problem occurred with the source directory."); } } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Error!: "+e.toString()); System.out.println(); } } private void doWrite(String dirABS) throws IOException { lister.writeStartList(); Directory dir = new Directory(ds, lister, dirABS, recurse, sortOrder); // dir.execute(); lister.writeEndList(); } }