package org.dcache.boot; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.slf4j.bridge.SLF4JBridgeHandler; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.logging.LogManager; import dmg.util.CommandException; import org.dcache.alarms.AlarmMarkerFactory; import org.dcache.alarms.PredefinedAlarm; import org.dcache.util.Args; import org.dcache.util.ConfigurationProperties.DefaultProblemConsumer; import org.dcache.util.ConfigurationProperties.ProblemConsumer; import org.dcache.util.NetworkUtils; import static; /** * Boot loader for dCache. This class contains the main method of * dCache. It is responsible for parsing the configuration files and * for boot strapping domains. * * All methods are static. The class is never instantiated. */ public class BootLoader { private static final String CMD_START = "start"; private static final String CMD_COMPILE = "compile"; private static final String CMD_COMPILE_OP_SHELL = "shell"; private static final String CMD_COMPILE_OP_PYTHON = "python"; private static final String CMD_COMPILE_OP_XML = "xml"; private static final String CMD_COMPILE_OP_DEBUG = "debug"; private static final String CMD_CHECK = "check-config"; private static final char OPT_SILENT = 'q'; private BootLoader() { } private static void help() { System.err.println("SYNOPSIS:"); System.err.println(" java org.dcache.util.BootLoader [-q] COMMAND [ARGS]"); System.err.println(); System.err.println("OPTIONS:"); System.err.println(" -q Suppress warnings and errors."); System.err.println(); System.err.println("COMMANDS:"); System.err.println(" start DOMAIN"); System.err.println(" Start a domain."); System.err.println(); System.err.println(" " + CMD_CHECK); System.err.println(" Check configuration for any problems."); System.err.println(); System.err.println(" " + CMD_COMPILE + " <format>"); System.err.println(" Compiles the layout to some particular format, determined by <format>."); System.err.println(" Valid values of <format> are:"); System.err.println(" -" + CMD_COMPILE_OP_SHELL + " POSIX shell declaration of an oracle function"); System.err.println(" -" + CMD_COMPILE_OP_PYTHON + " Python declaration of an oracle function"); System.err.println(" -" + CMD_COMPILE_OP_XML + " an set of XML entity definitions"); System.err.println(" -" + CMD_COMPILE_OP_DEBUG + " a format providing human-readable format"); System.exit(1); } public static void main(String[] arguments) { String command = null; Args args = null; try { args = new Args(arguments); if (args.argc() < 1) { help(); } command = args.argv(0); /* Redirects Java util logging to SLF4J. */ LogManager.getLogManager().reset(); SLF4JBridgeHandler.install(); /* Configuration problems can be directed to the log * system or to stdout, depending on which command was * provided on the command line. */ OutputStreamProblemConsumer checkConsumer = new OutputStreamProblemConsumer(System.out); ProblemConsumer problemConsumer = command.equals(CMD_CHECK) ? checkConsumer : new DefaultProblemConsumer(); problemConsumer = args.isOneCharOption(OPT_SILENT) ? new ErrorsAsWarningsProblemConsumer(problemConsumer) : problemConsumer; /* The layout contains all configuration information, and * all domains and services of this node. */ Layout layout = new LayoutBuilder().setProblemConsumer(problemConsumer).build(); /* The BootLoader is not limited to starting dCache. The * behaviour is controlled by a command provided as a * command line argument. */ switch (command) { case CMD_START: if (args.argc() != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing argument: Domain name"); } Domain domain = layout.getDomain(args.argv(1)); if (domain == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such domain: " + args .argv(1)); } domain.start(); break; case CMD_CHECK: checkConsumer.printSummary(); System.exit(checkConsumer.getReturnCode()); case CMD_COMPILE: LayoutPrinter printer = printerForArgs(args, layout); printer.print(System.out); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid command: " + command); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException | CommandException | URISyntaxException | FileNotFoundException e) { handleFatalError(e.getMessage(), args); } catch (RuntimeException e) { handleFatalError(e, args); } catch (Exception e) { handleFatalError(e.toString(), args); } } private static void handleFatalError(Object message, Args args) { String command = args.argv(0); if (CMD_START.equals(command)) { String logMessage; if (message instanceof RuntimeException) { logMessage = "Bug found, please report the following " + "information to"; } else { logMessage = "Failure at startup: {}"; } LoggerFactory.getLogger("root") .error(AlarmMarkerFactory.getMarker(PredefinedAlarm.DOMAIN_STARTUP_FAILURE, NetworkUtils.getCanonicalHostName(), args.toString()), logMessage, message); } else { if (message instanceof RuntimeException) { getRootCause((RuntimeException)message).printStackTrace(); } else { System.err.println(message); } } System.exit(1); } private static LayoutPrinter printerForArgs(Args args, Layout layout) { boolean compileForShell = args.hasOption(CMD_COMPILE_OP_SHELL); boolean compileForXml = args.hasOption(CMD_COMPILE_OP_XML); boolean compileForDebug = args.hasOption(CMD_COMPILE_OP_DEBUG); boolean compileForPython = args.hasOption(CMD_COMPILE_OP_PYTHON); if((compileForShell ? 1 : 0) + (compileForPython ? 1 : 0) + (compileForXml ? 1 : 0) + (compileForDebug ? 1 : 0) != 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must specify exactly one of " + "-" + CMD_COMPILE_OP_SHELL + ", -" + CMD_COMPILE_OP_PYTHON + ", -" + CMD_COMPILE_OP_XML + " and -" + CMD_COMPILE_OP_DEBUG); } if(compileForShell) { return new ShellOracleLayoutPrinter(layout); } else if(compileForPython) { return new PythonOracleLayoutPrinter(layout); } else if(compileForXml) { return new XmlEntityLayoutPrinter(layout); } else { return new DebugLayoutPrinter(layout); } } /** * An ProblemConsumer adapter that maps errors to warnings. */ private static class ErrorsAsWarningsProblemConsumer implements ProblemConsumer { final ProblemConsumer _inner; ErrorsAsWarningsProblemConsumer( ProblemConsumer inner) { _inner = inner; } @Override public void setFilename( String name) { _inner.setFilename(name); } @Override public void setLineNumberReader( LineNumberReader reader) { _inner.setLineNumberReader(reader); } @Override public void error( String message) { _inner.warning(message); } @Override public void warning( String message) { _inner.warning(message); } @Override public void info( String message) {; } } /** * Provide a ProblemConsumer that logs all messages to standard output and * doesn't terminate the parsing process if an error is discovered. It * can also provide a one-line summary describing the number of warnings * and errors encountered. */ private static class OutputStreamProblemConsumer extends DefaultProblemConsumer { private int _errors; private int _warnings; private final PrintStream _out; public OutputStreamProblemConsumer(OutputStream out) { _out = new PrintStream(out); } @Override public void error(String message) { _out.println("[ERROR] " + addContextTo(message)); _errors++; } @Override public void warning(String message) { _out.println("[WARNING] " + addContextTo(message)); _warnings++; } @Override public void info(String message) { _out.println("[INFO] " + addContextTo(message)); } public int getReturnCode() { if (_errors > 0) { return 2; } else if (_warnings > 0) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } public void printSummary() { if( _warnings == 0 && _errors == 0) { System.out.println("No problems found."); } else { System.out.println(buildProblemsMessage()); } } private String buildProblemsMessage() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Found "); cardinalMessage(sb, _errors, "error"); if(_warnings > 0 && _errors > 0) { sb.append(" and "); } cardinalMessage(sb, _warnings, "warning"); sb.append("."); return sb.toString(); } private void cardinalMessage(StringBuilder sb, int count, String label) { switch(count) { case 0: break; case 1: sb.append("1 ").append(label); break; default: sb.append(count).append(" ").append(label).append("s"); break; } } } }