package diskCacheV111.util; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import; import; import java.util.Set; import org.dcache.pool.repository.RepositoryChannel; import org.dcache.util.Checksum; import org.dcache.util.ChecksumType; import static org.dcache.util.ByteUnit.BYTES; import static org.dcache.util.ByteUnit.KiB; public abstract class ChecksumFactory { public abstract ChecksumType getType(); public abstract MessageDigest create(); public abstract Checksum create(byte [] digest); public abstract Checksum create(String stringDigest); public abstract Checksum find(Set<Checksum> checksums); public abstract Checksum computeChecksum(RepositoryChannel channel) throws IOException, InterruptedException; /** * Compute the checksum for a file with a limit on how many bytes/second to * checksum. * @param file the file to compute a checksum for. * @param throughputLimit a limit on how many bytes/second that may be * checksummed. * @return the computed checksum. * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ public abstract Checksum computeChecksum(RepositoryChannel file, double throughputLimit) throws IOException, InterruptedException; public static ChecksumFactory getFactory(ChecksumType type) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { return new GenericIdChecksumFactory(type); } /** * Returns a ChecksumFactory for the first supported checksum. * * @param preferredChecksums Ordered list of checksums * @param defaultType Default type used when none of the preferred types are supported */ public static ChecksumFactory getFactory(Iterable<Checksum> preferredChecksums, ChecksumType defaultType) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { for (Checksum checksum : preferredChecksums) { try { return getFactory(checksum.getType()); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ignored) { } } return getFactory(defaultType); } public static ChecksumFactory getFactoryFor(Checksum checksum) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { return getFactory(checksum.getType()); } public static void main( String [] args ) throws Exception { System.out.println("Getting MD4 first time"); ChecksumFactory.getFactory(ChecksumType.MD4_TYPE); System.out.println("Getting MD4 second time"); ChecksumFactory.getFactory(ChecksumType.MD5_TYPE); } } class GenericIdChecksumFactory extends ChecksumFactory { private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GenericIdChecksumFactory.class); private static final long MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND = 1000; private final ChecksumType _type; public GenericIdChecksumFactory(ChecksumType type) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { _type = type; if (_type != ChecksumType.MD5_TYPE && _type != ChecksumType.ADLER32) { // we know we support the above too; check the rest MessageDigest.getInstance(_type.getName()); } } @Override public ChecksumType getType() { return _type; } @Override public MessageDigest create() { try { if (_type == ChecksumType.ADLER32) { return new Adler32(); } return MessageDigest.getInstance(_type.getName()); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new RuntimeException("This is a bug in ChecksumFactory", e); } } @Override public Checksum create(byte[] digest) { return new Checksum(_type, digest); } @Override public Checksum create(String digest) { return new Checksum(_type, digest); } @Override public Checksum find(Set<Checksum> checksums) { for (Checksum checksum: checksums) { if (checksum.getType() == _type) { return checksum; } } return null; } @Override public Checksum computeChecksum(RepositoryChannel channel) throws IOException, InterruptedException { return computeChecksum(channel, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); } /** * Compute how much to sleep for current throughput not to exceed * <code>throughputLimit</code> given how many bytes read/written for a * certain amount of time. * <h3>Formula</h3> * <p><code>throughputLimit = numBytes/(elapsedTime + adjust)</code> * <p>gives:<p> * <code>adjust = numBytes/throughputLimit - elapsedTime</code> * * @param throughputLimit max throughput (bytes/second). Must not be <= 0. * @param numBytes no. of bytes read/written for <code>elapsedTime * </code> milliseconds. If 0, adjust will be 0. * @param elapsedTime elapsed time (milliseconds) when <code>numBytes * </code> bytes were read/written. * @return how much to sleep (milliseconds) for throughput * not to exceed <code>throughputLimit</code>. * Guaranteed to be >= 0. */ private long throughputAdjustment(double throughputLimit, long numBytes, long elapsedTime) { assert throughputLimit > 0 && numBytes >= 0 && elapsedTime >= 0; /** * Adjust is < 0 when numBytes/elapsedTime < throughputLimit * (-elapsedTime when throughputLimit is ∞). Adjust is 0 when numBytes * is 0. */ long desiredDuration = (long) Math.ceil(MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND * (numBytes / throughputLimit)); long adjust = desiredDuration - elapsedTime; return Math.max(0, adjust); } /** * Return the string representation of throughput given the amount of bytes * read/written over a certain time period. * @param numBytes no. of bytes read/written for <code>millis</code> * milliseconds. * @param millis elapsed time (milliseconds) when <code>numBytes</code> * bytes were read/written. If 0 increment by 1 to avoid * printing Infinity or NaN. * @return throughput in (MiB/s) as the string representation of a * floating point number. Neither NaN or Infinity will be * printed due to the incrementing of <code>millis</code> * to 1 if it has a value of 0. */ private String throughputAsString(long numBytes, long millis) { return Double.toString(BYTES.toMiB((double) numBytes) / (( millis == 0 ? 1 : millis ) / (double) MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND)); } @Override public Checksum computeChecksum(RepositoryChannel channel, double throughputLimit) throws IOException, InterruptedException { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); MessageDigest digest = create(); long pos = 0L; ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(KiB.toBytes(64)); int rc; while ((rc =, pos)) > 0) { pos += rc; buffer.flip(); digest.update(buffer); buffer.clear(); if (Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } long adjust = throughputAdjustment(throughputLimit, pos, System.currentTimeMillis() - start); if (adjust > 0) { Thread.sleep(adjust); } } Checksum checksum = create(digest.digest()); _log.debug("Computed checksum, length {}, checksum {} in {} ms{}", pos, checksum, System.currentTimeMillis() - start, pos == 0 ? "" : ", throughput " + throughputAsString(pos, System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " MiB/s" + (Double.isInfinite(throughputLimit) ? "" : " (limit " + BYTES.toMiB(throughputLimit) + " MiB/s)")); return checksum; } }