package org.dcache.webadmin.model.dataaccess; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.dcache.admin.webadmin.datacollector.datatypes.CellStatus; import org.dcache.webadmin.model.businessobjects.CellResponse; import org.dcache.webadmin.model.exceptions.DAOException; /** * * @author jans */ public interface DomainsDAO { /** * To get a map that contains all names of doors, pools, PoolManager, PnfsManager, * gPlazma, LoginBroker put into the key which is the domain they are in. * @return delivers a map<domainname,List<cellname>> */ Map<String, List<String>> getDomainsMap(); Set<CellStatus> getCellStatuses(); /** * * @param destinations targets for the command * @param command command to send */ Set<CellResponse> sendCommand(Set<String> destinations, String command) throws DAOException; }