package org.dcache.gplazma.loader; import; import java.util.Collection; import org.dcache.gplazma.plugins.GPlazmaPlugin; /** * This class provides a mechanism for loading GPlazma plugins from a static * list of available plugins. This class is meant to demonstrate the * PluginLoader interface and to allow simple testing. * <p> * The plugin name are taken from the plugin class' simple class name. */ public class StaticClassPluginLoader extends AbstractPluginLoader { private final PluginRepositoryFactory _repositoryFactory; public static PluginLoader newPluginLoader(Class<? extends GPlazmaPlugin> plugin) { ImmutableList.Builder<Class<? extends GPlazmaPlugin>> b = ImmutableList.builder(); b.add(plugin); Collection<Class<? extends GPlazmaPlugin>> plugins =; return new SafePluginLoaderDecorator(new StaticClassPluginLoader(plugins)); } public static PluginLoader newPluginLoader(Collection<Class<? extends GPlazmaPlugin>> plugins) { return new SafePluginLoaderDecorator(new StaticClassPluginLoader(plugins)); } private StaticClassPluginLoader(Collection<Class<? extends GPlazmaPlugin>> plugins) { _repositoryFactory = new StaticClassPluginRepositoryFactory(plugins); } @Override PluginRepositoryFactory getRepositoryFactory() { return _repositoryFactory; } }