package org.dcache.util.cli; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import dmg.util.CommandException; import dmg.util.CommandSyntaxException; import dmg.util.command.Argument; import dmg.util.command.Command; import dmg.util.command.HelpFormat; import dmg.util.command.Option; import org.dcache.util.Args; /** * Support for commands, where a command is an Args-based request to some named * entity that provides a Serializable response. * * Commands are found by scanning one or more command-listener objects. The * process of discovering these commands is abstracted, and provided by one or * more CommandScanner objects. * * Command-listener objects and CommandScanners are added after CommandInterpreter * is created. */ public class CommandInterpreter { private final CommandEntry _rootEntry = new CommandEntry(""); private final List<CommandScanner> _scanners = new ArrayList<>(); private final List<Object> _commandListeners = new ArrayList<>(); protected synchronized void addCommandScanner(CommandScanner scanner) { _scanners.add(scanner); for (Object commandListener : _commandListeners) { addCommands(scanner.scan(commandListener)); } } /** * Adds an interpreter too the current object. * @params commandListener is the object which will be inspected. */ public final synchronized void addCommandListener(Object commandListener) { for (CommandScanner scanner : _scanners) { addCommands(scanner.scan(commandListener)); } _commandListeners.add(commandListener); } private void addCommands(Map<List<String>,? extends CommandExecutor> commands) { for (Map.Entry<List<String>,? extends CommandExecutor> entry: commands.entrySet()) { CommandEntry currentEntry = _rootEntry.getOrCreate(entry.getKey()); if (currentEntry.hasCommand()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Conflicting implementations of shell command '" + Joiner.on(" ").join(entry.getKey()) + "': " + currentEntry.getCommand() + " and " + entry.getValue()); } currentEntry.setCommand(entry.getValue()); } } /** * Interpreters the specified arguments and calles the * corresponding method of the connected Object. * * @params args is the initialized Args Object containing * the commands. * @return the string returned by the corresponding * method of the reflected object. * * @exception CommandSyntaxException if the used command syntax * doesn't match any of the corresponding methods. * The .getHelpText() method provides a short * description of the correct syntax, if possible. * @exception CommandExitException if the corresponding * object doesn't want to be used any more. * Usually shells send this Exception to 'exit'. * @exception CommandThrowableException if the corresponding * method throws any kind of throwable. * The thrown throwable can be obtaines by calling * .getTargetException of the CommandThrowableException. * @exception CommandPanicException if the invocation of the * corresponding method failed. .getTargetException * provides the actual Exception of the failure. */ public Serializable command(Args args) throws CommandException { // // walk along the command tree as long as arguments are // available and as long as those arguments match the // tree. // CommandEntry entry = _rootEntry; CommandEntry lastAcl = null; StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; while (i < args.argc()) { CommandEntry ce = entry.get(args.argv(i)); if (ce == null) { break; } if (ce.hasACLs()) { lastAcl = ce; } path.append(ce.getName()).append(' '); entry = ce; i++; } if (!entry.hasCommand()) { throw new CommandSyntaxException("Command not found: " + args); } args.shift(i); String[] acls = lastAcl == null ? new String[0] : lastAcl.getACLs(); try { return doExecute(entry, args, acls); } catch (CommandSyntaxException e) { if (e.getHelpText() == null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); entry.dumpHelpHint(path.toString(), sb, HelpFormat.PLAIN); e.setHelpText(sb.toString()); } throw e; } } protected Serializable doExecute(CommandEntry entry, Args args, String[] acls) throws CommandException { return entry.execute(args); } /** * A CommandEntry is a node in a tree representing command prefixes. Each node * can be associated with a CommandExecutor. */ protected static class CommandEntry { private ImmutableSortedMap<String,CommandEntry> _suffixes = ImmutableSortedMap.of(); private final String _name; private CommandExecutor _commandExecutor; CommandEntry(String name) { _name = name; } public String getName() { return _name; } public void put(String str, CommandEntry e) { _suffixes = ImmutableSortedMap.<String,CommandEntry>naturalOrder() .putAll(_suffixes) .put(str,e) .build(); } public CommandEntry get(String str) { return _suffixes.get(str); } public CommandEntry getOrCreate(String name) { CommandEntry entry = _suffixes.get(name); if (entry == null) { entry = new CommandEntry(name); put(name, entry); } return entry; } public CommandEntry getOrCreate(List<String> names) { CommandEntry entry = this; for (String name: names) { entry = entry.getOrCreate(name); } return entry; } public void setCommand(CommandExecutor commandExecutor) { _commandExecutor = commandExecutor; } public CommandExecutor getCommand() { return _commandExecutor; } boolean hasCommand() { return _commandExecutor != null; } public boolean hasACLs() { return (_commandExecutor != null) && _commandExecutor.hasACLs(); } public void dumpHelpHint(String top, StringBuilder sb, HelpFormat format) { if (_commandExecutor != null && !_commandExecutor.isDeprecated()) { String hint = _commandExecutor.getHelpHint(format); if (hint != null) { sb.append(top).append(hint).append("\n"); } } for (CommandEntry ce: _suffixes.values()) { ce.dumpHelpHint(top + ce.getName() + " ", sb, format); } } public Serializable execute(Args arguments) throws CommandException { return _commandExecutor.execute(arguments); } public String getFullHelp(HelpFormat format) { return (_commandExecutor == null) ? null : _commandExecutor.getFullHelp(format); } public String[] getACLs() { return (_commandExecutor == null) ? new String[0] : _commandExecutor.getACLs(); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Entry : ").append(getName()); for (String key: _suffixes.keySet()) { sb.append(" -> ").append(key).append("\n"); } return sb.toString(); } } public String getHelp(HelpFormat format, String... command) { CommandEntry entry = _rootEntry; StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder(); for (String word : command) { CommandEntry ce = entry.get(word); if (ce == null) { break; } path.append(ce.getName()).append(' '); entry = ce; } String help = entry.getFullHelp(format); if (help == null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); entry.dumpHelpHint(path.toString(), sb, format); help = sb.toString(); } return help; } public class HelpCommands { @Command(name = "help", hint = "display help pages") public class HelpCommand implements Callable<String> { @Option(name = "format", usage = "Output format.") HelpFormat format = HelpFormat.PLAIN; @Argument(valueSpec = "COMMAND", required = false, usage = "When invoked with a specific command, detailed help for that " + "command is displayed. When invoked with a partial command or without " + "an argument, a summary of all matching commands is shown.") String[] command = {}; @Override public String call() { return getHelp(format, command); } } } }