package; import; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Consumer; import diskCacheV111.util.FsPath; import org.dcache.util.NetworkUtils.InetAddressScope; import static; import static; import static; /** * Immutable object to capture information about a door. * * By convention, network addresses in LoginBrokerInfo should have been * resolved, that is, the host name should be cached within the InetAddress * object. This should preferably be the FQDN. The exception to this * rule is when the IP addresses doesn't have a corresponding name. */ public class LoginBrokerInfo implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4077557054990432737L; public enum Capability { READ, WRITE } private final String _cellName; private final String _domainName; private final String _protocolFamily; private final String _protocolVersion; private final String _protocolEngine; private final String _root; private final List<InetAddress> _addresses; @Deprecated private final String[] _hosts; // Kept for compatibility with pcells private final int _port; private final double _load; private final long _update; private final Collection<String> _tags; private final Collection<String> _readPaths; private final Collection<String> _writePaths; private transient FsPath _rootFsPath; private transient Collection<FsPath> _readFsPaths; private transient Collection<FsPath> _writeFsPaths; public LoginBrokerInfo(String cellName, String domainName, String protocolFamily, String protocolVersion, String protocolEngine, String root, Collection<String> readPaths, Collection<String> writePaths, Collection<String> tags, List<InetAddress> addresses, int port, double load, long updateTime) { checkArgument(!addresses.isEmpty()); _cellName = checkNotNull(cellName); _domainName = checkNotNull(domainName); _protocolFamily = checkNotNull(protocolFamily); _protocolVersion = checkNotNull(protocolVersion); _protocolEngine = checkNotNull(protocolEngine); _root = root; _tags = checkNotNull(tags); _readPaths = checkNotNull(readPaths); _writePaths = checkNotNull(writePaths); _addresses = checkNotNull(addresses); _port = port; _load = load; _update = updateTime; _hosts = new String[addresses.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < addresses.size(); i++) { _hosts[i] = addresses.get(i).getHostAddress(); } if (_root != null) { _rootFsPath = FsPath.create(_root); } _readFsPaths =; _writeFsPaths =; } public boolean supports(InetAddressScope scope) { return -> InetAddressScope.of(a).ordinal() >= scope.ordinal()); } public boolean supports(ProtocolFamily family) { if (family == StandardProtocolFamily.INET) { return -> a instanceof Inet4Address); } else if (family == StandardProtocolFamily.INET6) { return -> a instanceof Inet6Address); } return true; } @Nonnull public List<InetAddress> getAddresses() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(_addresses); } @Deprecated public String[] getHosts() { return _hosts; } public int getPort() { return _port; } @Nonnull public String getCellName() { return _cellName; } @Nonnull public String getDomainName() { return _domainName; } @Nonnull public String getProtocolFamily() { return _protocolFamily; } @Nonnull public String getProtocolVersion() { return _protocolVersion; } @Nonnull public String getProtocolEngine() { return _protocolEngine; } public String getRoot() { return _root; } public FsPath getRoot(FsPath userRoot) { return (_rootFsPath == null) ? userRoot : _rootFsPath; } public String relativize(FsPath userRoot, FsPath path) { return path.stripPrefix(getRoot(userRoot)); } public boolean canWrite(FsPath userRoot, FsPath path) { return path.hasPrefix(getRoot(userRoot)) &&; } public boolean canRead(FsPath userRoot, FsPath path) { return path.hasPrefix(getRoot(userRoot)) &&; } public Collection<String> getTags() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(_tags); } public Collection<String> getReadPaths() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(_readPaths); } public Collection<String> getWritePaths() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(_writePaths); } public void ifCapableOf(Capability capability, Consumer<LoginBrokerInfo> action) { Collection<String> paths; switch (capability) { case READ: paths = _readPaths; break; case WRITE: paths = _writePaths; break; default: paths = Collections.emptyList(); break; } if (!paths.isEmpty()) { action.accept(this); } } public double getLoad() { return _load; } public long getUpdateTime() { return _update; } @Nonnull public String getIdentifier() { return _cellName + '@' + _domainName; } public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(_cellName).append('@').append(_domainName).append(';'); int pos = _protocolEngine.lastIndexOf('.'); if (pos < 0 || pos == _protocolEngine.length() - 1) { sb.append(_protocolEngine).append(';'); } else { sb.append(_protocolEngine.substring(pos + 1)).append(';'); } sb.append('{').append(_protocolFamily).append(','). append(_protocolVersion).append("};"); sb.append('['); Joiner.on(",").appendTo(sb, _addresses); sb.append(':').append(_port).append(']').append(';'); sb.append('<'); sb.append((int) (_load * 100.)).append(','); sb.append(_update).append(">;"); return sb.toString(); } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { stream.defaultReadObject(); if (_root != null) { _rootFsPath = FsPath.create(_root); } _readFsPaths =; _writeFsPaths =; } }