package dmg.util; /** * * * @author Patrick Fuhrmann * @version 0.1, 15 Feb 1998 * * CommandException is the basic Exception thrown by * the CommandInterpreter. */ public class CommandException extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = -598409398076727725L; private int _errorCode; public CommandException(String str) { this(0, str); } public CommandException(String str, Throwable cause) { this(0, str, cause); } public CommandException(int rc, String str) { this(rc, str, null); } public CommandException(int rc, String str, Throwable cause) { super(str, cause); _errorCode = rc; } public int getErrorCode(){ return _errorCode ; } public String getErrorMessage(){ return super.getMessage() ; } @Override public String getMessage(){ return "("+_errorCode+") "+super.getMessage() ; } }