package; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.function.Consumer; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolRemoveFilesFromHSMMessage; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessageReceiver; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellPath; import org.dcache.cells.CellStub; import org.dcache.util.Args; /** * This class encapsulates the interaction with pools. * * At the abstract level it provides a method for submitting file * deletions. Notifcation of success or failure is provided * asynchronously via two sinks. * * To reduce the load on pools, files are deleted in batches. For each * HSM, at most one request is send at a time. The class defines an * upper limit on the size of a request. */ public class RequestTracker implements CellMessageReceiver { private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RequestTracker.class); /** * Utility class to keep track of timeouts. */ class Timeout extends TimerTask { final String _hsm; final String _pool; Timeout(String hsm, String pool) { _hsm = hsm; _pool = pool; } @Override public void run() { timeout(_hsm, _pool); } public String getPool() { return _pool; } } /** * CellStub used for sending messages to pools. */ private CellStub _poolStub; /** * Timeout for delete request. * * For each HSM, we have at most one outstanding remove request. */ private final Map<String,Timeout> _poolRequests = new HashMap<>(); /** * A simple queue of locations to delete, grouped by HSM. * * The main purpose is to allow bulk removal of files, thus not * spamming the pools with a large number of small delete * requests. For each HSM, there will be at most one outstanding * remove request; new entries during that period will be queued. */ private final Map<String,Set<URI>> _locationsToDelete = new HashMap<>(); /** * Locations that could not be deleted are pushed to this sink. */ private Consumer<URI> _failureSink; /** * Locations that were deleted are pushed to this sink. */ private Consumer<URI> _successSink; /** * Maximum number of files to include in a single request. */ private int _maxFilesPerRequest = 100; /** * Timeout in milliseconds for delete requests send to pools. */ private long _timeout = 60000; /** * Timer used for implementing timeouts. */ private final Timer _timer = new Timer("Request tracker timeout"); /** * Pools currently available. */ private PoolInformationBase _pools; /** * Sets the CellStub for communicating with pools. */ public synchronized void setPoolStub(CellStub stub) { _poolStub = stub; } /** * Set PoolInformationBase from which the request tracker learns * about available pools. */ public synchronized void setPoolInformationBase(PoolInformationBase pools) { _pools = pools; } /** * Set maximum number of files to include in a single request. */ public synchronized void setMaxFilesPerRequest(int value) { _maxFilesPerRequest = value; } /** * Returns maximum number of files to include in a single request. */ public synchronized int getMaxFilesPerRequest() { return _maxFilesPerRequest; } /** * Set timeout in milliseconds for delete requests send to pools. */ public synchronized void setTimeout(long timeout) { _timeout = timeout; } /** * Returns timeout in milliseconds for delete requests send to * pools. */ public synchronized long getTimeout() { return _timeout; } /** * Sets the sink to which success to delete a file is reported. */ public synchronized void setSuccessSink(Consumer<URI> sink) { _successSink = sink; } /** * Sets the sink to which failure to delete a file is reported. */ public synchronized void setFailureSink(Consumer<URI> sink) { _failureSink = sink; } /** * Submits a request to delete a file. * * The request may not be submitted right away. It may be queued * and submitted together with other requests. * * @param location the URI of the file to delete */ public synchronized void submit(URI location) { String hsm = location.getAuthority(); Set<URI> locations = _locationsToDelete.get(hsm); if (locations == null) { locations = new HashSet<>(); _locationsToDelete.put(hsm, locations); } locations.add(location); flush(hsm); } /** * Submits requests queued for a given HSM. * * @param hsm the name of an HSM instance */ private synchronized void flush(String hsm) { Collection<URI> locations = _locationsToDelete.get(hsm); if (locations == null || locations.isEmpty()) { return; } if (_poolRequests.containsKey(hsm)) { return; } /* To avoid excessively large requests, we limit the number * of files per request. */ if (locations.size() > _maxFilesPerRequest) { Collection<URI> subset = new ArrayList<>(_maxFilesPerRequest); Iterator<URI> iterator = locations.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < _maxFilesPerRequest; i++) { subset.add(; } locations = subset; } PoolInformation pool = _pools.getPoolWithHSM(hsm); if (pool != null) { String name = pool.getName(); PoolRemoveFilesFromHSMMessage message = new PoolRemoveFilesFromHSMMessage(name, hsm, locations); _poolStub.notify(new CellPath(name), message); Timeout timeout = new Timeout(hsm, name); _timer.schedule(timeout, _timeout); _poolRequests.put(hsm, timeout); } else { /* If there is no available pool, then we report failure on * all files. */ _log.warn("No pools attached to " + hsm + " are available"); Iterator<URI> i = _locationsToDelete.get(hsm).iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { URI location =; assert location.getAuthority().equals(hsm); _failureSink.accept(location); i.remove(); } } } /** * Called when a request to a pool has timed out. We remove the * pool from out list of known pools and resubmit the request. * * One may worry that in case of problems we end up resubmit the * same requests over and over. A timeout will however only happen * if either the pool crashed or in case of a bug in the pool. In * the first case we will end up trying another pool. In the * second case, we should simply fix the bug in the pool. */ private synchronized void timeout(String hsm, String pool) { _log.error("Timeout deleting files on HSM " + hsm + " attached to " + pool); _poolRequests.remove(hsm); _pools.remove(pool); flush(hsm); } /** * Message handler for responses from pools. */ public synchronized void messageArrived(PoolRemoveFilesFromHSMMessage msg) { /* In case of failure we rely on the timeout to invalidate the * entries. */ if (msg.getReturnCode() != 0) { _log.error("Received failure from pool: " + msg.getErrorObject()); return; } String hsm = msg.getHsm(); Collection<URI> locations = _locationsToDelete.get(hsm); Collection<URI> success = msg.getSucceeded(); Collection<URI> failures = msg.getFailed(); if (locations == null) { /* Seems we got a reply for something this instance did * not request. We log this as a warning, but otherwise * ignore it. */ _log.warn("Received confirmation from a pool, for an action this cleaner did not request."); return; } if (!failures.isEmpty()) { _log.warn("Failed to delete " + failures.size() + " files from HSM " + hsm + ". Will try again later."); } for (URI location : success) { assert location.getAuthority().equals(hsm); if (locations.remove(location)) { _successSink.accept(location); } } for (URI location : failures) { assert location.getAuthority().equals(hsm); if (locations.remove(location)) { _failureSink.accept(location); } } Timeout timeout = _poolRequests.remove(hsm); if (timeout != null) { timeout.cancel(); } flush(hsm); } public static final String hh_requests_ls = "[hsm] # Lists delete requests"; public synchronized String ac_requests_ls_$_0_1(Args args) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (args.argc() == 0) { sb.append(String.format("%-15s %s %s\n", "HSM Instance", "Files", "Pool")); for (Map.Entry<String,Set<URI>> e: _locationsToDelete.entrySet()) { Timeout timeout = _poolRequests.get(e.getKey()); if (timeout == null) { sb.append(String.format("%-15s %5d\n", e.getKey(), e.getValue().size())); } else { sb.append(String.format("%-15s %5d %s\n", e.getKey(), e.getValue().size(), timeout.getPool())); } } } else { String hsm = args.argv(0); Collection<URI> locations = _locationsToDelete.get(hsm); if (locations != null) { for (URI location: locations) { sb.append(location).append('\n'); } } } return sb.toString(); } public void shutdown() { _timer.cancel(); } }