package org.dcache.pool.migration; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.annotation.ParametersAreNonnullByDefault; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import org.dcache.pool.repository.ReplicaState; import org.dcache.pool.repository.StickyRecord; import org.dcache.vehicles.FileAttributes; import static; /** * MigrationModuleServer message to request that a replica is * transferred. */ @ParametersAreNonnullByDefault public class PoolMigrationCopyReplicaMessage extends PoolMigrationMessage { private static final long serialVersionUID = 6328444770149191656L; private final FileAttributes _fileAttributes; private final ReplicaState _state; private final List<StickyRecord> _stickyRecords; private final boolean _computeChecksumOnUpdate; private final boolean _forceSourceMode; private final Long _atime; private final boolean _isMetaOnly; public PoolMigrationCopyReplicaMessage(UUID uuid, String pool, FileAttributes fileAttributes, ReplicaState state, List<StickyRecord> stickyRecords, boolean computeChecksumOnUpdate, boolean forceSourceMode, Long atime, boolean isMetaOnly) { super(uuid, pool, fileAttributes.getPnfsId()); _fileAttributes = checkNotNull(fileAttributes); _state = checkNotNull(state); _stickyRecords = checkNotNull(stickyRecords); _computeChecksumOnUpdate = computeChecksumOnUpdate; _forceSourceMode = forceSourceMode; _atime = atime; _isMetaOnly = isMetaOnly; } public ReplicaState getState() { return _state; } public List<StickyRecord> getStickyRecords() { return _stickyRecords; } public boolean getComputeChecksumOnUpdate() { return _computeChecksumOnUpdate; } public FileAttributes getFileAttributes() { return _fileAttributes; } public boolean isForceSourceMode() { return _forceSourceMode; } public boolean isMetaOnly() { return _isMetaOnly; } /** * Last access time to use for target replica. null means that no access time is provided * and the target should decide which access time to use. */ @Nullable public Long getAtime() { return _atime; } }