package org.dcache.gplazma.plugins; import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.mockito.invocation.InvocationOnMock; import org.mockito.stubbing.Answer; import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest; import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.SuppressStaticInitializationFor; import org.powermock.modules.junit4.PowerMockRunner; import org.powermock.reflect.Whitebox; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.dcache.auth.GidPrincipal; import org.dcache.auth.GroupNamePrincipal; import org.dcache.auth.UidPrincipal; import org.dcache.auth.UserNamePrincipal; import org.dcache.auth.attributes.HomeDirectory; import org.dcache.auth.attributes.RootDirectory; import org.dcache.gplazma.AuthenticationException; import org.dcache.gplazma.NoSuchPrincipalException; import org.dcache.gplazma.plugins.Nsswitch.LibC; import org.dcache.gplazma.plugins.Nsswitch.__group; import org.dcache.gplazma.plugins.Nsswitch.__password; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import static org.mockito.Matchers.any; import static org.mockito.Matchers.eq; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; import static org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito.whenNew; import static; import static; @RunWith(PowerMockRunner.class) @SuppressStaticInitializationFor({"com.sun.jna.Structure"}) @PrepareForTest(Nsswitch.class) /** * Tests for the Nsswitch gPlazma plugin. This plugin uses JNA to invoke * various libc methods to discover the host system's configuration for * mapping usernames and groupnames to uids and gids, respectively. * * For testing purposes, this makes testing awkward for several reasons: * * 1. unit tests should not depend on JVM-platform features. JNA isn't * supported by all JVM platforms. * * 2. unit tests should not depend on OS-specific functionality. OSes exist * that don't provide the required libc functions. * * 2. unit tests should not depend on external configuration. On most Unix- * like systems, there exists a user with {name=root, uid=0, gid=0}, * however this is insufficient for testing all functionality and * additional mappings are much less certain. * * This class mocks the calls to the LibC class to return predefined responses, * so allowing arbitrary testing, independent of underlying JVM and OS. * Unfortunately, doing this requires employing a "large hammer" (in the * form of PowerMock) to beat the dependent classes into submission. */ public class NsswitchTest { private LibC _libc; private Nsswitch _plugin; private Principal _identityMapResult; private Set<Principal> _identityReverseMapResult; private Set<Principal> _loginMapResult; private Set<Object> _attributes; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { _libc = mock(LibC.class); _plugin = new Nsswitch(_libc); _identityMapResult = null; _identityReverseMapResult = null; _loginMapResult = null; _attributes = null; IntByReference intByRef = Whitebox.newInstance(SimpleIntStorage.class); whenNew(IntByReference.class).withNoArguments().thenReturn(intByRef); } @Test public void shouldIdentityMapNameToUid() throws NoSuchPrincipalException { given(aUser().withName("kermit").withUid(100)); whenIdentityMap(userNamePrincipal("kermit")); assertThat(_identityMapResult, is(equalTo(uidPrincipal(100)))); } @Test(expected=NoSuchPrincipalException.class) public void shouldFailWhenIdentityMapUnknownName() throws NoSuchPrincipalException { given(noUser().withName("kermit")); whenIdentityMap(userNamePrincipal("kermit")); } @Test public void shouldIdentityReverseMapUidToName() throws NoSuchPrincipalException { given(aUser().withName("kermit").withUid(100)); whenIdentityReverseMap(uidPrincipal(100)); assertThat(_identityReverseMapResult, hasItem(userNamePrincipal("kermit"))); } @Test(expected=NoSuchPrincipalException.class) public void shouldFailWhenIdentityReverseMapUnknownUid() throws NoSuchPrincipalException { given(noUser().withUid(100)); whenIdentityReverseMap(uidPrincipal(100)); } @Test public void shouldIdentityMapNameToGid() throws NoSuchPrincipalException { given(aGroup().withName("it").withGid(200)); whenIdentityMap(groupNamePrincipal("it")); // REVISIT: should a group name be mapped to a primary gid? assertThat(_identityMapResult, is(nonPrimaryGidPrincipal(200))); } @Test(expected=NoSuchPrincipalException.class) public void shouldFailWhenIdentityMapUnknownGroupName() throws NoSuchPrincipalException { given(noGroup().withName("it")); whenIdentityMap(groupNamePrincipal("it")); } @Test public void shouldIdentityReverseMapPrimaryGidToName() throws NoSuchPrincipalException { given(aGroup().withName("it").withGid(200)); whenIdentityReverseMap(primaryGidPrincipal(200)); assertThat(_identityReverseMapResult, hasItem(groupNamePrincipal("it"))); } @Test public void shouldIdentityReverseMapGidToName() throws NoSuchPrincipalException { given(aGroup().withName("it").withGid(200)); whenIdentityReverseMap(nonPrimaryGidPrincipal(200)); assertThat(_identityReverseMapResult, hasItem(groupNamePrincipal("it"))); } @Test public void shouldLoginMapForUserWithSingleGroup() throws AuthenticationException { given(aUser().withName("kermit").withUid(100).withGid(200)); // REVISIT consider using PrincipalSetMaker whenLoginMap(newHashSet(userNamePrincipal("kermit"))); assertThat(_loginMapResult, hasItem(uidPrincipal(100))); assertThat(_loginMapResult, hasItem(primaryGidPrincipal(200))); } @Test public void shouldLoginMapForUserWithMultipleGroups() throws AuthenticationException { given(aUser().withName("kermit").withUid(100).withGid(200).withExtraGids(210,220)); // REVISIT consider using PrincipalSetMaker whenLoginMap(newHashSet(userNamePrincipal("kermit"))); assertThat(_loginMapResult, hasItem(uidPrincipal(100))); assertThat(_loginMapResult, hasItem(primaryGidPrincipal(200))); assertThat(_loginMapResult, hasItem(nonPrimaryGidPrincipal(210))); assertThat(_loginMapResult, hasItem(nonPrimaryGidPrincipal(220))); } @Test public void shouldLoginSession() throws AuthenticationException { // no "given"s since behaviour is independent of system state whenLoginSession(null); // null is OK since principals are ignored assertThat(_attributes, hasItem(homeDirectory("/"))); assertThat(_attributes, hasItem(rootDirectory("/"))); } private void whenIdentityMap(Principal p) throws NoSuchPrincipalException { _identityMapResult =; } private void whenIdentityReverseMap(Principal p) throws NoSuchPrincipalException { _identityReverseMapResult = _plugin.reverseMap(p); } private void whenLoginMap(Set<Principal> principals) throws AuthenticationException { _loginMapResult = new HashSet<>(principals);; } private void whenLoginSession(Set<Principal> principals) throws AuthenticationException { _attributes = new HashSet<>(); _plugin.session(principals, _attributes); } private void given(UserInfo user) { if (user.hasName()) { when(_libc.getpwnam(user.getName())).thenReturn(user.buildPassword()); } if (user.hasUid()) { when(_libc.getpwuid(user._uid)).thenReturn(user.buildPassword()); } if (user.hasName() && user.hasGid()) { when(_libc.getgrouplist(eq(user.getName()), eq(user.getGid()), any(int[].class), any(IntByReference.class))). thenAnswer(new GetGroupListAnswer(user._extraGids)); } } private void given(GroupInfo group) { if (group.hasName()) { when(_libc.getgrnam(group.getName())).thenReturn(group.buildGroup()); } if (group.hasGid()) { when(_libc.getgrgid(group.getGid())).thenReturn(group.buildGroup()); } } private Principal uidPrincipal(int uid) { return new UidPrincipal(uid); } private Principal primaryGidPrincipal(int uid) { return new GidPrincipal(uid, true); } private Principal nonPrimaryGidPrincipal(int uid) { return new GidPrincipal(uid, false); } private Principal userNamePrincipal(String name) { return new UserNamePrincipal(name); } private Principal groupNamePrincipal(String name) { return new GroupNamePrincipal(name); } private Object homeDirectory(String dir) { return new HomeDirectory(dir); } private Object rootDirectory(String dir) { return new RootDirectory(dir); } private UserInfo aUser() { return new UserInfo(); } private UserInfo noUser() { return new UserInfo().isAbsent(); } private GroupInfo aGroup() { return new GroupInfo(); } private GroupInfo noGroup() { return new GroupInfo().isAbsent(); } /** * Fluent class for collecting information about a POSIX user, which is * used to build a __password object. It is also used to hold additional * group membership (the gids) of this user. */ private class UserInfo { String _name; boolean _hasName; int _uid; boolean _hasUid; int _gid; boolean _hasGid; int[] _extraGids = new int[0]; boolean _isAbsent; UserInfo withName(String name) { _name = name; _hasName = true; return this; } UserInfo withUid(int uid) { _uid = uid; _hasUid = true; return this; } UserInfo withGid(int gid) { _gid = gid; _hasGid = true; return this; } UserInfo withExtraGids(int... gids) { _extraGids = gids; return this; } UserInfo isAbsent() { _isAbsent = true; return this; } boolean hasName() { return _hasName; } boolean hasUid() { return _hasUid; } boolean hasGid() { return _hasGid; } String getName() { checkState(_hasName, "no name"); return _name; } int getUid() { checkState(_hasUid, "no uid"); return _uid; } int getGid() { checkState(_hasGid, "no gid"); return _gid; } __password buildPassword() { if (_isAbsent) { return null; } __password password = Whitebox.newInstance(__password.class); = _name; password.uid = _uid; password.gid = _gid; return password; } } /** * Fluent class to hold information about a POSIX group and build a * corresponding __group object. */ private class GroupInfo { private String _name; private int _gid; private boolean _hasName; private boolean _hasGid; private boolean _isAbsent; GroupInfo withName(String name) { _name = name; _hasName = true; return this; } GroupInfo withGid(int gid) { _gid = gid; _hasGid = true; return this; } GroupInfo isAbsent() { _isAbsent = true; return this; } boolean hasName() { return _hasName; } boolean hasGid() { return _hasGid; } int getGid() { checkState(_hasGid, "gid not set"); return _gid; } String getName() { checkState(_hasName, "name not set"); return _name; } __group buildGroup() { if (_isAbsent) { return null; } __group group = Whitebox.newInstance(__group.class); = _name; group.gid = _gid; return group; } } /** * Class to hold login for the getgrouplist method of _libc. The Nsswitch * class makes use of the getgrouplist(3) function, which uses * negotiation to establishing how many groups a user has membership. In * general, the Nsswitch class invokes getgrouplist twice; once to discover * the number of gids and the second time to acquire the list. Therefore * logic is needed to respond correctly. */ private class GetGroupListAnswer implements Answer { private final int[] _gids; GetGroupListAnswer(int[] gids) { _gids = gids; } @Override public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) { Object[] args = invocation.getArguments(); IntByReference ngroups = (IntByReference) args[3]; int count = _gids.length; if (ngroups.getValue() < count) { ngroups.setValue(count); return Integer.valueOf(-1); } int[] gids = (int[]) args[2]; System.arraycopy(_gids, 0, gids, 0, count); return Integer.valueOf(count); } } /** * The IntByReference class provides pointer-like behaviour that allows * a method to update the supplied argument. The JNA implementation * achieves this using JNA code, which we wish to avoid. This method * is a stand-in replacement that, while useless for JNA, provides the same * Java-side functionality. Although this class works, it requires * additional PowerMock magic to suppress the default constructor of the * super class. */ private class SimpleIntStorage extends IntByReference { private int _value; @Override public int getValue() { return _value; } @Override public void setValue(int value) { _value = value; } } }