package diskCacheV111.admin; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import jline.console.completer.Completer; import jline.console.completer.StringsCompleter; import org.fusesource.jansi.Ansi; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; import; import diskCacheV111.util.CacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.FsPath; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsId; import diskCacheV111.util.TimeoutCacheException; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolManagerGetPoolsByPoolGroupMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolManagerPoolInformation; import; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellAddressCore; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellEndpoint; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessage; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessageAnswerable; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellPath; import dmg.cells.nucleus.NoRouteToCellException; import; import; import dmg.util.AclException; import dmg.util.AuthorizedString; import dmg.util.CommandAclException; import dmg.util.CommandException; import dmg.util.CommandExitException; import dmg.util.CommandInterpreter; import dmg.util.CommandThrowableException; import dmg.util.command.Argument; import dmg.util.command.Command; import dmg.util.command.CommandLine; import dmg.util.command.HelpFormat; import org.dcache.auth.Subjects; import org.dcache.auth.attributes.Restrictions; import org.dcache.cells.CellStub; import org.dcache.namespace.FileAttribute; import org.dcache.namespace.FileType; import org.dcache.util.Args; import org.dcache.util.Glob; import org.dcache.util.Version; import org.dcache.util.list.DirectoryEntry; import org.dcache.util.list.DirectoryStream; import org.dcache.util.list.ListDirectoryHandler; import org.dcache.vehicles.FileAttributes; import org.dcache.vehicles.PnfsGetFileAttributes; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static*; import static java.lang.String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static java.util.Collections.emptyList; import static java.util.Collections.singletonList; import static; import static; import static org.dcache.util.Glob.parseGlobToPattern; import static org.fusesource.jansi.Ansi.Color.GREEN; import static org.fusesource.jansi.Ansi.Color.RED; public class UserAdminShell extends CommandInterpreter implements Completer { private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UserAdminShell.class); /** * Timeout is milliseconds for the {@literal xyzzy} message sent to cells when connecting * to them. */ private static final int CONNECT_PROBE_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_MS = 1000; /** * jline completer for shell backslash commands. */ private static final StringsCompleter SHELL_COMMAND_COMPLETER = new StringsCompleter("\\c", "\\exception", "\\l", "\\s", "\\sl", "\\sn", "\\sp", "\\timeout", "\\q", "\\h", "\\?"); /** * jline completer for pool manager cell commands. */ private final Completer POOL_MANAGER_COMPLETER = createRemoteCompleter("PoolManager"); /** * jline completer for pnfs manager cell commands. */ private final Completer PNFS_MANAGER_COMPLETER = createRemoteCompleter("PnfsManager"); /** * Communication endpoint of the admin cell. */ private CellEndpoint _cellEndpoint; /** * Communication stub for the ACL cell that controls admin command permissions. */ private CellStub _acmStub; /** * Communication stub for pool manager. */ private CellStub _poolManager; /** * Communication stub for pnfs manager. */ private CellStub _pnfsManager; /** * Generic communication stub not bound to a particular cell. */ private CellStub _cellStub; /** * Client handler for listing directories in the dCache name space. */ private ListDirectoryHandler _list; /** * Current effective user identity. May be different from _authUser as * a user may request a different identity when connecting to a cell. */ private String _user; /** * User identity as reported by the transport (typically SSH). */ private String _authUser; /** * Timeout of cell commands. Carbon units may interrupt the current command * by pressing Ctrl-C, but currently in cells we don't have any means of * actually cancel the callback and hence a timeout is needed (Ctrl-C merely * causes the shell to stop waiting). */ private long _timeout = TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(5); /** * Whether to provide a full stack trace when cell commands result in an * exception. This is a debugging feature and can be enabled using the * {@literal \exception} command. */ private boolean _fullException; /** * Identifier of this admin door. This will be shown in the command prompt. */ private final String _instance; /** * The Position of the cell the shell is currently connected to. */ private Position _currentPosition = null; /** * jline completer for the cell the shell is currently connected to. */ private Completer _completer; public UserAdminShell(String prompt) { _instance = prompt; } public void setUser(String user) { _user = _authUser = user; } protected String getUser() { return _user; } public void setCellEndpoint(CellEndpoint endpoint) { _cellEndpoint = endpoint; _cellStub = new CellStub(_cellEndpoint); } public void setAcm(CellStub stub) { _acmStub = stub; } public void setPoolManager(CellStub stub) { _poolManager = stub; } public void setPnfsManager(CellStub stub) { _pnfsManager = stub; } public void setListHandler(ListDirectoryHandler list) { _list = list; } @Override protected Serializable doExecute(CommandEntry entry, Args args, String[] acls) throws CommandException { try { checkPermission(acls); return super.doExecute(entry, args, acls); } catch (AclException e) { throw new CommandAclException(e.getPrincipal(), e.getAcl()); } } /** * Checks that the current effective user has any of the given ACLs. * @throws AclException if the current user does not have any of the {@code acls} */ protected void checkPermission(String[] acls) throws AclException { if (acls.length > 0) { AclException e = null; for (String acl : acls) { try { checkPermission(acl); return; } catch (AclException ce) { e = ce; } } throw e; } } /** * Checks that the current effective user has the given acl. * @throws AclException if the current user does not have the given {@code aclName} */ public void checkPermission(String aclName) throws AclException { Object[] request = new Object[5]; request[0] = "request"; request[1] = "<nobody>"; request[2] = "check-permission"; request[3] = getUser(); request[4] = aclName; Object[] r; try { r = _acmStub.sendAndWait(request, Object[].class); } catch (TimeoutCacheException | NoRouteToCellException e) { throw new AclException(e.getMessage()); } catch (CacheException | InterruptedException e) { throw new AclException("Problem: " + e.getMessage()); } if (r.length < 6 || !(r[5] instanceof Boolean)) { throw new AclException("Protocol violation 4456"); } if (!((Boolean) r[5])) { throw new AclException(getUser(), aclName); } } /** * Asynchronously fetch the list of cells of {@code domain} matching {@code cellPredicate}. * <p> * The resulting list is sorted and fully qualified. Errors are logged and otherwise ignored. */ private ListenableFuture<List<String>> getCells(String domain, Predicate<String> cellPredicate) { /* Query System cell and split, filter, sort and expand the answer. */ ListenableFuture<List<String>> future = transform( _cellStub.send(new CellPath("System", domain), "ps", String.class), (String s) ->"\n")) .filter(cellPredicate) .sorted(CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER) .map(cell -> cell + "@" + domain) .collect(toList())); /* Log and ignore any errors. */ return catchingAsync(future, Throwable.class, t -> { _log.debug("Failed to query the System cell of domain {}: {}", domain, t); return immediateFuture(emptyList()); }); } /** * Asynchronously fetch the list of pools matching the given predicate. */ private ListenableFuture<List<String>> getPools(Predicate<String> predicate) { return transform( _poolManager.send("psu ls pool", String.class), (String s) -> Stream.of(s.split("\n")) .filter(predicate) .collect(toList())); } /** * Asynchronously fetch the list of pools of a pool group. */ private ListenableFuture<Stream<String>> getPools(String poolGroup) { return CellStub.transform( _poolManager.send(new PoolManagerGetPoolsByPoolGroupMessage(singletonList(poolGroup))), (PoolManagerGetPoolsByPoolGroupMessage m) -> m.getPools().stream().map(PoolManagerPoolInformation::getName)); } /** * Asynchronously fetch the list of pool groups. */ private ListenableFuture<List<String>> getPoolGroups() { return transform( _poolManager.send("psu ls pgroup", String.class), (String s) -> asList(s.split("\n"))); } /** * Asynchronously fetch the list of pools in pool groups matching the given predicate. */ private ListenableFuture<List<String>> getPoolsInGroups(Predicate<String> predicate) { ListenableFuture<List<String>> poolGroups = getPoolGroups(); /* Query the pools of each pool group so we have a list of list of pools. */ ListenableFuture<List<Stream<String>>> pools = transformAsync( poolGroups, (List<String> groups) -> allAsList(; /* Flatten these to form a list of pools. */ return transform(pools, (List<Stream<String>> l) -> -> s).distinct().collect(toList())); } /** * Expands a list of cell address globs into a list of cell addresses. * * Processes globs on both the left and right side of the '@' separator of a cell address. Also * processes the special '/' pool group separator, interpreting the left side as a pool name * pattern and the right side as a pool group pattern. * * The result is sorted lexicographically and case insensitive, but the order of the input patterns * is preserved (ie. the output contains matching cells in the same order). */ private List<String> expandCellPatterns(List<String> patterns) throws CacheException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException, NoRouteToCellException { /* Query domains and well-known cells on demand. */ Supplier<Future<Map<String, Collection<String>>>> domains = Suppliers.memoize(() -> transform(_cellStub.send(new CellPath("RoutingMgr"), new GetAllDomainsRequest(), GetAllDomainsReply.class), GetAllDomainsReply::getDomains)); List<ListenableFuture<List<String>>> futures = new ArrayList<>(); for (String pattern : patterns) { int i = pattern.indexOf('@'); if (i >= 0) { /* Find the cells of each matching domain. */ Predicate<String> matchesCellName = toGlobPredicate(pattern.substring(0, i)); Predicate<String> matchesDomainName = toGlobPredicate(pattern.substring(i + 1)); CellStub.get(domains.get()).keySet().stream() .filter(matchesDomainName) .sorted(CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER) .map(domain -> getCells(domain, matchesCellName)) .forEach(futures::add); continue; } i = pattern.indexOf('/'); if (i >= 0) { Predicate<String> matchesPool = toGlobPredicate(pattern.substring(0, i)); if (i + 1 == pattern.length()) { /* Special case when no pool group is specified - matches over all pools, even those * not in a pool group. */ futures.add(transform(getPools(matchesPool), (List<String> pools) -> .sorted(CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER) .collect(toList()))); } else { /* Find the pools of each matching pool group. */ Predicate<String> matchesPoolGroup = toGlobPredicate(pattern.substring(i + 1)); futures.add( transform(getPoolsInGroups(matchesPoolGroup), (List<String> pools) -> .filter(matchesPool) .sorted(CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER) .collect(toList()))); } continue; } Predicate<String> matchesCellName = toGlobPredicate(pattern); /* Add matching well-known cells. */ CellStub.get(domains.get()).values().stream() .flatMap(Collection::stream) .filter(matchesCellName) .sorted(CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER) .map(Collections::singletonList) .map(Futures::immediateFuture) .forEach(futures::add); } /* Collect and flatten the result. */ return allAsList(futures).get().stream().flatMap(Collection::stream).collect(toList()); } /** * Returns true iff the given string is a cell address pattern that should be expanded using * expandCellPatterns. */ private static boolean isExpandable(String s) { return !s.contains(":") && (s.startsWith("@") || s.endsWith("@") || Glob.isGlob(s) || s.indexOf('/') > -1); } /** * Returns a Predicate that evaluates to true when the input matches the given glob pattern. * * As a special case, an empty glob matches all strings. */ private static Predicate<String> toGlobPredicate(String glob) { return glob.isEmpty() ? (String) -> true : parseGlobToPattern(glob).asPredicate(); } /** * Returns the welcome string printed to the user's console when connecting. */ public String getHello() { return "dCache (" + Version.of(UserAdminShell.class).getVersion() + ")\n" + "Type \"\\?\" for help.\n"; } /** * Returns the command prompt that should be displayed on the user's console. */ public String getPrompt() { return (_instance == null ? "" : ("[" + _instance + "] ")) + (_currentPosition == null ? "(local) " : ("(" + _currentPosition.remoteName + ") ")) + getUser() + " > "; } /** * Returns the preferred help format. * * For carbon units, this will be typically ANSI, while silicon units will get PLAIN. */ private HelpFormat getPreferredHelpFormat() { return Ansi.isEnabled() ? HelpFormat.ANSI : HelpFormat.PLAIN; } @Command(name = "\\exception", hint = "controls display of stack traces", description = "When enabled, full Java stack traces are displayed on errors.") class SetExceptionCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(required = false) Boolean trace; @Override public String call() throws Exception { if (trace != null) { _fullException = trace; } return "Stack traces on errors are " + (_fullException ? "enabled" : "disabled") + "."; } } @Command(name = "\\timeout", hint = "sets the command timeout", description = "Sets the timeout after which command execution is cancelled. " + "Commands can always be cancelled interactively by pressing Ctrl-C.") class TimeoutCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(required = false) Integer seconds; @Override public String call() throws Exception { if (seconds != null) { checkArgument(seconds >= 1, "Timeout must be positive."); _timeout = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(seconds); } return "Timeout is " + (_timeout / 1000) + " seconds."; } } @Command(name = "\\l", hint = "list cells", description = "Lists all matching cells. The argument is interpreted as a glob. If no " + "domain suffix is provided, only well known cells are listed. Otherwise " + "all matching cells in all matching domains are listed.") class ListCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(required = false, valueSpec = "CELL[@DOMAIN]|POOL/POOLGROUP", usage = "A glob pattern. An empty CELL, DOMAIN, POOL or POOLGROUP string matches any name.") String[] pattern = {"*"}; @Override public String call() throws Exception { return String.join("\n", expandCellPatterns(asList(pattern))); } } @Command(name = "\\c", hint = "connect to cell", description = "Connect to new cell. May optionally switch to another user.") class ConnectCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(index = 0, valueSpec = "CELL[@DOMAIN]", usage = "Well known or fully qualified cell name.") String name; @Argument(required = false, index = 1, usage = "Account to connect with.") String user; @Override public String call() throws Exception { String oldUser = _user; try { if (user != null) { if (!user.equals(_authUser) && !user.equals(_user)) { try { checkPermission("system.*.newuser"); } catch (AclException acle) { checkPermission("system." + user + ".newuser"); } } _user = user; } checkCdPermission(name); _currentPosition = resolve(name); _completer = null; } catch (Throwable e) { _user = oldUser; throw e; } return ""; } private Position resolve(String cell) throws InterruptedException { CellPath path = new CellPath(cell); try { SettableFuture<CellAddressCore> future = SettableFuture.create(); _cellEndpoint.sendMessage(new CellMessage(path, new PingMessage()), new CellMessageAnswerable() { @Override public void answerArrived(CellMessage request, CellMessage answer) { future.set(answer.getSourceAddress()); } @Override public void exceptionArrived(CellMessage request, Exception exception) { future.setException(exception); } @Override public void answerTimedOut(CellMessage request) { future.setException(new NoRouteToCellException(request, "No reply")); } }, MoreExecutors.directExecutor(), CONNECT_PROBE_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_MS); CellAddressCore remote = future.get(); if (path.hops() == 1 && path.getDestinationAddress().isLocalAddress()) { return new Position(remote.toString(), new CellPath(remote)); } else { return new Position(cell, path); } } catch (ExecutionException e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof NoRouteToCellException) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cell does not exist."); } // Some other failure, but apparently the cell exists"Cell probe failed: {}", e.getCause().toString()); return new Position(cell, path); } } } @Command(name = "\\q", hint = "quit") class QuitCommand implements Callable<Serializable> { @Override public Serializable call() throws Exception { throw new CommandExitException("Done", 0); } } @Command(name = "\\?", hint = "display help for shell commands", description = "Shows help for shell commands. Commands that begin with a backslash are always " + "accessible, while other commands are only available when not connected to a cell." + "\n\n" + "When invoked with a specific command, detailed help for that " + "command is displayed. When invoked with a partial command or without " + "an argument, a summary of all matching commands is shown.") class ShellHelpCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(valueSpec = "COMMAND", required = false, usage = "Partial or full command for which to show help.") String[] command = {}; @Override public String call() { return getHelp(getPreferredHelpFormat(), command); } } @Command(name = "\\h", hint = "display help for cell commands", description = "Shows help for cell commands." + "\n\n" + "When invoked with a specific command, detailed help for that " + "command is displayed. When invoked with a partial command or without " + "an argument, a summary of all matching commands is shown.") class HelpCommand implements Callable<Serializable> { @Argument(valueSpec = "COMMAND", required = false, usage = "Partial or full command for which to show help.") String[] command = {}; @Override public Serializable call() throws InterruptedException, CommandException, NoRouteToCellException { if (_currentPosition == null) { return "You are not connected to any cell. Use \\? to display shell commands."; } else { String cmd = "help -format=" + getPreferredHelpFormat() + " " + String.join(" ", command); Serializable reply = sendObject(_currentPosition.remote, new AuthorizedString(_user, cmd)); return filterHelp(Objects.toString(reply, "")); } } private String filterHelp(String help) { return Joiner.on('\n').join(filter(Splitter.on('\n').split(help), input -> !input.startsWith("help "))); } } @Command(name = "\\sn", hint = "send pnfsmanager command", acl = {"cell.*.execute", "cell.PnfsManager.execute"}, description = "Sends COMMAND to the pnfsmanager service. Use \\sn help for a list of supported commands.") class NameSpaceCommand implements Callable<Serializable> { @Argument(usage = "A pnfsmanager command.") String[] command; @CommandLine(allowAnyOption = true, valueSpec = "[OPTIONS]") Args args; @Override public Serializable call() throws InterruptedException, CommandException, NoRouteToCellException { return sendObject(_pnfsManager.getDestinationPath(), args.toString()); } } @Command(name = "\\sp", hint = "send poolmanager command", acl = {"cell.*.execute", "cell.PoolManager.execute"}, description = "Sends COMMAND to the poolmanager service. Use \\sp help for a list of supported commands.") class PoolManagerCommand implements Callable<Serializable> { @Argument(usage = "A poolmanager command.") String[] command; @CommandLine(allowAnyOption = true, valueSpec = "[OPTIONS]") Args args; @Override public Serializable call() throws InterruptedException, NoRouteToCellException, CommandException { return sendObject(_poolManager.getDestinationPath(), args.toString()); } } @Command(name = "\\s", hint = "send command", description = "Sends COMMAND to one or more cells.") class SendCommand implements Callable<Serializable> { @Argument(index = 0, valueSpec = "(CELL[@DOMAIN]|POOL/POOLGROUP)[,(CELL[@DOMAIN]|POOL/POOLGROUP)]...", usage = "List of cell addresses. Wildcards are expanded. An empty CELL, DOMAIN, " + "POOL or POOLGROUP string matches any name.") String destination; @Argument(index = 1, usage = "A cell command.") String[] command; @CommandLine(allowAnyOption = true, valueSpec = "[OPTIONS]") Args args; @Override public Serializable call() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, CacheException, AclException, CommandException, NoRouteToCellException { args.shift(); AuthorizedString command = new AuthorizedString(_user, args.toString()); /* Special case non-wildcard single cell destinations to avoid the indentation and * addition of a cell name header. Makes the command nicer to use in scripts. */ if (!destination.contains(",") && !isExpandable(destination)) { return sendObject(destination, command); } /* Expand wildcards. */ Map<Boolean, List<String>> expandable =, false) .collect(partitioningBy(UserAdminShell::isExpandable)); Iterable<String> destinations = concat(expandable.get(false), expandCellPatterns(expandable.get(true))); return sendToMany(destinations, command); } } @Command(name = "\\sl", hint = "send to locations", description = "Sends COMMAND to all pools hosting a copy of the given file. If the " + "string $1 occurs in the command, the string is replaced by the PNFS ID " + "of the given file.") class SendLocationsCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(index = 0, valueSpec = "PNFSID|PATH", usage = "The command is submitted to all pools hosting a copy of this file.") String file; @Argument(index = 1, usage = "A pool command. $1 is substituted for the PNFS ID.") String[] command; @CommandLine(allowAnyOption = true, valueSpec = "[OPTIONS]") Args args; @Override public String call() throws InterruptedException, CacheException, NoRouteToCellException, AclException { FileAttributes attributes = getFileAttributes(file); args.shift(); AuthorizedString command = new AuthorizedString(_user, args.toString().replace("$1", attributes.getPnfsId().toString())); return sendToMany(attributes.getLocations(), command); } } private void checkCdPermission(String remoteName) throws AclException { int pos = remoteName.indexOf('-'); String prefix = null; if (pos > 0) { prefix = remoteName.substring(0, pos); } try { checkPermission("cell.*.execute"); } catch (AclException acle) { try { checkPermission("cell." + remoteName + ".execute"); } catch (AclException acle2) { if (prefix == null) { throw acle2; } try { checkPermission("cell." + prefix + "-pools.execute"); } catch (AclException acle3) { throw new AclException(getUser(), remoteName); } } } } @Override public int complete(String buffer, int cursor, List<CharSequence> candidates) { if (buffer.startsWith("\\") || _currentPosition == null) { return completeShell(buffer, cursor, candidates); } return completeRemote(buffer, cursor, candidates); } /** * Completion function using the currently connected remote cell as a source * for completion candidates. */ private int completeRemote(String buffer, int cursor, List<CharSequence> candidates) { try { if (_completer == null) { Object help = executeCommand("help"); if (help == null) { return -1; } _completer = new HelpCompleter(String.valueOf(help)); } return _completer.complete(buffer, cursor, candidates); } catch (CommandException | NoRouteToCellException e) {"Completion failed: {}", e.toString()); return -1; } catch (InterruptedException e) { return -1; } } /** * Completes the \c command with well-known cells and local cells of the connected domain * as a source for completion candidates. */ private int completeConnectCommand(String buffer, int cursor, List<CharSequence> candidates) { try { if (CharMatcher.whitespace().or('/')).matchesAnyOf(buffer)) { return -1; } candidates.addAll(expandCellPatterns(singletonList(buffer + "*"))); if (!buffer.contains("@") && _currentPosition != null) { /* Add local cells in the connected domain too. */ candidates.addAll( getCells(_currentPosition.remote.getDestinationAddress().getCellDomainName(), toGlobPredicate(buffer + "*")).get()); } return 0; } catch (CacheException | NoRouteToCellException | ExecutionException e) {"Completion failed: {}", e.toString()); return -1; } catch (InterruptedException e) { return -1; } } /** * Completes a cell address wildcard. Does not provide completion for cell paths. */ private int completeCellWildcard(String buffer, int cursor, List<CharSequence> candidates) { if (buffer.contains(":")) { return -1; } try { int i = buffer.indexOf('@'); if (i > -1) { expandCellPatterns(singletonList(buffer + "*")).stream() .map(s -> s.substring(s.indexOf('@') + 1)) .forEach(candidates::add); return i + 1; } i = buffer.indexOf('/'); if (i > -1) { Predicate<String> predicate = toGlobPredicate(buffer.substring(i + 1) + "*"); getPoolGroups().get().stream().filter(predicate).forEach(candidates::add); return i + 1; } candidates.addAll(expandCellPatterns(singletonList(buffer + "*"))); if (_currentPosition != null) { candidates.addAll( getCells(_currentPosition.remote.getDestinationAddress().getCellDomainName(), toGlobPredicate(buffer + "*")).get()); } return 0; } catch (CacheException | NoRouteToCellException | ExecutionException e) {"Completion failed: {}", e.toString()); return -1; } catch (InterruptedException e) { return -1; } } /** * Completes the \l command. */ private int completeListCommand(String buffer, int cursor, List<CharSequence> candidates) { int lastDestinationStart = buffer.lastIndexOf(' ') + 1; String lastDestination = buffer.substring(lastDestinationStart); int i = completeCellWildcard(lastDestination, lastDestination.length(), candidates); return (i == -1) ? -1 : lastDestinationStart + i; } /** * Completes the \s command. Is able to complete the last address of the destination * argument. If only a single cell is provided as a destination, the command argument * itself is completed too (using that cell as a source for completion candidates). */ private int completeSendCommand(String buffer, int cursor, List<CharSequence> candidates) { Completable arguments = new Completable(buffer, cursor, candidates); if (!arguments.hasTail()) { int lastDestinationStart = arguments.head.lastIndexOf(',') + 1; String lastDestination = arguments.head.substring(lastDestinationStart); int i = completeCellWildcard(lastDestination, lastDestination.length(), candidates); return (i == -1) ? -1 : lastDestinationStart + i; } else if (!arguments.head.contains(",") && !isExpandable(arguments.head)) { return arguments.completeTail(createRemoteCompleter(arguments.head)); } return -1; } /** * Completes a name space path. This will query pnfs manager to obtain a directory * listing with possible candidates. */ private int completePath(String buffer, int cursor, List<CharSequence> candidates) { if (buffer.isEmpty()) { candidates.add("/"); return 0; } else if (buffer.startsWith("/")) { int endIndex = buffer.lastIndexOf('/'); String dir = buffer.length() == 1 ? "/" : buffer.substring(0, endIndex); String file = buffer.substring(endIndex + 1); try (DirectoryStream stream = list(dir, file + "*")) { for (DirectoryEntry entry : stream) { if (entry.getFileAttributes().getFileType() == FileType.DIR) { candidates.add(entry.getName() + "/"); } else { candidates.add(entry.getName()); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { return -1; } catch (CacheException e) {"Completion failed: {}", e.toString()); return -1; } return endIndex + 1; } return -1; } /** * Completes the {@literal \sl} command. */ private int completeSendLocationsCommand(String buffer, int cursor, List<CharSequence> candidates) { Completable arguments = new Completable(buffer, cursor, candidates); if (!arguments.hasTail()) { return arguments.complete(this::completePath); } else { try { Collection<String> locations = getFileAttributes(arguments.head).getLocations(); if (!locations.isEmpty()) { /* Assume all pools have the same commands. */ return arguments.completeTail(createRemoteCompleter(Iterables.get(locations, 0))); } } catch (CacheException | NoRouteToCellException e) {"Completion failed: {}", e.toString()); return -1; } catch (InterruptedException e) { return -1; } } return -1; } /** * Utility method to initiate a directory listing returning entries matching the given * glob string. */ private DirectoryStream list(String dir, String pattern) throws InterruptedException, CacheException { return _list.list(Subjects.ROOT, Restrictions.none(), FsPath.create(dir), new Glob(pattern), Range.all(), EnumSet.of(FileAttribute.TYPE)); } /** * Queries the pnfs id and file locations of a file. Used by the {@literal \sl} command. */ private FileAttributes getFileAttributes(String file) throws CacheException, InterruptedException, NoRouteToCellException { /* Lookup file in name space */ PnfsGetFileAttributes request; EnumSet<FileAttribute> attributeSet = EnumSet.of(FileAttribute.LOCATIONS, FileAttribute.PNFSID); if (PnfsId.isValid(file)) { request = new PnfsGetFileAttributes(new PnfsId(file), attributeSet); } else { request = new PnfsGetFileAttributes(file, attributeSet); } return _pnfsManager.sendAndWait(request).getFileAttributes(); } /** * Completes local shell commands. */ private int completeShell(String buffer, int cursor, List<CharSequence> candidates) { Completable command = new Completable(buffer, cursor, candidates); if (!command.hasTail()) { return command.complete(SHELL_COMMAND_COMPLETER); } switch (command.head) { case "\\?": return command.completeTail(SHELL_COMMAND_COMPLETER); case "\\h": if (_currentPosition != null) { return command.completeTail(this::completeRemote); } break; case "\\c": return command.completeTail(this::completeConnectCommand); case "\\l": return command.completeTail(this::completeListCommand); case "\\s": return command.completeTail(this::completeSendCommand); case "\\sl": return command.completeTail(this::completeSendLocationsCommand); case "\\sp": return command.completeTail(POOL_MANAGER_COMPLETER); case "\\sn": return command.completeTail(PNFS_MANAGER_COMPLETER); } return -1; } /** * Factory method to constructor a jline completer for commands of the given cell. */ private Completer createRemoteCompleter(String cell) { return (buffer, cursor, candidates) -> completeRemote(cell, buffer, cursor, candidates); } /** * Completes remote commands using a particular cell as a source for completion candidates. */ private int completeRemote(String cell, String buffer, int cursor, List<CharSequence> candidates) { try { Serializable help = sendObject(cell, "help"); if (help == null) { return -1; } HelpCompleter completer = new HelpCompleter(String.valueOf(help)); return completer.complete(buffer, cursor, candidates); } catch (NoRouteToCellException | CommandException e) {"Completion failed: {}", e.toString()); return -1; } catch (InterruptedException e) { return -1; } } public Object executeCommand(String str) throws CommandException, InterruptedException, NoRouteToCellException {"String command (super) " + str); if (str.trim().isEmpty()) { return ""; } Args args = new Args(str); if (_currentPosition == null || str.startsWith("\\")) { return localCommand(args); } else { return sendObject(_currentPosition.remote, new AuthorizedString(_user, str)); } } private Serializable localCommand(Args args) throws CommandException {"Local command {}", args); Object or = command(args); if (or == null) { return ""; } String r = or.toString(); if (r.length() < 1) { return ""; } if (r.substring(r.length() - 1).equals("\n")) { return r; } else { return r + "\n"; } } private Serializable sendObject(String cellPath, Serializable object) throws NoRouteToCellException, InterruptedException, CommandException { return sendObject(new CellPath(cellPath), object); } private Serializable sendObject(CellPath cellPath, Serializable object) throws NoRouteToCellException, InterruptedException, CommandException { try { return _cellStub.send(cellPath, object, Serializable.class, _timeout).get(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { Throwable cause = e.getCause(); if (_fullException) { return getStackTrace(cause); } Throwables.throwIfInstanceOf(cause, Error.class); Throwables.throwIfInstanceOf(cause, NoRouteToCellException.class); Throwables.throwIfInstanceOf(cause, CommandException.class); throw new CommandThrowableException(cause.toString(), cause); } } /** * Concurrently sends a command to several cells and collects the result from each. */ private String sendToMany(Iterable<String> destinations, Serializable object) throws AclException { /* Check permissions */ try { checkPermission("cell.*.execute"); } catch (AclException e) { for (String cell : destinations) { checkPermission("cell." + cell + ".execute"); } } /* Submit */ List<Map.Entry<String, ListenableFuture<Serializable>>> futures = new ArrayList<>(); for (String cell : destinations) { futures.add(immutableEntry(cell, _cellStub.send(new CellPath(cell), object, Serializable.class, _timeout))); } /* Collect results */ StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<String, ListenableFuture<Serializable>> entry : futures) { result.append(Ansi.ansi().bold().a(entry.getKey()).boldOff()).append(":"); try { String reply = Objects.toString(entry.getValue().get(), ""); if (reply.isEmpty()) { result.append(Ansi.ansi().fg(GREEN).a(" OK").reset()).append("\n"); } else { result.append("\n"); for (String s : reply.split("\n")) { result.append(" ").append(s).append("\n"); } } } catch (ExecutionException e) { Throwable cause = e.getCause(); if (cause instanceof NoRouteToCellException) { result.append(Ansi.ansi().fg(RED).a(" Cell is unreachable.").reset()).append("\n"); } else { result.append(" ").append(Ansi.ansi().fg(RED).a(cause.getMessage()).reset()).append("\n"); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { result.append(" ^C\n"); /* Cancel all uncompleted tasks. Doesn't actually cancel any requests, but will cause * the remaining uncompleted futures to throw a CancellationException. */ for (Map.Entry<String, ListenableFuture<Serializable>> entry2 : futures) { entry2.getValue().cancel(true); } } catch (CancellationException e) { result.append(" ^C\n"); } } return result.toString(); } private String getStackTrace(Throwable obj) { CharArrayWriter ca = new CharArrayWriter(); obj.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(ca)); return ca.toString(); } /** * Utility class for completing an input buffer. * * An instance wraps the editing buffer (a string and a cursor position) and splits the input * into a head (anything up to the first whitespace) and a tail (anything after the first * whitespace, excluding the leading whitespace). */ private static class Completable { final String buffer; final String head; final String tail; final int position; final int cursor; final List<CharSequence> candidates; Completable(String buffer, int cursor, List<CharSequence> candidates) { int offset = CharMatcher.whitespace().indexIn(buffer); if (offset > -1) { head = buffer.substring(0, offset); int i = CharMatcher.whitespace().negate().indexIn(buffer, offset); offset = (i > -1) ? i : buffer.length(); tail = buffer.substring(offset); } else { head = buffer; tail = null; } this.buffer = buffer; this.position = offset; this.cursor = cursor; this.candidates = candidates; } boolean hasTail() { return tail != null; } int complete(Completer completer) { return completer.complete(buffer, cursor, candidates); } int completeTail(Completer completer) { int i = completer.complete(tail, cursor - position, candidates); return (i == -1) ? -1 : i + position; } } /** * A Position tracks the address of a cell and a human readable version of that address. */ private static class Position { /** * User readable form of the position. Is typically displayed in the prompt. */ final String remoteName; /** * CellPath address of the cell identified by the position. */ final CellPath remote; Position(String name, CellPath path) { remoteName = name; remote = path; } } }