package dmg.cells.nucleus; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder; import; import dmg.util.Authorizable; import dmg.util.AuthorizedArgs; import dmg.util.AuthorizedString; import dmg.util.CommandAclException; import dmg.util.CommandException; import dmg.util.CommandExitException; import dmg.util.CommandInterpreter; import dmg.util.CommandPanicException; import dmg.util.CommandSyntaxException; import dmg.util.CommandThrowableException; import dmg.util.Pinboard; import dmg.util.command.Argument; import dmg.util.command.Command; import dmg.util.command.Option; import dmg.util.logback.FilterShell; import org.dcache.util.Args; import org.dcache.util.Version; import org.dcache.util.cli.CommandExecutor; import static org.dcache.util.MathUtils.addWithInfinity; import static org.dcache.util.MathUtils.subWithInfinity; /** * * * * The CellAdapter builds the basic implementation of a Cell. * The CellAdapter implements all required methods of the * Cell interface and performs some basic actions as long * as those methods are not overloaded by a subclass of * CellAdapter. CellAdapter introduces a new set of methods * which provide a similiar functionallity as the original * Cell callbacks, but are much easier to use. * Additionally CellAdapter offers a subset of the CellNucleus * methods to be called directly without storing the * corresponding handle to the CellNucleus. * CellAdapter has a buildin command interpreter * <code>see CommandInterpreter</code> which is automatically * invokes for each packet containing a plain String object. * The result is returned to the sender. * CellAdapter forwards and answers ping requests without * informing the subclass of CellAdapter as long as this * capabitity is not switched of explicitly. * * @author Patrick Fuhrmann * @version 0.2.11, 10/22/1998 */ public class CellAdapter implements Cell, CellEventListener, CellEndpoint { private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CellAdapter.class); public static final String MAX_MESSAGE_THREADS = "cell.max-message-threads"; public static final String MAX_MESSAGES_QUEUED = "cell.max-messages-queued"; private final CellVersion _version = new CellVersion(Version.of(this)); private final LongAdder _routeAddedCounter = new LongAdder(); private final CellNucleus _nucleus; private final Args _args; private boolean _useInterpreter = true; private boolean _returnCommandException = true; private boolean _answerPing = true; private String _autoSetup; private String _definedSetup; private CommandInterpreter _commandInterpreter = new CommandInterpreter(this) { @Override protected Serializable doExecute(CommandEntry entry, Args args, String[] acls) throws CommandException { if (args instanceof Authorizable) { checkAclPermission((Authorizable) args, args, acls); } return CellAdapter.this.executeCommand(entry.getCommand(), args); } @Override public Serializable command(Args args) throws CommandException { if (args.argc() == 0) { return ""; } // // check for the NOOP command. // if (args.argc() > 0 && args.argv(0).equals("xyzzy")) { return "Nothing happens."; } return super.command(args); } }; /** * Creates a Cell and the corresponding CellNucleus with the * specified name. An extra boolean argument 'startNow' * allows to delay the arrival of messages until the * CellAdapter.start() method is called. * * @param cellName is the name of the newly created cell. The name * has to be unique within the context of this CellDomain. * @param args an arbitrary argument string with can be obtained * by getArgs later on. * @throws IllegalArgumentException is thrown if the name is * not unique within this CellDomain. */ public CellAdapter(String cellName, String args) { this(cellName, new Args(args == null ? "" : args)); } public CellAdapter(String cellName, String cellType, String args) { this(cellName, cellType, new Args(args == null ? "" : args)); } public CellAdapter(String cellName, Args args) { this(cellName, "Generic", args); } public CellAdapter(String cellName, String cellType, Args args) { this(cellName, cellType, args, null); } public CellAdapter(String cellName, String cellType, Args args, Executor executor) { _args = args; _autoSetup = cellName + "Setup"; if ((_args.argc() > 0) && ((_definedSetup = _args.argv(0)).length() > 1) && (_definedSetup.startsWith("!"))) { _definedSetup = _definedSetup.substring(1); _args.shift(); } else { _definedSetup = null; } if (!_args.getBooleanOption("replyObject", true)) { setCommandExceptionEnabled(false); } _nucleus = new CellNucleus(this, cellName, cellType, executor); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(_args.getOption(MAX_MESSAGE_THREADS))) { _nucleus.setMaximumPoolSize(_args.getIntOption(MAX_MESSAGE_THREADS)); } if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(_args.getOption(MAX_MESSAGES_QUEUED))) { _nucleus.setMaximumPoolSize(_args.getIntOption(MAX_MESSAGES_QUEUED)); } addCommandListener(new FilterShell(_nucleus.getLoggingThresholds())); addCommandListener( HelpCommands()); addCellEventListener(this); } /** * starts the delivery of messages to this cell and * executes the auto and defined Setup context. * (<cellName>Setup and "!<setupContextName>) * Failures to start the cell due to external influences are indicated by * a CommandException; all other exceptions are treated as bugs. */ public ListenableFuture<Void> start() { return _nucleus.start(); } public void addCommandListener(Object commandListener) { _commandInterpreter.addCommandListener(commandListener); } public String command(String command) throws CommandExitException { return _commandInterpreter.command(command); } public Serializable command(Args args) throws CommandException { return _commandInterpreter.command(args); } /** * Called to execute admin shell commands. Subclasses may override this to intercept * command execution. Implementations should call CommandExecutor#execute to execute * the command. * * @param command The command to execute * @param args Arguments of the command * @return The return value of the command * @throws CommandException If the command fails */ protected Serializable executeCommand(CommandExecutor command, Args args) throws CommandException { return command.execute(args); } /** * Executes the ContextVariable : * <cellName>Setup and "!<setupContextName>" * */ public void executeSetupContext() { if (_autoSetup != null) { executeDomainContext(_autoSetup); } _autoSetup = null; if (_definedSetup != null) { executeDomainContext(_definedSetup); } _definedSetup = null; } protected void executeDomainContext(String name) { if (name != null) { try { try (Reader in = _nucleus.getDomainContextReader(name)) { CellShell shell = new CellShell(_nucleus, _commandInterpreter); shell.execute("context:" + name, in, new Args("")); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // Ignored: Context variable is not defined } catch (CommandExitException | IOException e) { _log.warn(e.getMessage()); } } } // // adapter to the nucleus // /** * Adds a CellEventListener to the current CellNucleus. * @param cel has to be an object which implements CellEventListener. * @see CellEventListener */ public void addCellEventListener(CellEventListener cel) { _nucleus.addCellEventListener(cel); } /** * returns an Args object created from the second * argument of the constructor : this(String name, String args). * * @return a handle to an dmg.util.Args object. * * @see Args */ public Args getArgs() { return _args; } /** * enables or disables the return type of the buildin command interpreter. * * @param use enables the return of CommandExceptions. */ public void setCommandExceptionEnabled(boolean use) { _returnCommandException = use; } /** * enables or disables the buildin command interpreter. * The default behaviour is to use the interpreter. * @param use enables the interpreter if set to 'true' otherwise * the interpreter is disabled. */ public void useInterpreter(boolean use) { _useInterpreter = use; } /** * enables or disables the ability to answer or to forward * a ping request without calling 'messageArrived' or * 'messageToForward'. * The default behaviour is to answer or to forward a ping. * @param ping instructs the CellAdapter to answer or forward ping requests. */ public void setAnswerPing(boolean ping) { _answerPing = ping; } /** * returns the CellNucleus assigned to this cell. This handle * might be usefull to have access to the full nucleus functionallity. * * @return a handle to the CellNucleus connected to this cell. */ public CellNucleus getNucleus() { return _nucleus; } /** * Setup the logging context of the calling thread. Threads * created from the calling thread automatically inherit this * information. */ public void initLoggingContext() { CDC.reset(_nucleus); } /** * informs the CellCore to remove this cell. * The cell kernel will start the kill sequence as soon as * possible. */ protected void kill() { _nucleus.kill(); } /** * returns the name of this cell. * @return the name of this cell. */ public String getCellName() { return _nucleus.getCellName(); } /** * returns the name of the domain this cell resides in. * @return the name of this domain. */ public String getCellDomainName() { return _nucleus.getCellDomainName(); } /** * Returns a Apache Curator instance for this cell. The Curator maintains * the CDC of the caller and any callbacks without an explicit executor are * delivered on the cell message executor. * * Note that killing a cell does not remove ephemeral nodes created by the * cell. Such nodes are bound to the lifetime of the domain and thus a cell * should remove such nodes when it is killed. */ public CuratorFramework getCuratorFramework() { return _nucleus.getCuratorFramework(); } /** * Let's this cell consume messages from a particular named queue. Messages posted to * the queue will be delivered to the cell like any other message. */ public void consume(String queue) { _nucleus.consume(queue); } /** * Subscribes this cell to a specific publish-subscribe topic. Messages posted to * the topic will be delivered to the cell like any other message. */ public void subscribe(String topic) { _nucleus.subscribe(topic); } /** * Defines a pinboard for this CellAdapter. * * @param size maximum number of lines kept by the pinboard. * */ public void createPinboard(int size) { _nucleus.setPinboard(new Pinboard(size <= 0 ? 200 : size)); } @Override public Map<String,Object> getDomainContext() { return _nucleus.getDomainContext(); } /** * * Returns a reader of the specified context Object. * The method allows to read throw a 'context object' * as if it was a file. * * @param contextName Name of the context Object. * */ public Reader getDomainContextReader(String contextName) throws FileNotFoundException { return _nucleus.getDomainContextReader(contextName); } protected Future<?> invokeOnMessageThread(Runnable task) { return _nucleus.invokeOnMessageThread(task); } protected <T> Future<T> invokeOnMessageThread(Callable<T> task) { return _nucleus.invokeOnMessageThread(task); } protected void invokeLater(Runnable task) { _nucleus.invokeLater(() -> invokeOnMessageThread(task)); } @Override public void sendMessage(CellMessage msg, SendFlag... flags) throws SerializationException { boolean shouldAddSource = true; for (SendFlag flag : flags) { switch (flag) { case RETRY_ON_NO_ROUTE_TO_CELL: throw new IllegalArgumentException("RETRY_ON_NO_ROUTE_TO_CELL can only be used with a callback."); case PASS_THROUGH: shouldAddSource = false; break; } } getNucleus().sendMessage(msg, true, true, shouldAddSource); } @Override public void sendMessage(CellMessage msg, CellMessageAnswerable callback, Executor executor, long timeout, SendFlag... flags) throws SerializationException { boolean shouldAddSource = true; for (SendFlag flag : flags) { switch (flag) { case RETRY_ON_NO_ROUTE_TO_CELL: callback = new RetryingCellMessageAnswerable(msg, callback, executor, timeout, _routeAddedCounter.longValue()); break; case PASS_THROUGH: shouldAddSource = false; break; } } getNucleus().sendMessage(msg, true, true, shouldAddSource, callback, executor, timeout); } // // methods which may be overwriten // /** * should be overwrite to provide a more specific * one line information about this cell. * * @return a one line information String. */ public String toString() { return _nucleus.getCellName(); } /** * should be overwrite to provide more specific * information about this cell. * * @param printWriter the printWriter which has to be used to * write the information to. * */ public void getInfo(PrintWriter printWriter) { printWriter.println(" CellName : "+_nucleus.getCellName()); printWriter.println(" CellClass : "+this.getClass().getName()); printWriter.println(" Arguments : "+_args); } @Override public CellVersion getCellVersion() { return _version; } public CellInfo getCellInfo() { return _nucleus.getCellInfo(); } /** * has to be overwritten to receive arriving messages. * The LastMessageEvent is filtered out and starts the * kill sequence which calls 'cleanUp' at the end of the * sequence. If the CommandInterpreter facility is enabled, * all string messages are send to the command interpreter * and answered without intervention of the callback. * If the command could not be found by the CommandInterpreter, * <link>dmg.cells.nucleus.CellAdapter#commandArrived(CellMessage)</link> * is called if it is overwritten * by one of the CellAdapters subclasses. * This callback is only used to inform about messages of which * the current cell is the final destination. * Other messages are delivered throu <code>messageToForward</code>. * * @param msg the reference to message arrived. */ public void messageArrived(CellMessage msg) {" CellMessage From : " + msg.getSourcePath());" CellMessage To : " + msg.getDestinationPath());" CellMessage Object : " + msg.getMessageObject()); } /** * has to be overwritten to receive arriving messages which * are not directly addressed to this cell. The default behaviour * is to select the next destination and to resend the message. * * @param msg the reference to message arrived. * */ public void messageToForward(CellMessage msg) { try { _nucleus.sendMessage(msg, true, true, true); } catch (RuntimeException e) { _log.warn("CellAdapter : Exception in messageToForward : {}", e.toString()); } } /** * * If overwritten this method delivers commands which * produced a syntax error which intereted by the * CommandInterpreter. The original message string * is provides together with a help text offered * by the interpreter. * If not overwritten this helptext is send back to the * caller. * * @param str is the orginal command string. * @param cse is the syntax error exception thrown by the * command interpreter. cse.getHelpText offers * the possible help text. * @return the object which is send back to the caller. * If <code>null</code> nothing is send back. */ public Serializable commandArrived(String str, CommandSyntaxException cse) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Syntax Error : ").append(cse.getMessage()).append('\n'); String help = cse.getHelpText(); if (help != null) { sb.append("Help : \n"); sb.append(help); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Has to be overridden to perform any actions before this * cell is started. {@code starting} is called before the first * message arrives. * * If an exception is thrown, the cell will not be started and * stopped will be invoked. */ protected void starting() throws Exception {} /** * Has to be overridden to perform any actions after this * cell is started. At this point message delivery has begun * and the cell can receive requests and replies from other cells. */ protected void started() {} /** * Has to be overridden to perform any action before this cell is * destroyed. {@code stopping} is called before the cell is * unpublished. */ protected void stopping() {} /** * Has to be overridden to perform any actions before this * cell is destroyed. {@code stopped} is called after the last * message has arrived. */ protected void stopped() { } @Override public void routeAdded(CellEvent ce) { _routeAddedCounter.increment(); _nucleus.runDeferredTasksNow(); } @Command(name = "xgetcellinfo", hint = "get this cell information", description = "Returns CellInfo object of this cell. This contains " + "the name of the cell, the current state (where, I: " + "Initial, A: Active, R: Removing, D: Dead and U: " + "Unknown), the number of messages queued for this " + "cell, thread count, the class name and a short " + "description of the cell itself.") public class GetCellInfoCommand implements Callable<CellInfo> { @Override public CellInfo call() { return getCellInfo(); } } @Command(name = "info", hint = "get detailed cell information", description = "Shows detailed information about this cell. " + "The returned information can contain the performance " + "statistics, past and current activities of the cell. " + "This usually depends on the type of cell.") public class InfoCommand implements Callable<String> { @Option(name = "a", usage = "Display content of unanswered message requests.") boolean full; @Option(name = "l", usage = "Display unanswered message requests.") boolean lng; @Override public String call() { if (lng || full) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(getInfo()).append('\n'); Map<UOID,CellLock > map = _nucleus.getWaitQueue(); if (! map.isEmpty()) { sb.append("\nWe are waiting for the following messages\n"); } for (Map.Entry<UOID,CellLock > entry : map.entrySet()) { Object key = entry.getKey(); CellLock lock = entry.getValue(); sb.append(key).append(" r="); long res = subWithInfinity(lock.getTimeout(), System.currentTimeMillis()); sb.append(res/1000).append(" sec;"); CellMessage msg = lock.getMessage(); if (msg == null) { sb.append("msg=none"); } else { Object obj = msg.getMessageObject(); if (obj != null) { sb.append("msg=").append(obj.getClass().getName()); if (full) { sb.append('/').append(obj); } } } sb.append('\n'); } return sb.toString(); } else { return getInfo(); } } } @Command(name = "show pinboard", hint = "display the most recent pinboard messages", description = "The pinboard always stores the most recent log messages. It has " + "a fixed capacity: once full appending a new message will eject the oldest " + "stored message. See also the 'log set' command.") public class ShowPinboardCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(required = false, metaVar = "lines", usage = "How many pinboard entries to display.") int lines = 20; @Override public String call() { Pinboard pinboard = _nucleus.getPinboard(); if (pinboard == null) { return "No pinboard defined"; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); pinboard.dump(sb, lines); return sb.toString(); } } @Command(name = "dump pinboard", hint = "write pinboard to file", description = "Writes the pinboard log to FILE on the local file system of the service.") public class DumpPinboardCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(metaVar = "file") File file; @Override public String call() throws IOException { Pinboard pinboard = _nucleus.getPinboard(); if (pinboard == null) { return "No pinboard defined."; } pinboard.dump(file); return "Pinboard dumped to " + file; } } @Override public void prepareStartup(StartEvent event) throws Exception { try { EventLogger.startingBegin(getCellName()); starting(); } finally { EventLogger.startingEnd(getCellName()); } executeSetupContext(); } @Override public void postStartup(StartEvent event) { for (String queue : Splitter.on(",").omitEmptyStrings().split(_args.getOption("consume", ""))) { consume(queue); } for (String topic : Splitter.on(",").omitEmptyStrings().split(_args.getOption("subscribe", ""))) { subscribe(topic); } try { EventLogger.startedBegin(getCellName()); started(); } finally { EventLogger.startedEnd(getCellName()); } } @Override public void prepareRemoval(KillEvent killEvent) { try { EventLogger.stoppingBegin(getCellName()); stopping(); } finally { EventLogger.stoppingEnd(getCellName()); } } @Override public void postRemoval(KillEvent ce) {"CellAdapter : prepareRemoval : waiting for gate to open"); try { EventLogger.stoppedBegin(getCellName()); stopped(); } finally { EventLogger.stoppedEnd(getCellName()); dumpPinboard(); }"CellAdapter : prepareRemoval : done"); } // // package private (we need it in CellShell) // void dumpPinboard() { Pinboard pinboard = _nucleus.getPinboard(); try { Map<String,Object> context = getDomainContext(); String dumpDir = (String) context.get("dumpDirectory"); if (dumpDir == null) {"Pinboard not dumped (dumpDirectory not sp.)"); return; } File dir = new File(dumpDir); if (!dir.isDirectory()) {"Pinboard not dumped (dumpDirectory {} not found)", dumpDir); return; } if (pinboard == null) {"Pinboard not dumped (no pinboard defined)"); return; } File dump = new File(dir, getCellDomainName() + '-' + getCellName() + '-' + Long.toHexString(System.currentTimeMillis())); pinboard.dump(dump); } catch (IOException e) { _log.error("Dumping pinboard failed : {}", e.toString()); } } /** * belongs to the Cell Interface. * Is never called. */ @Override public void exceptionArrived(ExceptionEvent ce) {" exceptionArrived "+ce); } /** * belongs to the Cell Interface. * If this method is overwritten, the getInfo(PrintWriter pw) * is never called. */ @Override public String getInfo() { StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(stringWriter); getInfo(printWriter); printWriter.flush(); return stringWriter.getBuffer().toString(); } /** * belongs to the Cell Interface. * If this method is overwritten, the messageArrived(CellMessage cm) * and the messageToForward(CellMessage) methods * are never called. */ @Override public void messageArrived(MessageEvent me) { CellMessage msg = me.getMessage(); Serializable obj = msg.getMessageObject(); if (msg.isFinalDestination()) { if (!msg.isReply() && msg.getLocalAge() > msg.getAdjustedTtl()) { _log.warn("Discarding {} because its age of {} ms exceeds its time to live of {} ms.", (obj instanceof CharSequence) ? '\'' + Ascii.truncate((CharSequence) obj, 50, "...") + '\'' : obj.getClass().getSimpleName(), msg.getLocalAge(), msg.getAdjustedTtl()); return; } if (_useInterpreter && (! msg.isReply()) && ((obj instanceof String) || (obj instanceof AuthorizedString))) { Serializable o; UOID uoid = msg.getUOID(); EventLogger.deliverBegin(msg); try { o = executeLocalCommand(obj); if (o == null) { return; } } catch (CommandPanicException e) { o = e; _log.error("Command failed due to a bug, please contact", e); } catch (CommandException ce) { o = ce; } finally { EventLogger.deliverEnd(msg.getSession(), uoid); } if (o instanceof Reply) { Reply reply = (Reply) o; reply.deliver(this, msg); } else { msg.revertDirection(); msg.setMessageObject(o); _nucleus.sendMessage(msg, true, true, true); } } else if ((obj instanceof PingMessage) && _answerPing) { PingMessage ping = (PingMessage)obj; if (ping.isWayBack()) { messageArrived(msg); return; } ping.setWayBack(); ping.setOutboundPath(msg.getSourcePath()); msg.revertDirection(); _nucleus.sendMessage(msg, true, true, true); } else { UOID uoid = msg.getUOID(); EventLogger.deliverBegin(msg); try { messageArrived(msg); } finally { EventLogger.deliverEnd(msg.getSession(), uoid); } } } else if (obj instanceof PingMessage) { _nucleus.sendMessage(msg, true, true, true); } else { UOID uoid = msg.getUOID(); EventLogger.deliverBegin(msg); try { messageToForward(msg); } finally { EventLogger.deliverEnd(msg.getSession(), uoid); } } } private Serializable executeLocalCommand(Object command) throws CommandException { if (command instanceof Authorizable) { if (_returnCommandException) { AuthorizedArgs args = new AuthorizedArgs((Authorizable)command); return command(args); } else { return autoCommand(command); } } else if (command instanceof String) { if (_returnCommandException) { Args args = new Args((String)command); return command(args); } else { return autoCommand(command); } } else { throw new CommandPanicException("Illegal CommandClass detected"); } } private Serializable autoCommand(Object command) { try { if (command instanceof String) { return command(new Args((String) command)); } else if (command instanceof AuthorizedString) { return command(new AuthorizedArgs((AuthorizedString) command)); } else { return "Panic : internal server error 14345"; } } catch (CommandSyntaxException cse) { return commandArrived(command.toString(), cse); } catch (CommandExitException cee) { return "Sorry, can't exit"; } catch (CommandThrowableException cte) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(cte.getMessage()).append('\n'); Throwable t = cte.getTargetException(); sb.append(t.getClass().getName()).append(" : ") .append(t.getMessage()).append('\n'); return sb.toString(); } catch (CommandPanicException cpe) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Panic : ").append(cpe.getMessage()).append('\n'); Throwable t = cpe.getTargetException(); sb.append(t.getClass().getName()).append(" : ") .append(t.getMessage()).append('\n'); return sb.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { return "??? : " + e; } } private CellPath _aclPath = new CellPath("acm"); private static final long ACL_TIMEOUT = 10_000L; protected void checkAclPermission(Authorizable auth, Object command, String [] acls) throws CommandException { String user = auth.getAuthorizedPrincipal(); if (user.equals("admin") || acls.length == 0) { return; } CommandException recentException = null; for (String acl : acls) { try { checkAclPermission(user, command, acl); return; } catch (CommandAclException ce) { recentException = ce; } } throw recentException; } protected void checkAclPermission(String user, Object command, String acl) throws CommandException { Object [] request = new Object[5]; request[0] = "request"; request[1] = "<nobody>"; request[2] = "check-permission"; request[3] = user; request[4] = acl; CellMessage reply; try { reply = _nucleus.sendAndWait(new CellMessage(_aclPath, request), ACL_TIMEOUT); if (reply == null) { throw new CommandException("Error in acl handling : Acl Request timed out (" + _aclPath + ')'); } } catch (NoRouteToCellException | ExecutionException | InterruptedException e) { throw new CommandException("Error in acl handling: " + e.getMessage(), e); } Object r = reply.getMessageObject(); if ((r == null) || (! (r instanceof Object [])) || (((Object [])r).length < 6) || (! (((Object [])r)[5] instanceof Boolean))) { throw new CommandException("Error in acl handling: illegal reply arrived"); } if (! ((Boolean) ((Object[]) r)[5])) { throw new CommandAclException(user, acl); } } private class RetryingCellMessageAnswerable implements CellMessageAnswerable, Runnable { private final long deadline; private long cnt; private final CellMessageAnswerable callback; private final CellMessage msg; private final Executor executor; public RetryingCellMessageAnswerable(CellMessage msg, CellMessageAnswerable callback, Executor executor, long timeout, long cnt) { this.callback = callback; this.msg = msg; this.executor = executor; this.cnt = cnt; deadline = addWithInfinity(System.currentTimeMillis(), timeout); } @Override public void answerArrived(CellMessage request, CellMessage answer) { callback.answerArrived(request, answer); } @Override public void exceptionArrived(final CellMessage request, Exception exception) { if (!(exception instanceof NoRouteToCellException)) { callback.exceptionArrived(request, exception); } else if (deadline <= System.currentTimeMillis()) { callback.answerTimedOut(request); } else { long currentCnt = _routeAddedCounter.longValue(); if (cnt == currentCnt) { _nucleus.invokeLater(this); } else { cnt = currentCnt; _nucleus.sendMessage(msg, true, true, false, this, executor, subWithInfinity(deadline, System.currentTimeMillis())); } } } @Override public void answerTimedOut(CellMessage request) { callback.answerTimedOut(request); } @Override public void run() { long timeout = subWithInfinity(deadline, System.currentTimeMillis()); if (timeout > 0) { _nucleus.sendMessage(msg, true, true, false, this, executor, timeout); } else { callback.answerTimedOut(msg); } } } }