package dmg.util.logback; import ch.qos.logback.classic.Level; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import static; import static; /** * This class maintains a set of filter thresholds. Two types of inheritance * are supported: * * - Inheritance from a parent FilterThresholds * - Inheritance from parent loggers * * If a threshold is not defined for a given combination of logger and * appender, then the parent FilterThresholds is consulted recursively. * If not defined in the parent, the threshold of the parent logger is * used recursively. * * The thus calculated effective log level is cached. The cache is invalidated * if the set of thresholds is modified, but it is not invalidated if the * thresholds in the parent set are modified. Thus once cached, only newly * created cells will inherit the thresholds from its parent cell (this is mostly * to simplify the design). */ public class FilterThresholdSet { private final FilterThresholdSet _parent; private final Set<String> _appenders = Sets.newHashSet(); private final Set<LoggerName> _roots = new HashSet<>(); /* Logger x Appender -> Level */ private final Table<LoggerName, String, Level> _rules = HashBasedTable.create(); /* Logger -> (Appender -> Level) */ private final LoadingCache<String,Map<String,Level>> _effectiveMaps = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().build(CacheLoader.from( logger -> computeEffectiveMap(LoggerName.getInstance(logger)))); /* Logger -> Level */ private final LoadingCache<Logger,Optional<Level>> _effectiveLevels = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().build(CacheLoader.from( logger -> { try { Map<String,Level> map = _effectiveMaps.get(logger.getName()); return map.isEmpty() ? Optional.<Level>absent() : Optional.of(Collections.min(map.values(), LEVEL_ORDER)); } catch (ExecutionException e) { Throwables.throwIfUnchecked(e.getCause()); throw new RuntimeException(e.getCause()); } })); private static final Comparator<Level> LEVEL_ORDER = (o1, o2) ->, o2.toInt()); public FilterThresholdSet() { this(null); } public FilterThresholdSet(FilterThresholdSet parent) { _parent = parent; } /** * Adds an appender, which will become available for threshold definitions. */ public synchronized void addAppender(String name) { checkNotNull(name); _appenders.add(name); } /** * Returns the list of appenders available for threshold definitions. This * is the union of the appenders of the parents thresholds and the appenders * of these thresholds. */ public synchronized Collection<String> getAppenders() { if (_parent == null) { return Lists.newArrayList(_appenders); } else { Collection<String> appenders = _parent.getAppenders(); appenders.addAll(_appenders); return appenders; } } /** * Returns whether the appender is valid is valid for use in a threshold * definition. */ public synchronized boolean hasAppender(String appender) { return _appenders.contains(appender) || (_parent != null && _parent.hasAppender(appender)); } /** * Returns the threshold of the given logger and appender combination. Neither the * parent thresholds nor the parent loggers are taken into account. */ public synchronized Level get(LoggerName logger, String appender) { return _rules.get(logger, appender); } /** * Sets a threshold for the given logger and appender. */ public synchronized void setThreshold(LoggerName logger, String appender, Level level) { checkNotNull(logger); checkNotNull(level); checkArgument(hasAppender(appender)); _rules.put(logger, appender, level); clearCache(); } /** * Returns whether the logger is marked additive. */ public synchronized boolean isRoot(LoggerName logger) { return _parent != null && _parent.isRoot(logger) || _roots.contains(logger); } /** * Sets whether a logger is additive. Non-additive loggers form roots of the logging * hierarchy as log messages do not propagate to appenders attached to any of the * parent loggers. */ public synchronized void setRoot(LoggerName logger, boolean isRoot) { if (isRoot) { _roots.add(logger); } else { _roots.remove(logger); } clearCache(); } /** * Removes the threshold of the given logger and appender combination in this * threshold set. The new effective threshold will be derived from the regular * inheritance rules. */ public synchronized void remove(LoggerName logger, String appender) { if (_rules.remove(logger, appender) != null) { clearCache(); } } /** * Removes all thresholds from this set. */ public synchronized void clear() { _rules.clear(); clearCache(); } /** * Wipes the cache of computed effective thresholds. Called whenever any of the thresholds * have been updated. */ private void clearCache() { _effectiveMaps.invalidateAll(); _effectiveLevels.invalidateAll(); } /** * Returns a map from appenders to levels for a logger. * * The map contains inherited levels from parent filter threshold sets. */ public synchronized Map<String,Level> getInheritedMap(LoggerName logger) { if (_parent == null) { return Maps.newHashMap(_rules.row(logger)); } else { Map<String,Level> map = _parent.getInheritedMap(logger); map.putAll(_rules.row(logger)); return map; } } /** * Returns a map from appenders to levels for a logger. * * The map contains the effective log levels, that is, the levels * used for filtering log events. */ private synchronized Map<String,Level> computeEffectiveMap(LoggerName logger) { Map<String,Level> inheritedMap = getInheritedMap(logger); if (!isRoot(logger)) { LoggerName parent = logger.getParent(); if (parent != null) { Map<String, Level> mergedMap = computeEffectiveMap(parent); mergedMap.putAll(inheritedMap); return mergedMap; } } return inheritedMap; } /** * Returns the effective log threshold for a given pair of logger and appender. */ public Level getThreshold(LoggerName logger, String appender) { return getThreshold(logger.toString(), appender); } /** * Returns the effective log threshold for a given pair of logger and appender. */ public Level getThreshold(String logger, String appender) { try { return _effectiveMaps.get(logger).get(appender); } catch (ExecutionException e) { Throwables.throwIfUnchecked(e.getCause()); throw new RuntimeException(e.getCause()); } } /** * Gets the effective minimum threshold for a given pair regardless of appender. */ public Level getThreshold(Logger logger) { try { return _effectiveLevels.get(logger).orNull(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { Throwables.throwIfUnchecked(e.getCause()); throw new RuntimeException(e.getCause()); } } }