package org.dcache.srm.handler; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import org.dcache.srm.AbstractStorageElement; import org.dcache.srm.SRM; import org.dcache.srm.SRMAbortedException; import org.dcache.srm.SRMException; import org.dcache.srm.SRMFileRequestNotFoundException; import org.dcache.srm.SRMInternalErrorException; import org.dcache.srm.SRMInvalidRequestException; import org.dcache.srm.SRMReleasedException; import org.dcache.srm.SRMUser; import org.dcache.srm.request.BringOnlineRequest; import org.dcache.srm.request.ContainerRequest; import org.dcache.srm.request.CopyRequest; import org.dcache.srm.request.FileRequest; import org.dcache.srm.request.PutRequest; import org.dcache.srm.request.Request; import org.dcache.srm.util.Configuration; import org.dcache.srm.util.JDC; import org.dcache.srm.v2_2.ArrayOfTSURLLifetimeReturnStatus; import org.dcache.srm.v2_2.SrmExtendFileLifeTimeRequest; import org.dcache.srm.v2_2.SrmExtendFileLifeTimeResponse; import org.dcache.srm.v2_2.TReturnStatus; import org.dcache.srm.v2_2.TSURLLifetimeReturnStatus; import org.dcache.srm.v2_2.TStatusCode; import static; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS; import static org.dcache.srm.handler.ReturnStatuses.*; public class SrmExtendFileLifeTime { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SrmExtendFileLifeTime.class); private final AbstractStorageElement storage; private final SrmExtendFileLifeTimeRequest request; private final SRMUser user; private final Configuration configuration; private SrmExtendFileLifeTimeResponse response; public SrmExtendFileLifeTime(SRMUser user, SrmExtendFileLifeTimeRequest request, AbstractStorageElement storage, SRM srm, String clientHost) { this.request = checkNotNull(request); this.user = checkNotNull(user); = checkNotNull(storage); this.configuration = srm.getConfiguration(); } public SrmExtendFileLifeTimeResponse getResponse() { if (response == null) { try { response = extendFileLifeTime(); } catch (SRMInvalidRequestException e) { response = getFailedResponse(e.getMessage(), TStatusCode.SRM_INVALID_REQUEST); } catch (SRMInternalErrorException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); response = getFailedResponse(e.getMessage(), TStatusCode.SRM_INTERNAL_ERROR); } } return response; } private SrmExtendFileLifeTimeResponse extendFileLifeTime() throws SRMInvalidRequestException, SRMInternalErrorException { org.apache.axis.types.URI[] surls = request.getArrayOfSURLs().getUrlArray(); if (surls == null) { throw new SRMInvalidRequestException("arrayOfSURLs is required"); } /* [ SRM 2.2, 5.16.2 ] * * a) srmExtendFileLifeTime allows to change only one type of lifetime at a * time (either SURL lifetime by the newFileLifetime or pin lifetime by * the newPinLifetime), depending on the presence or absence of the request * token. Either newFileLifetime or newPinLifetime must be provided. When * both newFileLifetime and newPinLifetime are provided in the same request, * the request must be invalid, and SRM_INVALID_REQUEST must be returned. */ String token = request.getRequestToken(); Integer newFileLifetime = request.getNewFileLifeTime(); Integer newPinLifetime = request.getNewPinLifeTime(); if (newFileLifetime != null && newPinLifetime != null) { throw new SRMInvalidRequestException("newFileLifetime and newPinLifetime must not be present at the same time"); } if (token == null) { if (newFileLifetime == null) { throw new SRMInvalidRequestException("requestToken and newFileLifetime must not be absent at the same time"); } return extendSurlLifeTime(surls, newFileLifetime); } else { if (newPinLifetime == null) { throw new SRMInvalidRequestException("newPinLifetime is required when requestToken is present"); } return extendTurlOrPinLifeTime(token, surls, newPinLifetime); } } private SrmExtendFileLifeTimeResponse extendSurlLifeTime(org.apache.axis.types.URI[] surls, int newFileLifetime) throws SRMInternalErrorException { long newLifetimeInMillis = toMillis(newFileLifetime, Long.MAX_VALUE); int len = surls.length; TSURLLifetimeReturnStatus[] surlStatus = new TSURLLifetimeReturnStatus[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { surlStatus[i] = extendSurlLifeTime(surls[i], newLifetimeInMillis); } return new SrmExtendFileLifeTimeResponse( getSummaryReturnStatus(surlStatus), new ArrayOfTSURLLifetimeReturnStatus(surlStatus)); } private TSURLLifetimeReturnStatus extendSurlLifeTime(org.apache.axis.types.URI surl, long newLifetimeInMillis) throws SRMInternalErrorException { TSURLLifetimeReturnStatus status = new TSURLLifetimeReturnStatus(); status.setSurl(surl); TReturnStatus returnStatus; try { long lifetimeLeftInMillis = storage.srmExtendSurlLifetime(user, URI.create(surl.toString()), newLifetimeInMillis); status.setFileLifetime(toSeconds(lifetimeLeftInMillis)); returnStatus = new TReturnStatus(TStatusCode.SRM_SUCCESS, null); } catch (SRMInternalErrorException e) { throw new SRMInternalErrorException("File lifetime extension failed for SURL " + surl + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (SRMException e) { returnStatus = new TReturnStatus(TStatusCode.SRM_FAILURE, e.toString()); } status.setStatus(returnStatus); return status; } private long getMaxLifetime(ContainerRequest<?> containerRequest) { long configMaximumLifetime; if (containerRequest instanceof CopyRequest) { configMaximumLifetime = configuration.getCopyLifetime(); } else if (containerRequest instanceof PutRequest) { configMaximumLifetime = configuration.getPutLifetime(); } else if (containerRequest instanceof BringOnlineRequest) { configMaximumLifetime = configuration.getBringOnlineLifetime(); } else { configMaximumLifetime = configuration.getGetLifetime(); } return configMaximumLifetime; } private SrmExtendFileLifeTimeResponse extendTurlOrPinLifeTime( String requestToken, org.apache.axis.types.URI[] surls, int newLifetime) throws SRMInvalidRequestException, SRMInternalErrorException { ContainerRequest<?> containerRequest = Request.getRequest(requestToken, ContainerRequest.class); try (JDC ignored = containerRequest.applyJdc()) { long maxLifetime = getMaxLifetime(containerRequest); long newLifetimeInMillis = toMillis(newLifetime, maxLifetime); int len = surls.length; TSURLLifetimeReturnStatus[] surlStatus = new TSURLLifetimeReturnStatus[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { surlStatus[i] = extendTurlOrPinLifeTime(containerRequest, surls[i], newLifetimeInMillis); } return new SrmExtendFileLifeTimeResponse( getSummaryReturnStatus(surlStatus), new ArrayOfTSURLLifetimeReturnStatus(surlStatus)); } } private TSURLLifetimeReturnStatus extendTurlOrPinLifeTime( ContainerRequest<?> request, org.apache.axis.types.URI surl, long newLifetimeInMillis) throws SRMInternalErrorException { TSURLLifetimeReturnStatus status = new TSURLLifetimeReturnStatus(); status.setSurl(surl); TReturnStatus returnStatus; try { FileRequest<?> fileRequest = request.getFileRequestBySurl(URI.create(surl.toString())); long lifetimeLeftMillis = fileRequest.extendLifetime(newLifetimeInMillis); status.setPinLifetime(toSeconds(lifetimeLeftMillis)); returnStatus = new TReturnStatus(TStatusCode.SRM_SUCCESS, null); } catch (SRMFileRequestNotFoundException e) { returnStatus = new TReturnStatus( TStatusCode.SRM_INVALID_PATH, "SURL does match any existing file request associated with the request token"); } catch (SRMInvalidRequestException e) { returnStatus = new TReturnStatus( TStatusCode.SRM_INVALID_REQUEST, "TURL is no longer valid and cannot be extended"); } catch (SRMReleasedException e) { returnStatus = new TReturnStatus( TStatusCode.SRM_RELEASED, "TURL has been released and cannot be extended"); } catch (SRMAbortedException e) { returnStatus = new TReturnStatus( TStatusCode.SRM_ABORTED, "TURL has been aborted and cannot be extended"); } catch (SRMInternalErrorException e) { throw new SRMInternalErrorException("File lifetime extension failed for request " + request.getId() + " with SURL " + surl + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (SRMException e) { LOGGER.warn("File lifetime extension failed for request {} with SURL {}: {}", request.getId(), surl, e.getMessage()); returnStatus = new TReturnStatus(TStatusCode.SRM_FAILURE, "TURL for request " + request.getId() + " with SURL " + surl + " cannot be extended: " + e.getMessage()); } status.setStatus(returnStatus); return status; } private static long toMillis(int seconds, long max) { /* [ SRM 2.2, 1.20 ] * * o A negative value (-1) indicates “infinite (indefinite)” time. */ return (seconds >= 0) ? Math.min(SECONDS.toMillis(seconds), max) : -1; } private static int toSeconds(long millis) { /* [ SRM 2.2, 1.20 ] * * o A negative value (-1) indicates “infinite (indefinite)” time. */ return (millis >= 0) ? (int) MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(millis) : -1; } public static final SrmExtendFileLifeTimeResponse getFailedResponse(String error) { return getFailedResponse(error, TStatusCode.SRM_FAILURE); } public static final SrmExtendFileLifeTimeResponse getFailedResponse( String error, TStatusCode statusCode) { SrmExtendFileLifeTimeResponse response = new SrmExtendFileLifeTimeResponse(); response.setReturnStatus(new TReturnStatus(statusCode, error)); return response; } }