package org.dcache.chimera.nfsv41.door.proxy; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import org.dcache.util.NetworkUtils; import org.dcache.nfs.nfsstat; import org.dcache.nfs.status.DelayException; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.client.CompoundBuilder; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.COMPOUND4args; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.COMPOUND4res; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.READ4resok; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.WRITE4resok; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.clientid4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.nfs_fh4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.nfs4_prot; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.nfs_opnum4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.nfs_resop4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.sequenceid4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.sessionid4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.stateid4; import org.dcache.nfs.v4.xdr.state_protect_how4; import org.dcache.nfs.vfs.Inode; import org.dcache.nfs.vfs.VirtualFileSystem; import org.dcache.xdr.IoStrategy; import org.dcache.xdr.IpProtocolType; import org.dcache.xdr.OncRpcException; import org.dcache.xdr.OncRpcSvc; import org.dcache.xdr.OncRpcSvcBuilder; import org.dcache.xdr.RpcAuth; import org.dcache.xdr.RpcAuthTypeUnix; import org.dcache.xdr.RpcCall; import org.dcache.xdr.XdrTransport; /** * A {@link ProxyIoAdapter} which proxies requests to an other NFSv4.1 server. */ public class NfsProxyIo implements ProxyIoAdapter { // FIXME: for now we will use only a single slot. e.q serialize all requests private static final int SLOT_ID = 0; private static final int MAX_SLOT_ID = 0; private static final int ROOT_UID = 0; private static final int ROOT_GID = 0; private static final int[] ROOT_GIDS = new int[0]; private static final String IMPL_DOMAIN = "dCache.ORG"; private static final String IMPL_NAME = "proxyio-nfs-client"; /** * How long we wait for an IO request. The typical NFS client will wait * 30 sec. We will use a shorter timeout to avoid retry. */ private static final int IO_TIMEOUT = 15; private static final TimeUnit IO_TIMEOUT_UNIT = TimeUnit.SECONDS; /** * Most up-to-date seqid for a given stateid as defined by rfc5661. */ private static final int SEQ_UP_TO_DATE = 0; private clientid4 _clientIdByServer; private sequenceid4 _sequenceID; private sessionid4 _sessionid; private final stateid4 stateid; private final nfs_fh4 fh; private final InetSocketAddress remoteClient; private final RpcCall client; private final OncRpcSvc rpcsvc; private final XdrTransport transport; private final ScheduledExecutorService sessionThread; public NfsProxyIo(InetSocketAddress poolAddress, InetSocketAddress remoteClient, Inode inode, stateid4 stateid, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit) throws IOException { this.remoteClient = remoteClient; rpcsvc = new OncRpcSvcBuilder() .withClientMode() .withPort(0) .withIpProtocolType(IpProtocolType.TCP) .withIoStrategy(IoStrategy.SAME_THREAD) .withServiceName("proxy-io-rpc-selector-" + poolAddress.getAddress().getHostAddress()) .withSelectorThreadPoolSize(1) .build(); try { rpcsvc.start(); transport = rpcsvc.connect(poolAddress, timeout, timeUnit); } catch (IOException | Error | RuntimeException e) { rpcsvc.stop(); throw e; } RpcAuth credential = new RpcAuthTypeUnix(ROOT_UID, ROOT_GID, ROOT_GIDS, (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000), NetworkUtils.getCanonicalHostName()); client = new RpcCall(nfs4_prot.NFS4_PROGRAM, nfs4_prot.NFS_V4, credential, transport); sessionThread = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor( new ThreadFactoryBuilder() .setNameFormat("proxy-nfs-session-" + poolAddress.getAddress().getHostAddress() + "-%d") .build() ); exchange_id(); create_session(); fh = new nfs_fh4(inode.toNfsHandle()); this.stateid = new stateid4(stateid.other, SEQ_UP_TO_DATE); } @Override public synchronized ReadResult read(ByteBuffer dst, long position) throws IOException { int needToRead = dst.remaining(); COMPOUND4args args = new CompoundBuilder() .withSequence(false, _sessionid, _sequenceID.value, SLOT_ID, MAX_SLOT_ID) .withPutfh(fh) .withRead(dst.remaining(), position, stateid) .withTag("pNFS read") .build(); COMPOUND4res compound4res = sendCompound(args); READ4resok res = compound4res.resarray.get(2).opread.resok4; dst.put(; return new ReadResult(needToRead - dst.remaining(), res.eof); } @Override public synchronized VirtualFileSystem.WriteResult write(ByteBuffer src, long position) throws IOException { byte[] data = new byte[src.remaining()]; src.get(data); COMPOUND4args args = new CompoundBuilder() .withSequence(false, _sessionid, _sequenceID.value, SLOT_ID, MAX_SLOT_ID) .withPutfh(fh) .withWrite(position, data, stateid) .withTag("pNFS write") .build(); COMPOUND4res compound4res = sendCompound(args); WRITE4resok res = compound4res.resarray.get(2).opwrite.resok4; return new VirtualFileSystem.WriteResult(VirtualFileSystem.StabilityLevel.fromStableHow(res.committed), res.count.value); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format(" OS=%s, cl=[%s], pool=[%s]", stateid, remoteClient.getAddress().getHostAddress(), transport.getRemoteSocketAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress()); } @Override public stateid4 getStateId() { return stateid; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { sessionThread.shutdown(); try { destroy_session(); } finally { rpcsvc.stop(); } } /** * Call remote procedure nfsProcCompound. * * @param arg parameter (of type COMPOUND4args) to the remote procedure * call. * @return Result from remote procedure call (of type COMPOUND4res). * @throws OncRpcException if an ONC/RPC error occurs. * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs. */ public COMPOUND4res nfsProcCompound(COMPOUND4args arg) throws OncRpcException, IOException { COMPOUND4res result = new COMPOUND4res(); try {, arg, result, IO_TIMEOUT, IO_TIMEOUT_UNIT); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new DelayException(e.getMessage(), e); } return result; } public XdrTransport getTransport() { return client.getTransport(); } private COMPOUND4res sendCompound(COMPOUND4args compound4args) throws OncRpcException, IOException { COMPOUND4res compound4res = nfsProcCompound(compound4args); processSequence(compound4res); nfsstat.throwIfNeeded(compound4res.status); return compound4res; } private synchronized void exchange_id() throws OncRpcException, IOException { COMPOUND4args args = new CompoundBuilder() .withExchangeId(IMPL_DOMAIN, IMPL_NAME, UUID.randomUUID().toString(), 0, state_protect_how4.SP4_NONE) .withTag("exchange_id") .build(); COMPOUND4res compound4res = sendCompound(args); _clientIdByServer = compound4res.resarray.get(0).opexchange_id.eir_resok4.eir_clientid; _sequenceID = compound4res.resarray.get(0).opexchange_id.eir_resok4.eir_sequenceid; if ((compound4res.resarray.get(0).opexchange_id.eir_resok4.eir_flags.value & nfs4_prot.EXCHGID4_FLAG_USE_PNFS_DS) == 0) { throw new IOException("remote server is not a DS"); } } private synchronized void create_session() throws OncRpcException, IOException { COMPOUND4args args = new CompoundBuilder() .withCreatesession(_clientIdByServer, _sequenceID) .withTag("create_session") .build(); COMPOUND4res compound4res = sendCompound(args); _sessionid = compound4res.resarray.get(0).opcreate_session.csr_resok4.csr_sessionid; _sequenceID.value = 0; sessionThread.scheduleAtFixedRate(() -> { try { this.sequence(); } catch (IOException ex) { // } }, 60, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } public void processSequence(COMPOUND4res compound4res) { nfs_resop4 res = compound4res.resarray.get(0); if (res.resop == nfs_opnum4.OP_SEQUENCE && res.opsequence.sr_status == nfsstat.NFS_OK) { ++_sequenceID.value; } } private synchronized void sequence() throws OncRpcException, IOException { COMPOUND4args args = new CompoundBuilder() .withSequence(false, _sessionid, _sequenceID.value, SLOT_ID, MAX_SLOT_ID) .withTag("sequence") .build(); COMPOUND4res compound4res = sendCompound(args); } private synchronized void destroy_session() throws OncRpcException, IOException { COMPOUND4args args = new CompoundBuilder() .withDestroysession(_sessionid) .withTag("destroy_session") .build(); COMPOUND4res compound4res = sendCompound(args); } }