package org.dcache.util.list; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import diskCacheV111.util.CacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.FsPath; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsHandler; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessageReceiver; import org.dcache.auth.attributes.Restriction; import org.dcache.namespace.FileAttribute; import org.dcache.util.CacheExceptionFactory; import org.dcache.util.Glob; import org.dcache.vehicles.FileAttributes; import org.dcache.vehicles.PnfsListDirectoryMessage; /** * DirectoryListSource which delegates the list operation to the * PnfsManager. * * Large directories are broken into several reply messages by the * PnfsManager. For that reason the regular Cells callback mechanism * for replies cannot be used. Instead messages of type * PnfsListDirectoryMessage must be routed to the * ListDirectoryHandler. This also has the consequence that a * ListDirectoryHandler cannot be used from the Cells messages * thread. Any attempt to do so will cause the message thread to * block, as the replies cannot be delivered to the * ListDirectoryHandler. */ public class ListDirectoryHandler implements CellMessageReceiver, DirectoryListSource { private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ListDirectoryHandler.class); private final PnfsHandler _pnfs; private final Map<UUID,Stream> _replies = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); public ListDirectoryHandler(PnfsHandler pnfs) { _pnfs = pnfs; } /** * Sends a directory list request to PnfsManager. The result is * provided as a stream of directory entries. * <p> * The method blocks until the first set of directory entries have * been received from the server. Hence errors like * FILE_NOT_FOUND are thrown by the call to the list method rather * than while iterating over the stream. * <p> * Note that supplied subject and restriction values will be overwritten if * {@link PnfsHandler#setSubject} or {@link PnfsHandler#setRestriction} have * been called on the underlying PnfsHandler instance. */ @Override public DirectoryStream list(Subject subject, Restriction restriction, FsPath path, Glob pattern, Range<Integer> range) throws InterruptedException, CacheException { return list(subject, restriction, path, pattern, range, EnumSet.noneOf(FileAttribute.class)); } /** * Sends a directory list request to PnfsManager. The result is * provided as a stream of directory entries. * <p> * The method blocks until the first set of directory entries have * been received from the server. Hence errors like * FILE_NOT_FOUND are thrown by the call to the list method rather * than while iterating over the stream. * <p> * Note that supplied subject and restriction values will be overwritten if * {@link PnfsHandler#setSubject} or {@link PnfsHandler#setRestriction} have * been called on the underlying PnfsHandler instance. */ @Override public DirectoryStream list(Subject subject, Restriction restriction, FsPath path, Glob pattern, Range<Integer> range, Set<FileAttribute> attributes) throws InterruptedException, CacheException { String dir = path.toString(); PnfsListDirectoryMessage msg = new PnfsListDirectoryMessage(dir, pattern, range, attributes); UUID uuid = msg.getUUID(); boolean success = false; Stream stream = new Stream(dir, uuid); try { msg.setSubject(subject); msg.setRestriction(restriction); _replies.put(uuid, stream); _pnfs.send(msg); stream.waitForMoreEntries(); success = true; return stream; } finally { if (!success) { _replies.remove(uuid); } } } @Override public void printFile(Subject subject, Restriction restriction, DirectoryListPrinter printer, FsPath path) throws InterruptedException, CacheException { PnfsHandler handler = new PnfsHandler(_pnfs, subject, restriction); Set<FileAttribute> required = printer.getRequiredAttributes(); FileAttributes attributes = handler.getFileAttributes(path.toString(), required); DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry(, attributes); if (path.isRoot()) { printer.print(null, null, entry); } else { FileAttributes dirAttr = handler.getFileAttributes(path.parent().toString(), required); printer.print(path.parent(), dirAttr, entry); } } @Override public int printDirectory(Subject subject, Restriction restriction, DirectoryListPrinter printer, FsPath path, Glob glob, Range<Integer> range) throws InterruptedException, CacheException { Set<FileAttribute> required = printer.getRequiredAttributes(); FileAttributes dirAttr = _pnfs.getFileAttributes(path.toString(), required); try (DirectoryStream stream = list(subject, restriction, path, glob, range, required)) { int total = 0; for (DirectoryEntry entry: stream) { printer.print(path, dirAttr, entry); total++; } return total; } } /** * Callback for delivery of replies from * PnfsManager. PnfsListDirectoryMessage have to be routed to this * message. */ public void messageArrived(PnfsListDirectoryMessage reply) { if (reply.isReply()) { try { UUID uuid = reply.getUUID(); Stream stream = _replies.get(uuid); if (stream != null) { stream.put(reply); } else { _log.warn("Received list result for an unknown request. Directory listing was possibly incomplete."); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } } /** * Implementation of DirectoryStream, translating * PnfsListDirectoryMessage replies to a stream of * DirectoryEntries. * * The stream acts as its own iterator, and multiple iterators are * not supported. */ public class Stream implements DirectoryStream, Iterator<DirectoryEntry> { private final BlockingQueue<PnfsListDirectoryMessage> _queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); private final UUID _uuid; private final String _path; private boolean _isFinal; private Iterator<DirectoryEntry> _iterator; private int _count; private int _total; public Stream(String path, UUID uuid) { _path = path; _uuid = uuid; } @Override public void close() { _replies.remove(_uuid); } private void put(PnfsListDirectoryMessage msg) throws InterruptedException { _queue.put(msg); } private void waitForMoreEntries() throws InterruptedException, CacheException { if (_isFinal) { _iterator = null; return; } PnfsListDirectoryMessage msg = _queue.poll(_pnfs.getPnfsTimeout(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (msg == null) { throw new CacheException(CacheException.TIMEOUT, "Timeout during directory listing."); } if (msg.isFinal()) { _total = msg.getMessageCount(); } _count++; if (_count == _total) { _isFinal = true; } if (msg.getReturnCode() != 0) { throw CacheExceptionFactory.exceptionOf(msg); } _iterator = msg.getEntries().iterator(); /* If the message is empty, then the iterator has no next * element. In that case we wait for the next reply. This * may in particular happen with the final message. */ if (!_iterator.hasNext()) { waitForMoreEntries(); } } @Override public Iterator<DirectoryEntry> iterator() { return this; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { try { if (_iterator == null || !_iterator.hasNext()) { waitForMoreEntries(); if (_iterator == null) { return false; } } } catch (CacheException e) { _log.error("Listing of " + _path + " incomplete: " + e.getMessage()); return false; } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); return false; } return true; } @Override public DirectoryEntry next() { if (!hasNext()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } return; } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } }