package diskCacheV111.vehicles; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import diskCacheV111.util.AccessLatency; import diskCacheV111.util.RetentionPolicy; import static; public class GenericStorageInfo implements StorageInfo { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2089636591513548893L; /* * to simulate the 'classic' behavior : new files go to tape and, after * flushing, removed by sweeper if space needed. */ @Deprecated private AccessLatency _accessLatency = StorageInfo.DEFAULT_ACCESS_LATENCY; @Deprecated private RetentionPolicy _retentionPolicy = StorageInfo.DEFAULT_RETENTION_POLICY; private Map<String, String> _keyHash = new HashMap<>(); private List<URI> _locations = new ArrayList<>(); private boolean _setHsm; private boolean _setStorageClass; private boolean _setBitFileId; private boolean _setLocation; private boolean _isNew = true; private boolean _isStored; private String _hsm; private String _cacheClass; @Deprecated private long _fileSize; private String _storageClass; @Deprecated private String _bitfileId; public GenericStorageInfo() { } public GenericStorageInfo(String hsm, String storageClass) { _storageClass = storageClass; _hsm = hsm; } @Deprecated public void addKeys(Map<String, String> keys) { _keyHash.putAll(keys); } @Override public void addLocation(URI newLocation) { _locations.add(newLocation); } @Override @Deprecated public String getBitfileId() { return _bitfileId == null ? "<Unknown>" : _bitfileId; } @Override public String getCacheClass() { return _cacheClass; } @Override public String getHsm() { return _hsm; } @Override @Deprecated public String getKey(String key) { return _keyHash.get(key); } @Override @Deprecated public Map<String, String> getMap() { return new HashMap<>(_keyHash); } @Override public String getStorageClass() { return _storageClass; } @Override public boolean isCreatedOnly() { return _isNew; } @Override public boolean isSetAddLocation() { return _setLocation; } @Override public void isSetAddLocation(boolean isSet) { _setLocation = isSet; } @Override @Deprecated public boolean isSetBitFileId() { return _setBitFileId; } @Override @Deprecated public void isSetBitFileId(boolean isSet) { _setBitFileId = isSet; } @Override public void setCacheClass(String newCacheClass) { _cacheClass = newCacheClass; } @Override public boolean isSetHsm() { return _setHsm; } @Override public void isSetHsm(boolean isSet) { _setHsm = isSet; } @Override public boolean isSetStorageClass() { return _setStorageClass; } @Override public void isSetStorageClass(boolean isSet) { _setStorageClass = isSet; } /** * * @return true if locations list is not empty or ( legacy case ) * if value was explicit set by setIsStored(true) */ @Override public boolean isStored() { /* * FIXME: _locations!= null is needed to read old SI files */ return _isStored || (_locations != null && !_locations.isEmpty()); } @Override public List<URI> locations() { return _locations; } @Override @Deprecated public void setBitfileId(String bitfileId) { _bitfileId = bitfileId; } @Override public void setHsm(String newHsm) { _hsm = newHsm; } @Override public void setIsNew(boolean isNew) { _isNew = isNew; } @Override @Deprecated public String setKey(String key, String value) { if (value == null) { return _keyHash.remove(key); } else { return _keyHash.put(key, value); } } @Override public void setStorageClass(String newStorageClass) { _storageClass = newStorageClass; } /** * @Deprecated the result will generated depending on content of locations */ @Override @Deprecated public void setIsStored( boolean isStored) { _isStored = isStored; } @Override public String toString() { String sc = getStorageClass(); String cc = getCacheClass(); String hsm = getHsm(); AccessLatency ac = getLegacyAccessLatency(); RetentionPolicy rp = getLegacyRetentionPolicy(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("size=").append(getLegacySize()).append(";new=").append( isCreatedOnly()).append(";stored=").append(isStored()).append( ";sClass=").append(sc == null ? "-" : sc).append(";cClass=") .append(cc == null ? "-" : cc).append(";hsm=").append( hsm == null ? "-" : hsm).append(";accessLatency=") .append(ac == null ? "-" : ac.toString()).append( ";retentionPolicy=").append( rp == null ? "-" : rp.toString()).append(';'); /* * FIXME: extra checks are needed to read old SI files */ if( _keyHash != null ) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : _keyHash.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); String value = entry.getValue(); sb.append(key).append('=').append(value).append(';'); } } if( _locations != null ) { for(URI location : _locations ) { sb.append(location).append(';'); } } return sb.toString(); } @Override public int hashCode() { Set<URI> ourLocations = new HashSet<>( locations()); return getLegacyAccessLatency().hashCode() ^ getLegacyRetentionPolicy().hashCode() ^ ourLocations.hashCode() ^ (int) getLegacySize() ^ getStorageClass().hashCode() ^ (isStored() ? 1 << 0 : 0) ^ (isCreatedOnly() ? 1 << 1 : 0); } @Override public boolean equals( Object o) { if ( o == this) { return true; } if( !( o instanceof GenericStorageInfo )) { return false; } GenericStorageInfo other = (GenericStorageInfo)o; if ( !other.getLegacyAccessLatency().equals( this.getLegacyAccessLatency()) ) { return false; } if ( !other.getLegacyRetentionPolicy().equals( this.getLegacyRetentionPolicy()) ) { return false; } /** * Any non-zero number of occurrences of a URI are considered equivalent. A necessary * condition for equality is that, for each location URI in this object, the other * GenericStorageInfo must have at least one instance of the URI. Having more than one * is OK. */ Set<URI> ourLocations = new HashSet<>( locations()); Set<URI> otherLocations = new HashSet<>( other.locations()); if( ! otherLocations.equals( ourLocations)) { return false; } /** * If two GenericStorageInfo objects have location URIs specified then we ignore any * BitfieldId values. */ if( this.locations().isEmpty()) { if ( other.getBitfileId() != null && this.getBitfileId() != null && ! other.getBitfileId().equals(this.getBitfileId() )) { return false; } if ( other.getBitfileId() != null && this.getBitfileId() == null ) { return false; } if ( other.getBitfileId() == null && this.getBitfileId() != null ) { return false; } } if (!Objects.equals(other.getHsm(), this.getHsm())) { return false; } if (!Objects.equals(other.getCacheClass(), this.getCacheClass())) { return false; } if (!Objects.equals(other._keyHash, this._keyHash)) { return false; } if (other.getLegacySize() != this.getLegacySize() ) { return false; } if (!Objects.equals(other.getStorageClass(), this.getStorageClass())) { return false; } if (other.isStored() != this.isStored() ) { return false; } if (other.isCreatedOnly() != this.isCreatedOnly() ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Allow pre 1.8 storage info to be read. Allows old persistent storage info * objects on pools to be read. */ Object readResolve() { if(_accessLatency == null ) { _accessLatency = AccessLatency.NEARLINE; } if(_retentionPolicy == null ) { _retentionPolicy = RetentionPolicy.CUSTODIAL; } if(_locations == null ) { _locations = new ArrayList<>(); } return this; } @Override public GenericStorageInfo clone() { try { GenericStorageInfo copy = (GenericStorageInfo) super.clone(); copy._keyHash = new HashMap<>(_keyHash); copy._locations = new ArrayList<>(_locations); return copy; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to clone storage info: " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Create a {@link StorageInfo} corresponding to given store unit and cacheClass * * @param storeUnit * @param cacheClass * @return StorageInfo * @throws IllegalArgumentException if store unit format do not match to * x:y@z or equal to '*' */ public static StorageInfo valueOf(String storeUnit, String cacheClass) throws IllegalArgumentException { StorageInfo si; if (storeUnit.equals("*")) { si = new GenericStorageInfo(); } else { String[] unitParts = storeUnit.split("@"); if (unitParts.length != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid format: expected<x:y@z> got <" + storeUnit + '>'); } si = new GenericStorageInfo(unitParts[1], unitParts[0]); } if (!cacheClass.equals("*")) { si.setCacheClass(cacheClass); } return si; } @Override public void setLegacyAccessLatency(AccessLatency al) { _accessLatency = al; } @Override public AccessLatency getLegacyAccessLatency() { return _accessLatency; } @Override public void setLegacyRetentionPolicy(RetentionPolicy rp) { _retentionPolicy = rp; } @Override public RetentionPolicy getLegacyRetentionPolicy() { return _retentionPolicy; } @Override public long getLegacySize() { return _fileSize; } @Override public void setLegacySize(long fileSize) { _fileSize = fileSize; } private void readObject( stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { stream.defaultReadObject(); if (_keyHash != null) { _keyHash = _keyHash.entrySet().stream().collect(toMap(e -> e.getKey().intern(), e -> e.getValue())); } if (_storageClass != null) { _storageClass = _storageClass.intern(); } if (_cacheClass != null) { _cacheClass = _cacheClass.intern(); } if (_hsm != null) { _hsm = _hsm.intern(); } } }