package diskCacheV111.util; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.ProtocolInfo; import org.dcache.auth.FQAN; import org.dcache.auth.Subjects; import org.dcache.vehicles.FileAttributes; public class CheckStagePermission { private static final Pattern LINE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\"(?<dn>[^\"]*)\"([ \t]+\"(?<fqan>[^\"]*)\"([ \t]+\"(?<su>[^\"]*)\"([ \t]+\"(?<protocol>[^\"]*)\")?)?)?"); private File _stageConfigFile; private long _lastTimeReadingStageConfigFile; private List<Pattern[]> _regexList; private final boolean _isEnabled; private final ReadWriteLock _fileReadWriteLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); private final Lock _fileReadLock = _fileReadWriteLock.readLock(); private final Lock _fileWriteLock = _fileReadWriteLock.writeLock(); public CheckStagePermission(String stageConfigurationFilePath) { if ( stageConfigurationFilePath == null || stageConfigurationFilePath.isEmpty()) { _isEnabled = false; return; } _stageConfigFile = new File(stageConfigurationFilePath); _isEnabled = true; } /** * Check whether staging is allowed for a particular subject on a particular object. * * @param subject The subject * @param fileAttributes The attributes of the file * @return true if and only if the subject is allowed to perform * staging */ public boolean canPerformStaging(Subject subject, FileAttributes fileAttributes, ProtocolInfo protocolInfo) throws PatternSyntaxException, IOException { if (!_isEnabled || Subjects.isRoot(subject)) { return true; } try { String dn = Subjects.getDn(subject); Collection<FQAN> fqans = Subjects.getFqans(subject); String storageClass = fileAttributes.getStorageClass(); String hsm = fileAttributes.getHsm(); String storeUnit = ""; if (storageClass != null && hsm != null) { storeUnit = storageClass+"@"+hsm; } if (dn == null) { dn = ""; } String protocol = protocolInfo.getProtocol()+"/"+protocolInfo.getMajorVersion(); if (fqans.isEmpty()) { return canPerformStaging(dn, null, storeUnit, protocol); } else { for (FQAN fqan: fqans) { if (canPerformStaging(dn, fqan, storeUnit, protocol)) { return true; } } return false; } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Subject has multiple DNs"); } } /** * Check whether staging is allowed for the user with given DN and FQAN * for the object in the given storage group. * * @param dn user's Distinguished Name * @param fqan user's Fully Qualified Attribute Name * @param storeUnit object's store unit * @return true if the user is allowed to perform staging of the object * @throws PatternSyntaxException * @throws IOException */ private boolean canPerformStaging(String dn, FQAN fqan, String storeUnit, String protocol) throws PatternSyntaxException, IOException { if ( !_isEnabled ) { return true; } if ( !_stageConfigFile.exists() ) { //if file does not exist, staging is denied for all users return false; } if ( fileNeedsRereading() ) { rereadConfig(); } return userMatchesPredicates(dn, Objects.toString(fqan, ""), storeUnit, protocol); } /** * Reread the contents of the configuration file. * @throws IOException * @throws PatternSyntaxException */ private void rereadConfig() throws PatternSyntaxException, IOException { _fileWriteLock.lock(); try { if ( fileNeedsRereading() ) { try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(_stageConfigFile))) { _regexList = readStageConfigFile(reader); _lastTimeReadingStageConfigFile = System .currentTimeMillis(); } } } finally { _fileWriteLock.unlock(); } } /** * Check whether the stageConfigFile needs rereading. * * @return true if the file should be reread. */ private boolean fileNeedsRereading() { long modificationTimeStageConfigFile; modificationTimeStageConfigFile = _stageConfigFile.lastModified(); return modificationTimeStageConfigFile > _lastTimeReadingStageConfigFile; } /** * Check whether the user matches predicates, that is, whether the user is in the * list of authorized users that are allowed to perform staging of the object in the * given storage group. * * @param dn user's Distinguished Name * @param fqanStr user's FQAN as a String * @param storeUnit object's storage unit * @return true if the user and object match predicates */ private boolean userMatchesPredicates(String dn, String fqanStr, String storeUnit, String protocol) { try { _fileReadLock.lock(); for (Pattern[] regexLine : _regexList) { if ( regexLine[0].matcher(dn).matches() ) { if ( regexLine[1] == null ) { return true; // line contains only DN; DN match -> STAGE allowed } else if ( regexLine[1].matcher(fqanStr).matches() && (regexLine[2] == null || regexLine[2].matcher(storeUnit).matches()) && (regexLine[3] == null || regexLine[3].matcher(protocol).matches())) { //three cases covered here: //line contains DN and FQAN; DN and FQAN match -> STAGE allowed //line contains DN, FQAN, storeUnit; DN, FQAN, storeUnit match -> STAGE allowed //line contains DN, FQAN, storeUnit, protocol; all match -> STAGE allowed return true; } } } } finally { _fileReadLock.unlock(); } return false; } /** * Read configuration file and create list of compiled patterns, containing DNs and FQANs(optionally) * of the users that are allowed to perform staging, * as well as storage group of the object to be staged (optionally). * * @param reader * @return list of compiled patterns * @throws IOException * @throws PatternSyntaxException */ List<Pattern[]> readStageConfigFile(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException, PatternSyntaxException { String line; Matcher matcherLine; List<Pattern[]> regexList = new ArrayList<>(); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { line = line.trim(); if ( line.startsWith("#") || line.isEmpty() ) { //commented or empty line continue; } matcherLine = LINE_PATTERN.matcher(line); if ( !matcherLine.matches() ) { continue; } Pattern[] arrayPattern = new Pattern[4]; int i = 0; for (String match : new String[] {"dn"),"fqan"),"su"),"protocol")} ) { if ( match != null ) { if ( match.startsWith("!") ) { arrayPattern[i] = Pattern.compile("(?!"+match.substring(1)+").*"); } else { arrayPattern[i] = Pattern.compile(match); } } ++i; } regexList.add(arrayPattern); } return regexList; } }