package org.dcache.pool.movers; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException; import java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel; import java.nio.file.FileSystems; import; import; import diskCacheV111.util.CacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.ChecksumFactory; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.GFtpProtocolInfo; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.GFtpTransferStartedMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.ProtocolInfo; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellArgsAware; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellEndpoint; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessage; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellPath; import dmg.util.Exceptions; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.dcache.pool.repository.Allocator; import org.dcache.pool.repository.FileRepositoryChannel; import org.dcache.pool.repository.RepositoryChannel; import org.dcache.util.Args; import org.dcache.util.Checksum; import org.dcache.util.ChecksumType; import org.dcache.util.NetworkUtils; import org.dcache.util.PortRange; import static org.dcache.util.ByteUnit.*; import org.dcache.vehicles.FileAttributes; import static; import static; /** * FTP mover. Supports both mover protocols GFtp/1 and GFtp/2. */ public class GFtpProtocol_2_nio implements ConnectionMonitor, MoverProtocol, ChecksumMover, CellArgsAware { private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GFtpProtocol_2_nio.class); private static final Logger _logSpaceAllocation = LoggerFactory.getLogger("" + GFtpProtocol_2_nio.class.getName()); /** The minimum number of bytes to increment the space allocation. */ public static final long SPACE_INC = MiB.toBytes(50); /** Key used to extract the read ahead from the domain context. */ public static final String READ_AHEAD_KEY = "gsiftpReadAhead"; /** * Default block size for mode S. Although mode S is not a block * protocol, the block size parameter defines the largest amount * of data we will try to transfer in a single iteration of the * transfer loop. */ public static final int MODE_S_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE = KiB.toBytes(512); /** * Default block size for mode E. */ public static final int MODE_E_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE = KiB.toBytes(128); /** * Default block size for mode X. */ public static final int MODE_X_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE = KiB.toBytes(128); /** The cell owning this mover. Log messages are sent to it. */ protected final CellEndpoint _cell; /** A channel to the file we read from or write to. */ protected RepositoryChannel _fileChannel; /** * A BlockLog keeping tracks of which parts of a file we have * received. */ protected BlockLog _blockLog; /** * If a checksum is requested, this points to the checksum factory * to use. */ protected ChecksumFactory _checksumFactory; /** * If a checksum is requested, this points to the algorithm used. */ protected MessageDigest _digest; /** * The role of this transfer in the transaction. Either Sender or * Receiver. */ protected Role _role; /** * The number of bytes that have been transferred. */ protected long _bytesTransferred; /** * The number of bytes reserved in the space allocator. */ protected long _reservedSpace; /** * The number of bytes of the reservation actually used. This is * less than or equal to _reservedSpace and bigger than or equal * to _bytesTransferred. It may differ from _bytesTransferred * because data can be received out of order. */ protected long _spaceUsed; /** * The time stamp according to System.currentTimeMillis() for when * the last transfer was started. */ protected long _transferStarted; /** * The time stamp according to System.currentTimeMillis() for when * the last piece of data was transferred. */ protected long _lastTransferred; /** * The space allocator is used to preallocate space when receiving * data. */ protected Allocator _allocator; /** * All communication is asynchronous. */ protected Multiplexer _multiplexer; /** * Status of space reservation request. */ protected String _status; /** * Port range for passive transfers. */ protected final PortRange _portRange; /** * The chunk size used when transferring files. * * Large blocks will reduce the overhead. However, it case of * multible concurrent streams, large blocks will make disk access * less sequential on both the sending and receiving side. * * Default values will be used when null. */ protected Integer _blockSize; /** * Whether true passive mode is allowed, i.e. whether clients are * allowed to connect directly to the pool. Do not enable this if * the pool does not have inbound connectivity. */ protected boolean _allowPassivePool; /** * True while the transfer is in progress. */ protected boolean _inProgress; public GFtpProtocol_2_nio(CellEndpoint cell) { _cell = cell; String range = System.getProperty("org.globus.tcp.port.range"); if (range != null) { _portRange = PortRange.valueOf(range); } else { _portRange = new PortRange(0); } } /** * Factory method for creating the Mode object. */ protected Mode createMode(String mode, Role role, RepositoryChannel fileChannel) throws IOException { int blockSize; switch (Character.toUpperCase(mode.charAt(0))) { case 'S': blockSize = (_blockSize == null) ? MODE_S_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE : _blockSize; return new ModeS(role, fileChannel, this, blockSize); case 'E': blockSize = (_blockSize == null) ? MODE_E_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE : _blockSize; return new ModeE(role, fileChannel, this, blockSize); case 'X': blockSize = (_blockSize == null) ? MODE_X_DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE : _blockSize; return new ModeX(role, fileChannel, this, blockSize); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown mode"); } } /** * Factory for creating a digest thread. May return null if no * checksum type is defined. */ protected DigestThread createDigestThread() { if (_digest == null) { return null; } return new DirectDigestThread(_fileChannel, _blockLog, _digest); } @Override public String toString() { return "SU=" + _spaceUsed + ";SA=" + _reservedSpace + ";S=" + _status; } /** * Receive a file. */ public void transfer(RepositoryChannel fileChannel, Role role, Mode mode, Allocator allocator) throws Exception { /* Initialise transfer parameters. */ _role = role; _bytesTransferred = 0; _blockLog = new BlockLog(); _fileChannel = fileChannel; _allocator = allocator; _reservedSpace = 0; _spaceUsed = 0; _status = "None"; DigestThread digestThread = null; /* Startup the transfer. The transfer is performed on a single * thread, no matter the number of streams. * * Checksum computation is performed on a different * thread. The checksum computation thread is not allowed to * overtake the transfer thread, but we also ensure that the * checksum thread does not fall too far behind. This is to * increase the chance that data has not yet been evicted from * the cache. */ _multiplexer = new Multiplexer(); try { _inProgress = true; digestThread = createDigestThread(); if (digestThread != null) { Object o = _cell.getDomainContext().get(READ_AHEAD_KEY); if (o != null && ((String)o).length() > 0) { try { digestThread.setReadAhead(Long.parseLong((String)o)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { _log.error("Failed parsing read ahead: {}", e.getMessage()); } } _log.debug("Initiated checksum computation thread"); digestThread.start(); } _multiplexer.add(mode); _log.trace("Entering event loop"); _multiplexer.loop(); } catch (ClosedByInterruptException e) { /* Many NIO operations throw a ClosedByInterruptException * rather than InterruptedException. We rethrow this as an * InterruptedException and clear the interrupt flag on * the thread. */ Thread.interrupted(); throw new InterruptedException(); } catch (BindException | ConnectException | NoRouteToHostException | PortUnreachableException | UnknownHostException e) { throw Exceptions.wrap("Failed to connect " + mode.getRemoteAddressDescription() + ": " + e.getMessage(), e, IOException.class); } catch (IOException e) { throw Exceptions.wrap("Problem while connected to " + mode.getRemoteAddressDescription() + ": " + e.getMessage(), e, IOException.class); } finally { _inProgress = false; /* It is important that this is done before joining the * digest thread, since otherwise the digest thread would * not terminate. */ _blockLog.setEof(); /* Close all open channels. */ _log.trace("Left event loop and closing channels"); _multiplexer.close(); /* Wait for checksum computation to finish before * returning. Otherwise getActualChecksum() could * possibly return an incomplete checksum. * * REVISIT: If the mover gets killed here, we break out * with an InterruptedException. This is as such not a * major problem, since everything after this point is not * essential for clean up. It is however unfortunate that * the job gets killed because we wait for checksum * computation (in particular because the checksum * computation may be the cause of the timeout if it is * very slow). */ if (digestThread != null) { digestThread.join(); } /* Log some useful information about the transfer. */ long amount = getBytesTransferred(); long time = getTransferTime(); if (time > 0) {"Transfer finished: {} bytes transferred in {} seconds = {} MB/s", amount, time / 1000.0, BYTES.toMiB(1000.0 * amount / time)); } else {"Transfer finished: {} bytes transferred in less than 1 ms", amount); } } /* REVISIT: Error reporting from the digest thread is not * optimal. In case of errors, they are not detected until * here. It would be better if digestThread could shutdown the * multiplexer. Maybe we should simply embed the DigestThread * class into the Mover. */ if (digestThread != null && digestThread.getLastError() != null) { _log.error(digestThread.getLastError().toString()); throw digestThread.getLastError(); } /* Check that we receive the whole file. */ if (!_blockLog.isComplete()) { throw new CacheException(44, "Incomplete file detected"); } } /** Part of the MoverProtocol interface. */ @Override public void runIO(FileAttributes fileAttributes, RepositoryChannel fileChannel, ProtocolInfo protocol, Allocator allocator, IoMode access) throws Exception { if (!(protocol instanceof GFtpProtocolInfo)) { throw new CacheException(44, "Protocol info not of type GFtpProtocolInfo"); } GFtpProtocolInfo gftpProtocolInfo = (GFtpProtocolInfo)protocol; Role role = access == IoMode.WRITE ? Role.Receiver : Role.Sender; int version = gftpProtocolInfo.getMajorVersion(); InetSocketAddress address = gftpProtocolInfo.getSocketAddress(); int bufferSize = gftpProtocolInfo.getBufferSize(); int parallelism = gftpProtocolInfo.getParallelStart(); long offset = gftpProtocolInfo.getOffset(); long size = gftpProtocolInfo.getSize(); boolean passive = gftpProtocolInfo.getPassive() && _allowPassivePool; ProtocolFamily protocolFamily = gftpProtocolInfo.getProtocolFamily(); _log.debug("version={}, role={}, mode={}, host={} buffer={}, passive={}, parallelism={}", version, role, gftpProtocolInfo.getMode(), address, bufferSize, passive, parallelism); /* Sanity check the parameters. */ if (gftpProtocolInfo.getPassive() && version == 1) { /* In passive mode we need to be able to send the port we * listen on to the client. With GFtp/1, we cannot send * this information back to the door. */ throw new CacheException(44, "Internal error: Cannot do passive transfer with mover protocol version 1."); } /* If on transfer checksum calculation is enabled, check if * we have a protocol specific preferred algorithm. */ if (_checksumFactory != null) { ChecksumFactory factory = getChecksumFactory(gftpProtocolInfo); if (factory != null) { _checksumFactory = factory; } _digest = _checksumFactory.create(); } /* We initialise these things early, as the job timeout * manager will not kill the job otherwise. */ _transferStarted = System.currentTimeMillis(); _lastTransferred = _transferStarted; Mode mode = createMode(gftpProtocolInfo.getMode(), role, fileChannel); mode.setBufferSize(bufferSize); /* For GFtp/2, the FTP door expects a * GFtpTransferStartedMessage when the mover is ready to * transfer the data. */ if (version == 2) { /* When in passive mode, the door passes us the host * from which the control channel was created. It * seems like a safe assumption that the data channel * will be established from the same network. */ InetAddress localAddress = null; if (passive) { InetAddress clientAddress = InetAddress.getByName(gftpProtocolInfo.getClientAddress()); localAddress = NetworkUtils.getLocalAddress(clientAddress, protocolFamily); if (localAddress == null) { passive = false; } } GFtpTransferStartedMessage message; if (passive) { assert localAddress != null; /* When using true passive mode, we open a server * socket and send a message containing the port * number back to the door. */ ServerSocketChannel channel =; if (bufferSize > 0) { channel.socket().setReceiveBufferSize(bufferSize); } _portRange.bind(channel.socket(), localAddress, 128); message = new GFtpTransferStartedMessage(fileAttributes.getPnfsId().getId(), channel.socket().getInetAddress().getHostAddress(), channel.socket().getLocalPort()); mode.setPassive(channel); } else { /* If passive mode is disabled, then fall back to * active mode. When notified about this, the door * will fall back to proxy mode. */ message = new GFtpTransferStartedMessage(fileAttributes.getPnfsId().getId()); } CellPath path = new CellPath(gftpProtocolInfo.getDoorCellName(), gftpProtocolInfo.getDoorCellDomainName()); _cell.sendMessage(new CellMessage(path, message)); } if (!passive) { /* We use PROXY or ACTIVE mode. In proxy mode, host and * port identify the SocketAdapter running at the door. In * Active mode, host and port identify the client. Either * way, we do not really care. */ mode.setActive(address); } /* - Parallel transfers in stream mode are not defined. * * - Reception in E mode must be passive (incoming). If the * connection is outgoing, it means we use a proxy at the door. * This proxy is limited to one connection from the mover. * * In either case, set the parallelism to one. */ switch (Character.toUpperCase(gftpProtocolInfo.getMode().charAt(0))) { case 'E': if (role == Role.Receiver && !passive) { parallelism = 1; } break; case 'S': parallelism = 1; break; } mode.setParallelism(parallelism); /* Setup partial retrieve parameters. These settings have * already been checked by the door, but better safe than * sorry... */ if (role == Role.Sender) { long fileSize = fileChannel.size(); if (offset < 0) { String err = "prm_offset is " + offset; _log.error(err); throw new IllegalArgumentException(err); } if (size < 0) { String err = "prm_offset is " + size; _log.error(err); throw new IllegalArgumentException(err); } if (offset + size > fileSize) { String err = "invalid prm_offset=" + offset + " and prm_size " + size + " for file of size " + fileSize; _log.error(err); throw new IllegalArgumentException(err); } mode.setPartialRetrieveParameters(offset, size); } try { transfer(fileChannel, role, mode, allocator); } finally { /* Log some useful information about the transfer. This * will be send back to the door by the pool cell. */ gftpProtocolInfo.setBytesTransferred(getBytesTransferred()); gftpProtocolInfo.setTransferTime(getTransferTime()); if (passive) { gftpProtocolInfo.setSocketAddress( Iterables.getFirst(mode.getRemoteAddresses(), gftpProtocolInfo.getSocketAddress())); } } } /** Part of the MoverProtocol interface. */ @Override public long getBytesTransferred() { return _bytesTransferred; } /** Part of the MoverProtocol interface. */ @Override public long getTransferTime() { return (_inProgress ? System.currentTimeMillis() : _lastTransferred) - _transferStarted; } /** Part of the MoverProtocol interface. */ @Override public long getLastTransferred() { return _lastTransferred; } /** Part of the ChecksumMover interface. */ private ChecksumFactory getChecksumFactory(GFtpProtocolInfo protocol) { String type = protocol.getChecksumType(); if (type == null || type.equals("Unknown")) { return null; } try { return ChecksumFactory.getFactory(ChecksumType.getChecksumType(type)); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { _log.error("CRC Algorithm is not supported: {}", type); } return null; } @Override public void enableTransferChecksum(ChecksumType suggestedAlgorithm) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { _checksumFactory = ChecksumFactory.getFactory(suggestedAlgorithm); } /** Part of the ChecksumMover interface. */ @Override public Checksum getExpectedChecksum() { return null; } /** Part of the ChecksumMover interface. */ @Override public Checksum getActualChecksum() { return (_digest == null) ? null : _checksumFactory.create(_digest.digest()); } /** Part of the ConnectionMonitor interface. */ @Override public void receivedBlock(long position, long size) throws FTPException { checkState(_role == Role.Receiver, "Only receivers can receive"); checkArgument(position >= 0, "Position must be non-negative"); checkArgument(size >= 0, "Size must be non-negative"); checkState(position + size <= _spaceUsed, "Must call preallocate before receiving data"); _log.trace("received {} {}", position, size); _blockLog.addBlock(position, size); _bytesTransferred += size; _lastTransferred = System.currentTimeMillis(); } /** Part of the ConnectionMonitor interface. */ @Override public void sentBlock(long position, long size) throws FTPException { checkState(_role == Role.Sender, "Only senders can send"); checkArgument(position >= 0, "Position must be non-negative"); checkArgument(size >= 0, "Size must be non-negative"); _log.trace("send {} {}", position, size); _blockLog.addBlock(position, size); _bytesTransferred += size; _lastTransferred = System.currentTimeMillis(); } /** * Part of the ConnectionMonitor interface. This is the only call * used inside the event loop that may block. This may happen when * we run out of space. In principle, other streams receiving data * placed earlier in the file may continue, however if we are * about to run out of disk space, it may actually be a good idea * to block all streams. */ @Override public void preallocate(long position) throws InterruptedException { if (_role != Role.Receiver) { throw new IllegalStateException("Only receivers can allocate space"); } if (position < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Position must be positive"); } if (position > _reservedSpace) { long additional = Math.max(position - _reservedSpace, SPACE_INC); _status = "WaitingForSpace(" + additional + ")"; _logSpaceAllocation.debug("ALLOC: " + additional ); _allocator.allocate(additional); _status = "None"; _reservedSpace += additional; } _spaceUsed = Math.max(_spaceUsed, position); } /** * Returns the value of an option, or a default value if the * option has not been set. */ public static String getOption(Args args, String name, String defaultValue) { String value = args.getOpt(name); return value == null ? defaultValue : value; } /** * Prints help information for the test utility to stdout. */ public static void help() { System.out.println("Usage: mover -l [OPTION]... ROLE FILE"); System.out.println(" mover [OPTION]... ROLE FILE HOSTNAME"); System.out.println("where ROLE is either -s or -r"); System.out.println(" -port=PORT"); System.out.println(" -buffer=SIZE"); System.out.println(" -streams=NUMBER"); System.out.println(" -offset=BYTES"); System.out.println(" -size=BYTES"); System.out.println(" -mode=(S|E|X)"); System.out.println(" -digest=ALGORITHM"); System.exit(1); } /** * Test program for this class. */ public static void main(String a[]) { try { Args args = new Args(a); int port = Integer.parseInt(getOption(args, "port", "2288")); int bufferSize = Integer.parseInt(getOption(args, "buffer", "0")); int parallelism = Integer.parseInt(getOption(args, "streams", "1")); long offset = Long.parseLong(getOption(args, "offset", "0")); long size = Long.parseLong(getOption(args, "size", "0")); String digest = getOption(args, "digest", ""); Role role = Role.Receiver; if (args.isOneCharOption('r')) { role = Role.Receiver; } else if (args.isOneCharOption('s')) { role = Role.Sender; } else { help(); } GFtpProtocol_2_nio mover = new GFtpProtocol_2_nio(null); RepositoryChannel fileChannel = new FileRepositoryChannel(FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(args.argv(0)), role == Role.Sender ? "r" : "rw"); Mode mode = mover.createMode(getOption(args, "mode", "S"), role, fileChannel); if (args.isOneCharOption('l')) { if (args.argc() != 1) { help(); } ServerSocketChannel channel =; if (bufferSize > 0) { channel.socket().setReceiveBufferSize(bufferSize); } channel.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress(port)); mode.setPassive(channel); } else { if (args.argc() != 2) { help(); } mode.setActive(new InetSocketAddress(args.argv(1), port)); } if (digest.length() > 0 && role != Role.Receiver) { System.err.println("Digest can only be computed on receive"); System.exit(1); } if (size == 0) { size = fileChannel.size() - offset; } mode.setParallelism(parallelism); mode.setPartialRetrieveParameters(offset, size); if (digest.length() > 0) { mover.enableTransferChecksum(ChecksumType.getChecksumType(digest)); } mover.transfer(fileChannel, role, mode, null); if (digest.length() > 0) { System.out.println(mover.getActualChecksum()); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } @Override public void setCellArgs(Args args) { _allowPassivePool = args.getBooleanOption("ftpAllowIncomingConnections"); if (args.hasOption("gsiftpBlockSize")) { _blockSize = args.getIntOption("gsiftpBlockSize"); } } }