package diskCacheV111.admin; import; import; import jline.console.completer.Completer; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import diskCacheV111.pools.PoolV2Mode; import diskCacheV111.util.CacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsId; import diskCacheV111.util.SpreadAndWait; import diskCacheV111.util.TimeoutCacheException; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.DCapProtocolInfo; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.Message; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PnfsFlagMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PnfsGetCacheLocationsMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PnfsMapPathMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.Pool2PoolTransferMsg; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolLinkInfo; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolMgrGetPoolByLink; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolMgrGetPoolLinks; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolMgrReplicateFileMsg; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolModifyModeMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolModifyPersistencyMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolRemoveFilesMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolSetStickyMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.QuotaMgrCheckQuotaMessage; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellEndpoint; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessage; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellPath; import dmg.cells.nucleus.NoRouteToCellException; import dmg.cells.nucleus.SerializationException; import dmg.util.AclException; import dmg.util.AuthorizedString; import dmg.util.CommandException; import dmg.util.CommandExitException; import dmg.util.CommandInterpreter; import dmg.util.CommandSyntaxException; import dmg.util.CommandThrowableException; import org.dcache.cells.CellStub; import org.dcache.namespace.FileAttribute; import org.dcache.util.Args; import org.dcache.util.CacheExceptionFactory; import org.dcache.vehicles.FileAttributes; import org.dcache.vehicles.PnfsGetFileAttributes; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; /** * @author Christian Bernardt, Patrick Fuhrmann * @version 0.2, 10 December 2010 */ public class LegacyAdminShell extends CommandInterpreter implements Completer { private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LegacyAdminShell.class); private static final String ADMIN_COMMAND_NOOP = "xyzzy"; private static final int CD_PROBE_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_MS = 1000; private final CellEndpoint cellEndPoint; private final CellStub _acmStub; private final CellStub _poolManager; private final CellStub _pnfsManager; private final CellStub _cellStub; private String _user; private final String _authUser; private long _timeout = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(10); private boolean _fullException; private final String _instance ; private Position _currentPosition = new Position(); private final boolean _debug = false ; private Completer _completer; private static class Position { private CellPath remote; private String remoteName; private boolean hyperMode; private List<String> hyperPath = new ArrayList<>(); private String moduleName; private Position() { } private Position(Position position) { remote = position.remote; remoteName = position.remoteName; hyperMode = position.hyperMode; hyperPath = new ArrayList<>(position.hyperPath); moduleName = position.moduleName; } private Position(String removeCell) { hyperMode = false; remoteName = removeCell; remote = remoteName == null ? null : new CellPath(remoteName); } private void clearHyperMode() { hyperMode = false; remoteName = null; remote = null; hyperPath = new ArrayList<>(); moduleName = null; } private void gotoLocal() { remoteName = null; remote = null; hyperPath = new ArrayList<>(); moduleName = null; } private String getPrefix() { if ((hyperPath == null) || (hyperPath.size() < 3)) { return ""; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 2, n = hyperPath.size(); i < n; i++) { sb.append(hyperPath.get(i)).append(" "); } return sb.toString(); } private void finish() { if (!hyperMode) { return; } int size = hyperPath.size(); String domainName = size > 0 ? hyperPath.get(0) : null; String cellName = size > 1 ? hyperPath.get(1) : null; moduleName = size > 2 ? hyperPath.get(2) : null; if (domainName == null) { remoteName = null; } else if (cellName == null) { remoteName = domainName.equals("*") ? "topo" : "System@" + domainName; } else { remoteName = domainName.equals("*") ? cellName : cellName + "@" + domainName; } remote = remoteName == null ? null : new CellPath(remoteName); } private void mergePath(Path path) { hyperMode = true; String[] pathString = path.getPath(); if (path.isAbsolutePath()) { hyperPath = new ArrayList<>(); Collections.addAll(hyperPath, pathString); } else { for (String pathElement : pathString) { switch (pathElement) { case ".": break; case "..": int currentSize = hyperPath.size(); if (currentSize == 0) { continue; } hyperPath.remove(currentSize - 1); break; default: hyperPath.add(pathElement); break; } } } finish(); } } private class Path { private final String _pathString; private boolean _isAbsolutePath; private boolean _isPath; private boolean _isDomain; private final String[] _path; private Path(String pathString) { _pathString = pathString; if (_pathString.indexOf('@') > -1) { _isDomain = true; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(pathString, "@"); _path = new String[2]; _path[0] = st.nextToken(); _path[1] = st.nextToken(); } else if (_pathString.indexOf('/') > -1) { _isPath = true; _isAbsolutePath = _pathString.startsWith("/"); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(_pathString, "/"); int count = st.countTokens(); _path = new String[count]; for (int i = 0; i < _path.length; i++) { _path[i] = st.nextToken(); } } else { _path = new String[1]; _path[0] = _pathString; } } private boolean isAbsolutePath() { return _isAbsolutePath; } private boolean isDomain() { return _isDomain; } private boolean isPath() { return _isPath; } private String[] getPath() { return _path; } @Override public String toString() { return _pathString; } } public LegacyAdminShell(String user, CellEndpoint cellEndpoint, String prompt) { cellEndPoint = cellEndpoint; _user = user; _authUser = user; _acmStub = new CellStub(cellEndpoint, new CellPath("acm")); _poolManager = new CellStub(cellEndpoint, new CellPath("PoolManager")); _pnfsManager = new CellStub(cellEndpoint, new CellPath("PnfsManager"), 30000, MILLISECONDS); _cellStub = new CellStub(cellEndpoint); _instance = prompt; addCommandListener(new HelpCommands()); } protected String getUser() { return _user; } public void checkPermission(String aclName) throws AclException { Object[] request = new Object[5]; request[0] = "request"; request[1] = "<nobody>"; request[2] = "check-permission"; request[3] = getUser(); request[4] = aclName; Object[] r; try { r = _acmStub.sendAndWait(request, Object[].class, _timeout); } catch (NoRouteToCellException | TimeoutCacheException e) { throw new AclException(e.getMessage()); } catch (CacheException | InterruptedException e) { throw new AclException("Problem: " + e.getMessage()); } if (r.length < 6 || !(r[5] instanceof Boolean)) { throw new AclException("Protocol violation 4456"); } if (!((Boolean) r[5])) { throw new AclException(getUser(), aclName); } } public String getHello(){ return "\n dCache Admin (VII) (user="+getUser()+")\n\n" ; } public String getPrompt(){ if( _currentPosition.hyperMode ){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder() ; sb.append("(").append(getUser()).append(") "); if( _debug ){ String remote = _currentPosition.remoteName == null ? "local" : _currentPosition.remoteName; sb.append("[").append(remote).append("] "); } sb.append(_instance == null ? "/" : ( "/" + _instance ) ) ; for (Object pathElement : _currentPosition.hyperPath) { sb.append("/").append(pathElement.toString()); } sb.append(" > "); return sb.toString(); }else{ return ( _instance == null ? "" : ( "[" + _instance + "] " ) ) + ( _currentPosition.remote == null ? "(local) " : ( "(" + _currentPosition.remoteName +") " ) ) + getUser()+" > " ; } } public Object ac_logoff(Args args) throws CommandException { throw new CommandExitException("Done", 0); } public static final String hh_su = "<userName>"; public String ac_su_$_1(Args args) throws Exception { String user = args.argv(0); if (user.equals(_authUser)) { _user = _authUser; return "User changed BACK to " + _user; } else if (user.equals(_user)) { return "User not changed, still " + _user; } try { checkPermission("system.*.newuser"); } catch (AclException acle) { checkPermission("system." + user + ".newuser"); } _user = user; return "User changed to " + _user; } public static final String hh_set_exception = "message|detail"; public String ac_set_exception_$_0_1(Args args) throws CommandException { if (args.argc() > 0) { if (args.argv(0).equals("message")) { _fullException = false; } else if (args.argv(0).equals("detail")) { _fullException = true; } else { throw new CommandSyntaxException("set exception message|detail"); } } return "Exception = " + (_fullException ? "detail" : "message"); } public static final String hh_set_timeout = "<timeout/sec> # command timeout in seconds"; public String ac_set_timeout_$_0_1(Args args) { if (args.argc() > 0) { long timeout = Integer.parseInt(args.argv(0)) * 1000L; if (timeout < 1000L) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("<timeout> >= 1"); } _timeout = timeout; } return "Timeout = " + (_timeout / 1000L); } public static final String hh_getpoolbylink = "<linkName> [-size=<filesize>] [-service=<serviceCellName]"; public String ac_getpoolbylink_$_1(Args args) throws Exception { String linkName = args.argv(0); String service = args.getOpt("service"); String sizeString = args.getOpt("size"); PoolMgrGetPoolByLink msg = new PoolMgrGetPoolByLink(linkName); if (sizeString != null) { msg.setFilesize(Long.parseLong(sizeString)); } service = service == null ? "PoolManager" : service; Object result = sendObject(service, msg); if (result == null) { throw new Exception("QuotaRequest timed out"); } if (result instanceof PoolMgrGetPoolByLink) { PoolMgrGetPoolByLink link = (PoolMgrGetPoolByLink) result; int rc = link.getReturnCode(); if (rc != 0) { return "Problem " + rc + " <" + link.getErrorObject() + "> reported for link " + linkName; } else { return "Pool <" + link.getPoolName() + "> selected for link " + linkName; } } return "Unexpected class " + result.getClass().getName() + " arrived with message " + result.toString(); } public static final String hh_quota_query = "<storageClassName>|* [-l] [-service=<serviceCellName>]"; public Object ac_quota_query_$_1(Args args) throws Exception { String storageClassName = args.argv(0); String service = args.getOpt("service"); service = service == null ? "QuotaManager" : service; boolean extended = args.hasOption("l"); Message msg; if (storageClassName.equals("*")) { msg = new PoolMgrGetPoolLinks(); } else { msg = new QuotaMgrCheckQuotaMessage(storageClassName); } Object result = sendObject(service, msg); if (result == null) { throw new Exception("QuotaRequest timed out"); } if (result instanceof QuotaMgrCheckQuotaMessage) { return result.toString(); } else if (result instanceof PoolMgrGetPoolLinks) { if (extended) { PoolMgrGetPoolLinks info = (PoolMgrGetPoolLinks) result; PoolLinkInfo[] links = info.getPoolLinkInfos(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (links == null) { return "Object doesn't contain a Links list"; } for (PoolLinkInfo link : links) { sb.append(" Link ").append(link.getName()).append(" : ") .append(link.getAvailableSpaceInBytes()).append("\n"); String[] storageGroups = link.getStorageGroups(); if (storageGroups == null) { continue; } for (String storageGroup : storageGroups) { sb.append(" ").append(storageGroup).append("\n"); } } return sb.toString(); } return result.toString(); } return "Unexpected class " + result.getClass().getName() + " arrived with message " + result.toString(); } public static final String hh_set_sticky = "<pnfsId>|<globalPath> [-target=<target>] [-silent]"; public Object ac_set_sticky_$_1(Args args) throws Exception { return setSticky( args.argv(0), args.getOpt("target"), true, !args.hasOption("silent") ? new StringBuffer() : null); } public static final String hh_set_unsticky = "<pnfsId>|<globalPath> [-target=<target>] [-silent]"; public Object ac_set_unsticky_$_1(Args args) throws Exception { return setSticky( args.argv(0), args.getOpt("target"), false, !args.hasOption("silent") ? new StringBuffer() : null); } public static final String hh_uncache = "<pnfsId>|<globalPath> [-target=<target>] [-silent]"; public Object ac_uncache_$_1(Args args) throws Exception { try { return uncache( args.argv(0), args.getOpt("target"), !args.hasOption("silent") ? new StringBuffer() : null); } catch (Exception ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); throw ee; } } public static final String fh_repinfoof = "repinfoof <pnfsId> | <globalPath> # lists info the status of a file by pnfsid or by path.\n" + "The information includes pools on which the file has been stored (info provided by \"cacheinfoof\" in the PnfsManager cell)\n" + "and the repository info of the file (info provided by \"rep ls\" in the pool cell).\n"; public static final String hh_repinfoof = "<pnfsId> | <globalPath>"; public String ac_repinfoof_$_1(Args args) throws CacheException, SerializationException, NoRouteToCellException, InterruptedException, CommandException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String fileIdentifier = args.argv(0); FileAttributes fileAttributes = getFileLocations(fileIdentifier); PnfsId pnfsId = fileAttributes.getPnfsId(); if (fileAttributes.getLocations().isEmpty()) { // nothing to do return "No file locations found"; } Map<CellPath, String> replies = askPoolsForRepLs(fileAttributes, pnfsId); for (Map.Entry<CellPath, String> reply : replies.entrySet()) { sb.append(reply.getKey().getCellName()).append(" : "); sb.append(reply.getValue()); } return sb.toString(); } private FileAttributes getFileLocations(String fileIdentifier) throws CacheException, SerializationException, NoRouteToCellException, InterruptedException, CommandException { Set<FileAttribute> request = EnumSet.of(FileAttribute.LOCATIONS, FileAttribute.PNFSID); PnfsGetFileAttributes msg; if (PnfsId.isValid(fileIdentifier)) { PnfsId pnfsId = new PnfsId(fileIdentifier); msg = new PnfsGetFileAttributes(pnfsId, request); } else { msg = new PnfsGetFileAttributes(fileIdentifier, request); } PnfsGetFileAttributes replyFileLocations = (PnfsGetFileAttributes) sendObject("PnfsManager", msg); if (replyFileLocations == null) { throw new CacheException("Request to the PnfsManager timed out"); } if (replyFileLocations.getReturnCode() != 0) { throw CacheExceptionFactory.exceptionOf(replyFileLocations); } return replyFileLocations.getFileAttributes(); } private Map<CellPath, String> askPoolsForRepLs(FileAttributes fileAttributes, PnfsId pnfsId) { SpreadAndWait<String> spreader = new SpreadAndWait<>(new CellStub(cellEndPoint, null, _timeout)); for (String poolName : fileAttributes.getLocations()) { spreader.send(new CellPath(poolName), String.class, "rep ls " + pnfsId); } try { spreader.waitForReplies(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) {"InterruptedException while waiting for a reply from pools " + ex); } return spreader.getReplies(); } private String setSticky( String destination, String target, boolean mode, StringBuffer sb) throws Exception { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(target)) { target = "*"; } boolean verbose = sb != null; PnfsFlagReply reply = setPnfsFlag(destination, "s", target, mode); PnfsId pnfsId = reply.getPnfsId(); PnfsGetCacheLocationsMessage pnfsMessage = new PnfsGetCacheLocationsMessage(pnfsId); pnfsMessage = (PnfsGetCacheLocationsMessage) sendObject("PnfsManager", pnfsMessage); if (pnfsMessage.getReturnCode() != 0) { throw new FileNotFoundException(destination); } List<String> list = pnfsMessage.getCacheLocations(); if (verbose) { sb.append("Location(s) : "); for (String location : list) { sb.append(location).append(","); } sb.append("\n"); } if (target.equals("*")) { if (verbose) { sb.append("Selection : <all>\n"); } } else if (list.contains(target)) { if (verbose) { sb.append("Selection : ").append(target).append("\n"); } list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(target); } else { if (verbose) { sb.append("Selection : <nothing>\n"); } return sb == null ? "" : sb.toString(); } PoolSetStickyMessage sticky; for (String poolName : list) { if (verbose) { sb.append(poolName).append(" : "); } try { sticky = new PoolSetStickyMessage(poolName, pnfsId, mode); sticky = (PoolSetStickyMessage) sendObject(poolName, sticky); if (verbose) { int rc = sticky.getReturnCode(); if (rc != 0) { sb.append("[").append(rc).append("] "). append(sticky.getErrorObject().toString()); } else { sb.append("ok"); } } } catch (Exception ee) { if (verbose) { sb.append(ee.getMessage()); } } if (verbose) { sb.append("\n"); } } return sb == null ? "" : sb.toString(); } private String uncache(String destination, String target, StringBuffer sb) throws Exception { if ((target == null) || (target.isEmpty())) { target = "*"; } boolean verbose = sb != null; PnfsId pnfsId; if (destination.startsWith("/pnfs")) { PnfsMapPathMessage map = new PnfsMapPathMessage(destination); map = (PnfsMapPathMessage) sendObject("PnfsManager", map); if (map.getReturnCode() != 0) { Object o = map.getErrorObject(); if (o instanceof Exception) { throw (Exception) o; } else { throw new Exception(o.toString()); } } if ((pnfsId = map.getPnfsId()) == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException(destination); } } else { pnfsId = new PnfsId(destination); } int dbId = pnfsId.getDatabaseId(); try { checkPermission("pool.*.uncache"); } catch (AclException ee) { checkPermission("pool." + dbId + ".uncache"); } PnfsGetCacheLocationsMessage pnfsMessage = new PnfsGetCacheLocationsMessage(pnfsId); pnfsMessage = (PnfsGetCacheLocationsMessage) sendObject("PnfsManager", pnfsMessage); if (pnfsMessage.getReturnCode() != 0) { throw new FileNotFoundException(destination); } List<String> locations = pnfsMessage.getCacheLocations(); if (verbose) { sb.append("Location(s) : "); for (Object location : locations) { sb.append(location.toString()).append(","); } sb.append("\n"); } if (target.equals("*")) { if (verbose) { sb.append("Selection : <all>\n"); } } else if (locations.contains(target)) { if (verbose) { sb.append("Selection : ").append(target).append("\n"); } locations = new ArrayList<>(); locations.add(target); } else { if (verbose) { sb.append("Selection : <nothing>\n"); } return sb == null ? "" : sb.toString(); } PoolRemoveFilesMessage remove; for (Object location : locations) { String poolName = location.toString(); if (verbose) { sb.append(poolName).append(" : "); } try { remove = new PoolRemoveFilesMessage(poolName, pnfsId.toString()); remove = (PoolRemoveFilesMessage) sendObject(poolName, remove); if (verbose) { int rc = remove.getReturnCode(); if (rc != 0) { Object obj = remove.getErrorObject(); if ((obj != null) && (obj instanceof Object[])) { Object o = ((Object[]) obj)[0]; if (o != null) { sb.append("[").append(rc).append("] Failed "). append(o.toString()); } } else if (obj != null) { sb.append("[").append(rc).append("] Failed "). append(obj.toString()); } } else { sb.append("ok"); } } } catch (Exception ee) { if (verbose) { sb.append(ee.getMessage()); } } if (verbose) { sb.append("\n"); } } return sb == null ? "" : sb.toString(); } private static class PnfsFlagReply { private final PnfsId _pnfsId; private final PnfsFlagMessage _message; public PnfsFlagReply(PnfsId pnfsId, PnfsFlagMessage message) { _pnfsId = pnfsId; _message = message; } public PnfsId getPnfsId() { return _pnfsId; } public PnfsFlagMessage getPnfsFlagMessage() { return _message; } } public static final String hh_flags_set = "<pnfsId>|<globalPath> <key> <value>"; public Object ac_flags_set_$_3(Args args) throws Exception { String destination = args.argv(0); String key = args.argv(1); String value = args.argv(2); PnfsFlagMessage result = setPnfsFlag(destination, key, value, true).getPnfsFlagMessage(); return result.getReturnCode() == 0 ? "" : result.getErrorObject().toString(); } private PnfsFlagReply setPnfsFlag( String destination, String key, String value, boolean mode) throws Exception { PnfsId pnfsId; if (destination.startsWith("/pnfs")) { PnfsMapPathMessage map = new PnfsMapPathMessage(destination); map = (PnfsMapPathMessage) sendObject("PnfsManager", map); if (map.getReturnCode() != 0) { Object o = map.getErrorObject(); if (o instanceof Exception) { throw (Exception) o; } else { throw new Exception(o.toString()); } } pnfsId = map.getPnfsId(); if (pnfsId == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException(destination); } } else { pnfsId = new PnfsId(destination); } int dbId = pnfsId.getDatabaseId(); try { checkPermission("pnfs.*.update"); } catch (AclException ee) { checkPermission("pnfs." + key + "." + dbId + ".update"); } PnfsFlagMessage pfm = new PnfsFlagMessage(pnfsId, key, mode ? PnfsFlagMessage.FlagOperation.SET : PnfsFlagMessage.FlagOperation.REMOVE); pfm.setValue(value); PnfsFlagMessage result = (PnfsFlagMessage) sendObject("PnfsManager", pfm); if (result.getReturnCode() != 0) { Object o = result.getErrorObject(); if (o instanceof Exception) { throw (Exception) o; } else { throw new Exception(o.toString()); } } return new PnfsFlagReply(pnfsId, result); } public static final String hh_flags_remove = "<pnfsId> <key>"; public Object ac_flags_remove_$_2(Args args) throws Exception { PnfsId pnfsId; if (args.argv(0).startsWith("/pnfs")) { PnfsMapPathMessage map = new PnfsMapPathMessage(args.argv(0)); map = (PnfsMapPathMessage) sendObject("PnfsManager", map); if (map.getReturnCode() != 0) { Object o = map.getErrorObject(); if (o instanceof Exception) { throw (Exception) o; } else { throw new Exception(o.toString()); } } pnfsId = map.getPnfsId(); } else { pnfsId = new PnfsId(args.argv(0)); } int dbId = pnfsId.getDatabaseId(); String key = args.argv(1); try { checkPermission("pnfs.*.update"); } catch (AclException ee) { checkPermission("pnfs." + key + "." + dbId + ".update"); } PnfsFlagMessage pfm = new PnfsFlagMessage(pnfsId, key, PnfsFlagMessage.FlagOperation.REMOVE); PnfsFlagMessage result = (PnfsFlagMessage) sendObject("PnfsManager", pfm); if (result.getReturnCode() != 0) { Object o = result.getErrorObject(); if (o instanceof Exception) { throw (Exception) o; } else { throw new Exception(o.toString()); } } return result.getReturnCode() == 0 ? "" : result.getErrorObject().toString(); } public static final String hh_p2p = "<pnfsId> [<sourcePool> <destinationPool>] [-ip=<address]"; public String ac_p2p_$_1_3(Args args) throws CacheException, InterruptedException, NoRouteToCellException { if (args.argc() >= 3) { String source = args.argv(1); String dest = args.argv(2); PnfsId pnfsId = new PnfsId(args.argv(0)); Pool2PoolTransferMsg p2p = new Pool2PoolTransferMsg(source, dest, FileAttributes.ofPnfsId(pnfsId)); cellEndPoint.sendMessage( new CellMessage(new CellPath(dest), p2p) ); return "P2p of " + pnfsId + " initiated from " + source + " to " + dest; } else { PnfsId pnfsId = new PnfsId(args.argv(0)); String ip = args.getOpt("ip"); PnfsGetFileAttributes fileAttributesMsg = new PnfsGetFileAttributes(pnfsId, PoolMgrReplicateFileMsg.getRequiredAttributes()); fileAttributesMsg = _pnfsManager.sendAndWait(fileAttributesMsg); DCapProtocolInfo pinfo = new DCapProtocolInfo("DCap", 0, 0, new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 0)); String timeoutString = args.getOpt("timeout"); long timeout = timeoutString != null ? Long.parseLong(timeoutString) * 1000L : 60000L; PoolMgrReplicateFileMsg select = new PoolMgrReplicateFileMsg(fileAttributesMsg.getFileAttributes(), pinfo); select = _poolManager.sendAndWait(select, timeout); return "p2p -> " + select.getPoolName(); } } public String fh_modify_poolmode = " a) modify poolmode enable <poolname>[,<poolname>...]\n" + " b) modify poolmode [OPTIONS] disable <poolname>[,<poolname>...] [<code> [<message>]]\n" + " OPTIONS :\n" + " -fetch # disallows fetch (transfer to client)\n" + " -stage # disallows staging (from HSM)\n" + " -store # disallows store (transfer from client)\n" + " -p2p-client\n" + " -rdonly # := store,stage,p2p-client\n" + " -strict # := disallows everything\n"; public static final String hh_modify_poolmode = "enable|disable <poolname>[,<poolname>...] [<code> [<message>]] [-strict|-stage|-rdonly|-fetch|-store]"; public String ac_modify_poolmode_$_2_4(Args args) throws Exception { checkPermission("*.*.*"); String enable = args.argv(0); String poolList = args.argv(1); String message = args.argc() > 3 ? args.argv(3) : null; int code = args.argc() > 2 ? Integer.parseInt(args.argv(2)) : 0; PoolV2Mode mode = new PoolV2Mode(); switch (enable) { case "disable": int modeBits = PoolV2Mode.DISABLED; if (args.hasOption("strict")) { modeBits |= PoolV2Mode.DISABLED_STRICT; } if (args.hasOption("stage")) { modeBits |= PoolV2Mode.DISABLED_STAGE; } if (args.hasOption("fetch")) { modeBits |= PoolV2Mode.DISABLED_FETCH; } if (args.hasOption("store")) { modeBits |= PoolV2Mode.DISABLED_STORE; } if (args.hasOption("p2p-client")) { modeBits |= PoolV2Mode.DISABLED_P2P_CLIENT; } if (args.hasOption("p2p-server")) { modeBits |= PoolV2Mode.DISABLED_P2P_SERVER; } if (args.hasOption("rdonly")) { modeBits |= PoolV2Mode.DISABLED_RDONLY; } mode.setMode(modeBits); break; case "enable": break; default: throw new CommandSyntaxException("Invalid keyword : " + enable); } StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(poolList, ","); PoolModifyModeMessage modify; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Sending new pool mode : ").append(mode).append("\n"); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String poolName = st.nextToken(); modify = new PoolModifyModeMessage(poolName, mode); modify.setStatusInfo(code, message); sb.append(" ").append(poolName).append(" -> "); try { modify = (PoolModifyModeMessage) sendObject(poolName, modify); } catch (Exception ee) { sb.append(ee.getMessage()).append("\n"); continue; } if (modify.getReturnCode() != 0) { sb.append(modify.getErrorObject().toString()).append("\n"); continue; } sb.append("OK\n"); } return sb.toString(); } public static final String hh_set_deletable = "<pnfsId> # DEBUG for advisory delete (srm)"; public String ac_set_deletable_$_1(Args args) throws Exception { checkPermission("*.*.*"); PnfsId pnfsId = new PnfsId(args.argv(0)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); PnfsFlagMessage pfm = new PnfsFlagMessage(pnfsId, "d", PnfsFlagMessage.FlagOperation.SET); pfm.setValue("true"); try { pfm = (PnfsFlagMessage) sendObject("PnfsManager", pfm); } catch (Exception ee) { sb.append("Attempt to set 'd' flag reported an Exception : ") .append(ee); sb.append("\n"); sb.append("Operation aborted\n"); return sb.toString(); } if (pfm.getReturnCode() != 0) { sb.append("set 'd' flag reported : ").append(pfm.getErrorObject()); return sb.toString(); } sb.append("Setting 'd' succeeded\n"); PnfsGetCacheLocationsMessage locations = new PnfsGetCacheLocationsMessage(pnfsId); try { locations = (PnfsGetCacheLocationsMessage) sendObject("PnfsManager", locations); } catch (Exception ee) { sb.append("Attempt to get cache locations reported an Exception : ") .append(ee); sb.append("\n"); sb.append("Operation aborted\n"); return sb.toString(); } if (locations.getReturnCode() != 0) { sb.append("Problem in getting cache location(s) : ") .append(locations.getErrorObject()); return sb.toString(); } List<String> assumedLocations = locations.getCacheLocations(); sb.append("Assumed cache locations : ").append(assumedLocations.toString()).append("\n"); for (Object assumedLocation : assumedLocations) { String poolName = assumedLocation.toString(); PoolModifyPersistencyMessage p = new PoolModifyPersistencyMessage(poolName, pnfsId, false); try { p = (PoolModifyPersistencyMessage) sendObject(poolName, p); } catch (Exception ee) { sb.append("Attempt to contact "). append(poolName). append(" reported an Exception : "). append(ee.toString()). append("\n"). append(" Operation continues\n"); continue; } if (locations.getReturnCode() != 0) { sb.append("Set 'cached' reply from "). append(poolName). append(" : "). append(p.getErrorObject()). append("\n"); } else { sb.append("Set 'cached' OK for "). append(poolName). append("\n"); } } return sb.toString(); } public static final String hh_flags_ls = "<pnfsId> <key>"; public Object ac_flags_ls_$_2(Args args) throws Exception { PnfsId pnfsId; if (args.argv(0).startsWith("/pnfs")) { PnfsMapPathMessage map = new PnfsMapPathMessage(args.argv(0)); map = (PnfsMapPathMessage) sendObject("PnfsManager", map); if (map.getReturnCode() != 0) { Object o = map.getErrorObject(); if (o instanceof Exception) { throw (Exception) o; } else { throw new Exception(o.toString()); } } pnfsId = map.getPnfsId(); } else { pnfsId = new PnfsId(args.argv(0)); } String key = args.argv(1); PnfsFlagMessage pfm = new PnfsFlagMessage(pnfsId, key, PnfsFlagMessage.FlagOperation.GET); PnfsFlagMessage result = (PnfsFlagMessage) sendObject("PnfsManager", pfm); return result.getReturnCode() == 0 ? (key + " -> " + result.getValue()) : result.getErrorObject().toString(); } public static final String hh_pnfs_map = "<globalPath>"; public String ac_pnfs_map_$_1(Args args) throws Exception { if (!args.argv(0).startsWith("/pnfs")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("not a global dCache path (/pnfs...)"); } PnfsMapPathMessage map = new PnfsMapPathMessage(args.argv(0)); map = (PnfsMapPathMessage) sendObject("PnfsManager", map); if (map.getReturnCode() != 0) { Object o = map.getErrorObject(); if (o instanceof Exception) { throw (Exception) o; } else { throw new Exception(o.toString()); } } return map.getPnfsId().toString(); } // // input remoteName // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // / null // /* null [no really defined] // /<domain> System@<domain> // /<domain>/<cell> <cell>@<domain> // /*/<cells> <cell> // /<domain>|*/<cells>/<module> see above // public static final String fh_cd = " SYNTAX I :\n" + " cd <cellPath>\n" + " <cellPath> : <cellName>[@<domainName>]\n" + " The cd command will send all subsequent commands to the specified cell.\n" + " Use '..' to get back to local mode\n" + "" + " SYNTAX II : \n" + " cd <cellDirectoryPath>\n" + " <cellDirecotryPath> : /<domainName>[/<cellName>[/<moduleName[...]]]" + " The cd command will send all subsequent commands to the specified cell resp. module.\n" + " Use the standard unix directory syntax to navigate though the cell/domain realm.\n" + " Simple '..' will bring you back to 'SYNTAX I'\n" + " Special paths : " + " /*/<cellName> : use the * directory for wellknown cells.\n" + " /local : use the local directory for the local domain\n" + " /<domain> : if no cell is given, the system cell is selected\n" + " except for the /* director where the topo cell is\n" + " chosen, if available\n" + "\n"; public static final String hh_cd = "<cellPath> | <cellDirectoryPath> # see 'help cd'"; public String ac_cd_$_1(Args args) throws Exception { String remoteCell = args.argv(0); Path path = new Path(remoteCell); Position newPosition; if (path.isDomain()) { // // switch back do domain mode (hyper mode or not) // newPosition = new Position(remoteCell); } else if (_currentPosition.hyperMode) { // // we are and stay in hyper mode // newPosition = new Position(_currentPosition); newPosition.mergePath(path); } else if (path.isPath()) { if (path.isAbsolutePath()) { newPosition = new Position(_currentPosition); newPosition.mergePath(path); } else { // // not hyper mode, got a path but not an absolute one. // so we wouldn't know what to do. // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Need absolute path to switch to directory mode"); } } else { // // // newPosition = new Position(remoteCell); } if (newPosition.remoteName != null) { checkCellExists(newPosition.remote); checkCdPermission(newPosition.remoteName); } synchronized (this) { _currentPosition = newPosition; } return ""; } private void checkCdPermission(String remoteName) throws AclException { int pos = remoteName.indexOf('-'); String prefix = null; if (pos > 0) { prefix = remoteName.substring(0, pos); } try { checkPermission("cell.*.execute"); } catch (AclException acle) { try { checkPermission("cell." + remoteName + ".execute"); } catch (AclException acle2) { if (prefix == null) { throw acle2; } try { checkPermission("cell." + prefix + "-pools.execute"); } catch (AclException acle3) { throw new AclException(getUser(), remoteName); } } } } private void checkCellExists(CellPath remoteCell) { try { _cellStub.sendAndWait(remoteCell, ADMIN_COMMAND_NOOP, Object.class, CD_PROBE_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_MS); } catch (NoRouteToCellException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot cd to this cell as it doesn't exist."); } catch (CacheException e) { // Some other failure, but apparently the cell exists"Cell probe failed: {}", e.getMessage()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } @Override public int complete(String buffer, int cursor, List<CharSequence> candidates) { try { if (_completer == null) { Object help = executeCommand("help"); if (help == null) { return -1; } _completer = new HelpCompleter(String.valueOf(help)); } return _completer.complete(buffer, cursor, candidates); } catch (Exception e) {"Completion failed: " + e.toString()); return -1; } } public Object executeCommand(String str) throws CommandException, InterruptedException, NoRouteToCellException {"String command (super) " + str); if (str.trim().isEmpty()) { return ""; } if (str.equals("..")) { _currentPosition.clearHyperMode(); _currentPosition.gotoLocal(); return ""; } Args args = new Args(str); if (_currentPosition.remote == null) { return localCommand(args); } else { if (_currentPosition.hyperMode) { if ((args.argc() == 1) && (args.argv(0).equals("cd"))) { _currentPosition.gotoLocal(); return ""; } else if ((args.argc() > 1) && (args.argv(0).equals("cd"))) { return localCommand(args); } String prefix = _currentPosition.getPrefix(); if (!prefix.isEmpty()) { if ((args.argc() >= 1) && (args.argv(0).equals("help"))) { if (args.argc() == 1) { str = "help " + prefix; } } else { str = prefix + " " + str; } } } return sendObject(_currentPosition.remote, new AuthorizedString(_user, str)); } } private Object localCommand(Args args) throws CommandException {"Local command {}", args); Object or = command(args); if (or == null) { return ""; } String r = or.toString(); if (r.length() < 1) { return ""; } if (r.substring(r.length() - 1).equals("\n")) { return r; } else { return r + "\n"; } } private Object sendObject(String cellPath, Serializable object) throws NoRouteToCellException, InterruptedException, CommandException { return sendObject(new CellPath(cellPath), object); } private Object sendObject(CellPath cellPath, Serializable object) throws NoRouteToCellException, InterruptedException, CommandException { try { return _cellStub.send(cellPath, object, Object.class, _timeout).get(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { Throwable cause = e.getCause(); if (_fullException) { return getStackTrace(cause); } Throwables.throwIfInstanceOf(cause, Error.class); Throwables.throwIfInstanceOf(cause, NoRouteToCellException.class); Throwables.throwIfInstanceOf(cause, CommandException.class); throw new CommandThrowableException(cause.toString(), cause); } } protected Object sendCommand(CellPath destination, String command) throws InterruptedException, NoRouteToCellException, TimeoutCacheException { try { Object obj = _cellStub.sendAndWait(destination, new AuthorizedString(_user, command), Object.class, _timeout); if (obj instanceof Throwable && _fullException) { return getStackTrace((Throwable) obj); } return obj; } catch (TimeoutCacheException e) { throw new TimeoutCacheException("Request timed out"); } catch (CacheException e) { if (_fullException) { return getStackTrace(e); } return e; } } private Object getStackTrace(Throwable obj) { CharArrayWriter ca = new CharArrayWriter(); obj.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(ca)); return ca.toString(); } public Object executeCommand(CellPath destination, Object str) throws InterruptedException, TimeoutCacheException, NoRouteToCellException {"Object command ({}) {}",destination, str); return sendCommand(destination, str.toString()); } }