package org.dcache.tests.cells; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessage; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellPath; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; /** * Abstract helper class for creating cell stubs for testing. * * The intention is that this class is subclassed for each test case. * The test case is implemented in the <code>run</code> method, which * is executed as part of the stub constructor. * * The subclass implements a number of message handlers. A message * handler is a method annotated with <code>@Message</code>. The stub * will send messages send to a CellEndpointHelper and forward them to * the appropriate handler. A handler is used exactly once. If the same * message is expected several times, several message handlers must be * defined. * * To precisely test the cell interaction, the test is split into a * number of steps. The test starts at step 0. Each message handler is * bound to a step and the test is automatically advanced to the next * step matching the message handler used. In case several message * handlers apply, the one with the lowest step is used. The * <code>run</code> method can assert the progress of the test by * calling <code>assertStep</code>. * */ public abstract class CellStubHelper { /** * This class wraps methods for handling message. Handlers * implement the chain of command pattern. */ class Handler implements Comparable<Handler> { /** The method this handler wraps. */ private final Method _method; /** The annotation of the method. */ private final Message _annotation; /** Whether the handler has been called. */ private boolean _used; public Handler(Method method, Message annotation) { _method = method; _method.setAccessible(true); _annotation = annotation; _used = false; } public boolean isRequired() { return _annotation.required(); } public boolean isUsed() { return _used; } public int getStep() { return _annotation.step(); } public String getCellName() { return _annotation.cell(); } /** Handlers are ordered according to the step annotation. */ @Override public int compareTo(Handler handler) { return, handler.getStep()); } public CellMessage call(CellMessage msg) throws Throwable { /* Cannot use handler belonging to a previous step. */ if (_step > getStep()) { return null; } /* Can only use handler once. */ if (_used) { return null; } /* Only accept messages sent to the cell for this messages * was written. */ CellPath dest = msg.getDestinationPath(); String cell = getCellName(); if (!cell.equals(dest.getCellName())) { return null; } /* Deliver message. */ try { msg.setMessageObject((Serializable) _method.invoke(CellStubHelper.this, msg.getMessageObject())); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { fail("Unexpected failure while invoking message handler: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw e.getTargetException(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { /* Handler parameters didn't match message object. */ return null; } /* Advance step. Will fail if required handlers belonging * to earlier steps have not been called. */ _used = true; assertStep("Required messages missing", getStep(), 0); msg.revertDirection(); return msg; } public String toString() { return _method.toString(); } } protected final List<Handler> _handlers = new ArrayList<>(); protected int _step; protected Throwable _failed; public CellStubHelper(CellEndpointHelper endpoint) throws Throwable { _step = 0; try { /* Collect message handlers. */ for (Method method : getClass().getDeclaredMethods()) { Message annotation = method.getAnnotation(Message.class); if (annotation != null) { _handlers.add(new Handler(method, annotation)); } } Collections.sort(_handlers); /* Execute the test. */ endpoint.execute(this); assertStep("Required messages missing", Integer.MAX_VALUE); } finally { if (_failed != null) { throw _failed; } } } synchronized public CellMessage messageArrived(CellMessage msg) { try { for (Handler handler : _handlers) { CellMessage reply =; if (reply != null) { return reply; } } throw new AssertionError("Unexpected message: " + msg); } catch (AssertionError e) { _failed = e; throw e; } catch (Throwable e) { _failed = e; msg.revertDirection(); msg.setMessageObject(e); return msg; } } protected void assertStep(String message, int step) { assertStep(message, step, 100); } protected void assertStep(String message, int step, long timeout) { /* We need to make sure that messages have actually been * delivered. Currently I cannot find a better way than to * sleep for a moment... (REVISIT). */ try { Thread.currentThread().sleep(timeout); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } assertTrue(message, _step <= step); for (Handler handler: _handlers) { assertTrue("Required message missing: " + handler, !handler.isRequired() || handler.isUsed() || handler.getStep() >= step); } _step = step; } protected abstract void run() throws Exception; }