package; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.Message; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellEndpoint; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessage; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessageAnswerable; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellPath; import dmg.cells.nucleus.SerializationException; import static org.junit.Assert.*; /** * Some tests that check the MessageHandlerChain's implementation of the * MessageSender Interface */ public class MessageHandlerChainAsMessageSenderTests { /** * A simple test CellMessageAnswerable that fails if any of the methods * are called. */ public static class CactusCellMessageAnswerable implements CellMessageAnswerable { @Override public void answerArrived( CellMessage request, CellMessage answer) { fail( "call to answerArrived"); } @Override public void answerTimedOut( CellMessage request) { fail( "call to answerTimedOut"); } @Override public void exceptionArrived( CellMessage request, Exception exception) { fail( "call to exceptionArrived"); } } /** * A simple test-class that allows us to enquire what outgoing messages * are being sent. Calls to methods other than sendMessage() will fail * the test. */ static class MessageCollectingCellEndpoint implements CellEndpoint { List<CellMessage> _sendMessages = new ArrayList<>(); @Override public Map<String, Object> getDomainContext() { fail( "call to getDomainContext"); return null; } @Override public void sendMessage(CellMessage envelope, SendFlag... flags) throws SerializationException { _sendMessages.add( envelope); } @Override public void sendMessage(CellMessage envelope, CellMessageAnswerable callback, Executor executor, long timeout, SendFlag... flags) throws SerializationException { _sendMessages.add( envelope); } public List<CellMessage> getSentMessages() { return _sendMessages; } } MessageSender _sender; MessageCollectingCellEndpoint _endpoint; @Before public void setUp() { _endpoint = new MessageCollectingCellEndpoint(); MessageHandlerChain mhc = new MessageHandlerChain(); mhc.setCellEndpoint(_endpoint); _sender = mhc; } @Test public void testSendMessageEnvelope() { CellPath dest = new CellPath( "test-cell", "test-domain"); Serializable obj = new Serializable() {}; CellMessage msg = new CellMessage( dest, obj); _sender.sendMessage( 10, new CactusCellMessageAnswerable(), msg); List<CellMessage> sentMsgs = _endpoint.getSentMessages(); assertEquals( "number of sent messages", 1, sentMsgs.size()); CellMessage cm = sentMsgs.get( 0); assertEquals( "destination", dest, cm.getDestinationPath()); assertEquals( "message", obj, cm.getMessageObject()); } @Test public void testSendMessage() { CellPath dest = new CellPath( "test-cell", "test-domain"); Message vehicle = new Message(); _sender.sendMessage( 10, dest, vehicle); List<CellMessage> sentMsgs = _endpoint.getSentMessages(); assertEquals( "number of sent messages", 1, sentMsgs.size()); CellMessage cm = sentMsgs.get( 0); assertEquals( "destination", dest, cm.getDestinationPath()); assertEquals( "vehicle", vehicle, cm.getMessageObject()); } @Test public void testSendStringMessage() { CellPath dest = new CellPath( "test-cell", "test-domain"); String request = "get all data"; _sender.sendMessage( 10, new CactusCellMessageAnswerable(), dest, request); List<CellMessage> sentMsgs = _endpoint.getSentMessages(); assertEquals( "number of sent messages", 1, sentMsgs.size()); CellMessage cm = sentMsgs.get( 0); assertEquals( "destination", dest, cm.getDestinationPath()); Object msgObject = cm.getMessageObject(); assertTrue( "msg object is not a String", msgObject instanceof String); assertEquals( "request", request, msgObject); } }