package; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.ArrayList; import dmg.cells.nucleus.UOID; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * A class to handle reply messages from PoolManager's "psux ls -x -resolve" command. * * @author Paul Millar <> */ public class LinkInfoMsgHandler extends CellMessageHandlerSkel { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LinkInfoMsgHandler.class); private static final int EXPECTED_ARRAY_SIZE = 13; public LinkInfoMsgHandler(StateUpdateManager sum, MessageMetadataRepository<UOID> msgMetaRepo) { super(sum, msgMetaRepo); } @Override public void process(Object msgPayload, long metricLifetime) { StateUpdate update = null; Iterable<?> linkInfoArray = (ArrayList<?>) msgPayload; StatePath linksPath = new StatePath("links"); for (Object o : linkInfoArray) { if (!o.getClass().isArray()) { LOGGER.error("Link information not an array."); continue; } Object[] array = (Object[]) o; if (array.length != EXPECTED_ARRAY_SIZE) { LOGGER.error("Unexpected array size: {}", array.length); continue; } if (update == null) { update = new StateUpdate(); } processInfo(update, linksPath, (Object[]) o, metricLifetime); } if (update != null) { applyUpdates(update); } } /** * Append updates to the supplied StateUpdate object containing new data based on * the supplied information. * @param update the StateUpdate object * @param linksPath the path under which data will be added ("links"). * @param o the array of information for this link * @param lifetime how long, in seconds, this data should survive. */ private void processInfo(StateUpdate update, StatePath linksPath, Object[] o, long lifetime) { String name = (String) o[0]; int readPref = (Integer) o[1]; int cachePref = (Integer) o[2]; int writePref = (Integer) o[3]; Object[] uGroups = (Object[]) o[4]; Object[] pools = (Object[]) o[5]; Object[] groups = (Object[]) o[6]; int p2pPref = (Integer) o[7]; String tag = (String) o[8]; Object[] store = (Object[]) o[9]; Object[] net = (Object[]) o[10]; Object[] dcache = (Object[]) o[11]; Object[] protocol = (Object[]) o[12]; StatePath thisLinkPath = linksPath.newChild(name); StatePath prefPath = thisLinkPath.newChild("prefs"); update.appendUpdate(prefPath.newChild("read"), new IntegerStateValue(readPref, lifetime)); update.appendUpdate(prefPath.newChild("cache"), new IntegerStateValue(cachePref, lifetime)); update.appendUpdate(prefPath.newChild("write"), new IntegerStateValue(writePref, lifetime)); update.appendUpdate(prefPath.newChild("p2p"), new IntegerStateValue(p2pPref, lifetime)); if (uGroups != null) { addItems(update, thisLinkPath .newChild("unitgroups"), uGroups, lifetime); } addItems(update, thisLinkPath.newChild("pools"), pools, lifetime); addItems(update, thisLinkPath.newChild("poolgroups"), groups, lifetime); update.appendUpdate(thisLinkPath.newChild("selection"), new StringStateValue(tag != null ? tag : "None", lifetime)); StatePath unitPath = thisLinkPath.newChild("units"); addItems(update, unitPath.newChild("store"), store, lifetime); addItems(update, unitPath.newChild("net"), net, lifetime); addItems(update, unitPath.newChild("dcache"), dcache, lifetime); addItems(update, unitPath.newChild("protocol"), protocol, lifetime); /** * We must add the space branch explicitly as it must be mortal. This is to prevent the * state engine from killing the automatically created (ephemeral) branch when adding the * ephemeral space children: the space metrics calculated by the LinkSpaceMainter SIP. * TODO: come up with a better solution! */ update.appendUpdate(thisLinkPath.newChild("space"), new StateComposite(lifetime)); } }