package org.dcache.srm.handler; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import org.dcache.srm.AbstractStorageElement; import org.dcache.srm.SRM; import org.dcache.srm.SRMAuthorizationException; import org.dcache.srm.SRMDuplicationException; import org.dcache.srm.SRMException; import org.dcache.srm.SRMInternalErrorException; import org.dcache.srm.SRMInvalidPathException; import org.dcache.srm.SRMUser; import org.dcache.srm.v2_2.SrmMvRequest; import org.dcache.srm.v2_2.SrmMvResponse; import org.dcache.srm.v2_2.TReturnStatus; import org.dcache.srm.v2_2.TStatusCode; import static; public class SrmMv { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SrmMv.class); private final AbstractStorageElement storage; private final SrmMvRequest request; private final SRMUser user; private final SRM srm; private SrmMvResponse response; public SrmMv(SRMUser user, SrmMvRequest request, AbstractStorageElement storage, SRM srm, String clientHost) { this.request = checkNotNull(request); this.user = checkNotNull(user); = checkNotNull(storage); this.srm = checkNotNull(srm); } public SrmMvResponse getResponse() { if (response == null) { response = srmMv(); } return response; } private SrmMvResponse srmMv() { TReturnStatus returnStatus; try { URI to_surl = URI.create(request.getToSURL().toString()); URI from_surl = URI.create(request.getFromSURL().toString()); // [SRM 2.2, 4.6.3] SRM_INVALID_PATH: status of fromSURL is SRM_FILE_BUSY. // [SRM 2.2, 4.6.2, c)] srmMv must fail on SURL that its status is SRM_FILE_BUSY, // and SRM_FILE_BUSY must be returned. // [SRM 2.2, 4.6.2, e)] When moving an SURL to already existing SURL, // SRM_DUPLICATION_ERROR must be returned. // // The SRM spec is somewhat inconsistent on what the correct return code should be. // Instead we use SRM_DUPLICATION_ERROR if the target SURL is busy (consistent with // how this situation is handled in srmPrepareToPut) and SRM_FILE_BUSY if the source // SURL is busy. if (srm.isFileBusy(from_surl)) { returnStatus = new TReturnStatus(TStatusCode.SRM_FILE_BUSY, "The source SURL is being used by another client."); } else if (srm.isFileBusy(to_surl)) { returnStatus = new TReturnStatus(TStatusCode.SRM_DUPLICATION_ERROR, "The target SURL is being used by another client."); } else { storage.moveEntry(user, from_surl, to_surl); returnStatus = new TReturnStatus(TStatusCode.SRM_SUCCESS, null); } } catch (SRMDuplicationException e) { returnStatus = new TReturnStatus(TStatusCode.SRM_DUPLICATION_ERROR, e.getMessage()); } catch (SRMInternalErrorException e) { LOGGER.error(e.toString()); returnStatus = new TReturnStatus(TStatusCode.SRM_INTERNAL_ERROR, e.getMessage()); } catch (SRMInvalidPathException e) { returnStatus = new TReturnStatus(TStatusCode.SRM_INVALID_PATH, e.getMessage()); } catch (SRMAuthorizationException e) { LOGGER.warn(e.toString()); returnStatus = new TReturnStatus(TStatusCode.SRM_AUTHORIZATION_FAILURE, e.getMessage()); } catch (SRMException e) { LOGGER.error(e.toString()); returnStatus = new TReturnStatus(TStatusCode.SRM_FAILURE, e.getMessage()); } return new SrmMvResponse(returnStatus); } public static final SrmMvResponse getFailedResponse(String error) { return getFailedResponse(error, TStatusCode.SRM_FAILURE); } public static final SrmMvResponse getFailedResponse(String error, TStatusCode statusCode) { SrmMvResponse response = new SrmMvResponse(); response.setReturnStatus(new TReturnStatus(statusCode, error)); return response; } }