package; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import; import diskCacheV111.util.CacheException; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellCommandListener; import org.dcache.auth.GidPrincipal; import org.dcache.auth.LoginReply; import org.dcache.auth.LoginStrategy; import org.dcache.auth.Subjects; import org.dcache.auth.UidPrincipal; import org.dcache.util.Args; public class LoginCLI implements CellCommandListener { private LoginStrategy _loginStrategy; public void setLoginStrategy(LoginStrategy loginStrategy) { _loginStrategy = loginStrategy; } public LoginStrategy getLoginStrategy() { return _loginStrategy; } public static final String fh_test_login = "" + "This command simulates an attempt to login with a particular set of\n" + "principals, as extracted by a door. The result of the login is shown:\n" + "either the login succeeds or fails. If the login succeeds then the set\n" + "of identities is shown.\n" + "\n" + "Each supplied principal has the form <type>:<value> (e.g. 'user:paul').\n" + "If a principal has spaces then surround the declaration with quote-marks\n" + "(e.g., \"dn:/C=DE/O=ACME/CN=Example certificate\").\n" + "\n" + "Valid principal types are:\n" + "\n" + " dn the distinguished name from an X509 certificate\n" + " fqan an FQAN, the first is taken as the primary FQAN\n" + " kerberos a kerberos principal (e.g. paul@EXAMPLE.ORG)\n" + " name the desired username when authentication without a password\n" + " user the authenticated username\n"; public static final String hh_test_login = "<principal> [<principal> ...] # show result of login"; public String ac_test_login_$_1_99(Args args) { Subject subject = Subjects.subjectFromArgs(args.getArguments()); try { LoginReply reply = _loginStrategy.login(subject); return reply.toString(); } catch(CacheException e) { return e.toString(); } } public static final String fh_get_identity = "get identity <principal> <type>" + "\n" + "Get identity for provided principal." + "\nExample:" + " get identity atlas01 UserNamePrincipal"; public static final String hh_get_identity = "<principal> <type>"; public String ac_get_identity_$_2(Args args) throws Exception { String name = args.argv(0); String type = args.argv(1); Principal p = principalOf(type, name) ); if(p != null) { return p.getName(); } return "No mapping for specified principal found."; } public static final String fh_get_ridentity = "get ridentity -group <pringipal>\n"+ "\n"+ "Get reverse identity mapping for provided id." + " -group provided id represents a group id." + "\nExample:"+ " get ridentity -group 100"; public static final String hh_get_ridentity = "<principal>"; public String ac_get_ridentity_$_1(Args args) throws CacheException { String id = args.argv(0); boolean isGroup = args.hasOption("group"); Principal principal; if(isGroup) { principal = new GidPrincipal(id, false); }else{ principal = new UidPrincipal(id); } return _loginStrategy.reverseMap(principal).toString(); } private static final String PREFIX = "org.dcache.auth."; private Principal principalOf(String type, String name) throws Exception { Class<? extends Principal> c; try { c = Class.forName(type).asSubclass(Principal.class); }catch(ClassNotFoundException e) { c = Class.forName(PREFIX + type).asSubclass(Principal.class); } Constructor<? extends Principal> constructor = c.getConstructor(String.class); return constructor.newInstance(name); } }