package org.dcache.tests.hsm; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.junit.Test; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import diskCacheV111.util.EnstoreLocationExtractor; import diskCacheV111.util.HsmLocation; import diskCacheV111.util.HsmLocationExtractorFactory; import diskCacheV111.util.OsmLocationExtractor; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.GenericStorageInfo; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.StorageInfo; public class MultiHSMTest extends TestCase { /** * test for adding, storing and retrieving location URIs * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testAddGet() throws Exception { String osmLocationMain = "osm://desy-main/?store=h1&bfid=1234"; String osmLocationCopy = "osm://desy-copy/?store=h1&bfid=1234"; String enstoreLocation = "enstore://fnal1/?store=h1&bfid=1234"; StorageInfo storageInfo = new GenericStorageInfo(); storageInfo.addLocation( new URI(osmLocationMain)); storageInfo.addLocation( new URI(osmLocationCopy)); storageInfo.addLocation( new URI(enstoreLocation)); assertEquals("Not all antries stored",3, storageInfo.locations().size() ); } /** * test reaction of isStores() method when URIs are used * @throws Exception */ @Test @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void testStore() throws Exception { StorageInfo storageInfo = new GenericStorageInfo(); assertEquals("SotrageInfo without URL shoul not declare itself as stored",false, storageInfo.isStored() ); // legacy case storageInfo.setIsStored(true); assertEquals("SotrageInfo after setIsStored(true) shold shoul declare itself as stored",true, storageInfo.isStored() ); // legacy case storageInfo.setIsStored(false); assertEquals("SotrageInfo after setIsStored(false) shold shoul not declare itself as stored",false, storageInfo.isStored() ); String osmLocationMain = "osm://desy-main/?store=h1&bfid=1234"; storageInfo.addLocation( new URI(osmLocationMain)); assertEquals("SotrageInfo with URL shoul declare itself as stored",true, storageInfo.isStored() ); } /** * test to load location extractor depending on HSM type * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testExtractor() throws Exception { String osmLocationMain = "osm://desy-main/?store=h1&bfid=1234"; String osmLocationCopy = "osm://desy-copy/?store=h1&bfid=1234"; String enstoreLocation = "enstore://fnal1/?store=h1&bfid=1234"; StorageInfo storageInfo = new GenericStorageInfo(); storageInfo.addLocation( new URI(osmLocationMain)); storageInfo.addLocation( new URI(osmLocationCopy)); storageInfo.addLocation( new URI(enstoreLocation)); for(URI location: storageInfo.locations() ) { try { HsmLocation hsmLocation = HsmLocationExtractorFactory.extractorOf(location); }catch(IllegalArgumentException iae ) { fail(location.toString() + " : should to be valid"); } } } @Test public void testBadExtractor() throws Exception { String badLocation = "exception://fnal1/?store=h1&bfid=1234"; StorageInfo storageInfo = new GenericStorageInfo(); storageInfo.addLocation( new URI(badLocation)); for(URI location: storageInfo.locations() ) { try { HsmLocation hsmLocation = HsmLocationExtractorFactory.extractorOf(location); fail("IllegalArgumentException shold be thrown on unsupported hsm type"); }catch(IllegalArgumentException iae ) { // OK } } } /** * test parsing OSM storage info. Test URI2levels and levels2URI conversion * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testOsmLocationExtractor() throws Exception { URI location = new URI("osm://default/?store=h1&group=rawd07&bfid=1234"); Map<Integer,String> levelData = new OsmLocationExtractor(location).toLevels(); assertEquals("OSM storageInfoFormat uses only one level", 1, levelData.size() ); assertTrue("OSM storageInfoFormat uses level 1 only", levelData.containsKey(1) ); // reverse operation URI reverseLocation = new OsmLocationExtractor(levelData).location(); assertEquals("reverse opration failed : ", location, reverseLocation ); } /** * test parsing OSM storage info. Test URI2levels and levels2URI conversion * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testOsmLocationExtractorLevel2URI() throws Exception { Map<Integer,String> levelData = new HashMap<>(1); levelData.put(1, "h1 raw08 12345 duplicate"); URI location = new OsmLocationExtractor(levelData).location(); assertTrue("OSM storageInfoFormat uses level 1 only", levelData.containsKey(1) ); assertEquals("reverse opration failed : ", levelData.get(1), new OsmLocationExtractor(location).toLevels().get(1) ); } /** * test parsing OSM storage info. Test URI2levels and levels2URI conversion * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testEnstoreLocationExtractor() throws Exception { URI location = new URI("enstore://enstore/?volume=VOLUME&location=LOCATION&size=SIZE&origff=FAMILY" + "&origname=NAME&mapfile=MAP&pnfsid=PNFSID&pnfsidmap=PNFSIDMAP&bfid=BFID&drive=DRIVE&crc=CRC"); Map<Integer,String> levelData = new EnstoreLocationExtractor(location).toLevels(); assertEquals("ENSTORE storageInfoFormat uses level 1 and 2", 2, levelData.size() ); assertTrue("ENSTORE storageInfoFormat should contain level 1", levelData.containsKey(1) ); assertTrue("ENSTORE storageInfoFormat should contain level 4", levelData.containsKey(4) ); // reverse operation URI reverseLocation = new EnstoreLocationExtractor(levelData).location(); assertEquals("reverse opration failed : ", location, reverseLocation ); } }