package; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class FloatingPointStateValueTests extends InfoBaseTestHelper { private static final double TEST_FLOATS[] = { 0, 0.01, 1, 10, 100}; /** * A simple visitor to test that acceptVisitor works as expected. * @author Paul Millar <> */ class TestFloatVisitor implements StateVisitor { boolean _visitCalledWrongMethod; FloatingPointStateValue _value; StatePath _visitPath; @Override public void visitFloatingPoint( StatePath path, FloatingPointStateValue value) { assertNull( "Stored _value not null", _value); _value = value; assertNull( "Stored _visitPath not null", _visitPath); _visitPath = path; } @Override public void visitString( StatePath path, StringStateValue value) { _visitCalledWrongMethod = true; } @Override public void visitInteger( StatePath path, IntegerStateValue value) { _visitCalledWrongMethod = true; } @Override public void visitBoolean( StatePath path, BooleanStateValue value) { _visitCalledWrongMethod = true; } @Override public void visitCompositePreDescend( StatePath path, Map<String,String> metadata) { _visitCalledWrongMethod = true; } @Override public void visitCompositePostDescend( StatePath path, Map<String,String> metadata) { _visitCalledWrongMethod = true; } @Override public boolean isVisitable( StatePath path) { return true; } } @Test public void testHashCode() { Set<Integer> seenHashCodes = new TreeSet<>(); for( double testFloat : TEST_FLOATS) { FloatingPointStateValue testValue = new FloatingPointStateValue( testFloat); assertFalse( "hashCode for " + testFloat + " repeated", hashAlreadySeen( seenHashCodes, testValue.hashCode())); FloatingPointStateValue testValue2 = new FloatingPointStateValue( testFloat); assertTrue( "hashCode for " + testFloat + " not found again", hashAlreadySeen( seenHashCodes, testValue2.hashCode())); } } @Test public void testGetTypeName() { assertEquals( "Unexpected type name", "float", new FloatingPointStateValue( TEST_FLOATS[0]).getTypeName()); } @Test public void testAcceptVisitorStatePathStateVisitor() { FloatingPointStateValue floatStateValue = new FloatingPointStateValue( TEST_FLOATS[0]); TestFloatVisitor visitor = new TestFloatVisitor(); StatePath myPath = StatePath.parsePath("first.second"); floatStateValue.acceptVisitor( myPath, visitor); assertFalse( "visitor called wrong methods", visitor._visitCalledWrongMethod); assertEquals( "visit path not the same", visitor._visitPath, myPath); assertEquals( "visit value not the same", visitor._value, floatStateValue); } @Test public void testFloatingPointStateValueDouble() { for( double floatVal : TEST_FLOATS) { assertIsEphemeral("creating with " + floatVal, new FloatingPointStateValue(floatVal)); } } @Test public void testFloatingPointStateValueDoubleBoolean() { for( double floatVal : TEST_FLOATS) { assertIsEphemeral("creating with " + floatVal, new FloatingPointStateValue(floatVal, false)); } for( double floatVal : TEST_FLOATS) { assertIsImmortal("creating with " + floatVal, new FloatingPointStateValue(floatVal, true)); } } @Test public void testFloatingPointStateValueDoubleLong() { for( long duration = -1; duration < 3; duration++) { for( double floatVal : TEST_FLOATS) { assertIsMortal("float: \"" + floatVal + "\" + " + Long .toString(duration), new FloatingPointStateValue(floatVal, duration), duration < 0 ? 0 : duration); } } } }