package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; /** * The VerifyingVisitor allows the verification that the visitor infrastructure is * working as expected. * * Since the order sibling StateComponents are encountered is not guaranteed, we * must describe the structure we expect to encounter rather than simply serialise * the output (e.g., as a long String). */ public class VerifyingVisitor implements StateVisitor { /** * An Exception that indicates the operation has violated the expected behaviour of * the visitor. */ private static class UnexpectedVisitDataException extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = -5609901746889782083L; UnexpectedVisitDataException( String reason) { super( reason); } } /** * A ComponentInfo holds all information about either a branch (StateComposite) * or a metric (any subclass of StateValue). */ static class ComponentInfo { Map<String,ComponentInfo> _children = new HashMap<>(); /** Have we visited this metric? (only used for metrics) */ private boolean _haveSeen; /** Which PreDescends we have seen?: only used when this._type == BRANCH */ private final Set<String> _preDescend = new HashSet<>(); /** Which PostDescends we have seen?: only used when this._type == BRANCH */ private final Set<String> _postDescend = new HashSet<>(); /** Which PreSkipDescend we have seen?: only used when this._type == BRANCH */ private String _preSkipDescend; /** Which PostSkipDescend we have seen?: only used when this._type == BRANCH */ private String _postSkipDescend; /** Number of children that have _type StateComponentType.BRANCH */ private int _branchChildren; /** Visited children */ private int _visitedChildren; public static enum StateComponentType { BRANCH( "StateComposite"), STRING( "StringStateValue"), INTEGER("IntegerStateValue"), BOOLEAN("BooleanStateValue"), FLOATINGPOINT("FloatingPointStateValue"); private final Class<?> _stateComponent; StateComponentType( String stateComponentName) { String fullName =""+stateComponentName; Class<?> component = null; try { component = Class.forName( fullName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.out.println( "Class " + fullName + " not found"); component = null; } finally { _stateComponent = component; } } /** * Identify which enum value is appropriate for a given StateComponent. * @param component * @return * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the component isn't one of the known types. */ static StateComponentType identify( StateComponent component) { for( StateComponentType type : StateComponentType.values()) { if( type._stateComponent != null && type._stateComponent.isInstance( component)) { return type; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unable to identify argument"); } } private final String _value; protected final StateComponentType _type; /** * Create a new BRANCH ComponentInfo */ protected ComponentInfo() { _type = StateComponentType.BRANCH; _value = null; } /** * Create a new ComponentInfo to store a metric. * @param type * @param value */ private ComponentInfo( StateComponentType type, String value) { assert( type != StateComponentType.BRANCH); _type = type; _value = value; } /** * Get the branch with the given name. If it doesn't exist, create it. * @param name * @return */ ComponentInfo getOrCreateBranch( String name) { ComponentInfo info; try { info = getChild( name); assert( info._type == StateComponentType.BRANCH); } catch( UnexpectedVisitDataException e) { info = new ComponentInfo(); _children.put( name, info); _branchChildren++; } return info; } /** * Try to obtain the ComponentInfo of a child element. * @param name the name the child * @return the ComponentInfo corresponding to the child element * @throws UnexpectedVisitDataException if no child element exists with name */ ComponentInfo getChild( String name) throws UnexpectedVisitDataException { if( !_children.containsKey( name)) { throw new UnexpectedVisitDataException("no child " + name); } return _children.get( name); } /** * Add an expected StringStateValue metric as a child of this branch * @param name * @param value */ void addMetric( String metricName, StateComponentType metricType, String metricValue) { assert( _type == StateComponentType.BRANCH); _children.put( metricName, new ComponentInfo( metricType, metricValue)); } /** * Mark a metric (immediate child of this branch) as found. * @param path path to metric. * @param metricType actual type of metric * @param metricValue actual value of metric * @throws BadPathException if no metric exists at this path * @throws BadMetricException if there is a problem with metric at this point. */ void markMetric( String metricName, StateComponentType metricType, String metricValue) throws UnexpectedVisitDataException { if( !_children.containsKey( metricName)) { throw new UnexpectedVisitDataException("received unexpected metric: " + metricName); } ComponentInfo metricInfo = _children.get( metricName); if( metricInfo._type != metricType) { throw new UnexpectedVisitDataException("expected type " + metricInfo ._type.toString() + ", got " + metricType .toString()); } if( !metricInfo._value.equals( metricValue)) { throw new UnexpectedVisitDataException("expected value " + metricInfo._value + ", got " + metricValue); } if( metricInfo._haveSeen == true) { throw new UnexpectedVisitDataException("already seen this metric"); } _visitedChildren++; metricInfo._haveSeen = true; } /** * Mark a PreDescend * @param childName */ void markPreDescend( String childName) throws UnexpectedVisitDataException { if( !_children.containsKey( childName)) { throw new UnexpectedVisitDataException("preDescend for unknown " + childName); } if( _type != StateComponentType.BRANCH) { throw new UnexpectedVisitDataException("preDescend for non-branch " + childName); } if( _preDescend.size() >= _branchChildren) { throw new UnexpectedVisitDataException("preDescend for " + childName + " when " + Integer .toString(_preDescend .size()) + " (of " + Integer .toString(_children .size()) + ") have been seen"); } if( _preDescend.contains( childName)) { throw new UnexpectedVisitDataException("duplicate preDescend for " + childName); } _visitedChildren++; _preDescend.add( childName); } void markPostDescend( String childName) throws UnexpectedVisitDataException { if( _type != StateComponentType.BRANCH) { throw new UnexpectedVisitDataException("postDescend for non-branch " + childName); } if( !_children.containsKey( childName)) { throw new UnexpectedVisitDataException("postDescend for unknown " + childName); } if( _postDescend.size() >= _branchChildren) { throw new UnexpectedVisitDataException("postDescend for " + childName + " when all children have registered"); } if( _postDescend.contains( childName)) { throw new UnexpectedVisitDataException("duplicate postDescend for " + childName); } _postDescend.add( childName); } /** * Whether this StateComponent is satisfied after running the visitor. * @param myPath the name for this path element: only used to enhance error messages. * @return */ boolean isGood( StatePath path) { if( _type == StateComponentType.BRANCH) { return isGoodBranch( path); } else { if( !_haveSeen) { System.out.println( "["+path.toString() + "] missing metric"); return false; } } return true; } /** * Given the current element is a branch, are we satisfied with the visit? * * There are four cases to consider: * 1. There is no skip, or skip and path are equal, or path is a child of skip, * 2. path is parent of skip path, * 3. path is an ancestor of skip path but not parent, * 4. path is outside skip path. * * What we expect to see: * 1. visiting all children * 2. visiting the child that's the next path element, * 3. preSkip and postSkip the child that's the next path element, * 4. no sub-elements are visited. * * @param path * @param skip * @param emitError * @return */ boolean isGoodBranch( StatePath path) { String pathName = path != null ? path.toString() : "(root)"; if( _preDescend.size() != _branchChildren) { System.out.println( "["+pathName + "] missing children in preDescend: expected " + _children.size() + ", got " + _preDescend.size()); return false; } if( _postDescend.size() != _branchChildren) { System.out.println( "["+pathName + "] missing children in postDescend: expected " + _children.size() + ", got " + _postDescend.size()); return false; } if( _preSkipDescend != null) { System.out.println( "["+pathName + "] preSkip unexpectedly not null: " + _preSkipDescend); return false; } if( _postSkipDescend != null) { System.out.println( "["+pathName + "] postSkip unexpectedly not null: " + _preSkipDescend); return false; } if( _visitedChildren != _children.size()) { System.out.println( "["+pathName + "] missing visited children, expected "+ Integer.toString( _children.size())+", got "+Integer.toString( _visitedChildren)); return false; } return true; } /** * Reset this StateComponent to a preVisit state, ready for another visit. */ void reset() { _haveSeen = false; _visitedChildren = 0; _preDescend.clear(); _postDescend.clear(); _preSkipDescend = null; _postSkipDescend = null; } } /** The root of our tree */ private final ComponentInfo _info = new ComponentInfo(); private boolean _encounteredException; private boolean _seenRootPre, _seenRootPost; /** * Create an new VerifyingVisitor that expects to find nothing. */ public VerifyingVisitor() {} /** * Create a new VerifyingVisitor that expects a StateComposite (branch). * This is equivalent to * <code> * VerifyingVisitor visitor = new VerifyingVisitor(); * visitor.addExpectedBranch( branchPath); * </code> * @param branchPath the StatePath of the expected branch. */ protected VerifyingVisitor(StatePath branchPath) { addExpectedBranch( branchPath); } /** * Create a new VerifyingVisitor that expects a StateValue (a metric). * This is equivalent to: * <code> * VerifyingVisitor visitor = new VerifyingVisitor(); * visitor.addExpectedMetric( metricPath, metricValue); * </code> * @param metricPath * @param metricValue */ protected VerifyingVisitor( StatePath metricPath, StateValue metricValue) { addExpectedMetric( metricPath, metricValue); } /** * Add information that we expect to see a certain branch * @param branchPathStr */ public void addExpectedBranch( StatePath path) { getOrCreateBranch( path); } public void addExpectedMetric( StatePath path, StateValue metricValue) { ComponentInfo.StateComponentType type = ComponentInfo.StateComponentType.identify( metricValue); ComponentInfo branchInfo = getOrCreateBranch( path.parentPath()); branchInfo.addMetric( path.getLastElement(), type, metricValue.toString()); } /** * Reset all values so the visitor may be used again. */ public void reset() { _encounteredException = false; _seenRootPre = false; _seenRootPost = false; resetThisAndChildren( _info); } /** * Reset the visitor, visit the structure and assert the visitor is satisfied with the result. * @param msg * @param root * @param skip */ protected void assertSatisfied( String msg, StateComposite root) { reset(); root.acceptVisitor( null, this); assertTrue( msg, satisfied()); } /** * Reset the visitor, visit the structure with supplied transition and assert the visitor is * satisfied with the result. * @param msg * @param visitor * @param root * @param skip */ protected void assertSatisfiedTransition( String msg, StateComposite root, StateTransition transition) { reset(); root.acceptVisitor( transition, null, this); assertTrue( msg, satisfied()); } /** * Did we visit without encountering any exception and did we satisfy all expected elements? * @return */ public boolean satisfied() { if( !_seenRootPre) { System.out.println( "Missing root pre descend"); return false; } if( !_seenRootPost) { System.out.println( "Missing root post descend"); return false; } if( _encounteredException) { return false; } return isGood( _info, null); } /** * * METHODS TO SATISFY VISITOR PATTERN * * Metrics: */ @Override public void visitString( StatePath path, StringStateValue value) { markMetric( path, ComponentInfo.StateComponentType.STRING, value.toString()); } @Override public void visitInteger( StatePath path, IntegerStateValue value) { markMetric( path, ComponentInfo.StateComponentType.INTEGER, value.toString()); } @Override public void visitBoolean( StatePath path, BooleanStateValue value) { markMetric( path, ComponentInfo.StateComponentType.BOOLEAN, value.toString()); } @Override public void visitFloatingPoint( StatePath path, FloatingPointStateValue value) { markMetric( path, ComponentInfo.StateComponentType.FLOATINGPOINT, value.toString()); } /** * ... and branches: */ @Override public void visitCompositePreDescend( StatePath path, Map<String,String> metadata) { ComponentInfo thisBranch; if( path == null) { _seenRootPre = true; return; } try { thisBranch = getBranch( path.parentPath()); thisBranch.markPreDescend( path.getLastElement()); } catch (UnexpectedVisitDataException e) { System.out.println( e.getMessage()); _encounteredException = true; } } @Override public void visitCompositePostDescend( StatePath path, Map<String,String> metadata) { ComponentInfo thisBranch; if( path == null) { _seenRootPost = true; return; } try { thisBranch = getBranch(path.parentPath()); thisBranch.markPostDescend(path.getLastElement()); } catch (UnexpectedVisitDataException e) { System.out.println( e.getMessage()); _encounteredException = true; } } @Override public boolean isVisitable( StatePath path) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return true; } /** * P R I V A T E M E T H O D S */ /** * Obtain the ComponentInfo corresponding to the given path; if path is null * then the root branch (_info) is returned. * @param path the path to the branch to obtain * @return the ComponentInfo for this branch * @throws UnexpectedVisitDataException if any part of the path doesn't exist */ private ComponentInfo getBranch( StatePath path) throws UnexpectedVisitDataException { ComponentInfo thisComponent = _info; for(; path != null; path = path.childPath()) { thisComponent = thisComponent .getChild(path.getFirstElement()); } return thisComponent; } /** * Given a StatePath, return the ComponentInfo for this branch. * @param branchPath the dot-separated path. * @return the corresponding ComponentInfo for this branch. */ private ComponentInfo getOrCreateBranch( StatePath path) { ComponentInfo thisComponent = _info; for(; path != null; path = path.childPath()) { thisComponent = thisComponent .getOrCreateBranch(path.getFirstElement()); } return thisComponent; } /** * Is the supplied ComponentInfo and all its children "good"? * @param info the top branch of the hierarchy * @param path the path to info (used to decorate any error messages) * @return true if this ComponentInfo and all children are "good", false otherwise. */ private boolean isGood( ComponentInfo info, StatePath path) { if( !info.isGood( path)) { return false; } for( Entry<String,ComponentInfo> e : info._children.entrySet()) { String childName = e.getKey(); ComponentInfo childComponentInfo = e.getValue(); StatePath childPath = path != null ? path.newChild( childName) : new StatePath( childName); if( !isGood( childComponentInfo, childPath)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Reset the given ComponentInfo to a pre-visited state and all * of the children. * @param info the ComponentInfo root of the tree to reset */ private void resetThisAndChildren( ComponentInfo info) { info.reset(); for( ComponentInfo childInfo : info._children.values()) { resetThisAndChildren(childInfo); } } /** * Mark a metric as found, verifying it matches the expected value. * @param path the path to the metric * @param type the metric type * @param value the encountered metric value */ private void markMetric( StatePath path, ComponentInfo.StateComponentType type, String value) { try { ComponentInfo metricBranchInfo = getBranch( path.parentPath()); metricBranchInfo.markMetric( path.getLastElement(), type, value); } catch( UnexpectedVisitDataException e) { System.out.println( "["+path.toString() + "] " + e.getMessage()); _encounteredException = true; } } }