package; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The PoolgroupSpaceWatcher Class implements StateWatcher. It is responsible for maintaining * the space information of poolgroups. It is triggered whenever pool space information or * a pool's membership of a poolgroup changes. * * @author Paul Millar <> */ public class PoolgroupSpaceWatcher extends AbstractStateWatcher { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PoolgroupSpaceWatcher.class); private static final String PREDICATE_PATHS[] = { "pools.*.space.*", "poolgroups.*", "poolgroups.*.pools.*"}; private static final StatePath POOLGROUPS_PATH = new StatePath("poolgroups"); private static final StatePath POOL_MEMBERSHIP_REL_PATH = new StatePath("pools"); @Override protected String[] getPredicates() { return PREDICATE_PATHS; } @Override public void trigger(StateUpdate update, StateExhibitor currentState, StateExhibitor futureState) { super.trigger(update, currentState, futureState); Set<String> recalcPoolgroup = new HashSet<>();"Watcher {} triggered", getClass().getSimpleName()); LOGGER.trace("Gathering state:"); LOGGER.trace(" building current poolgroup membership."); Map <String,Set<String>> currentPoolgroupMembership = SetMapVisitor.getDetails(currentState, POOLGROUPS_PATH, POOL_MEMBERSHIP_REL_PATH); LOGGER.trace(" building future poolgroup membership."); Map <String,Set<String>> futurePoolgroupMembership = SetMapVisitor.getDetails(futureState, POOLGROUPS_PATH, POOL_MEMBERSHIP_REL_PATH); LOGGER.trace(" establishing current pool space mapping."); Map<String, SpaceInfo> poolSpaceInfoPre = PoolSpaceVisitor.getDetails(currentState); LOGGER.trace(" establishing future pool space mapping."); Map<String, SpaceInfo> poolSpaceInfoPost = PoolSpaceVisitor.getDetails(futureState); LOGGER.trace("Looking for changes in poolgroup membership."); updateTodoBasedOnMembership(recalcPoolgroup, currentPoolgroupMembership, futurePoolgroupMembership); LOGGER.trace("Looking for changes in pool space information."); updateTodoBasedOnPoolSpace(recalcPoolgroup, futurePoolgroupMembership, poolSpaceInfoPre, poolSpaceInfoPost); if (recalcPoolgroup.size() == 0) { LOGGER.trace("No poolgroups need updating"); return; } for (String thisPoolgroup : recalcPoolgroup) { LOGGER.trace("Updating poolgroup {}", thisPoolgroup); StatePath thisPgPath = POOLGROUPS_PATH.newChild(thisPoolgroup); buildNewMetrics(update, thisPgPath.newChild("space"), futurePoolgroupMembership.get(thisPoolgroup), poolSpaceInfoPost); } } /** * Create new metrics that update information about the named poolgroup. * @param update the StateUpdate to which the new metric values will be appended. * @param path the StatePath under which the space information will be added. * @param pools the Set of pools this poolgroup has within its membership. * @param poolsSpaceInfo the mapping between pools and their SpaceInfo. */ private void buildNewMetrics(StateUpdate update, StatePath path, Set<String> pools, Map<String, SpaceInfo> poolsSpaceInfo) { SpaceInfo pgSpaceInfo = new SpaceInfo(); // Create an Ephemeral StateComposite for our data. update.appendUpdate(path, new StateComposite()); if (pools != null) { for (String thisPool : pools) { SpaceInfo poolSpace = poolsSpaceInfo.get(thisPool); if (poolSpace != null) { pgSpaceInfo.add(poolSpace); } } } pgSpaceInfo.addMetrics(update, path, false); LOGGER.trace(" new info: {}", pgSpaceInfo); } private String describePoolgroup(Set<String> poolgroup) { if (poolgroup == null) { return "<unknown>"; } else if (poolgroup.isEmpty()) { return "<empty>"; } else { return "{" + Joiner.on(", ").join(poolgroup) + "}"; } } /** * Add poolgroups to the to-be-recalculated Set if the pool membership of a poolgroup has * changed, or the poolgroup is new. * @param recalcPoolgroup * @param transition */ private void updateTodoBasedOnMembership(Set<String> recalcPoolgroup, Map <String,Set<String>> currentPoolgroupMembership, Map <String,Set<String>> futurePoolgroupMembership) { // Scan (future) poolgroup membership.. for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> pgEntry : futurePoolgroupMembership.entrySet()) { String thisPoolgroup = pgEntry.getKey(); Set<String> thisPoolgroupFuturePoolset = pgEntry.getValue(); LOGGER.trace(" examining poolgroup: {}", thisPoolgroup); Set<String> thisPoolgroupCurrentPoolset = currentPoolgroupMembership.get(thisPoolgroup); // If poolgroup is new or membership isn't the same as it was... if ((thisPoolgroupCurrentPoolset == null) || !thisPoolgroupCurrentPoolset.equals(thisPoolgroupFuturePoolset)) { recalcPoolgroup.add(thisPoolgroup); if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { LOGGER.trace(" poolgroup {} is new or has altered membership {} -> {}", thisPoolgroup, describePoolgroup(thisPoolgroupCurrentPoolset), describePoolgroup(thisPoolgroupFuturePoolset)); } } } } /** * Look for changes in the pool size. Update any poolgroup this pool is a member of. * @param recalcPoolgroup * @param transition */ private void updateTodoBasedOnPoolSpace(Set<String> recalcPoolgroup, Map <String,Set<String>> futurePoolgroupMembership, Map<String, SpaceInfo> currentPoolSpaceInfo, Map<String, SpaceInfo> futurePoolSpaceInfo) { Set<String> changedPools = new HashSet<>(); // 1. Build list of pools that have changed: // 1. a) disappeared or changed value. for (Map.Entry<String, SpaceInfo> preInfoEntry : currentPoolSpaceInfo.entrySet()) { String thisPool = preInfoEntry.getKey(); SpaceInfo thisPoolPreInfo = preInfoEntry.getValue(); SpaceInfo thisPoolPostInfo = futurePoolSpaceInfo.get(thisPool); LOGGER.trace(" examining pool: {}", thisPool); // Pool has disappeared or size has changed if (thisPoolPostInfo == null || !thisPoolPostInfo.equals(thisPoolPreInfo)) { changedPools.add(thisPool); LOGGER.trace(" pool {} has changed or disappeared", thisPool); } } // 1. b) new pools have appeared. for (String thisPool : futurePoolSpaceInfo.keySet()) { if (!currentPoolSpaceInfo.containsKey(thisPool)) { changedPools.add(thisPool); LOGGER.trace(" pool {} has appeared", thisPool); } } // 2. Nothing doing?, do nothing more. if (changedPools.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.trace(" no pools have changed"); return; } // 3. Build the (future) reverse map: pool to Set of Poolgroups. Map<String,Set<String>> poolToPoolgroups = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> pgPoolEntry : futurePoolgroupMembership.entrySet()) { String thisPoolgroup = pgPoolEntry.getKey(); for (String thisPool : pgPoolEntry.getValue()) { Set<String> thisPoolPg = poolToPoolgroups.get(thisPool); if (thisPoolPg == null) { thisPoolPg = new HashSet<>(); poolToPoolgroups.put(thisPool, thisPoolPg); } thisPoolPg.add(thisPoolgroup); } } // 4. Mark each Poolgroup (that has a changed pool as a member) as to-be-updated. for (String pool : changedPools) { Set<String> poolgroupSet = poolToPoolgroups.get(pool); if (poolgroupSet == null) { continue; // skip if pool is not a member of any poolgroup } for (String poolgroup : poolgroupSet) { recalcPoolgroup.add(poolgroup); if (changedPools.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.trace(" poolgroup {} is marked as to be recalculated.", poolgroup); return; } } } } }