package; import diskCacheV111.pools.PoolCostInfo; import; import; import; /** * Information about some (generic) space. * * @author Paul Millar <> */ public class SpaceInfo { public static final String PATH_ELEMENT_TOTAL = "total"; public static final String PATH_ELEMENT_FREE = "free"; public static final String PATH_ELEMENT_PRECIOUS = "precious"; public static final String PATH_ELEMENT_REMOVABLE = "removable"; public static final String PATH_ELEMENT_USED = "used"; private long _total; private long _free; private long _precious; private long _removable; private long _used; public SpaceInfo(long totalSpace, long freeSpace, long preciousSpace, long removableSpace) { _total = totalSpace; _free = freeSpace; _precious = preciousSpace; _removable = removableSpace; // Derived data. _used = totalSpace - freeSpace; } /** * Create a new SpaceInfo that duplicates information in otherInfo * @param otherInfo the SpaceInfo to duplicate */ public SpaceInfo(SpaceInfo otherInfo) { this(otherInfo.getTotal(), otherInfo.getFree(), otherInfo.getPrecious(), otherInfo.getRemovable()); } /** * Create a zero-sized Space. */ public SpaceInfo() { _total = _free = _precious = _removable = _used = 0; } /** * Create an initially-empty space information. * @param capacity the size of the space. */ public SpaceInfo(long capacity) { _free = _total = capacity; _used = _precious = _removable = 0; } public SpaceInfo(PoolCostInfo.PoolSpaceInfo spaceInfo) { _total = spaceInfo.getTotalSpace(); _free = spaceInfo.getFreeSpace(); _precious = spaceInfo.getPreciousSpace(); _removable = spaceInfo.getRemovableSpace(); //_used = spaceInfo.getUsedSpace(); _used = _total-_free; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof SpaceInfo)) { return false; } SpaceInfo info = (SpaceInfo) o; return info._total == _total && info._free == _free && info._precious == _precious && info._removable == _removable && info._used == _used; } @Override public int hashCode() { return (int)_total+(int)_free+(int)_precious+(int)_removable; } /** * Increase space values by the values specified in otherSpace * @param otherSpace the SpaceInfo to add */ public void add(SpaceInfo otherSpace) { if (otherSpace == null) { return; } _total += otherSpace._total; _free += otherSpace._free; _precious += otherSpace._precious; _removable += otherSpace._removable; _used += otherSpace._used; } public void setTotal(long totalSpace) { _total = totalSpace; } public void setFree(long freeSpace) { _free = freeSpace; } public void setPrecious(long preciousSpace) { _precious = preciousSpace; } public void setRemovable(long removableSpace) { _removable = removableSpace; } public void setUsed(long usedSpace) { _used = usedSpace; } /** * Add additional space unconditionally to the recorded total space. * @param extraTotalSpace amount to add */ public void addToTotal(long extraTotalSpace) { _total += extraTotalSpace; } /** * Add additional space unconditionally to the recorded free space. * @param extraFreeSpace amount to add */ public void addToFree(long extraFreeSpace) { _free += extraFreeSpace; } /** * Add additional space unconditionally to the recorded removable space. * @param extraRemovableSpace amount to add */ public void addToRemovable(long extraRemovableSpace) { _removable += extraRemovableSpace; } /** * Add additional space unconditionally to the recorded precious space * @param extraPreciousSpace amount to add */ public void addToPrecious(long extraPreciousSpace) { _precious += extraPreciousSpace; } /** * Add additional space unconditionally to the recorded used space * @param extraUsedSpace amount to add */ public void addToUsed(long extraUsedSpace) { _used += extraUsedSpace; } /** * Update the precious space, applying a delta. * If the delta would be impossible, it is capped. * The free space is also adjusted. * @param change the change to precious space: positive number increases space usage. */ public void updatePrecious(long change) { if (change > _free) { change = _free; } if (change < -_precious) { change = -_precious; } _precious += change; recalcFree(); } /** * Update the space used to store removable data. The * value is updated by applying a delta. If the delta would * be impossible, it is capped. The free space is also adjusted * @param change the change to removable space: positive number increases space usage. */ public void updateRemovable(long change) { if (change > _free) { change = _free; } if (change < -_removable) { change = -_removable; } _removable += change; recalcFree(); } /** * Recalculate the free space based on total capacity, precious * removable and pinned. If the free-space would * be negative (due to inconsistent information), it is * capped at 0. */ public void recalcFree() { _used = _precious + _removable; _free = _used < _total ? _total - _used : 0; } public long getTotal() { return _total; } public long getFree() { return _free; } public long getPrecious() { return _precious; } public long getRemovable() { return _removable; } public long getUsed() { return _used; } /** * Add StateUpdate entries to update dCache state that add or update the standard metrics * values. All metrics are added under a common StatePath. StateValues will be Mortal and * will expire after the given duration has elapsed. * @param update the StateUpdate to append with the new metrics * @param path the point in dCache state that the metrics will be children of. * @param duration how long this metric should survive, in seconds. */ public void addMetrics(StateUpdate update, StatePath path, long duration) { update.appendUpdate(path.newChild(PATH_ELEMENT_TOTAL), new IntegerStateValue(_total, duration)); update.appendUpdate(path.newChild(PATH_ELEMENT_FREE), new IntegerStateValue(_free, duration)); update.appendUpdate(path.newChild(PATH_ELEMENT_PRECIOUS), new IntegerStateValue(_precious, duration)); update.appendUpdate(path.newChild(PATH_ELEMENT_REMOVABLE), new IntegerStateValue(_removable, duration)); update.appendUpdate(path.newChild(PATH_ELEMENT_USED), new IntegerStateValue(_used, duration)); } /** * Add StateUpdate entries to update dCache state that add or update the standard metrics * values. All metrics are added under a common StatePath. StateValues will be Ephemeral * or Immortal * @param update the StateUpdate to append these values. * @param path the StatePath under which the StateValues will be added. * @param isImmortal if true, the metric will be immortal, otherwise ephemeral. */ public void addMetrics(StateUpdate update, StatePath path, boolean isImmortal) { update.appendUpdate(path.newChild(PATH_ELEMENT_TOTAL), new IntegerStateValue(_total, isImmortal)); update.appendUpdate(path.newChild(PATH_ELEMENT_FREE), new IntegerStateValue(_free, isImmortal)); update.appendUpdate(path.newChild(PATH_ELEMENT_PRECIOUS), new IntegerStateValue(_precious, isImmortal)); update.appendUpdate(path.newChild(PATH_ELEMENT_REMOVABLE), new IntegerStateValue(_removable, isImmortal)); update.appendUpdate(path.newChild(PATH_ELEMENT_USED), new IntegerStateValue(_used, isImmortal)); } /** * A string describing this SpaceInfo object. */ @Override public String toString() { return "[SpaceInfo: total="+_total + ", precious="+_precious + ", removable="+_removable + ", used="+_used + ", free="+_free +"]"; } }