package org.dcache.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.slf4j.MDC; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import diskCacheV111.poolManager.RequestContainerV5; import diskCacheV111.util.CacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.CheckStagePermission; import diskCacheV111.util.FileExistsCacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.FileIsNewCacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.FileNotFoundCacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.FsPath; import diskCacheV111.util.NotFileCacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.NotInTrashCacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.PermissionDeniedCacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsHandler; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsId; import diskCacheV111.util.TimeoutCacheException; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.DoorRequestInfoMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.DoorTransferFinishedMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.IoDoorEntry; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.IoJobInfo; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PnfsCreateEntryMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolAcceptFileMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolDeliverFileMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolIoFileMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolMgrSelectPoolMsg; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolMgrSelectWritePoolMsg; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolMoverKillMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.ProtocolInfo; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CDC; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellAddressCore; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellPath; import dmg.cells.nucleus.NoRouteToCellException; import dmg.util.TimebasedCounter; import org.dcache.acl.enums.AccessMask; import org.dcache.auth.attributes.Restriction; import org.dcache.cells.CellStub; import org.dcache.namespace.FileAttribute; import org.dcache.namespace.FileType; import org.dcache.pool.assumption.Assumption; import org.dcache.poolmanager.PoolManagerStub; import org.dcache.vehicles.FileAttributes; import org.dcache.vehicles.PnfsGetFileAttributes; import static*; import static*; import static org.dcache.namespace.FileAttribute.*; import static org.dcache.namespace.FileType.REGULAR; import static org.dcache.util.MathUtils.addWithInfinity; import static org.dcache.util.MathUtils.subWithInfinity; /** * Facade for transfer related operations. Encapsulates information * about and typical operations of a transfer. */ public class Transfer implements Comparable<Transfer> { protected static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Transfer.class); private static final TimebasedCounter _sessionCounter = new TimebasedCounter(); private static final BaseEncoding SESSION_ENCODING = BaseEncoding.base64().omitPadding(); protected final PnfsHandler _pnfs; /** * Point in time when this transfer is created. */ protected final long _startedAt; protected final FsPath _path; protected final Subject _subject; protected final long _id; protected final Object _session; protected PoolManagerStub _poolManager; protected CellStub _pool; protected CellStub _billing; protected CheckStagePermission _checkStagePermission; private CellAddressCore _cellAddress; private String _poolName; private CellAddressCore _poolAddress; private Assumption _assumption; private Integer _moverId; private boolean _hasMoverBeenCreated; private boolean _hasMoverFinished; private String _status; private CacheException _error; private FileAttributes _fileAttributes = new FileAttributes(); private ProtocolInfo _protocolInfo; private boolean _isWrite; private List<InetSocketAddress> _clientAddresses; private String _ioQueue; private long _allocated; private PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg.Context _readPoolSelectionContext; private boolean _isBillingNotified; private boolean _isOverwriteAllowed; private Set<FileAttribute> _additionalAttributes = EnumSet.noneOf(FileAttribute.class); private static final ThreadFactory RETRY_THREAD_FACTORY = new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setDaemon(true).setNameFormat("transfer-retry-timer-%d").build(); private static final ListeningScheduledExecutorService RETRY_EXECUTOR = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator(Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, RETRY_THREAD_FACTORY)); /** * Constructs a new Transfer object. * * @param pnfs PnfsHandler used for pnfs communication * @param namespaceSubject The subject performing the namespace operations * @param ioSubject The subject performing the transfer * @param path The path of the file to transfer */ public Transfer(PnfsHandler pnfs, Subject namespaceSubject, Restriction namespaceRestriction, Subject ioSubject, FsPath path) { _pnfs = new PnfsHandler(pnfs, namespaceSubject, namespaceRestriction); _subject = ioSubject; _path = path; _startedAt = System.currentTimeMillis(); _id =; _session = CDC.getSession(); _checkStagePermission = new CheckStagePermission(null); } /** * Constructs a new Transfer object. * * @param pnfs PnfsHandler used for pnfs communication * @param subject The subject performing the transfer and namespace operations * @param path The path of the file to transfer */ public Transfer(PnfsHandler pnfs, Subject subject, Restriction restriction, FsPath path) { this(pnfs, subject, restriction, subject, path); } /** * Returns a ProtocolInfo suitable for selecting a pool. By * default the protocol info set with setProtocolInfo is returned. */ protected ProtocolInfo getProtocolInfoForPoolManager() { checkState(_protocolInfo != null); return _protocolInfo; } /** * Returns a ProtocolInfo suitable for starting a mover. By * default the protocol info set with setProtocolInfo is returned. */ protected ProtocolInfo getProtocolInfoForPool() { checkState(_protocolInfo != null); return _protocolInfo; } /** * Sets the ProtocolInfo used for the transfer. */ public synchronized void setProtocolInfo(ProtocolInfo info) { _protocolInfo = info; } /** * Returns the ProtocolInfo used for the transfer. May be null. */ @Nullable public synchronized ProtocolInfo getProtocolInfo() { return _protocolInfo; } /** * Orders Transfer objects according to hash value. Makes it * possible to add Transfer objects to tree based collections. */ @Override public int compareTo(Transfer o) { return, getId()); } /** * Returns the ID of this transfer. The transfer ID * uniquely identifies this transfer object within this VM * instance. * <p> * The transfer ID is used as the message ID for both the pool * selection message sent to PoolManager and the io file message * to the pool. The DoorTransferFinishedMessage from the pool will * have the same ID. * <p> * IoDoorEntry instances provided for monitoring will contain the * transfer ID and the active transfer page of the httpd service * reports the transfer ID in the sequence column. * <p> * The transfer ID is not to be confused with session string * identifier used for logging. The former identifies a single * transfer while the latter identifies a user session and could * in theory span multiple transfers. */ public long getId() { return _id; } /** * Sets CellStub for PoolManager. */ public synchronized void setPoolManagerStub(PoolManagerStub stub) { _poolManager = stub; } /** * Sets CellStub for pools. */ public synchronized void setPoolStub(CellStub stub) { _pool = stub; } /** * Sets CellStub for Billing. */ public synchronized void setBillingStub(CellStub stub) { _billing = stub; } public synchronized void setCheckStagePermission(CheckStagePermission checkStagePermission) { _checkStagePermission = checkStagePermission; } /** * Sets the current status of a transfer. May be null. */ public synchronized void setStatus(String status) { if (status != null) { _log.debug("Status: {}", status); } _status = status; } /** * Sets the current status of a pool and clear the status once the given future * completes. */ public void setStatusUntil(String status, ListenableFuture<?> future) { setStatus(status); future.addListener(() -> setStatus(null), MoreExecutors.directExecutor()); } /** * Sets the current status of a pool. May be null. */ @Nullable public synchronized String getStatus() { return _status; } /** * When true, existing files will be overwritten on write. */ public synchronized void setOverwriteAllowed(boolean allowed) { _isOverwriteAllowed = allowed; } /** * Sets the FileAttributes of the file to transfer. */ public synchronized FileAttributes getFileAttributes() { return _fileAttributes; } /** * Sets the FileAttributes of the file to transfer. */ public synchronized void setFileAttributes(FileAttributes fileAttributes) { _fileAttributes = fileAttributes; } /** * The name space path of the file being transferred. */ public synchronized String getTransferPath() { return _path.toString(); } /** * The billable name space path of the file being transferred. */ public synchronized String getBillingPath() { if (_fileAttributes.isDefined(STORAGEINFO) && _fileAttributes.getStorageInfo().getKey("path") != null) { return _fileAttributes.getStorageInfo().getKey("path"); } else { return _path.toString(); } } /** * Returns the PnfsId of the file to be transferred. */ @Nullable public synchronized PnfsId getPnfsId() { return _fileAttributes.isDefined(PNFSID) ? _fileAttributes.getPnfsId() : null; } /** * Sets the PnfsId of the file to be transferred. */ public synchronized void setPnfsId(PnfsId pnfsid) { _fileAttributes.setPnfsId(pnfsid); } /** * Sets whether this is an upload. */ protected synchronized void setWrite(boolean isWrite) { _isWrite = isWrite; } /** * Returns whether this is an upload. */ public synchronized boolean isWrite() { return _isWrite; } /** * Registers the fact that the transfer now has a mover. * * @param moverId The mover ID of the transfer. */ public synchronized void setMoverId(Integer moverId) { _moverId = moverId; _hasMoverBeenCreated = (_moverId != null); } /** * Returns the ID of the mover of this transfer. */ @Nullable public synchronized Integer getMoverId() { return _moverId; } /** * Returns whether this transfer has a mover (to the best of our * knowledge). */ public synchronized boolean hasMover() { return _hasMoverBeenCreated && !_hasMoverFinished; } /** * Sets the pool to use for this transfer. */ public synchronized void setPool(String pool) { _poolName = pool; } /** * Returns the pool to use for this transfer. */ @Nullable public synchronized String getPool() { return _poolName; } /** * Sets the address of the pool to use for this transfer. */ public synchronized void setPoolAddress(CellAddressCore poolAddress) { _poolAddress = poolAddress; } /** * Returns the address of the pool to use for this transfer. */ @Nullable public synchronized CellAddressCore getPoolAddress() { return _poolAddress; } public synchronized void setAssumption(Assumption assumption) { _assumption = assumption; } public synchronized Assumption getAssumption() { return _assumption; } /** * Initialises the session value in the cells diagnostic context * (CDC). The session value is attached to the thread. * <p> * The session key is pushed to the NDC for purposes of logging. * <p> * The format of the session value is chosen to be compatible with * the transaction ID format as found in the * InfoMessage.getTransaction method. * * @param isCellNameSiteUnique True if the cell name is unique throughout this * dCache site, that is, it is well known or derived * from a well known name. * @param isCellNameTemporallyUnique True if the cell name is temporally unique, * that is, two invocations of initSession will * never have the same cell name. * @throws IllegalStateException when the thread is not already * associated with a cell through the CDC. */ public static void initSession(boolean isCellNameSiteUnique, boolean isCellNameTemporallyUnique) { Object domainName = MDC.get(CDC.MDC_DOMAIN); Object cellName = MDC.get(CDC.MDC_CELL); checkState(domainName != null, "Missing domain name in MDC"); checkState(cellName != null, "Missing cell name in MDC"); StringBuilder session = new StringBuilder(); session.append("door:").append(cellName); if (!isCellNameSiteUnique) { session.append('@').append(domainName); } if (!isCellNameTemporallyUnique) { session.append(':').append(SESSION_ENCODING.encode(Longs.toByteArray(; } String s = session.toString(); CDC.setSession(s); NDC.push(s); } /** * The transaction uniquely (with a high probably) identifies this * transfer. */ public synchronized String getTransaction() { if (_session != null) { return _session.toString() + ":" + _id; } else if (_cellAddress != null) { return "door:" + _cellAddress + ":" + _id; } else { return String.valueOf(_id); } } /** * Signals that the mover of this transfer finished. */ public synchronized void finished(CacheException error) { _hasMoverFinished = true; _error = error; notifyAll(); } /** * Signals that the mover of this transfer finished. */ public final synchronized void finished(int rc, String error) { if (rc != 0) { finished(new CacheException(rc, error)); } else { finished((CacheException) null); } } /** * Signals that the mover of this transfer finished. */ public final synchronized void finished(DoorTransferFinishedMessage msg) { setFileAttributes(msg.getFileAttributes()); setProtocolInfo(msg.getProtocolInfo()); if (msg.getReturnCode() != 0) { finished(CacheExceptionFactory.exceptionOf(msg)); } else { finished((CacheException) null); } } public synchronized void setCellAddress(CellAddressCore address) { _cellAddress = address; } /** * Returns the cell name of the door handling the transfer. */ public synchronized String getCellName() { checkState(_cellAddress != null); return _cellAddress.getCellName(); } /** * Returns the domain name of the door handling the transfer. */ public synchronized String getDomainName() { checkState(_cellAddress != null); return _cellAddress.getCellDomainName(); } /** * The client address is the socket address from which the * transfer was initiated. */ public synchronized void setClientAddress(InetSocketAddress address) { _clientAddresses = Collections.singletonList(address); } /** * The client address(es) that initiated the request. If the * protocol does not support reporting relayed requests then this is * a single entry. If the protocol allows reporting of client * addresses then the list-order represents the clients that initiated * this request, starting with the client on the TCP connection. */ public synchronized void setClientAddresses(List<InetSocketAddress> addresses) { checkArgument(!addresses.isEmpty(), "empty address list is not allowed"); _clientAddresses = addresses; } /** * Report the address of the client that connected to dCache when * initiated this transfer. */ @Nullable public synchronized InetSocketAddress getClientAddress() { return _clientAddresses == null ? null : _clientAddresses.get(0); } /** * Report all relays and the client that initiated this transfer. * The last item is the client that initiated the transfer; any addresses * earlier in the list represent relay clients. The first item is the * client that directly connected to dCache. */ @Nullable public synchronized List<InetSocketAddress> getClientAddresses() { return _clientAddresses; } public boolean waitForMover(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws CacheException, InterruptedException { return waitForMover(unit.toMillis(timeout)); } /** * Blocks until the mover of this transfer finished, or until * a timeout is reached. Relies on the * DoorTransferFinishedMessage being injected into the * transfer through the <code>finished</code> method. * * @param millis The timeout in milliseconds * @return true when the mover has finished * @throws CacheException if the mover failed * @throws InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted */ public synchronized boolean waitForMover(long millis) throws CacheException, InterruptedException { long deadline = addWithInfinity(System.currentTimeMillis(), millis); while (!_hasMoverFinished && System.currentTimeMillis() < deadline) { wait(subWithInfinity(deadline, System.currentTimeMillis())); } if (_error != null) { throw _error; } return _hasMoverFinished; } /** * Returns an IoDoorEntry describing the transfer. This is * used by the "Active Transfer" view of the HTTP monitor. */ public synchronized IoDoorEntry getIoDoorEntry() { return new IoDoorEntry(_id, getPnfsId(), _subject, _poolName, _status, _startedAt, _clientAddresses.get(0).getHostString()); } /** * Creates a new name space entry for the file to transfer. This * will fill in the PnfsId and StorageInfo of the file and mark * the transfer as an upload. * <p> * Will fail if the subject of the transfer doesn't have * permission to create the file. * <p> * If the parent directories don't exist, then they will be * created. * * @throws CacheException if creating the entry failed */ public void createNameSpaceEntryWithParents() throws CacheException { try { createNameSpaceEntry(); } catch (NotInTrashCacheException | FileNotFoundCacheException e) { _pnfs.createDirectories(_path.parent()); createNameSpaceEntry(); } } /** * Creates a new name space entry for the file to transfer. This * will fill in the PnfsId and StorageInfo of the file and mark * the transfer as an upload. * <p> * Will fail if the subject of the transfer doesn't have * permission to create the file. * * @throws CacheException if creating the entry failed */ public void createNameSpaceEntry() throws CacheException { setStatus("PnfsManager: Creating name space entry"); try { FileAttributes desiredAttributes = fileAttributesForNameSpace(); PnfsCreateEntryMessage msg; try { msg = _pnfs.createPnfsEntry(_path.toString(), desiredAttributes); } catch (FileExistsCacheException e) { /* REVISIT: This should be moved to PnfsManager with a * flag in the PnfsCreateEntryMessage. */ if (!_isOverwriteAllowed) { throw e; } _pnfs.deletePnfsEntry(_path.toString(), EnumSet.of(REGULAR)); msg = _pnfs.createPnfsEntry(_path.toString(), desiredAttributes); } FileAttributes attrs = msg.getFileAttributes(); attrs.setChecksums(new HashSet<>()); setFileAttributes(attrs); setWrite(true); } finally { setStatus(null); } } protected FileAttributes fileAttributesForNameSpace() { return FileAttributes.ofFileType(REGULAR); } /** * Reads the name space entry of the file to transfer. This will fill in the PnfsId * and FileAttributes of the file. * <p> * Changes the I/O mode from write to read if the file is not new. * * @throws PermissionDeniedCacheException if permission to read/write the file is denied * @throws NotFileCacheException if the file is not a regular file * @throws FileIsNewCacheException when attempting to download an incomplete file * @throws CacheException if reading the entry failed * @throws InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted * @param allowWrite whether the file may be opened for writing */ public final void readNameSpaceEntry(boolean allowWrite) throws CacheException, InterruptedException { try { getCancellable(readNameSpaceEntryAsync(allowWrite)); } catch (NoRouteToCellException e) { throw new TimeoutCacheException(e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Reads the name space entry of the file to transfer. This will fill in the PnfsId * and FileAttributes of the file. * <p> * Changes the I/O mode from write to read if the file is not new. * * @param allowWrite whether the file may be opened for writing */ public ListenableFuture<Void> readNameSpaceEntryAsync(boolean allowWrite) { return readNameSpaceEntryAsync(allowWrite, _pnfs.getPnfsTimeout()); } private ListenableFuture<Void> readNameSpaceEntryAsync(boolean allowWrite, long timeout) { Set<FileAttribute> attr = EnumSet.of(PNFSID, TYPE, STORAGEINFO, SIZE); attr.addAll(_additionalAttributes); attr.addAll(PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg.getRequiredAttributes()); Set<AccessMask> mask; if (allowWrite) { mask = EnumSet.of(AccessMask.READ_DATA, AccessMask.WRITE_DATA); } else { mask = EnumSet.of(AccessMask.READ_DATA); } PnfsId pnfsId = getPnfsId(); PnfsGetFileAttributes request; if (pnfsId != null) { request = new PnfsGetFileAttributes(pnfsId, attr); } else { request = new PnfsGetFileAttributes(_path.toString(), attr); } request.setAccessMask(mask); request.setUpdateAtime(true); ListenableFuture<PnfsGetFileAttributes> reply = _pnfs.requestAsync(request, timeout); setStatusUntil("PnfsManager: Fetching storage info", reply); return CellStub.transformAsync(reply, msg -> { FileAttributes attributes = msg.getFileAttributes(); /* We can only transfer regular files. */ FileType type = attributes.getFileType(); if (type == FileType.DIR || type == FileType.SPECIAL) { throw new NotFileCacheException("Not a regular file"); } /* I/O mode must match completeness of the file. */ if (!attributes.getStorageInfo().isCreatedOnly()) { setWrite(false); } else if (allowWrite) { setWrite(true); } else { throw new FileIsNewCacheException(); } setFileAttributes(attributes); return immediateFuture(null); }); } /** * Specify a set of additional attributes as part of this transfer's * namespace operation. Any prior specified extra attributes are removed. * In addition, some attributes required by this class and are always * fetched. */ protected void setAdditionalAttributes(Set<FileAttribute> attributes) { _additionalAttributes = Sets.immutableEnumSet(attributes); } /** * Discover the set of additional attributes that will be fetched as part * of this transfer's namespace operation. In addition to the returned * set, this class will always fetch certain attributes, which may not be * reflected in the returned set. */ protected Set<FileAttribute> getAdditionalAttributes() { return _additionalAttributes; } /** * Returns the length of the file to be transferred. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the length isn't known */ public synchronized long getLength() { return _fileAttributes.getSize(); } /** * Sets the length of the file to be uploaded. Only valid for * uploads. */ public synchronized void setLength(long length) { if (!isWrite()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can only set length for uploads"); } _fileAttributes.setSize(length); } /** * Sets checksum of the file to be uploaded. Can be called multiple times * with different checksums types. Only valid for uploads. * * @param checksum of the file * @throws CacheException if reading the entry failed */ public void setChecksum(Checksum checksum) throws CacheException { if (!isWrite()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can only set checksum for uploads"); } try { setStatus("PnfsManager: Setting checksum"); _pnfs.setChecksum(getPnfsId(), checksum); synchronized (this) { _fileAttributes.getChecksums().add(checksum); } } finally { setStatus(null); } } /** * Sets the size of the preallocation to make. * <p> * Only affects uploads. If the upload is larger than the * preallocation, then the upload may fail. */ public synchronized void setAllocation(long length) { _allocated = length; } /** * Sets the mover queue to use. */ public synchronized void setIoQueue(String queue) { _ioQueue = queue; } /** * Returns the mover queue to be used. */ @Nullable public synchronized String getIoQueue() { return _ioQueue; } /** * Returns the read pool selection context. */ protected synchronized PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg.Context getReadPoolSelectionContext() { return _readPoolSelectionContext; } /** * Sets the previous read pool selection message. The message * contains state that is maintained across repeated pool * selections. */ protected synchronized void setReadPoolSelectionContext(PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg.Context context) { _readPoolSelectionContext = context; } /** * Selects a pool suitable for the transfer. */ public ListenableFuture<Void> selectPoolAsync(long timeout) { FileAttributes fileAttributes = getFileAttributes(); ProtocolInfo protocolInfo = getProtocolInfoForPoolManager(); ListenableFuture<? extends PoolMgrSelectPoolMsg> reply; if (isWrite()) { long allocated = _allocated; if (allocated == 0 && fileAttributes.isDefined(SIZE)) { allocated = fileAttributes.getSize(); } PoolMgrSelectWritePoolMsg request = new PoolMgrSelectWritePoolMsg(fileAttributes, protocolInfo, allocated); request.setId(_id); request.setSubject(_subject); request.setBillingPath(getBillingPath()); request.setTransferPath(getTransferPath()); request.setIoQueueName(getIoQueue()); reply = _poolManager.sendAsync(request, timeout); } else { EnumSet<RequestContainerV5.RequestState> allowedStates; try { allowedStates = _checkStagePermission.canPerformStaging(_subject, fileAttributes, protocolInfo) ? RequestContainerV5.allStates : RequestContainerV5.allStatesExceptStage; } catch (IOException e) { return immediateFailedFuture( new CacheException(CacheException.UNEXPECTED_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage())); } PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg request = new PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg(fileAttributes, protocolInfo, getReadPoolSelectionContext(), allowedStates); request.setId(_id); request.setSubject(_subject); request.setBillingPath(getBillingPath()); request.setTransferPath(getTransferPath()); request.setIoQueueName(getIoQueue()); reply = Futures.transform(_poolManager.sendAsync(request, timeout), (PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg msg) -> { setReadPoolSelectionContext(msg.getContext()); return msg; }); } setStatusUntil("PoolManager: Selecting pool", reply); return CellStub.transform(reply, (PoolMgrSelectPoolMsg msg) -> { setPool(msg.getPoolName()); setPoolAddress(msg.getPoolAddress()); setAssumption(msg.getAssumption()); setFileAttributes(msg.getFileAttributes()); return null; }); } /** * Creates a mover for the transfer. */ public ListenableFuture<Void> startMoverAsync(long timeout) { FileAttributes fileAttributes = getFileAttributes(); String pool = getPool(); if (fileAttributes == null || pool == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Need PNFS ID, file attributes and pool before a mover can be started"); } ProtocolInfo protocolInfo = getProtocolInfoForPool(); PoolIoFileMessage message; if (isWrite()) { long allocated = _allocated; if (allocated == 0 && fileAttributes.isDefined(SIZE)) { allocated = fileAttributes.getSize(); } message = new PoolAcceptFileMessage(pool, protocolInfo, fileAttributes, _assumption, allocated); } else { message = new PoolDeliverFileMessage(pool, protocolInfo, fileAttributes, _assumption); } message.setBillingPath(getBillingPath()); message.setTransferPath(getTransferPath()); message.setIoQueueName(getIoQueue()); message.setInitiator(getTransaction()); message.setId(_id); message.setSubject(_subject); ListenableFuture<PoolIoFileMessage> reply = _poolManager.startAsync(getPoolAddress(), message, timeout); setStatusUntil("Pool " + pool + ": Creating mover", reply); return CellStub.transformAsync(reply, msg -> { setMoverId(msg.getMoverId()); return immediateFuture(null); }); } /** * Kills the mover of the transfer. Blocks until the mover has died or * until a timeout is reached. An error is logged if the mover failed to * die or if the timeout was reached. * @param timeout the duration of the timeout * @param unit the time units of the duration * @param explanation short information why the transfer is killed */ public final void killMover(long timeout, TimeUnit unit, String explanation) { killMover(unit.toMillis(timeout), explanation); } /** * Kills the mover of the transfer. Blocks until the mover has * died or until a timeout is reached. An error is logged if * the mover failed to die or if the timeout was reached. * * @param millis Timeout in milliseconds * @param explanation short information why the transfer is killed */ public void killMover(long millis, String explanation) { if (!hasMover()) { return; } Integer moverId = getMoverId(); String pool = getPool(); CellAddressCore poolAddress = getPoolAddress(); setStatus("Mover " + pool + "/" + moverId + ": Killing mover"); try { /* Kill the mover. */ PoolMoverKillMessage message = new PoolMoverKillMessage(pool, moverId, explanation); message.setReplyRequired(false); _pool.notify(new CellPath(poolAddress), message); /* To reduce the risk of orphans when using PNFS, we wait * for the transfer confirmation. */ if (millis > 0 && !waitForMover(millis)) { _log.error("Failed to kill mover " + pool + "/" + moverId + ": Timeout"); } } catch (CacheException e) { // Not surprising that the pool reported a failure // when we killed the mover. _log.debug("Killed mover and pool reported: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { _log.warn("Failed to kill mover " + pool + "/" + moverId + ": " + e.getMessage()); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } finally { setStatus(null); } } public IoJobInfo queryMoverInfo() throws CacheException, InterruptedException { if (!hasMover()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Transfer has no mover"); } try { return _pool.sendAndWait(new CellPath(getPoolAddress()), "mover ls -binary " + getMoverId(), IoJobInfo.class); } catch (NoRouteToCellException e) { throw new TimeoutCacheException(e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Deletes the name space entry of the file. Only valid for * uploads. In case of failures, an error is logged. */ public void deleteNameSpaceEntry() { if (!isWrite()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can only delete name space entry for uploads"); } PnfsId pnfsId = getPnfsId(); if (pnfsId != null) { setStatus("PnfsManager: Deleting name space entry"); try { _pnfs.deletePnfsEntry(pnfsId, _path.toString()); } catch (FileNotFoundCacheException e) { _log.debug("Failed to delete file after failed upload: " + _path + " (" + pnfsId + "): " + e.getMessage()); } catch (CacheException e) { _log.error("Failed to delete file after failed upload: " + _path + " (" + pnfsId + "): " + e.getMessage()); } finally { setStatus(null); } } } /** * Sends billing information to the billing cell. Any invocation * beyond the first is ignored. * * @param code The error code of the transfer; zero indicates success * @param error The error string of the transfer; may be empty */ public synchronized void notifyBilling(int code, String error) { if (_isBillingNotified) { return; } DoorRequestInfoMessage msg = new DoorRequestInfoMessage(_cellAddress); msg.setSubject(_subject); msg.setBillingPath(getBillingPath()); msg.setTransferPath(getTransferPath()); msg.setTransactionDuration(System.currentTimeMillis() - _startedAt); msg.setTransaction(getTransaction()); String chain = map(InetSocketAddress::getAddress). map(InetAddress::getHostAddress). collect(Collectors.joining(",")); msg.setClientChain(chain); msg.setClient(_clientAddresses.get(0).getAddress().getHostAddress()); msg.setPnfsId(getPnfsId()); if (_fileAttributes.isDefined(SIZE)) { msg.setFileSize(_fileAttributes.getSize()); } msg.setResult(code, error); if (_fileAttributes.isDefined(STORAGEINFO)) { msg.setStorageInfo(_fileAttributes.getStorageInfo()); } _billing.notify(msg); _isBillingNotified = true; } private static long getTimeoutFor(long deadline) { return subWithInfinity(deadline, System.currentTimeMillis()); } private static long getTimeoutFor(CellStub stub, long deadline) { return Math.min(getTimeoutFor(deadline), stub.getTimeoutInMillis()); } private static long getTimeoutFor(PnfsHandler pnfs, long deadline) { return Math.min(getTimeoutFor(deadline), pnfs.getPnfsTimeout()); } /** * Select a pool and start a mover. Failed attempts are handled * according to the {@link TransferRetryPolicy}. Note, that there * will be no retries on uploads. * * @param policy to handle error cases * @throws CacheException * @throws InterruptedException */ public void selectPoolAndStartMover(TransferRetryPolicy policy) throws CacheException, InterruptedException { try { getCancellable(selectPoolAndStartMoverAsync(policy)); } catch (NoRouteToCellException e) { throw new TimeoutCacheException(e.getMessage(), e); } } public ListenableFuture<Void> selectPoolAndStartMoverAsync(TransferRetryPolicy policy) { long deadLine = addWithInfinity(System.currentTimeMillis(), policy.getTotalTimeOut()); AsyncFunction<Void, Void> selectPool = ignored -> selectPoolAsync(getTimeoutFor(deadLine)); AsyncFunction<Void, Void> startMover = ignored -> startMoverAsync(getTimeoutFor(deadLine)); AsyncFunction<Void, Void> readNameSpaceEntry = ignored -> readNameSpaceEntryAsync(false, getTimeoutFor(_pnfs, deadLine)); AsyncFunction<CacheException,Void> retry = new AsyncFunction<CacheException, Void>() { private int count; private long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); @Override public ListenableFuture<Void> apply(CacheException t) throws Exception { count++; switch (t.getRc()) { case CacheException.TIMEOUT: if (getPool() != null && isWrite()) { return immediateFailedFuture(t); } break; case CacheException.OUT_OF_DATE: case CacheException.POOL_DISABLED: case CacheException.FILE_NOT_IN_REPOSITORY:"Retrying pool selection: {}", t.getMessage()); return retryWhen(immediateFuture(null)); case CacheException.FILE_IN_CACHE: case CacheException.INVALID_ARGS: case CacheException.FILE_NOT_FOUND: return immediateFailedFuture(t); case CacheException.NO_POOL_CONFIGURED: _log.error(t.getMessage()); return immediateFailedFuture(t); case CacheException.NO_POOL_ONLINE: _log.warn(t.getMessage()); break; case CacheException.PERMISSION_DENIED:"request rejected due to permission settings: {}", t.getMessage()); return immediateFailedFuture(t); default: _log.error(t.getMessage()); break; } if (count >= policy.getRetryCount()) { return immediateFailedFuture(t); } /* We rate limit the retry loop: two consecutive * iterations are separated by at least retryPeriod. */ long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long timeToSleep = Math.max(0, policy.getRetryPeriod() - (now - start)); if (subWithInfinity(deadLine, now) <= timeToSleep) { return immediateFailedFuture(t); } ListenableScheduledFuture<Void> doneSleeping = RETRY_EXECUTOR.schedule(() -> null, timeToSleep, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); setStatusUntil("Sleeping (" + t.getMessage() + ")", doneSleeping); return retryWhen(doneSleeping); } public ListenableFuture<Void> retryWhen(ListenableFuture<Void> future) { if (!isWrite()) { future = transformAsync(future, readNameSpaceEntry); } start = System.currentTimeMillis(); return catchingAsync(transformAsync(transformAsync(future, selectPool), startMover), CacheException.class, this); } }; return catchingAsync(transformAsync( selectPoolAsync(getTimeoutFor(deadLine)), startMover), CacheException.class, retry); } /** * Returns the result of {@link Future#get()} as if by {@link CellStub#get}, but * cancels {@code future} if the calling thread is interrupted. */ protected static <T> T getCancellable(ListenableFuture<T> future) throws CacheException, InterruptedException, NoRouteToCellException { try { return CellStub.get(future); } catch (InterruptedException e) { future.cancel(true); throw e; } } /** * Get timestamp when this transfer was created. * @return timestamp, when transfer was created. */ public long getCreationTime() { return _startedAt; } }