package dmg.util ; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; public class AgingHash { private int _maxSize; private Node _first; private Node _last; private Hashtable<Object, Node> _hash = new Hashtable<>() ; public synchronized void clear(){ _first = null ; _last = null ; _hash.clear() ; } private class Node { private Object _value; private Object _key; private Node _next; private Node _previous; private Node( Object key , Object value ){ _value = value ; _key = key ; } public String toString(){ return "(" + _key + ':' + _value + ')'; } private void link(){ _next = _first ; _previous = null ; if( _first != null ) { _first._previous = this; } _first = this ; if( _last == null ) { _last = this; } } private void unlink(){ if( _next != null ) { _next._previous = _previous; } else { _last = _previous; } if( _previous != null ) { _previous._next = _next; } else { _first = _next; } } } public AgingHash( int maxSize ){ _maxSize = maxSize ; } public synchronized Object get( Object key ){ if( key == null ) { throw new NullPointerException("Key == null"); } Node node = _hash.get( key ); if( node == null ) { return null; } node.unlink() ; ; return node._value ; } public synchronized void put( Object key , Object value ){ if( ( key == null ) || ( value == null ) ) { throw new NullPointerException("Key/Value == null"); } Node node = _hash.get( key ); if( node == null ){ node = new Node( key , value ) ; _hash.put( key , node ) ; }else{ node._value = value ; // // we have to relink to become top of stack. // node.unlink() ; } ; if( _hash.size() > _maxSize ){ _hash.remove( _last._key ) ; _last.unlink() ; } } public int size(){ return _hash.size() ; } public synchronized Object remove( Object key ){ Node node = _hash.remove( key ); if( node == null ) { return null; } node.unlink() ; return node._value ; } public synchronized Iterator<Node> valuesIterator(){ return new ArrayList<>(_hash.values()).iterator() ; } public synchronized Iterator<Object> keysIterator(){ return new ArrayList<>(_hash.keySet()).iterator() ; } public synchronized String toString(){ Node node; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder() ; for( node = _first ; node != null ; node = node._next ){ sb.append(node).append(';') ; } sb.append('[').append(_first).append(';').append(_last).append(']'); return sb.toString() ; } public static void main( String [] args ){ AgingHash hash = new AgingHash(3) ; System.out.println(hash) ; hash.put("1","1"); System.out.println(hash) ; hash.put("2","2"); System.out.println(hash) ; hash.put("3","3"); System.out.println(hash) ; hash.put("4","4"); System.out.println(hash) ; hash.put("5","5"); System.out.println(hash) ; hash.remove("4"); System.out.println(hash) ; hash.remove("3"); System.out.println(hash) ; hash.remove("5"); System.out.println(hash) ; } }