package org.dcache.pool.classic; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Required; import; import java.nio.channels.CompletionHandler; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import diskCacheV111.pools.StorageClassFlushInfo; import diskCacheV111.util.CacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.FileNotInCacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsId; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellCommandListener; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellInfoProvider; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellSetupProvider; import dmg.util.Formats; import dmg.util.command.Argument; import dmg.util.command.Command; import dmg.util.command.Option; import org.dcache.pool.nearline.NearlineStorageHandler; import org.dcache.pool.repository.CacheEntry; import org.dcache.pool.repository.Repository; import org.dcache.vehicles.FileAttributes; import static; import static; /** * Manages tape flush queues. * * A flush queue is created for each storage class and HSM pair. Queues can be explicitly * defined or created implicitly when a tape file for a particular storage class is first * encountered. * * Each queue is represented by a StorageClassInfo object. */ public class StorageClassContainer implements CellCommandListener, CellSetupProvider, CellInfoProvider { private final Map<String, StorageClassInfo> _storageClasses = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<PnfsId, StorageClassInfo> _pnfsIds = new HashMap<>(); private Repository _repository; private NearlineStorageHandler _storageHandler; private boolean _poolStatusInfoChanged = true; @Required public void setRepository(Repository repository) { _repository = repository; } @Required public void setNearlineStorageHandler(NearlineStorageHandler storageHandler) { _storageHandler = storageHandler; } public synchronized Collection<StorageClassInfo> getStorageClassInfos() { return new ArrayList<>(_storageClasses.values()); } public synchronized StorageClassFlushInfo[] getFlushInfos() { return _storageClasses.values().stream().map(StorageClassInfo::getFlushInfo).toArray(StorageClassFlushInfo[]::new); } public synchronized boolean poolStatusChanged() { boolean result = _poolStatusInfoChanged; _poolStatusInfoChanged = false; return result; } public synchronized int getStorageClassCount() { return _storageClasses.size(); } public synchronized int getRequestCount() { return _pnfsIds.size(); } public synchronized StorageClassInfo getStorageClassInfo(String hsmName, String storageClass) { return _storageClasses.get(storageClass + "@" + hsmName.toLowerCase()); } public synchronized StorageClassInfo getStorageClassInfo(PnfsId pnfsId) { return _pnfsIds.get(pnfsId); } private synchronized StorageClassInfo defineStorageClass(String hsmName, String storageClass) { StorageClassInfo info = getStorageClassInfo(hsmName, storageClass); if (info == null) { info = new StorageClassInfo(_storageHandler, hsmName, storageClass); } info.setDefined(true); _storageClasses.put(info.getFullName(), info); return info; } private synchronized void removeStorageClass(String hsmName, String storageClass) { StorageClassInfo info = getStorageClassInfo(hsmName, storageClass); if (info != null) { if (info.size() > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class not empty"); } _storageClasses.remove(info.getFullName()); } } private synchronized void suspendStorageClass(String hsmName, String storageClass, boolean suspend) { StorageClassInfo info = getStorageClassInfo(hsmName, storageClass); if (info == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Storage class not found : " + storageClass + "@" + hsmName); } info.setSuspended(suspend); } private synchronized void suspendStorageClasses(boolean suspend) { for (StorageClassInfo info : _storageClasses.values()) { info.setSuspended(suspend); } } /** * Removes an entry from the list of HSM storage requests. * * @returns true if the entry was found and removed, false otherwise. */ public synchronized boolean removeCacheEntry(PnfsId pnfsId) { StorageClassInfo info = _pnfsIds.remove(pnfsId); if (info == null) { return false; } boolean removed = info.remove(pnfsId); if (info.size() == 0 && ! info.isDefined()) { _storageClasses.remove(info.getFullName()); } return removed; } /** * adds a CacheEntry to the list of HSM storage requests. * @param entry */ public synchronized void addCacheEntry(CacheEntry entry) throws CacheException, InterruptedException { FileAttributes fileAttributes = entry.getFileAttributes(); String storageClass = fileAttributes.getStorageClass(); String hsmName = fileAttributes.getHsm().toLowerCase(); String composedName = storageClass + "@" + hsmName; StorageClassInfo classInfo = _storageClasses.get(composedName); if (classInfo == null) { classInfo = new StorageClassInfo(_storageHandler, hsmName, storageClass); // // in case we find a template, we take the // 'pending', 'expire' and 'total' parameter from it. // StorageClassInfo tmpInfo = _storageClasses.get("*@" + hsmName); if (tmpInfo != null) { classInfo.setExpiration(tmpInfo.getExpiration()); classInfo.setPending(tmpInfo.getPending()); classInfo.setMaxSize(tmpInfo.getMaxSize()); } _storageClasses.put(composedName, classInfo); } classInfo.add(entry); _pnfsIds.put(entry.getPnfsId(), classInfo); } public void flush(PnfsId pnfsId, CompletionHandler<Void,PnfsId> callback) throws CacheException, InterruptedException { CacheEntry entry = _repository.getEntry(pnfsId); String hsm = entry.getFileAttributes().getHsm().toLowerCase(); _storageHandler.flush(hsm, Collections.singleton(pnfsId), callback); } public void flushAll(int maxActive, long retryDelayOnError) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); Map<Boolean, List<StorageClassInfo>> classes = getStorageClassInfos().stream() .filter(i -> i.isActive() || i.isTriggered() && now - i.getLastSubmitted() > retryDelayOnError) .collect(partitioningBy(StorageClassInfo::isActive, toCollection(ArrayList::new))); List<StorageClassInfo> active = classes.get(true); List<StorageClassInfo> ready = classes.get(false); int flushLimit = Math.max(0, maxActive - active.size()); int drainLimit = Ints.max(0, active.size() - maxActive, ready.size() - flushLimit); .sorted(Comparator.comparing(StorageClassInfo::getLastSubmitted)) .limit(drainLimit) .forEach(StorageClassInfo::drain); .sorted(Comparator.comparing(StorageClassInfo::getLastSubmitted)) .limit(flushLimit) .forEach(i -> i.flush(Integer.MAX_VALUE, null, null)); } @Override public synchronized void printSetup(PrintWriter pw) { for (StorageClassInfo classInfo : _storageClasses.values()) { if (classInfo.isDefined()) { pw.println("queue define class " + classInfo.getHsm() + " " + classInfo.getStorageClass() + " -pending=" + classInfo.getPending() + " -total=" + classInfo.getMaxSize() + " -expire=" + TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(classInfo.getExpiration()) + " -open=" + (classInfo.isOpen() ? "true" : "false")); } } } @Override public void getInfo(PrintWriter pw) { pw.println(" Classes : " + getStorageClassCount()); pw.println(" Requests : " + getRequestCount()); } @Override public CellSetupProvider mock() { StorageClassContainer mock = new StorageClassContainer(); mock.setNearlineStorageHandler(_storageHandler); return mock; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // the interpreter // private void dumpClassInfo(StringBuilder sb, StorageClassInfo classInfo) { sb.append(" Class@Hsm : ").append(classInfo.getFullName()).append("\n"); sb.append(" Expiration rest/defined : ").append(classInfo.expiresIn()). append(" / "). append(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(classInfo.getExpiration())). append(" seconds\n"); sb.append(" Pending rest/defined : ").append(classInfo.size()). append(" / "). append(classInfo.getPending()). append("\n"); sb.append(" Size rest/defined : ").append(classInfo.getTotalSize()). append(" / "). append(classInfo.getMaxSize()). append("\n"); sb.append(" Active Store Procs. : "). append(classInfo.getActiveCount()). append(classInfo.isSuspended() ? " SUSPENDED" : ""). append("\n"); } @Command(name = "queue activate", description = "Move a file from FAILED to ACTIVE.") class ActivateFileCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument PnfsId pnfsId; @Override public String call() throws IllegalArgumentException, CacheException { StorageClassInfo info = getStorageClassInfo(pnfsId); if (info == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found : " + pnfsId); } info.activate(pnfsId); return ""; } } @Command(name = "queue activate class", description = "Move files of a storage class from FAILED to ACTIVE.") class ActivateClassCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(valueSpec = "<storageClass>@<hsm>") String className; @Override public String call() throws IllegalArgumentException, NoSuchElementException { int pos = className.indexOf('@'); if (pos <= 0 || pos + 1 == className.length()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal storage class syntax : class@hsm"); } StorageClassInfo classInfo = getStorageClassInfo( className.substring(pos + 1), className.substring(0, pos)); if (classInfo == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such storage class: " + className); } classInfo.activateAll(); return ""; } } @Command(name = "queue deactivate", description = "Move a file from ACTIVE to FAILED.") class DeactivateFileCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument PnfsId pnfsId; @Override public String call() throws IllegalArgumentException, CacheException { StorageClassInfo info = getStorageClassInfo(pnfsId); if (info == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found : " + pnfsId); } info.deactivate(pnfsId); return ""; } } @Command(name = "queue ls classes", description = "List flush queues.") class LsClassesCommand implements Callable<String> { @Option(name = "l") boolean verbose; @Override public String call() throws Exception { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (StorageClassInfo classInfo : getStorageClassInfos()) { if (verbose) { dumpClassInfo(sb, classInfo); } else { sb.append(classInfo.getStorageClass()).append("@").append(classInfo.getHsm()); sb.append(" active=").append(classInfo.getActiveCount()); sb.append("\n"); } } return sb.toString(); } } @Command(name = "queue ls queue", description = "List content of flush queues.") class LsQueueCommand implements Callable<String> { @Option(name = "l", usage = "Verbose listing") boolean verbose; @Override public String call() throws CacheException, InterruptedException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (StorageClassInfo classInfo : getStorageClassInfos()) { boolean suspended = classInfo.isSuspended(); if (verbose) { dumpClassInfo(sb, classInfo); } else { sb.append(" Class@Hsm : "). append(classInfo.getStorageClass()). append("@"). append(classInfo.getHsm()). append(suspended?" SUSPENDED":""). append("\n"); } for (PnfsId id : classInfo.getRequests()) { try { CacheEntry info = _repository.getEntry(id); long time = info.getLastAccessTime(); FileAttributes fileAttributes = info.getFileAttributes(); String sclass = fileAttributes.getStorageClass(); String hsm = fileAttributes.getHsm(); String cclass = fileAttributes.getCacheClass(); sb.append(" ").append(id).append(" "). append(Formats.field(hsm,8,Formats.LEFT)). append(Formats.field(sclass==null?"-":sclass,20,Formats.LEFT)). append(Formats.field(cclass==null?"-":cclass,20,Formats.LEFT)). append("\n"); } catch (FileNotInCacheException e) { /* Temporary inconsistency because the entry * was deleted after generating the list. */ } } boolean headerDone = false; for (PnfsId id : classInfo.getFailedRequests()) { try { if (! headerDone) { headerDone = true; sb.append("\n Deactivated Requests\n\n"); } CacheEntry info = _repository.getEntry(id); long time = info.getLastAccessTime(); FileAttributes fileAttributes = info.getFileAttributes(); String sclass = fileAttributes.getStorageClass(); String hsm = fileAttributes.getHsm(); String cclass = fileAttributes.getCacheClass(); sb.append(" ").append(id).append(" "). append(Formats.field(hsm,8,Formats.LEFT)). append(Formats.field(sclass==null?"-":sclass,20,Formats.LEFT)). append(Formats.field(cclass==null?"-":cclass,20,Formats.LEFT)). append("\n"); } catch (FileNotInCacheException e) { /* Temporary inconsistency because the entry * was deleted after generating the list. */ } } sb.append("\n"); } return sb.toString(); } } @AffectsSetup @Command(name = "queue remove class", description = "Delete a flush queue") class RemoveQueueCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(index = 0, usage = "Name of HSM system") String hsm; @Argument(index = 1, usage = "Name of storage class") String storageClass; @Override public String call() { removeStorageClass(hsm.toLowerCase(), storageClass); return ""; } } @Command(name = "queue suspend class", description = "Disable a flush queue.") class SuspendQueueCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(index = 0, usage = "Name of HSM system", valueSpec = "<hsm>|*") String hsm; @Argument(index = 1, usage = "Name of storage class", required = false) String storageClass; @Override public String call() { if (hsm.equals("*")) { suspendStorageClasses(true); } else { suspendStorageClass(hsm.toLowerCase(), storageClass, true); } return ""; } } @Command(name = "queue resume class", description = "Enable a previously suspended flush queue.") class ResumeQueueCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(index = 0, usage = "Name of HSM system", valueSpec = "<hsm>|*") String hsm; @Argument(index = 1, usage = "Name of storage class", required = false) String storageClass; @Override public String call() { if (hsm.equals("*")) { suspendStorageClasses(false); } else { suspendStorageClass(hsm.toLowerCase(), storageClass, false); } return ""; } } @AffectsSetup @Command(name = "queue define class", description = "Create a new flush queue.") class DefineQueueCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument(index = 0, usage = "Name of HSM system") String hsm; @Argument(index = 1, usage = "Name of storage class") String storageClass; @Option(name = "expire", valueSpec="<seconds>", usage = "Flush queue when the oldest file reaches this age.") Integer expirationTime; @Option(name = "total", valueSpec="<bytes>", usage = "Flush queue when amount of queued data surpasses this value.") Long maxTotalSize; @Option(name = "pending", valueSpec="<files>", usage = "Flush queue when number of queued files surpasses this value.") Integer maxPending; @Option(name = "open", usage = "Flush new files immediately if queue is already flushing.") boolean isOpen; @Override public String call() { StorageClassInfo info = defineStorageClass(hsm.toLowerCase(), storageClass); if (expirationTime != null) { info.setExpiration(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(expirationTime)); } if (maxPending != null) { info.setPending(maxPending); } if (maxTotalSize != null) { info.setMaxSize(maxTotalSize); } info.setOpen(isOpen); _poolStatusInfoChanged = true; return info.toString(); } } @Command(name = "queue remove pnfsid", description = "Remove a file from the flush queue. WARNING: The file will no longer flushed to tape!") class RemoveFileCommand implements Callable<String> { @Argument PnfsId pnfsId; @Override public String call() { if (!removeCacheEntry(pnfsId)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not found : " + pnfsId); } return "Removed : " + pnfsId; } } }