package org.dcache.gplazma.monitor; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.dcache.gplazma.configuration.ConfigurationItemControl; import org.dcache.gplazma.monitor.LoginMonitor.Result; import static; /** * This class holds a detailed report of the activity when gPlazma processes * a login request. */ public class LoginResult { private final AuthPhaseResult _authPhase = new AuthPhaseResult(); private final MapPhaseResult _mapPhase = new MapPhaseResult(); private final AccountPhaseResult _accountPhase = new AccountPhaseResult(); private final SessionPhaseResult _sessionPhase = new SessionPhaseResult(); private Result _validationResult; private String _validationError = "unknown"; private boolean _validationHasHappened; public AuthPhaseResult getAuthPhase() { return _authPhase; } public MapPhaseResult getMapPhase() { return _mapPhase; } public AccountPhaseResult getAccountPhase() { return _accountPhase; } public SessionPhaseResult getSessionPhase() { return _sessionPhase; } public void setValidationResult(Result result) { _validationHasHappened = true; _validationResult = result; } public Result getValidationResult() { return _validationResult; } public boolean hasValidationHappened() { return _validationHasHappened; } public void setValidationError(String error) { _validationError = error; } public String getValidationError() { checkState(_validationResult == Result.FAIL, "Validation error is "+ "only valid if the plugin has failed"); return _validationError; } /** * Returns whether gPlazma started processing the login request represent * by this LoginResult object. * * A login request may fail before the first phase was attempted. This can * happen, for examples, if the gPlazma configuration is syntactically * wrong or one of the plugins fails when being instantiated (throws an * exception when being instantiated). */ public boolean hasStarted() { return getAuthPhase().hasHappened(); } /** * Returns whether gPlazma finished all four phases of the login process. * * This is not the same as the login being successful. This value will * return true yet the login has failed if the session phase or the final * validation step fails. */ public boolean hasCompleted() { return getSessionPhase().hasHappened(); } /** * Base class for storing the result of running a phase. * @param <T> the class for storing the result of running a plugin */ public static class PhaseResult<T extends PAMPluginResult> { private final List<T> _plugins = new ArrayList<>(); private final String _name; private SetDiff<Principal> _principals; private Result _result; private boolean _hasHappened; public PhaseResult(String name) { _name = name; } public String getName() { return _name; } public void addPluginResult(T result) { _plugins.add(result); } public List<T> getPluginResults() { return _plugins; } public boolean hasPlugins() { return !_plugins.isEmpty(); } public T getLastPlugin() { return _plugins.get(_plugins.size() - 1); } public void setPrincipals(Set<Principal> before, Set<Principal> after) { _principals = new SetDiff<>(before, after); } public SetDiff<Principal> getPrincipals() { return _principals; } public void setResult(Result result) { _result = result; _hasHappened = true; } public Result getResult() { return _result; } public boolean hasHappened() { return _hasHappened; } } /** * Class that stores the result of the AUTH phase. */ public static class AuthPhaseResult extends PhaseResult<AuthPluginResult> { private final Set<Object> _publicCredentials = new HashSet<>(); private final Set<Object> _privateCredentials = new HashSet<>(); public AuthPhaseResult() { super("AUTH"); } public void setPublicCredentials(Set<Object> publicCredentials) { _publicCredentials.clear(); _publicCredentials.addAll(publicCredentials); } public void setPrivateCredentials(Set<Object> privateCredentials) { _privateCredentials.clear(); _privateCredentials.addAll(privateCredentials); } public Set<Object> getPublicCredentials() { return _publicCredentials; } public Set<Object> getPrivateCredentials() { return _privateCredentials; } } /** * Class that stores the result of the MAP phase */ public static class MapPhaseResult extends PhaseResult<MapPluginResult> { public MapPhaseResult() { super("MAP"); } } /** * Class that stores the result of the ACCOUNT phase. */ public static class AccountPhaseResult extends PhaseResult<AccountPluginResult> { public AccountPhaseResult() { super("ACCOUNT"); } } /** * Class that stores the result of the SESSION phase */ public static class SessionPhaseResult extends PhaseResult<SessionPluginResult> { private final Set<Object> _attributes = new HashSet<>(); public SessionPhaseResult() { super("SESSION"); } void setAttributes(Set<Object> attributes) { _attributes.clear(); _attributes.addAll(attributes); } public Set<Object> getAttributes() { return _attributes; } } /** * Store two sets (with same Generics interface) and allow discovery of * how the objects has changed. */ public static class SetDiff<T> { private final Set<T> _before; private final Set<T> _after; SetDiff(Iterable<T> before, Iterable<T> after) { _before = Sets.newHashSet(before); _after = Sets.newHashSet(after); } public Set<T> getBefore() { return _before; } public Set<T> getAfter() { return _after; } public Set<T> getAdded() { Set<T> added = new HashSet<>(_after); added.removeAll(_before); return added; } public Set<T> getRemoved() { Set<T> removed = new HashSet<>(_before); removed.removeAll(_after); return removed; } } /** * Class for holding the result of running a PAM-style plugin, * irrespective of in which phase the plugin was run. This serves as a * base class for phase-specific result classes * * If a plugin fails then there should be an associated error message. */ public static class PAMPluginResult { private final String _name; private final ConfigurationItemControl _control; private Result _result; private String _error = "unknown"; PAMPluginResult(String name, ConfigurationItemControl control) { _name = name; _control = control; } void setResult(Result result) { _result = result; } void setError(String error) { _error = error; } public String getName() { return _name; } public ConfigurationItemControl getControl() { return _control; } public Result getResult() { return _result; } /** * Provide the error message the plugin supplied if a call fails. */ public String getError() { checkState(_result == Result.FAIL, "error message only available " + "if the plugin failed"); return _error; } } /** * Store the result of an AUTH plugin */ public static class AuthPluginResult extends PAMPluginResult { private SetDiff<Principal> _identified; private SetDiff<Object> _publicCredentials; private SetDiff<Object> _privateCredentials; AuthPluginResult(String name, ConfigurationItemControl control) { super(name, control); } public void setIdentified(Set<Principal> before, Set<Principal> after) { _identified = new SetDiff<>(before, after); } public void setPublicCredentials(Set<Object> before, Set<Object> after) { _publicCredentials = new SetDiff<>(before, after); } public void setPrivateCredentials(Set<Object> before, Set<Object> after) { _privateCredentials = new SetDiff<>(before, after); } public SetDiff<Principal> getIdentified() { return _identified; } public SetDiff<Object> getPublicCredentials() { return _publicCredentials; } public SetDiff<Object> getPrivateCredentials() { return _privateCredentials; } } /** * Store the result of running a MAP plugin */ public static class MapPluginResult extends PAMPluginResult { private SetDiff<Principal> _principals; MapPluginResult(String name, ConfigurationItemControl control) { super(name, control); } public void setPrincipals(Iterable<Principal> before, Iterable<Principal> after) { _principals = new SetDiff<>(before, after); } public SetDiff<Principal> getPrincipals() { return _principals; } } /** * Store the result of running an ACCOUNT plugin */ public static class AccountPluginResult extends PAMPluginResult { private SetDiff<Principal> _authorized; AccountPluginResult(String name, ConfigurationItemControl control) { super(name, control); } void setAuthorized(Set<Principal> before, Set<Principal> after) { _authorized = new SetDiff<>(before, after); } public SetDiff<Principal> getAuthorized() { return _authorized; } } /** * Store the result of running a SESSION plugin. */ public static class SessionPluginResult extends PAMPluginResult { private SetDiff<Principal> _principals; private Set<Object> _attributes; SessionPluginResult(String name, ConfigurationItemControl control) { super(name, control); } public void setAuthorized(Set<Principal> before, Set<Principal> after) { _principals = new SetDiff<>(before, after); } public SetDiff<Principal> getAuthorized() { return _principals; } public void setAttributes(Set<Object> attributes) { _attributes = new HashSet<>(attributes); } public Set<Object> getAttributes() { return _attributes; } } }