package diskCacheV111.vehicles; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import diskCacheV111.pools.PoolCostInfo; import diskCacheV111.pools.PoolV2Mode; public class PoolManagerPoolUpMessage extends PoolManagerMessage { private final String _poolName ; private final long _serialId ; private final PoolCostInfo _poolCostInfo ; private final PoolV2Mode _mode; private Map<String, String> _tagMap; private Set<String> _hsmInstances; private String _message = ""; private int _code; private static final long serialVersionUID = -8421133630068493665L; public PoolManagerPoolUpMessage(String poolName, long serialId, PoolV2Mode mode) { this(poolName, serialId, mode, null); } public PoolManagerPoolUpMessage(String poolName, long serialId, PoolV2Mode mode, PoolCostInfo costInfo) { assert mode != null; _poolName = poolName; _serialId = serialId; _mode = mode; _poolCostInfo = costInfo; setReplyRequired(false); } public PoolCostInfo getPoolCostInfo(){ return _poolCostInfo ; } public String getPoolName(){ return _poolName; } public long getSerialId(){ return _serialId ; } public void setTagMap( Map<String, String> map ){ _tagMap = map ; } public Map<String, String> getTagMap(){ return _tagMap ; } /** * Sets the human readable status message of the pool. */ public void setMessage(String msg) { assert msg != null; _message = msg; } /** * Returns the human readable status message of the pool. May be * null. */ public String getMessage() { return _message; } /** * Sets the machine interpretable status code of the pool. */ public void setCode(int code) { _code = code; } /** * Returns the machine interpretable status code of the * pool. Returns 0 if the status code has not been set. */ public int getCode() { return _code; } /** * Returns the mode of the pool. The mode indicates which * operations are currently supported by the pool. */ public PoolV2Mode getPoolMode() { return _mode; } /** Returns the names of attached HSM instances. */ public Set<String> getHsmInstances() { return _hsmInstances; } /** * Sets the set of names of attached HSM instances. * * @param value Set of HSM instance names. Must implement Serializable. */ public void setHsmInstances(Set<String> value) { assert value instanceof Serializable; _hsmInstances = value; } }