package; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; /** * This class provides a set of unit-tests for the pretty-print serialiser. It uses * the TestStateExhibitor to provide the StateExhibitor back-end storage. * <p> * Please note that the tests work by comparing actual output with some "hard-coded" * expected output: should a branch has multiple child elements then the hard-coded * expected output imposes a preferred ordering on these elements. * <p> * The StateExhibitor interface makes no guarantee that sibling StateComponents will be * visited in any particular order, or even that the same order will be used between * successive visits. * <p> * It is not intended that the PrettyPrintTextSerialiser presents output with a particular * ordering: it may serialise the output in whatever order it visits the dCache state. * Therefore, the tests are fragile: the ordering may change and, should this happen, the * tests will return incorrectly fail. * <p> * In practice, both the "real" infrastructure and the test infrastructure * (TestStateExhibitor) use a HashMap to store information. The ordering a StateVistor * object will encounter is determined by how the HashMap iterator behaves. This, too, makes * no guarantees, but in practice, the small set of distinct strings that are used have * (deterministically) the stated ordering. */ public class PrettyPrintTextSerialiserTests { private static final String ELEMENT_PATH1_NAME = "element-1"; private static final String ELEMENT_PATH2_NAME = "element-2"; private static final String ELEMENT_PATH1_1_NAME = "element-1-1"; private static final String ELEMENT_PATH1_2_NAME = "element-1-2"; private static final String PRETTY_PRINT_SERIALISER_NAME = "pretty-print"; private static final StatePath SINGLE_ELEMENT_PATH1 = StatePath.parsePath( ELEMENT_PATH1_NAME); private static final StatePath SINGLE_ELEMENT_PATH2 = StatePath.parsePath( ELEMENT_PATH2_NAME); private static final StatePath MULTIPLE_ELEMENT_PATH_1_1 = SINGLE_ELEMENT_PATH1.newChild( ELEMENT_PATH1_1_NAME); private static final StatePath MULTIPLE_ELEMENT_PATH_1_2 = SINGLE_ELEMENT_PATH1.newChild( ELEMENT_PATH1_2_NAME); private PrettyPrintTextSerialiser _serialiser; private TestStateExhibitor _exhibitor; private StringWriter _expectedResultStringWriter; private PrintWriter _expectedResult; @Before public void setUp() { _exhibitor = new TestStateExhibitor(); PrettyPrintTextSerialiser serialiser = new PrettyPrintTextSerialiser(); serialiser.setStateExhibitor(_exhibitor); _serialiser = serialiser; _expectedResultStringWriter = new StringWriter(); _expectedResult = new PrintWriter( _expectedResultStringWriter); } @Test public void testGetName() { String name = _serialiser.getName(); assertEquals( "checking serialiser's name", PRETTY_PRINT_SERIALISER_NAME, name); } @Test public void testEmptySerialisationNoSkip() { _expectedResult.println( "[dCache]"); assertResult( "checking empty state"); } @Test public void testEmptySerialisationWithSingleElementSkip() { assertResult("checking empty state with single element skip", SINGLE_ELEMENT_PATH1); } @Test public void testEmptySerialisationWithMultipleElementSkip() { assertResult("checking empty state with multiple element skip", MULTIPLE_ELEMENT_PATH_1_1); } @Test public void testSingleRootBranchNoSkip() { _expectedResult.println( "[dCache]"); _expectedResult.println( " | "); _expectedResult.println( " +-[" + ELEMENT_PATH1_NAME + "]"); _exhibitor.addBranch( SINGLE_ELEMENT_PATH1); assertResult( "checking single-branch with no skip"); } @Test public void testSingleRootBranchSingleElementSkip() { _expectedResult.println( "[dCache." + ELEMENT_PATH1_NAME + "]"); _exhibitor.addBranch( SINGLE_ELEMENT_PATH1); assertResult( "checking single-branch with single element skip", SINGLE_ELEMENT_PATH1); } @Test public void testSingleRootBranchMultipleElementSkip() { _exhibitor.addBranch( SINGLE_ELEMENT_PATH1); assertResult( "checking single-branch with multiple element skip", MULTIPLE_ELEMENT_PATH_1_1); } @Test public void testMultipleRootBranchesNoSkip() { _expectedResult.println( "[dCache]"); _expectedResult.println( " | "); _expectedResult.println( " +-[" + ELEMENT_PATH1_NAME + "]"); _expectedResult.println( " | "); _expectedResult.println( " +-[" + ELEMENT_PATH2_NAME + "]"); _exhibitor.addBranch( SINGLE_ELEMENT_PATH1); _exhibitor.addBranch( SINGLE_ELEMENT_PATH2); assertResult( "checking multiple root branches with no skip"); } @Test public void testMultipleRootBranchesSingleElementSkip() { _expectedResult.println( "[dCache."+ ELEMENT_PATH1_NAME +"]"); _exhibitor.addBranch( SINGLE_ELEMENT_PATH1); _exhibitor.addBranch( SINGLE_ELEMENT_PATH2); assertResult( "checking multiple root branches with single element skip", SINGLE_ELEMENT_PATH1); } @Test public void testMultipleRootBranchesMultipleElementSkip() { _exhibitor.addBranch( SINGLE_ELEMENT_PATH1); _exhibitor.addBranch( SINGLE_ELEMENT_PATH2); assertResult( "checking multiple root branches with multiple element skip", MULTIPLE_ELEMENT_PATH_1_1); } @Test public void testRootStringMetricNoSkip() { String value = "foo"; _expectedResult.println( "[dCache]"); _expectedResult.println( " | "); _expectedResult.println( " +--" + ELEMENT_PATH1_NAME + ": \"" + value + "\" [string]"); _exhibitor.addMetric( SINGLE_ELEMENT_PATH1, new StringStateValue(value)); assertResult( "checking root string metric with no skip"); } @Test public void testRootTwoStringMetricsNoSkip() { String value1 = "foo"; String value2 = "bar"; _expectedResult.println( "[dCache]"); _expectedResult.println( " | "); _expectedResult.println( " +--" + ELEMENT_PATH1_NAME + ": \"" + value1 + "\" [string]"); _expectedResult.println( " +--" + ELEMENT_PATH2_NAME + ": \"" + value2 + "\" [string]"); _exhibitor.addMetric( SINGLE_ELEMENT_PATH1, new StringStateValue(value1)); _exhibitor.addMetric( SINGLE_ELEMENT_PATH2, new StringStateValue(value2)); assertResult( "checking two root string metrics with no skip"); } @Test public void testRootBooleanMetricsNoSkip() { final boolean value = false; _expectedResult.println( "[dCache]"); _expectedResult.println( " | "); _expectedResult.println( " +--" + ELEMENT_PATH1_NAME + ": false [boolean]"); _exhibitor.addMetric( SINGLE_ELEMENT_PATH1, new BooleanStateValue(value)); assertResult( "checking root boolean metric with no skip"); } @Test public void testRootIntegerMetricsNoSkip() { final long value = 12345; _expectedResult.println( "[dCache]"); _expectedResult.println( " | "); _expectedResult.println( " +--" + ELEMENT_PATH1_NAME + ": " + value + " [integer]"); _exhibitor.addMetric( SINGLE_ELEMENT_PATH1, new IntegerStateValue(value)); assertResult( "checking root integer metric with no skip"); } @Test public void testRootFloatMetricsNoSkip() { final double value = 3.2F; _expectedResult.println( "[dCache]"); _expectedResult.println( " | "); _expectedResult.println( " +--" + ELEMENT_PATH1_NAME + ": " + value + " [float]"); _exhibitor.addMetric( SINGLE_ELEMENT_PATH1, new FloatingPointStateValue(value)); assertResult( "checking root floating-point metric with no skip"); } @Test public void testBranchStringMetricNoSkip() { final String value="something"; _expectedResult.println( "[dCache]"); _expectedResult.println( " | "); _expectedResult.println( " +-[" + ELEMENT_PATH1_NAME + "]"); _expectedResult.println( " | "); _expectedResult.println( " +--" + ELEMENT_PATH1_1_NAME + ": \"" + value + "\" [string]"); _exhibitor.addMetric( MULTIPLE_ELEMENT_PATH_1_1, new StringStateValue(value)); assertResult( "checking branch string metric with no skip"); } @Test public void testBranchStringMetricWithRootBranchNoSkip() { final String value="something"; _expectedResult.println( "[dCache]"); _expectedResult.println( " | "); _expectedResult.println( " +-[" + ELEMENT_PATH1_NAME + "]"); _expectedResult.println( " | | "); _expectedResult.println( " | +--" + ELEMENT_PATH1_1_NAME + ": \"" + value + "\" [string]"); _expectedResult.println( " | "); _expectedResult.println( " +-[" + ELEMENT_PATH2_NAME + "]"); _exhibitor.addMetric( MULTIPLE_ELEMENT_PATH_1_1, new StringStateValue(value)); _exhibitor.addBranch( SINGLE_ELEMENT_PATH2); assertResult( "checking branch string metric with no skip"); } @Test public void testBranchStringMetricWithRootStringMetricNoSkip() { final String branchMetricValue="something"; final String rootMetricValue="else"; _expectedResult.println( "[dCache]"); _expectedResult.println( " | "); _expectedResult.println( " +-[" + ELEMENT_PATH1_NAME + "]"); _expectedResult.println( " | | "); _expectedResult.println( " | +--" + ELEMENT_PATH1_1_NAME + ": \"" + branchMetricValue + "\" [string]"); _expectedResult.println( " | "); _expectedResult.println( " +--" + ELEMENT_PATH2_NAME + ": \"" + rootMetricValue + "\" [string]"); _exhibitor.addMetric( MULTIPLE_ELEMENT_PATH_1_1, new StringStateValue(branchMetricValue)); _exhibitor.addMetric( SINGLE_ELEMENT_PATH2, new StringStateValue(rootMetricValue)); assertResult( "checking branch string metric with no skip"); } @Test public void testTwoBranchStringMetricsNoSkip() { final String branchMetric1Value="something"; final String branchMetric2Value="else"; _expectedResult.println( "[dCache]"); _expectedResult.println( " | "); _expectedResult.println( " +-[" + ELEMENT_PATH1_NAME + "]"); _expectedResult.println( " | "); _expectedResult.println( " +--" + ELEMENT_PATH1_1_NAME + ": \"" + branchMetric1Value + "\" [string]"); _expectedResult.println( " +--" + ELEMENT_PATH1_2_NAME + ": \"" + branchMetric2Value + "\" [string]"); _exhibitor.addMetric( MULTIPLE_ELEMENT_PATH_1_1, new StringStateValue(branchMetric1Value)); _exhibitor.addMetric( MULTIPLE_ELEMENT_PATH_1_2, new StringStateValue(branchMetric2Value)); assertResult( "checking branch string metric with no skip"); } @Test public void testTwoBranchStringMetricsWithRootMetricNoSkip() { final String branchMetric1Value="something"; final String branchMetric2Value="else"; final String rootMetricValue="entirely"; _expectedResult.println( "[dCache]"); _expectedResult.println( " | "); _expectedResult.println( " +-[" + ELEMENT_PATH1_NAME + "]"); _expectedResult.println( " | | "); _expectedResult.println( " | +--" + ELEMENT_PATH1_1_NAME + ": \"" + branchMetric1Value + "\" [string]"); _expectedResult.println( " | +--" + ELEMENT_PATH1_2_NAME + ": \"" + branchMetric2Value + "\" [string]"); _expectedResult.println( " | "); _expectedResult.println( " +--" + ELEMENT_PATH2_NAME + ": \"" + rootMetricValue + "\" [string]"); _exhibitor.addMetric( MULTIPLE_ELEMENT_PATH_1_1, new StringStateValue(branchMetric1Value)); _exhibitor.addMetric( MULTIPLE_ELEMENT_PATH_1_2, new StringStateValue(branchMetric2Value)); _exhibitor.addMetric( SINGLE_ELEMENT_PATH2, new StringStateValue(rootMetricValue)); assertResult( "checking branch string metric with no skip"); } @Test public void testRootListItem() { final String className = "widget"; final String idName = "id"; _expectedResult.println( "[dCache]"); _expectedResult.println( " | "); _expectedResult.println( " +-[" + className + ", " + idName + "=\"" + ELEMENT_PATH1_NAME + "\"]"); _exhibitor.addListItem( SINGLE_ELEMENT_PATH1, className, idName); assertResult( "checking single list item from root"); } @Test public void testRootTwoListItems() { final String className = "widget"; final String idName = "id"; _expectedResult.println( "[dCache]"); _expectedResult.println( " | "); _expectedResult.println( " +-[" + className + ", " + idName + "=\"" + ELEMENT_PATH1_NAME + "\"]"); _expectedResult.println( " | "); _expectedResult.println( " +-[" + className + ", " + idName + "=\"" + ELEMENT_PATH2_NAME + "\"]"); _exhibitor.addListItem( SINGLE_ELEMENT_PATH1, className, idName); _exhibitor.addListItem( SINGLE_ELEMENT_PATH2, className, idName); assertResult( "checking single list item from root"); } private void assertResult( String message) { String actualResult = _serialiser.serialise(); assertActualResultIsExpected( message, actualResult); } private void assertResult( String message, StatePath initialSkip) { String actualResult = _serialiser.serialise( initialSkip); assertActualResultIsExpected( message, actualResult); } private void assertActualResultIsExpected( String message, String actualResult) { String expectedResult = _expectedResultStringWriter.toString(); assertEquals( message, expectedResult, actualResult); } }