package; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.jdo.PersistenceManager; import javax.jdo.PersistenceManagerFactory; import javax.jdo.Transaction; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import diskCacheV111.util.CacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsId; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.DoorTransferFinishedMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.IpProtocolInfo; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.transferManager.CancelTransferMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.transferManager.TransferManagerMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.transferManager.TransferStatusQueryMessage; import dmg.cells.nucleus.AbstractCellComponent; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellAddressCore; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellCommandListener; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellInfoProvider; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessage; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessageReceiver; import dmg.cells.nucleus.SerializationException; import dmg.util.TimebasedCounter; import org.dcache.cells.CellStub; import org.dcache.poolmanager.PoolManagerStub; import org.dcache.util.Args; import org.dcache.util.CDCExecutorServiceDecorator; import static; /** * Base class for services that transfer files on behalf of SRM. Used to * implement server-side srmCopy. */ public abstract class TransferManager extends AbstractCellComponent implements CellCommandListener, CellMessageReceiver, CellInfoProvider { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TransferManager.class); private final Map<Long, TransferManagerHandler> _activeTransfers = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private int _maxTransfers; private int _numTransfers; private long _moverTimeout; private TimeUnit _moverTimeoutUnit; protected static long nextMessageID; private String _tLogRoot; private CellStub _pnfsManager; private PoolManagerStub _poolManager; private CellStub _poolStub; private CellStub _billingStub; private boolean _overwrite; private int _maxNumberOfDeleteRetries; // this is the timer which will timeout the // transfer requests private final Timer _moverTimeoutTimer = new Timer("Mover timeout timer", true); private final Map<Long, TimerTask> _moverTimeoutTimerTasks = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private String _ioQueueName; // multi io queue option private TimebasedCounter idGenerator = new TimebasedCounter(); public final Set<PnfsId> justRequestedIDs = new HashSet<>(); private final ExecutorService executor = new CDCExecutorServiceDecorator<>(Executors.newCachedThreadPool()); private PersistenceManagerFactory _pmf; public void cleanUp() { executor.shutdown(); } @Override public void getInfo(PrintWriter pw) { pw.printf("DB logging : %b\n", doDbLogging()); pw.printf("Transfer ID generated : %s\n", idGenerator == null ? "locally" : "from DB"); pw.printf("Next Transfer ID : %d\n", nextMessageID); pw.printf("Active transfers : %d\n", _numTransfers); pw.printf("Max active transfers : %d\n", getMaxTransfers()); pw.printf("Pool manager : %s\n", _poolManager); pw.printf("io-queue : %s\n", _ioQueueName); pw.printf("Max delete retries : %d\n", _maxNumberOfDeleteRetries); } public String ac_set_maxNumberOfDeleteRetries_$_1(Args args) { _maxNumberOfDeleteRetries = Integer.parseInt(args.argv(0)); return "setting maxNumberOfDeleteRetries " + _maxNumberOfDeleteRetries; } public static final String hh_set_tlog = "<direcory for ftp logs or \"null\" for none>"; public String ac_set_tlog_$_1(Args args) { _tLogRoot = args.argv(0); if (_tLogRoot.equals("null")) { _tLogRoot = null; return "remote ftp transaction logging is off"; } return "remote ftp transactions will be logged to " + _tLogRoot; } public static final String hh_set_max_transfers_external = "<#max transfers>"; public String ac_set_max_transfers_external_$_1(Args args) { int max = Integer.parseInt(args.argv(0)); if (max <= 0) { return "Error, max transfers number should be greater then 0 "; } setMaxTransfers(max); return "set maximum number of active transfers to " + max; } public static final String hh_ls_external = "[-l] [<#transferId>]"; public String ac_ls_external_$_0_1(Args args) { boolean long_format = args.hasOption("l"); if (args.argc() > 0) { long id = Long.parseLong(args.argv(0)); TransferManagerHandler handler = _activeTransfers.get(id); if (handler == null) { return "ID not found : " + id; } return handler.toString(long_format); } if (_activeTransfers.isEmpty()) { return "No active transfers."; } return _activeTransfers.values().stream() .map(h -> h.toString(long_format)) .collect(joining("\n", "", "\n")); } public static final String hh_kill = " id"; public String ac_kill_$_1(Args args) { long id = Long.parseLong(args.argv(0)); TransferManagerHandler handler = _activeTransfers.get(id); if (handler == null) { return "transfer not found: " + id; } handler.cancel("triggered by admin"); return "request sent to kill the mover on pool\n"; } public static final String hh_killall = " [-p pool] pattern [pool] \n" + " for example killall .* ketchup will kill all transfers with movers on the ketchup pool"; public String ac_killall_$_1_2(Args args) { try { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(args.argv(0)); String pool = null; if (args.argc() > 1) { pool = args.argv(1); } List<TransferManagerHandler> handlersToKill = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry<Long, TransferManagerHandler> e : _activeTransfers.entrySet()) { long id = e.getKey(); TransferManagerHandler handler = e.getValue(); Matcher m = p.matcher(String.valueOf(id)); if (m.matches()) { log.debug("pattern: \"{}\" matches id=\"{}\"", args.argv(0), id); if (pool != null && pool.equals(handler.getPool())) { handlersToKill.add(handler); } else if (pool == null) { handlersToKill.add(handler); } } else { log.debug("pattern: \"{}\" does not match id=\"{}\"", args.argv(0), id); } } if (handlersToKill.isEmpty()) { return "no active transfers match the pattern and the pool"; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Killing these transfers: \n"); for (TransferManagerHandler handler : handlersToKill) { handler.cancel("triggered by admin"); sb.append(handler.toString(true)).append('\n'); } return sb.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.toString()); return e.toString(); } } public void messageArrived(DoorTransferFinishedMessage message) { long id = message.getId(); TransferManagerHandler h = getHandler(id); if (h != null) { h.poolDoorMessageArrived(message); } } public CancelTransferMessage messageArrived(CancelTransferMessage message) { long id = message.getId(); TransferManagerHandler h = getHandler(id); if (h != null) { String explanation = message.getExplanation(); h.cancel(explanation != null ? explanation : "at the request of door"); } else { // FIXME: shouldn't this throw an exception? log.error("cannot find handler with id={} for CancelTransferMessage", id); } return message; } public TransferManagerMessage messageArrived(CellMessage envelope, TransferManagerMessage message) throws CacheException { if (!newTransfer()) { throw new CacheException(TransferManagerMessage.TOO_MANY_TRANSFERS, "too many transfers!"); } new TransferManagerHandler(this, message, envelope.getSourcePath().revert(), executor).handle(); return message; } // TransferStatusQueryMessage is a subclass of // TransferManagerMessage, so the code relies on the // messageArrived dispatch invoking the method with the most // specific signature. The unused "CellMessage envelope" argument // of this method is required because two-argument methods are // called preferentially. public Object messageArrived(CellMessage envelope, TransferStatusQueryMessage message) { TransferManagerHandler handler = getHandler(message.getId()); if (handler == null) { message.setState(TransferManagerHandler.UNKNOWN_ID); return message; } return handler.appendInfo(message); } public int getMaxTransfers() { return _maxTransfers; } public void setMaxTransfers(int max_transfers) { _maxTransfers = max_transfers; } private synchronized boolean newTransfer() { log.debug("newTransfer() num_transfers = {} max_transfers={}", _numTransfers, _maxTransfers); if (_numTransfers == _maxTransfers) { log.debug("newTransfer() returns false"); return false; } log.debug("newTransfer() INCREMENT and return true"); _numTransfers++; return true; } synchronized void finishTransfer() { log.debug("finishTransfer() num_transfers = {} DECREMENT", _numTransfers); _numTransfers--; } public synchronized long getNextMessageID() { if (idGenerator != null) { try { nextMessageID =; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Having trouble getting getNextMessageID from DB"); log.error(e.toString()); log.error("will nullify requestsPropertyStorage"); idGenerator = null; getNextMessageID(); } } else { if (nextMessageID == Long.MAX_VALUE) { nextMessageID = 0; return Long.MAX_VALUE; } return nextMessageID++; } return nextMessageID; } protected abstract IpProtocolInfo getProtocolInfo(TransferManagerMessage transferRequest); protected TransferManagerHandler getHandler(long handlerId) { return _activeTransfers.get(handlerId); } public void startTimer(final long id) { TimerTask task = new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { log.error("timer for handler " + id + " has expired, killing"); Object o = _moverTimeoutTimerTasks.remove(id); if (o == null) { log.error(" timer task for handler Id={} not found in moverTimoutTimerTasks hashtable", id); return; } TransferManagerHandler handler = getHandler(id); if (handler == null) { log.error(" timer task for handler Id={} could not find handler !!!", id); return; } handler.timeout(); } }; _moverTimeoutTimerTasks.put(id, task); // this is very approximate // but we do not need hard real time _moverTimeoutTimer.schedule(task, _moverTimeoutUnit.toMillis(_moverTimeout)); } public void stopTimer(long id) { TimerTask tt = _moverTimeoutTimerTasks.remove(id); if (tt == null) { log.error("stopTimer(): timer not found for Id={}", id); return; } log.debug("canceling the mover timer for handler id {}", id); tt.cancel(); } public void addActiveTransfer(long id, TransferManagerHandler handler) { _activeTransfers.put(id, handler); if (doDbLogging()) { PersistenceManager pm = _pmf.getPersistenceManager(); try { Transaction tx = pm.currentTransaction(); try { tx.begin(); pm.makePersistent(handler); tx.commit(); log.debug("Recording new handler into database."); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.toString()); } finally { rollbackIfActive(tx); } } finally { pm.close(); } } } public void removeActiveTransfer(long id) { TransferManagerHandler handler = _activeTransfers.remove(id); if (doDbLogging()) { PersistenceManager pm = _pmf.getPersistenceManager(); try { Transaction tx = pm.currentTransaction(); TransferManagerHandlerBackup handlerBackup = new TransferManagerHandlerBackup(handler); try { tx.begin(); pm.makePersistent(handler); pm.deletePersistent(handler); pm.makePersistent(handlerBackup); tx.commit(); log.debug("handler removed from db"); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.toString()); } finally { rollbackIfActive(tx); } } finally { pm.close(); } } } public CellStub getPoolStub() { return _poolStub; } public String getLogRootName() { return _tLogRoot; } public boolean isOverwrite() { return _overwrite; } public PoolManagerStub getPoolManagerStub() { return _poolManager; } public CellStub getPnfsManagerStub() { return _pnfsManager; } public CellStub getBillingStub() { return _billingStub; } public String getIoQueueName() { return _ioQueueName; } public static void rollbackIfActive(Transaction tx) { if (tx != null && tx.isActive()) { tx.rollback(); } } public boolean doDbLogging() { return _pmf != null; } public int getMaxNumberOfDeleteRetries() { return _maxNumberOfDeleteRetries; } public void persist(Object o) { if (doDbLogging()) { PersistenceManager pm = _pmf.getPersistenceManager(); try { Transaction tx = pm.currentTransaction(); try { tx.begin(); pm.makePersistent(o); tx.commit(); log.debug("[{}]: Recording new state of handler into database.", o); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("[{}]: failed to persist object: {}.", o, e.getMessage()); } finally { rollbackIfActive(tx); } } finally { pm.close(); } } } @Override public CellAddressCore getCellAddress() { return super.getCellAddress(); } public void sendMessage(CellMessage envelope) throws SerializationException { super.sendMessage(envelope); } public void setBilling(CellStub billingStub) { _billingStub = billingStub; } public void setPoolManager(PoolManagerStub poolManager) { _poolManager = poolManager; } public void setPnfsManager(CellStub pnfsManager) { _pnfsManager = pnfsManager; } public void setPool(CellStub pool) { _poolStub = pool; } public void setMoverTimeout(long moverTimeout) { _moverTimeout = moverTimeout; } public void setMoverTimeoutUnit(TimeUnit moverTimeoutUnit) { _moverTimeoutUnit = moverTimeoutUnit; } public void setIoQueueName(String ioQueueName) { _ioQueueName = ioQueueName; } public void setMaxNumberOfDeleteRetries(int maxNumberOfDeleteRetries) { _maxNumberOfDeleteRetries = maxNumberOfDeleteRetries; } public void setOverwrite(boolean overwrite) { _overwrite = overwrite; } public void setPersistenceManagerFactory(PersistenceManagerFactory pmf) { _pmf = pmf; } public void setTLogRoot(String tLogRoot) { _tLogRoot = tLogRoot; } }