package org.dcache.vehicles; import; import; import; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import diskCacheV111.util.AccessLatency; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsId; import diskCacheV111.util.RetentionPolicy; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.StorageInfo; import org.dcache.acl.ACL; import org.dcache.auth.Subjects; import org.dcache.namespace.FileAttribute; import org.dcache.namespace.FileType; import org.dcache.util.Checksum; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static; import static org.dcache.namespace.FileAttribute.*; /** * <code>FileAttributes</code> encapsulates attributes about a logical file. * * The attributes represented by an instance of this class belong to * a logical file as seen by a client or user of dCache. That is, * FileAttributes represent the information about a file stored, or that * should be stored, in the name space or other central components. * * Besides their location, the class does not represent any properties * of physical replicas on a pool. Eg the size or checksum stored in a * FileAttributes instance represents the expected file size and expected * checksum of the file. An broken replica may have a different size or a * different checksum. * * The distinction between the logical and physical instance is relevant when * considering response types to pool query messages: These should NOT return * attributes of a replica using FileAttributes, except when those represent * cached information from the name space or other central components. * * Not all attributes may be defined. Attempts to read undefined attributes * will throw IllegalStateException. * * @since 1.9.5 */ public class FileAttributes implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3689129805631724432L; /** * Set of attributes which have been set. */ private final EnumSet<FileAttribute> _definedAttributes = EnumSet.noneOf(FileAttribute.class); /** * NFSv4 Access control list. */ private ACL _acl; /** * file's size */ private long _size; /** * file's attribute change time */ private long _ctime; /** * file's creation time */ private long _creationTime; /** * file's last access time */ private long _atime; /** * file's last modification time */ private long _mtime; /** * file's known checksums */ private Set<Checksum> _checksums; /** * file's owner's id */ private int _owner; /** * file's group id */ private int _group; /** * POSIX.1 file mode */ private int _mode; /** * @since 3.0 */ private int _nlink; /** * file's access latency ( e.g. ONLINE/NEARLINE ) */ private AccessLatency _accessLatency; /** * file's retention policy ( e.g. CUSTODIAL/REPLICA ) */ private RetentionPolicy _retentionPolicy; /** * type of the file ( e.g. REG, DIR, LINK, SPECIAL ) */ private FileType _fileType; /** * File locations within dCache. */ private Collection<String> _locations; /** * Key value map of flags associated with the file. */ private Map<String, String> _flags; /** * The unique PNFS ID of a file. */ private PnfsId _pnfsId; /** * The storage info of a file. */ private StorageInfo _storageInfo; /** * The storage class of a file. */ private String _storageClass; /** * The HSM of a file. */ private String _hsm; /** * The cache class of a file. */ private String _cacheClass; /** Throws IllegalStateException if attribute is not defined. */ private void guard(FileAttribute attribute) throws IllegalStateException { if (!_definedAttributes.contains(attribute)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Attribute is not defined: " + attribute); } } private void define(FileAttribute... attributes) { _definedAttributes.addAll(asList(attributes)); } public void undefine(FileAttribute... attributes) { _definedAttributes.removeAll(asList(attributes)); } public boolean isUndefined(FileAttribute attribute) { return !_definedAttributes.contains(attribute); } /** * @return true iff all attributes are not define. */ public boolean isUndefined(Set<FileAttribute> attributes) { return EnumSet.complementOf(_definedAttributes).containsAll(attributes); } public boolean isDefined(FileAttribute attribute) { return _definedAttributes.contains(attribute); } /** * @return true iff all attributes are defined. */ public boolean isDefined(Set<FileAttribute> attributes) { return _definedAttributes.containsAll(attributes); } /** * Get the set of available attributes. The set may have zero or * more entries. * @return set of defined attribute. */ @Nonnull public Set<FileAttribute> getDefinedAttributes() { return _definedAttributes; } @Nonnull public AccessLatency getAccessLatency() { guard(ACCESS_LATENCY); return _accessLatency; } @Nonnull public Optional<AccessLatency> getAccessLatencyIfPresent() { return toOptional(ACCESS_LATENCY, _accessLatency); } public long getAccessTime() { guard(ACCESS_TIME); return _atime; } @Nonnull public ACL getAcl() { guard(ACL); return _acl; } @Nonnull public Set<Checksum> getChecksums() { guard(CHECKSUM); return _checksums; } @Nonnull public Optional<Set<Checksum>> getChecksumsIfPresent() { return toOptional(CHECKSUM, _checksums); } /** * Get {@link FileType} corresponding to the file. * @return file type */ @Nonnull public FileType getFileType() { guard(TYPE); return _fileType; } /** * Get group id to which file belongs to. * @return group id */ public int getGroup() { guard(OWNER_GROUP); return _group; } public Optional<Integer> getGroupIfPresent() { return toOptional(OWNER_GROUP, _group); } public int getMode() { guard(MODE); return _mode; } public Optional<Integer> getModeIfPresent() { return toOptional(MODE, _mode); } /** * Get file's attribute change time. * * @return time in milliseconds since 1 of January 1970 00:00.00 */ public long getChangeTime() { guard(CHANGE_TIME); return _ctime; } /** * Get file's creation time. * @return time in milliseconds since 1 of January 1970 00:00.00 */ public long getCreationTime() { guard(CREATION_TIME); return _creationTime; } /** * Get file's last modification time. * @return time in milliseconds since 1 of January 1970 00:00.00 */ public long getModificationTime() { guard(MODIFICATION_TIME); return _mtime; } /** * Get owner id to whom file belongs to. * @return owner id */ public int getOwner() { guard(OWNER); return _owner; } public Optional<Integer> getOwnerIfPresent() { return toOptional(OWNER, _owner); } @Nonnull public RetentionPolicy getRetentionPolicy() { guard(RETENTION_POLICY); return _retentionPolicy; } @Nonnull public Optional<RetentionPolicy> getRetentionPolicyIfPresent() { return toOptional(RETENTION_POLICY, _retentionPolicy); } public long getSize() { guard(SIZE); return _size; } public Optional<Long> getSizeIfPresent() { return toOptional(SIZE, _size); } @Nonnull public PnfsId getPnfsId() { guard(PNFSID); return _pnfsId; } @Nonnull public StorageInfo getStorageInfo() { guard(STORAGEINFO); return _storageInfo; } public void setAccessTime(long atime) { define(ACCESS_TIME); _atime = atime; } public void setAccessLatency(AccessLatency accessLatency) { define(ACCESS_LATENCY); _accessLatency = accessLatency; } public void setAcl(ACL acl) { define(ACL); _acl = acl; } public void setChecksums(Set<Checksum> checksums) { define(CHECKSUM); _checksums = checksums; } public void setFileType(FileType fileType) { define(TYPE); _fileType = fileType; } public void setGroup(int group) { define(OWNER_GROUP); _group = group; } public void setMode(int mode) { define(MODE); _mode = mode; } public void setChangeTime(long ctime) { define(CHANGE_TIME); _ctime = ctime; } public void setCreationTime(long creationTime) { define(CREATION_TIME); _creationTime = creationTime; } public void setModificationTime(long mtime) { define(MODIFICATION_TIME); _mtime = mtime; } public void setOwner(int owner) { define(OWNER); _owner = owner; } public void setRetentionPolicy(RetentionPolicy retentionPolicy) { define(RETENTION_POLICY); _retentionPolicy = retentionPolicy; } public void setSize(long size) { define(SIZE); _size = size; } public void setLocations(Collection<String> pools) { define(LOCATIONS); _locations = pools; } @Nonnull public Collection<String> getLocations() { guard(LOCATIONS); return _locations; } @Nonnull public Map<String, String> getFlags() { guard(FLAGS); return _flags; } public void setFlags(Map<String, String> flags) { define(FLAGS); _flags = flags; } public void setPnfsId(String pnfsId) { setPnfsId(new PnfsId(pnfsId)); } public void setPnfsId(PnfsId pnfsId) { define(PNFSID); _pnfsId = pnfsId; } public void setStorageInfo(StorageInfo storageInfo) { define(STORAGEINFO); _storageInfo = storageInfo; } public String getStorageClass() { guard(STORAGECLASS); return _storageClass; } public void setStorageClass(String storageClass) { define(STORAGECLASS); _storageClass = storageClass; } public void setCacheClass(String cacheClass) { define(CACHECLASS); _cacheClass = cacheClass; } public String getCacheClass() { guard(CACHECLASS); return _cacheClass; } public void setHsm(String hsm) { define(HSM); _hsm = hsm; } public String getHsm() { guard(HSM); return _hsm; } public void setNlink(int nlink) { define(NLINK); _nlink = nlink; } public int getNlink() { guard(NLINK); return _nlink; } /** * Remove the {@link FileType} corresponding to the file. The FileType * must be specified before this method is called. Subsequent getFileType * or removeFileType will fail unless setFileType is called subsequently. * * @return the removed file type * @throws IllegalStateException if the FileType is not specified. */ @Nonnull public FileType removeFileType() { guard(TYPE); undefine(TYPE); return _fileType; } @Override public String toString() { return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this) .add("defined", _definedAttributes) .add("acl", _acl) .add("size", _size) .add("ctime", _ctime) .add("creationTime", _creationTime) .add("atime", _atime) .add("mtime", _mtime) .add("checksums", _checksums) .add("owner", _owner) .add("group", _group) .add("mode", _mode) .add("accessLatency", _accessLatency) .add("retentionPolicy", _retentionPolicy) .add("fileType", _fileType) .add("locations", _locations) .add("flags", _flags) .add("pnfsId", _pnfsId) .add("storageInfo", _storageInfo) .add("storageClass", _storageClass) .add("cacheClass", _cacheClass) .add("hsm", _hsm) .omitNullValues() .toString(); } @Nonnull private <T> Optional<T> toOptional(FileAttribute attribute, T value) { return isDefined(attribute) ? Optional.of(value) : Optional.absent(); } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { stream.defaultReadObject(); if (_flags != null) { _flags = _flags.entrySet().stream().collect(toMap(e -> e.getKey().intern(), e -> e.getValue())); } if (_storageClass != null) { _storageClass = _storageClass.intern(); } if (_cacheClass != null) { if (_cacheClass.isEmpty()) { _cacheClass = null; // For compatibility with pre-2.17- remove after next golden } else { _cacheClass = _cacheClass.intern(); } } if (_hsm != null) { _hsm = _hsm.intern(); } } public static FileAttributes ofAccessTime(long when) { return of().accessTime(when).build(); } public static FileAttributes ofAcl(ACL acl) { return of().acl(acl).build(); } public static FileAttributes ofChecksum(Checksum value) { return of().checksum(value).build(); } public static FileAttributes ofCreationTime(long when) { return of().creationTime(when).build(); } public static FileAttributes ofFlag(String name, String value) { return of().flag(name, value).build(); } public static FileAttributes ofFlags(Map<String,String> flags) { return of().flags(flags).build(); } public static FileAttributes ofGid(int gid) { return of().gid(gid).build(); } public static FileAttributes ofMode(int mode) { return of().mode(mode).build(); } public static FileAttributes ofModificationTime(long when) { return of().modificationTime(when).build(); } public static FileAttributes ofPnfsId(String id) { return of().pnfsId(id).build(); } public static FileAttributes ofPnfsId(PnfsId id) { return of().pnfsId(id).build(); } public static FileAttributes ofSize(long size) { return of().size(size).build(); } public static FileAttributes ofStorageInfo(StorageInfo info) { return of().storageInfo(info).build(); } public static FileAttributes ofFileType(FileType type) { return of().fileType(type).build(); } public static FileAttributes ofLocation(String pool) { return of().location(pool).build(); } public static FileAttributes ofLocations(Collection<String> pools) { return of().locations(pools).build(); } public static FileAttributes ofHsm(String hsm) { return of().hsm(hsm).build(); } public static FileAttributes ofStorageClass(String storageClass) { return of().storageClass(storageClass).build(); } public static Builder of() { return new FileAttributes().new Builder(); } public class Builder { public Builder accessLatency(AccessLatency al) { setAccessLatency(al); return this; } public Builder accessTime(long when) { setAccessTime(when); return this; } public Builder acl(ACL acl) { setAcl(acl); return this; } public FileAttributes build() { return FileAttributes.this; } public Builder checksum(Checksum checksum) { setChecksums(Collections.singleton(checksum)); return this; } public Builder checksums(Set<Checksum> checksums) { setChecksums(checksums); return this; } public Builder creationTime(long when) { setCreationTime(when); return this; } public Builder fileType(FileType type) { setFileType(type); return this; } public Builder flag(String name, String value) { if (!isDefined(FLAGS)) { setFlags(new HashMap()); } getFlags().put(name, value); return this; } public Builder flags(Map<String, String> flags) { if (!isDefined(FLAGS)) { setFlags(new HashMap()); } getFlags().putAll(flags); return this; } /** * Add the primary gid taken from the primary GidPrincipal within the * Subject. */ public Builder gid(Subject subject) { return gid((int)Subjects.getPrimaryGid(subject)); } public Builder gid(int gid) { setGroup(gid); return this; } public Builder location(String pool) { if (!isDefined(LOCATIONS)) { setLocations(new ArrayList()); } getLocations().add(pool); return this; } public Builder locations(Collection<String> pools) { if (!isDefined(LOCATIONS)) { setLocations(new ArrayList()); } getLocations().addAll(pools); return this; } public Builder mode(int mode) { setMode(mode); return this; } public Builder modificationTime(long when) { setModificationTime(when); return this; } public Builder pnfsId(String id) { setPnfsId(id); return this; } public Builder pnfsId(PnfsId id) { setPnfsId(id); return this; } public Builder retentionPolicy(RetentionPolicy rp) { setRetentionPolicy(rp); return this; } public Builder size(long size) { setSize(size); return this; } public Builder storageInfo(StorageInfo info) { setStorageInfo(info); return this; } /** * Add the uid taken from the UidPrincipal within the Subject. */ public Builder uid(Subject subject) { return uid((int)Subjects.getUid(subject)); } public Builder uid(int uid) { setOwner(uid); return this; } public Builder hsm(String hsm) { setHsm(hsm); return this; } public Builder storageClass(String storageClass) { setStorageClass(storageClass); return this; } } }