package org.dcache.pool.repository; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import diskCacheV111.util.AccessLatency; import diskCacheV111.util.CacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.DiskErrorCacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.FileIsNewCacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.FileNotFoundCacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsHandler; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsId; import diskCacheV111.util.RetentionPolicy; import diskCacheV111.util.TimeoutCacheException; import org.dcache.alarms.AlarmMarkerFactory; import org.dcache.alarms.PredefinedAlarm; import org.dcache.namespace.FileAttribute; import org.dcache.pool.classic.ChecksumModule; import org.dcache.pool.classic.ReplicaStatePolicy; import org.dcache.pool.movers.IoMode; import org.dcache.util.Checksum; import org.dcache.vehicles.FileAttributes; import static; import static; import static org.dcache.namespace.FileAttribute.*; /** * Wrapper for a ReplicaStore which encapsulates the logic for * recovering ReplicaRecord objects from PnfsManager in case they are * missing or broken in a ReplicaStore. * * Warning: The class is only thread-safe as long as its methods are * not invoked concurrently on the same PNFS ID. */ public class ConsistentReplicaStore implements ReplicaStore { private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConsistentReplicaStore.class); private static final String RECOVERING_MSG = "Recovering %1$s..."; private static final String PARTIAL_FROM_TAPE_MSG = "Recovering: Removed %1$s because it was not fully staged."; private static final String FETCHED_STORAGE_INFO_FOR_1$S_FROM_PNFS = "Recovering: Fetched storage info for %1$s from name space."; private static final String FILE_NOT_FOUND_MSG = "Recovering: Removed %1$s because name space entry was deleted."; private static final String UPDATE_SIZE_MSG = "Recovering: Setting size of %1$s in name space to %2$d."; private static final String UPDATE_ACCESS_LATENCY_MSG = "Recovering: Setting access latency of %1$s in name space to %2$s."; private static final String UPDATE_RETENTION_POLICY_MSG = "Recovering: Setting retention policy of %1$s in name space to %2$s."; private static final String UPDATE_CHECKSUM_MSG = "Recovering: Setting checksum of %1$s in name space to %2$s."; private static final String MARKED_MSG = "Recovering: Marked %1$s as %2$s."; private static final String BAD_MSG = "Marked %1$s bad: %2$s."; private static final String BAD_SIZE_MSG = "File size mismatch for %1$s. Expected %2$d bytes, but found %3$d bytes."; private static final String MISSING_ACCESS_LATENCY = "Missing access latency for %1$s."; private static final String MISSING_RETENTION_POLICY = "Missing retention policy for %1$s."; private static final String EMPTY_FILE_IS_NEW_MSG = "Recovering: Removed empty file %1$s because name space entry is still new."; private final EnumSet<FileAttribute> REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTES = EnumSet.of(STORAGEINFO, LOCATIONS, ACCESS_LATENCY, RETENTION_POLICY, SIZE, CHECKSUM); private final PnfsHandler _pnfsHandler; private final ReplicaStore _replicaStore; private final ChecksumModule _checksumModule; private final ReplicaStatePolicy _replicaStatePolicy; private String _poolName; public ConsistentReplicaStore(PnfsHandler pnfsHandler, ChecksumModule checksumModule, ReplicaStore replicaStore, ReplicaStatePolicy replicaStatePolicy) { _pnfsHandler = pnfsHandler; _checksumModule = checksumModule; _replicaStore = replicaStore; _replicaStatePolicy = replicaStatePolicy; } public void setPoolName(String poolName) { if (poolName == null || poolName.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid pool name"); } _poolName = poolName; } public String getPoolName() { return _poolName; } @Override public void init() throws CacheException { } /** * Returns a collection of IDs of entries in the store. Removes * redundant meta data entries in the process. */ @Override public Set<PnfsId> index(IndexOption... options) throws CacheException { return _replicaStore.index(options); } /** * Retrieves a CacheRepositoryEntry from the wrapped meta data * store. If the entry is missing or fails consistency checks, the * entry is reconstructed with information from PNFS. */ @Override public ReplicaRecord get(PnfsId id) throws IllegalArgumentException, CacheException, InterruptedException { ReplicaRecord entry = _replicaStore.get(id); if (entry != null && isBroken(entry)) { _log.warn(String.format(RECOVERING_MSG, id)); try { /* It is safe to remove FROM_STORE/FROM_POOL replicas: We have * another copy anyway. Files in REMOVED or DESTROYED * were about to be deleted, so we can finish the job. */ switch (entry.getState()) { case FROM_POOL: case FROM_STORE: case REMOVED: case DESTROYED: _replicaStore.remove(id); _pnfsHandler.clearCacheLocation(id);, id)); return null; } entry = rebuildEntry(entry); } catch (IOException e) { throw new DiskErrorCacheException("I/O error in healer: " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (FileNotFoundCacheException e) { _replicaStore.remove(id); _log.warn(String.format(FILE_NOT_FOUND_MSG, id)); return null; } catch (FileIsNewCacheException e) { _replicaStore.remove(id); _log.warn("Recovering: Removed {}: {}", id, e.getMessage()); return null; } catch (TimeoutCacheException e) { throw e; } catch (CacheException | NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { entry.update(r -> r.setState(ReplicaState.BROKEN)); _log.error(AlarmMarkerFactory.getMarker(PredefinedAlarm.BROKEN_FILE, id.toString(), _poolName), String.format(BAD_MSG, id, e.getMessage())); } } return entry; } private boolean isBroken(ReplicaRecord entry) throws CacheException { FileAttributes attributes = entry.getFileAttributes(); ReplicaState state = entry.getState(); return !attributes.isDefined(FileAttribute.SIZE) || attributes.getSize() != entry.getReplicaSize() || state != ReplicaState.CACHED && state != ReplicaState.PRECIOUS; } private ReplicaRecord rebuildEntry(ReplicaRecord entry) throws CacheException, InterruptedException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { long length = entry.getReplicaSize(); PnfsId id = entry.getPnfsId(); ReplicaState state = entry.getState(); _log.warn(String.format(FETCHED_STORAGE_INFO_FOR_1$S_FROM_PNFS, id)); FileAttributes attributesInNameSpace = _pnfsHandler.getFileAttributes(id, REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTES); /* As a special case, empty files upon client upload are deleted, except if we already managed to * register it in the name space. */ if (entry.getState() == ReplicaState.FROM_CLIENT && length == 0 && !attributesInNameSpace.getLocations().contains(_poolName)) { throw new FileIsNewCacheException("Client upload is empty."); } /* If the intended file size is known, then compare it * to the actual file size on disk. Fail in case of a * mismatch. Notice we do this before the checksum check, * as it is a lot cheaper than the checksum check and we * may thus safe some time for incomplete files. */ if (attributesInNameSpace.isDefined(FileAttribute.SIZE) && attributesInNameSpace.getSize() != length) { String message = String.format(BAD_SIZE_MSG, id, attributesInNameSpace.getSize(), length); _log.error(AlarmMarkerFactory.getMarker(PredefinedAlarm.BROKEN_FILE, id.toString(), _poolName), message); throw new CacheException(message); } /* Verify checksum. Will fail if there is a mismatch. */ Iterable<Checksum> expectedChecksums = attributesInNameSpace.getChecksumsIfPresent().or(Collections.emptySet()); Iterable<Checksum> actualChecksums; if (_checksumModule != null && (_checksumModule.hasPolicy(ChecksumModule.PolicyFlag.ON_WRITE) || _checksumModule.hasPolicy(ChecksumModule.PolicyFlag.ON_TRANSFER) || _checksumModule.hasPolicy(ChecksumModule.PolicyFlag.ON_RESTORE))) { try (RepositoryChannel channel = entry.openChannel(IoMode.READ)) { actualChecksums = _checksumModule.verifyChecksum(channel, expectedChecksums); } } else { actualChecksums = Collections.emptySet(); } /* We always register the file location. */ FileAttributes attributesToUpdate = FileAttributes.ofLocation(_poolName); /* If file size was not registered in the name space, we now replay the registration just as it would happen * in WriteHandleImpl. This includes initializing access latency, retention policy, and checksums. */ if (state == ReplicaState.FROM_CLIENT || state == ReplicaState.BROKEN || state == ReplicaState.NEW) { if (attributesInNameSpace.isUndefined(ACCESS_LATENCY)) { /* Access latency must have been injected by space manager, so we hope we still * got it stored on the pool. */ FileAttributes attributesOnPool = entry.getFileAttributes(); if (attributesOnPool.isUndefined(ACCESS_LATENCY)) { String message = String.format(MISSING_ACCESS_LATENCY, id); _log.error(AlarmMarkerFactory.getMarker(PredefinedAlarm.BROKEN_FILE, id.toString(), _poolName), message); throw new CacheException(message); } AccessLatency accessLatency = attributesOnPool.getAccessLatency(); attributesToUpdate.setAccessLatency(accessLatency); attributesInNameSpace.setAccessLatency(accessLatency); _log.warn(String.format(UPDATE_ACCESS_LATENCY_MSG, id, accessLatency)); } if (attributesInNameSpace.isUndefined(RETENTION_POLICY)) { /* Retention policy must have been injected by space manager, so we hope we still * got it stored on the pool. */ FileAttributes attributesOnPool = entry.getFileAttributes(); if (attributesOnPool.isUndefined(RETENTION_POLICY)) { String message = String.format(MISSING_RETENTION_POLICY, id); _log.error(AlarmMarkerFactory.getMarker(PredefinedAlarm.BROKEN_FILE, id.toString(), _poolName), message); throw new CacheException(message); } RetentionPolicy retentionPolicy = attributesOnPool.getRetentionPolicy(); attributesToUpdate.setRetentionPolicy(retentionPolicy); attributesInNameSpace.setRetentionPolicy(retentionPolicy); _log.warn(String.format(UPDATE_RETENTION_POLICY_MSG, id, retentionPolicy)); } if (attributesInNameSpace.isUndefined(SIZE)) { attributesToUpdate.setSize(length); attributesInNameSpace.setSize(length); _log.warn(String.format(UPDATE_SIZE_MSG, id, length)); } if (!isEmpty(actualChecksums)) { attributesToUpdate.setChecksums(Sets.newHashSet(actualChecksums)); attributesInNameSpace.setChecksums( Sets.newHashSet(concat(expectedChecksums, actualChecksums))); _log.warn(String.format(UPDATE_CHECKSUM_MSG, id, actualChecksums)); } } /* Update file size, location, checksum, access_latency and * retention_policy within namespace. */ _pnfsHandler.setFileAttributes(id, attributesToUpdate); /* Update the pool meta data. */ /* If not already precious or cached, we move the entry to * the target state of a newly uploaded file. */ if (state != ReplicaState.CACHED && state != ReplicaState.PRECIOUS) { ReplicaState targetState = _replicaStatePolicy.getTargetState(attributesInNameSpace); List<StickyRecord> stickyRecords = _replicaStatePolicy.getStickyRecords(attributesInNameSpace); entry.update(r -> { r.setFileAttributes(attributesInNameSpace); for (StickyRecord record : stickyRecords) { r.setSticky(record.owner(), record.expire(), false); } r.setState(targetState); return null; }); _log.warn(String.format(MARKED_MSG, id, targetState)); } else { entry.update(r -> r.setFileAttributes(attributesInNameSpace)); } return entry; } /** * Creates a new entry. Fails if file already exists in the file * store. If the entry already exists in the meta data store, then * it is overwritten. */ @Override public ReplicaRecord create(PnfsId id, Set<Repository.OpenFlags> flags) throws DuplicateEntryException, CacheException { return _replicaStore.create(id, flags); } /** * Calls through to the wrapped meta data store. */ @Override public void remove(PnfsId id) throws CacheException { _replicaStore.remove(id); } /** * Calls through to the wrapped meta data store. */ @Override public boolean isOk() { return _replicaStore.isOk(); } @Override public void close() { _replicaStore.close(); } @Override public String toString() { return _replicaStore.toString(); } /** * Provides the amount of free space on the file system containing * the data files. */ @Override public long getFreeSpace() { return _replicaStore.getFreeSpace(); } /** * Provides the total amount of space on the file system * containing the data files. */ @Override public long getTotalSpace() { return _replicaStore.getTotalSpace(); } public ReplicaStore getStore() { return _replicaStore; } }