package diskCacheV111.doors; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Base64; import java.util.Date; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import; import diskCacheV111.poolManager.PoolSelectionUnit.DirectionType; import diskCacheV111.poolManager.RequestContainerV5; import diskCacheV111.util.AccessLatency; import diskCacheV111.util.CacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.DCapUrl; import diskCacheV111.util.FsPath; import diskCacheV111.util.InvalidMessageCacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.PermissionDeniedCacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsHandler; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsId; import diskCacheV111.util.RetentionPolicy; import diskCacheV111.util.SpreadAndWait; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.DCapProtocolInfo; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.DirRequestMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.DoorRequestInfoMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.DoorTransferFinishedMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.IoDoorEntry; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.IoDoorInfo; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.Message; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PnfsCreateEntryMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PnfsFlagMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolAcceptFileMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolCheckFileMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolDeliverFileMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolIoFileMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolMgrQueryPoolsMsg; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolMgrSelectPoolMsg; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolMgrSelectWritePoolMsg; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolMoverKillMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.PoolPassiveIoFileMessage; import diskCacheV111.vehicles.StorageInfo; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellAddressCore; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellCommandListener; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellEndpoint; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellInfoProvider; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessage; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellMessageReceiver; import dmg.cells.nucleus.CellPath; import dmg.util.CommandException; import dmg.util.CommandExitException; import dmg.util.KeepAliveListener; import org.dcache.acl.enums.AccessMask; import org.dcache.acl.enums.RsType; import org.dcache.acl.parser.ACLParser; import org.dcache.auth.LoginNamePrincipal; import org.dcache.auth.LoginReply; import org.dcache.auth.LoginStrategy; import org.dcache.auth.Origin; import org.dcache.auth.Subjects; import org.dcache.auth.attributes.Restriction; import org.dcache.auth.attributes.Restrictions; import org.dcache.cells.CellStub; import org.dcache.chimera.UnixPermission; import org.dcache.namespace.FileAttribute; import org.dcache.pinmanager.PinManagerPinMessage; import org.dcache.pool.assumption.Assumption; import org.dcache.poolmanager.PoolManagerHandler; import org.dcache.poolmanager.PoolManagerStub; import org.dcache.util.Args; import org.dcache.vehicles.FileAttributes; import org.dcache.vehicles.PnfsGetFileAttributes; import static org.dcache.namespace.FileAttribute.*; import static org.dcache.namespace.FileType.DIR; import static org.dcache.namespace.FileType.REGULAR; public class DCapDoorInterpreterV3 implements KeepAliveListener, CellMessageReceiver, CellInfoProvider, CellCommandListener { private static final int UNDEFINED = -1; public static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DCapDoorInterpreterV3.class); private final DcapDoorSettings _settings; /** * Ascii commands supported by this interpreter. */ private enum DcapCommand { HELLO ("hello"), BYEBYE ("byebye"), OPEN ("open"), CHECK ("check"), CHGRP ("chgrp"), CHOWN ("chown"), CHMOD ("chmod"), LSTAT ("lstat"), MKDIR ("mkdir"), OPENDIR ("opendir"), PING ("ping"), RENAME ("rename"), RMDIR ("rmdir"), STAGE ("stage"), STAT ("stat"), STATUS ("status"), UNLINK ("unlink"); private static final long serialVersionUID = 8393273905860276227L; private final String _value; private static final Map<String, DcapCommand> _commands = new HashMap<>(); static { for (DcapCommand command : DcapCommand.values()) { _commands.put(command.getCommand(), command); } } DcapCommand(String value) { _value = value; } String getCommand() { return _value; } static DcapCommand get(String s) { DcapCommand command = _commands.get(s); if(command == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported command: " + s); } return command; } } private final PrintWriter _out ; private final CellEndpoint _cell ; private final CellAddressCore _cellAddress; private String _ourName = "server" ; private final ConcurrentMap<Integer,SessionHandler> _sessions = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final CellStub _pinManagerStub; private final PoolManagerStub _poolMgrStub; /** * The client PID set through the hello command. Only used for * billing purposes. */ private String _pid = "<unknown>"; /** * The client UID set through the hello command. Used for setting * the owner of new name space entries. Never used for * authorization. */ private int _uid = UNDEFINED; /** * The client GID set through the hello command. Used for setting * the group of new name space entries. Never used for * authorization. */ private int _gid = UNDEFINED; private Version _version; private final Date _startedTS; private Date _lastCommandTS; private final InetAddress _clientAddress; /** * Subjected provided to us as a result of authentication in the * tunnel. */ private final Subject _authenticatedSubject; private final LoginStrategy _loginStrategy; // flag defined in batch file to allow/disallow AccessLatency and RetentionPolicy re-definition public DCapDoorInterpreterV3(CellEndpoint cell, CellAddressCore address, DcapDoorSettings settings, PrintWriter pw, Subject subject, InetAddress clientAddress, PoolManagerHandler poolManagerHandler) { _out = pw; _cell = cell; _cellAddress = address; _authenticatedSubject = new Subject(true, subject.getPrincipals(), subject.getPublicCredentials(), subject.getPrivateCredentials()); _clientAddress = clientAddress; _settings = settings; _poolMgrStub = settings.createPoolManagerStub(cell, address, poolManagerHandler); _pinManagerStub = settings.createPinManagerStub(cell); _loginStrategy = settings.createLoginStrategy(cell); _startedTS = new Date(); } private LoginReply login(String user) throws CacheException { Subject subject = new Subject(); subject.getPublicCredentials().addAll(_authenticatedSubject.getPublicCredentials()); subject.getPrivateCredentials().addAll(_authenticatedSubject.getPrivateCredentials()); subject.getPrincipals().addAll(_authenticatedSubject.getPrincipals()); subject.getPrincipals().add(new Origin(_clientAddress)); /* The client can specify a custom user name to be used. */ if (user != null) { subject.getPrincipals().add(new LoginNamePrincipal(user)); } LoginReply login = _loginStrategy.login(subject);"Login completed for {}", login); return login; } static class Version { private final int _major; private final int _minor; private final Integer _bugfix; private final String _package; @VisibleForTesting protected Version(int major, int minor) { this(major, minor, null, null); } @VisibleForTesting protected Version(int major, int minor, Integer bugfix, String pack) { _major = major; _minor = minor; _bugfix = bugfix; _package = pack; } /** * Generate a predicate Version: 1.2 matches 1.2, 1.2.3 and 1.2.3-4. * @param versionString */ Version(String versionString) { List<String> values = Splitter.on('.').limit(3).splitToList(versionString); if (values.size() < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Versions requires at least one dot."); } try { _major = Integer.parseInt(values.get(0)); _minor = Integer.parseInt(values.get(1)); if (values.size() > 2) { int idx = values.get(2).indexOf('-'); if (idx == -1) { _bugfix = Integer.parseInt(values.get(2)); _package = null; } else { _bugfix = Integer.parseInt(values.get(2).substring(0, idx)); _package = values.get(2).substring(idx+1); } } else { _bugfix = null; _package = null; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid integer: " + e.getMessage()); } } public int getMajor() { return _major; } public int getMinor() { return _minor; } /** * Similar to compareTo but use this Version as a predicate. For * example if this is Version(1,2) then matches returns * * -1 for Version(1,1), Version(1,1,5) and Version(1,1,5,"3") * * 0 for Version(1,2), Version(1,2,5) and Version(1,2,5,"3") * * 1 for Version(1,3), Version(1,3,5) and Version(1,3,5,"3") * * Note that this method is asymmetric if the number of defined * elements is the same; e.g., * * Version(1,2).matches(Version(1,3)) is 1 * Version(1,3).matches(Version(1,2)) is -1 * * but not asymmetric if the number of defined elements differs; e.g., * * Version(1,2).matches(Version(1,2,3)) is 0 * Version(1,2,3).matches(Version(1,2)) is 1 */ public int matches(Version other) { ComparisonChain cc = ComparisonChain.start() .compare(_major, other._major) .compare(_minor, other._minor); if (_bugfix != null) { cc =, other._bugfix, Ordering.natural().nullsFirst()); } if (_package != null) { cc =, other._package, Ordering.natural().nullsFirst()); } return cc.result(); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(_major).append('.').append(_minor); if (_bugfix != null) { sb.append('.').append(_bugfix); } if (_package != null) { sb.append('-').append(_package); } return sb.toString(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof Version)) { return false; } Version o = (Version) obj; return Objects.equals(_major, o._major) && Objects.equals(_minor, o._minor) && Objects.equals(_bugfix, o._bugfix) && Objects.equals(_package, o._package); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(_major, _minor, _bugfix, _package); } } public synchronized void println( String str ){ _log.debug("(DCapDoorInterpreterV3) toclient(println) : {}", str); _out.println(str); } @Override public void keepAlive(){ for (SessionHandler sh: _sessions.values()){ try{ sh.keepAlive() ; } catch (Throwable t) { _log.error("Keep Alive problem in {}: {}", sh, t); } } } /** * Convenience method to start a SessionHandler. */ private void start(SessionHandler session) throws CommandException { session.start(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // the command functions String com_<commandName>(int,int,Args) // public String com_hello( int sessionId , int commandId , VspArgs args ) throws CommandException { if( args.argc() < 2 ) { throw new CommandExitException("Command Syntax Exception", 2); } try { int major = Integer.parseInt(args.argv(2)); int minor = Integer.parseInt(args.argv(3)); Integer bugfix = args.argc() > 4 ? Integer.parseInt(args.argv(4)) : null; String patch = args.argv(5); _version = new Version(major, minor, bugfix, patch); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { _log.error("Syntax error in client version number {} : {}", args, e.toString()); throw new CommandException("Invalid client version number", e); } /* replace current values if alternatives are provided */ _pid = args.getOption("pid", _pid); _uid = args.getIntOption("uid", _uid); _gid = args.getIntOption("gid", _gid); _log.debug("Client Version : {}", _version); if (_settings.getMinClientVersion().matches(_version) > 0 || _settings.getMaxClientVersion().matches(_version) < 0) { _log.error("Client {} (proc \"{}\" running with uid:{} gid:{}) rejected: bad client version: {}", InetAddresses.toAddrString(_clientAddress), _pid, _uid, _gid, _version); throw new CommandExitException("Client version rejected : "+_version, 1); } String yourName = args.getName() ; if( yourName.equals("server") ) { _ourName = "client"; } return "0 0 "+_ourName+" welcome "+_version.getMajor()+" "+_version.getMinor(); } public String com_byebye( int sessionId , int commandId , VspArgs args ) throws CommandException { throw new CommandExitException("byeBye",commandId) ; } public synchronized String com_open( int sessionId , int commandId , VspArgs args ) throws CacheException, CommandException { if( args.argc() < 4 ) { throw new CommandException(3, "Not enough arguments for put"); } start(new IoHandler(sessionId,commandId,args)); return null ; } public synchronized String com_stage( int sessionId , int commandId , VspArgs args ) throws CommandException { if( args.argc() < 1 ) { throw new CommandException(3, "Not enough arguments for stage"); } start(new PrestageHandler(sessionId, commandId, args)); return null ; } public synchronized String com_lstat( int sessionId , int commandId , VspArgs args ) throws CommandException { return get_stat( sessionId , commandId , args , false ) ; } public synchronized String com_stat( int sessionId , int commandId , VspArgs args ) throws CommandException { return get_stat( sessionId , commandId , args , true ) ; } public synchronized String com_unlink( int sessionId , int commandId , VspArgs args ) throws CommandException { return do_unlink( sessionId , commandId , args , true ) ; } public synchronized String com_rename( int sessionId , int commandId , VspArgs args ) throws CommandException { return do_rename( sessionId , commandId , args ) ; } public synchronized String com_rmdir( int sessionId , int commandId , VspArgs args ) throws CommandException { return do_rmdir( sessionId , commandId , args , true ) ; } public synchronized String com_mkdir( int sessionId , int commandId , VspArgs args ) throws CommandException { return do_mkdir( sessionId , commandId , args , true ) ; } public synchronized String com_chmod( int sessionId , int commandId , VspArgs args ) throws CommandException { return do_chmod( sessionId , commandId , args , true ) ; } public synchronized String com_chown( int sessionId , int commandId , VspArgs args ) throws CommandException { return do_chown( sessionId , commandId , args , true ) ; } public synchronized String com_chgrp( int sessionId , int commandId , VspArgs args ) throws CommandException { return do_chgrp( sessionId , commandId , args , true ) ; } public synchronized String com_opendir( int sessionId , int commandId , VspArgs args ) throws CommandException { return do_opendir( sessionId , commandId , args ) ; } private synchronized String do_unlink( int sessionId , int commandId , VspArgs args , boolean resolvePath ) throws CommandException { if( args.argc() < 1 ) { throw new CommandException(3, "Not enough arguments for unlink"); } start(new UnlinkHandler(sessionId, commandId, args, resolvePath)); return null ; } private synchronized String do_rename(int sessionId, int commandId, VspArgs args) throws CommandException { if( args.argc() < 1 ) { throw new CommandException(3, "Not enough arguments for unlink"); } start(new RenameHandler(sessionId, commandId, args)); return null ; } private synchronized String do_rmdir( int sessionId , int commandId , VspArgs args , boolean resolvePath ) throws CommandException { if( args.argc() < 1 ) { throw new CommandException(3, "Not enough arguments for rmdir"); } start(new RmDirHandler(sessionId, commandId, args, resolvePath)); return null ; } private synchronized String do_mkdir( int sessionId , int commandId , VspArgs args , boolean resolvePath ) throws CommandException { if( args.argc() < 1 ) { throw new CommandException(3, "Not enough arguments for unlink"); } start(new MkDirHandler(sessionId, commandId, args, resolvePath)); return null ; } private synchronized String do_chown( int sessionId , int commandId , VspArgs args , boolean resolvePath ) throws CommandException { if( args.argc() < 1 ) { throw new CommandException(3, "Not enough arguments for chown"); } start(new ChownHandler(sessionId, commandId, args, resolvePath)); return null ; } private synchronized String do_chgrp( int sessionId , int commandId , VspArgs args , boolean resolvePath ) throws CommandException { if( args.argc() < 1 ) { throw new CommandException(3, "Not enough arguments for chgrp"); } start(new ChgrpHandler(sessionId, commandId, args, resolvePath)); return null ; } private synchronized String do_chmod( int sessionId , int commandId , VspArgs args , boolean resolvePath ) throws CommandException { if( args.argc() < 1 ) { throw new CommandException(3, "Not enough arguments for chmod"); } start(new ChmodHandler(sessionId, commandId, args, resolvePath)); return null ; } private synchronized String do_opendir( int sessionId , int commandId , VspArgs args ) throws CommandException { if( args.argc() < 1 ) { throw new CommandException(3, "Not enough arguments for opendir"); } start(new OpenDirHandler(sessionId,commandId,args)); return null ; } private synchronized String get_stat( int sessionId , int commandId , VspArgs args , boolean resolvePath ) throws CommandException { if( args.argc() < 1 ) { throw new CommandException(3, "Not enough arguments for stat"); } start(new StatHandler(sessionId, commandId, args, resolvePath)); return null ; } public synchronized String com_ping( int sessionId , int commandId , VspArgs args ) { println(String.valueOf(sessionId)+" "+commandId+" server pong"); return null ; } public synchronized String com_check( int sessionId , int commandId , VspArgs args ) throws CommandException { if( args.argc() < 1 ) { throw new CommandException(3, "Not enough arguments for check"); } start(new CheckFileHandler(sessionId, commandId, args)); return null ; } public String com_status(int sessionId, int commandId, VspArgs args) throws CommandException { SessionHandler handler = _sessions.get(sessionId); if (handler == null) { throw new CommandException(5, "Session ID " + sessionId + " not found."); } return ""+sessionId+" "+commandId+" "+args.getName()+ " ok "+" 0 " + "\""+handler+ "\"" ; } public static final String hh_get_door_info = "[-binary]" ; public Object ac_get_door_info( Args args ){ IoDoorInfo info = new IoDoorInfo(_cellAddress); info.setProtocol("dcap","3"); info.setOwner(String.valueOf(_uid)); info.setProcess(_pid); List<IoDoorEntry> list = new ArrayList<>(_sessions.size()); for (SessionHandler session: _sessions.values()) { if (session instanceof IoHandler) { list.add(((IoHandler) session).getIoDoorEntry()); } } info.setIoDoorEntries( list.toArray(new IoDoorEntry[list.size()]) ); if( args.hasOption("binary") ) { return info; } else { return info.toString(); } } public static final String hh_toclient = " <id> <subId> server <command ...>" ; public String ac_toclient_$_3_99( Args args ) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder() ; for( int i = 0 ; i < args.argc() ; i++ ) { sb.append(args.argv(i)).append(" "); } String str = sb.toString() ; _log.debug("toclient (commander) : {}", str); println(str); return "" ; } public static final String hh_retry = "<sessionId> [-weak]" ; public String ac_retry_$_1( Args args ) throws CommandException { int sessionId = Integer.parseInt(args.argv(0)); SessionHandler session; if ((session = _sessions.get(sessionId)) == null) { throw new CommandException(5, "No such session ID " + sessionId); } if (!(session instanceof PnfsSessionHandler)) { throw new CommandException(6, "Not a PnfsSessionHandler "+sessionId+ " but "+session.getClass().getName()); } ((PnfsSessionHandler) session).again( !args.hasOption("weak") ) ; return "" ; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // the client handler // protected class SessionHandler { protected VspArgs _vargs; protected int _sessionId; protected int _commandId; protected boolean _verbose; protected long _started = System.currentTimeMillis() ; protected DoorRequestInfoMessage _info; protected String _status = "<init>" ; protected long _statusSince = System.currentTimeMillis() ; protected String _ioHandlerQueue; private final long _timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() ; protected Subject _subject; protected Origin _origin; protected Restriction _authz = Restrictions.denyAll(); protected String _explanation = "unspecified problem"; protected SessionHandler(int sessionId, int commandId, VspArgs args) { _sessionId = sessionId ; _commandId = commandId ; _vargs = args ; _info = new DoorRequestInfoMessage(DCapDoorInterpreterV3.this._cellAddress); _ioHandlerQueue = args.getOpt("io-queue") ; _ioHandlerQueue = (_ioHandlerQueue == null ) || ( _ioHandlerQueue.length() == 0 ) ? null : _ioHandlerQueue ; } protected void doLogin() throws CacheException { LoginReply login = login(_vargs.getOpt("role")); _subject = login.getSubject(); _origin = Subjects.getOrigin(_subject); _authz = Restrictions.concat(_settings.getDoorRestriction(), login.getRestriction()); _info.setSubject(_subject); } /** * Called from the start method. Must perform whatever action * is needed to kick of processing the request. */ protected void doStart() throws CacheException { } /** * Starts the SessionHandler. This will cause the session * handler to be added the session map and initiate any action * required to process the request. */ public final void start() throws CommandException { boolean isStarted = false; addUs(); try { doLogin(); doStart(); isStarted = true; } catch (PermissionDeniedCacheException e) { throw new CommandException(2, e.getMessage()); } catch (CacheException e) { throw new CommandException(e.getRc(), e.getMessage()); } finally { if (!isStarted) { removeUs(); } } } protected void sendComment( String comment ){ String reply = ""+_sessionId+" 1 "+ _vargs.getName()+" "+comment ; println( reply ) ; _log.debug(reply) ; } public void keepAlive(){ _log.debug("Keep alived called for : {}", this); } protected void sendReply( String tag , int rc , String msg){ sendReply(tag, rc, msg, ""); } protected void sendReply( String tag , int rc , String msg , String posixErr){ sendReply(tag, rc, msg, posixErr, msg); } protected void sendReply( String tag , int rc , String msg , String posixErr , String billingMessage){ String problem; _info.setTransactionDuration(System.currentTimeMillis()-_timestamp); if( rc == 0 ){ problem = String.format("%d %d %s ok", _sessionId, _commandId, _vargs.getName()); }else{ problem = String.format("%d %d %s failed %d \"%s\" %s", _sessionId, _commandId, _vargs.getName(), rc, msg, posixErr); _info.setResult( rc , billingMessage ) ; } _log.debug("{}: {}", tag, problem); println( problem ) ; postToBilling(_info); } protected void sendReply( String tag , Message msg ){ sendReply( tag, msg.getReturnCode(), String.valueOf(msg.getErrorObject()) ) ; } protected void addUs() throws CommandException { if (_sessions.putIfAbsent(_sessionId, this) != null) { throw new CommandException(5, "Duplicated session id"); } } protected void removeUs() { _sessions.remove(_sessionId); } protected void setStatus( String status ){ _status = status ; _statusSince = System.currentTimeMillis() ; } @Override public String toString(){ return "["+_sessionId+"]["+getUid()+"]["+_pid+"] "+ _status+"("+ ( (System.currentTimeMillis()-_statusSince)/1000 )+")" ; } /** * Returns the UID that is used as an owner for new name space * entries. */ protected int getUid() { if (!Subjects.isNobody(_subject)) { return (int) Subjects.getUid(_subject); } String s = _vargs.getOpt("uid"); if (s != null) { try { return Integer.parseInt(s); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { _log.warn("Failed to parse UID: {}", s); } } return _uid; } /** * Returns the GID that is used as an owner for new name space * entries. */ protected int getGid() { if (!Subjects.isNobody(_subject)) { return (int) Subjects.getPrimaryGid(_subject); } String s = _vargs.getOpt("gid"); if (s != null) { try { return Integer.parseInt(s); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { _log.warn("Failed to parse GID: {}", s); } } return _gid; } /** * Returns the value that is used as mode for new name space * entries. * * @param mode Default value if mode was not specified */ protected int getMode(int mode) { String s = _vargs.getOpt("mode"); if (s != null) { try { mode = Integer.decode(s); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { _log.warn("Failed to parse mode: {}", s); } } return mode; } } protected abstract class PnfsSessionHandler extends SessionHandler { protected String _path; protected FileAttributes _fileAttributes; private long _timer; private final Object _timerLock = new Object() ; private long _timeout; protected Set<FileAttribute> _attributes; protected PnfsGetFileAttributes _message; protected PnfsHandler _pnfs; protected final boolean _isUrl; protected PnfsSessionHandler(int sessionId, int commandId, VspArgs args, boolean metaDataOnly, boolean resolvePath) { super(sessionId, commandId, args); _attributes = EnumSet.of(OWNER, OWNER_GROUP, MODE, TYPE, SIZE, CREATION_TIME, ACCESS_TIME, MODIFICATION_TIME, PNFSID); if (!metaDataOnly) { _attributes.addAll(PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg.getRequiredAttributes()); } String tmp = args.getOpt("timeout"); if (tmp != null) { try { long timeout = Long.parseLong(tmp); if (timeout > 0L) {"PnfsSessionHandler: user timeout set to {}", timeout); _timeout = System.currentTimeMillis() + (timeout * 1000L); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { /* 'bad' strings silently ignored */ } } String fileId = _vargs.argv(0); if( PnfsId.isValid(fileId)) { PnfsId pnfsId = new PnfsId(fileId); _message = new PnfsGetFileAttributes(pnfsId, _attributes); _isUrl = false; _path = _vargs.getOpt("path"); } else { DCapUrl url = new DCapUrl(fileId); String fileName = url.getFilePart(); _message = new PnfsGetFileAttributes(fileName, _attributes); _isUrl = true; _path = fileName; } if (_path != null) { _info.setBillingPath(_path); _info.setTransferPath(_path); } _message.setId(_sessionId); _message.setReplyRequired(true); } @Override protected void doLogin() throws CacheException { super.doLogin(); _pnfs = new PnfsHandler(_cell, _settings.getPnfsManager()); if (_isUrl || _settings.isAuthorizationRequired()) { _pnfs.setSubject(_subject); _pnfs.setRestriction(_authz); } } @Override protected void doStart() throws CacheException { askForFileAttributes(); } @Override public void keepAlive(){ synchronized( _timerLock ){ if( ( _timeout > 0L ) && ( _timeout < System.currentTimeMillis() ) ){ _log.warn("User timeout triggered") ; sendReply("keepAlive" , 112 , "User timeout canceled session" ) ; _explanation = "session cancelled: user timed out"; removeUs(); return ; } if( ( _timer > 0L ) && ( _timer < System.currentTimeMillis() ) ){ _timer = 0L ; _log.warn("Restarting session {}", _sessionId); try { again(true); } catch (RuntimeException e) { sendReply("keepAlive", 111, e.getMessage()); _explanation = "bug detected resending messages: " + e.toString(); removeUs() ; } } } } protected void setTimer( long timeout ){ synchronized( _timerLock ){ _timer = timeout == 0L ? 0L : System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout ; } } public void again(boolean strong) throws IllegalArgumentException { askForFileAttributes(); } protected void askForFileAttributes() throws IllegalArgumentException { setTimer(60 * 1000); _log.debug("Requesting file attributes for {}", _message); _pnfs.send(_message); setStatus("WaitingForPnfs"); } public void pnfsGetFileAttributesArrived(PnfsGetFileAttributes reply) { setTimer(0); _message = reply; _log.debug("pnfsGetFileAttributesArrived: {}", reply); if (reply.getReturnCode() != 0) { try { if (!fileAttributesNotAvailable()){ removeUs(); return; } } catch (CacheException e) { sendReply("pnfsGetFileAttributesArrived", e.getRc(), e.getMessage()); removeUs(); return; } } else { _fileAttributes = reply.getFileAttributes(); } _info.setPnfsId(_fileAttributes.getPnfsId()); if (_fileAttributes.isDefined(STORAGEINFO)) { StorageInfo storageInfo = _fileAttributes.getStorageInfo(); for (int i = 0; i < _vargs.optc(); i++) { String key = _vargs.optv(i); // do not send ACL to pools if (key.equals("acl")) { continue; } String value = _vargs.getOpt(key); storageInfo.setKey(key, value == null ? "" : value); } } fileAttributesAvailable(); } protected abstract void fileAttributesAvailable(); protected boolean fileAttributesNotAvailable() throws CacheException { sendReply("fileAttributesNotAvailable", _message.getReturnCode(), "No such file or directory", "ENOENT"); return false; } protected final void checkUrl() throws CacheException { if (!_isUrl) { throw new InvalidMessageCacheException("not an url"); } } @Override public String toString(){ return "["+((_fileAttributes == null) ? "null" : _fileAttributes.getPnfsId())+"]"+" {timer="+ (_timer==0L?"off":""+(_timer-System.currentTimeMillis()))+"} "+ super.toString() ; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // the basic prestage handler // protected class PrestageHandler extends PnfsSessionHandler { private final String _destination; private PrestageHandler(int sessionId, int commandId, VspArgs args) { super(sessionId, commandId, args, false, true); _destination = args.getOpt("location"); } @Override public void fileAttributesAvailable() { try { if (_fileAttributes.getFileType() != REGULAR) { sendReply("storageInfoAvailable", CacheException.NOT_FILE, "path is not a regular file", "EINVAL"); return; } DCapProtocolInfo protocolInfo = new DCapProtocolInfo("DCap", 3, 0, new InetSocketAddress(_destination, 0)); PinManagerPinMessage message = new PinManagerPinMessage(_fileAttributes, protocolInfo, null, 0); _pinManagerStub.notify(message); sendReply("storageInfoAvailable", 0, ""); } finally { removeUs(); } } @Override public String toString() { return "st " + super.toString(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // the file stat handler // protected class StatHandler extends PnfsSessionHandler { private StatHandler(int sessionId, int commandId, VspArgs args, boolean followLinks) { super( sessionId , commandId , args , true , followLinks ) ; _attributes.add(CHANGE_TIME); } @Override public void fileAttributesAvailable() { try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder() ; sb.append(_sessionId).append(" "). append(_commandId).append(" "). //FIXME: do we support links? // append(_vargs.getName()).append(_followLinks?" stat ":" stat "); append(_vargs.getName()).append(" stat "); if (_fileAttributes.isDefined(SIZE)) { sb.append("-st_size=").append(_fileAttributes.getSize()).append(" "); } if (_fileAttributes.isDefined(OWNER)) { sb.append("-st_uid=").append(_fileAttributes.getOwner()).append(" "); } if (_fileAttributes.isDefined(OWNER_GROUP)) { sb.append("-st_gid=").append(_fileAttributes.getGroup()).append(" "); } if (_fileAttributes.isDefined(ACCESS_TIME)) { sb.append("-st_atime=").append(_fileAttributes.getAccessTime() / 1000).append(" "); } if (_fileAttributes.isDefined(MODIFICATION_TIME)) { sb.append("-st_mtime=").append(_fileAttributes.getModificationTime() / 1000).append(" "); } if (_fileAttributes.isDefined(CHANGE_TIME)) { sb.append("-st_ctime=").append(_fileAttributes.getChangeTime() / 1000).append(" "); } if (_fileAttributes.isDefined(MODE)) { String mode = new UnixPermission(_fileAttributes.getMode()).toString().substring(1); switch (_fileAttributes.getFileType()) { case DIR: mode = "d" + mode; break; case REGULAR: mode = "-" + mode; break; case LINK: mode = "l" + mode; break; case SPECIAL: mode = "x" + mode; break; } sb.append("-st_mode=").append(mode).append(" "); } sb.append("-st_ino=").append(_fileAttributes.getPnfsId().toString().hashCode()&0xfffffff) ; println( sb.toString() ) ; } finally { removeUs() ; } } @Override public String toString(){ return "st "+super.toString() ; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // the file unlink handler // protected class UnlinkHandler extends PnfsSessionHandler { private UnlinkHandler(int sessionId, int commandId, VspArgs args, boolean followLinks) { super( sessionId , commandId , args , true , followLinks ) ; } @Override public void fileAttributesAvailable() { try { checkUrl(); // // we are not called if the pnfs request failed. // if (_fileAttributes.getFileType() != DIR) { String path = _message.getPnfsPath(); PnfsId pnfsId = _fileAttributes.getPnfsId(); _pnfs.deletePnfsEntry(pnfsId, path); sendReply("fileAttributesAvailable", 0, ""); sendRemoveInfoToBilling(_fileAttributes, path); } else { sendReply("fileAttributesAvailable", 17, "Path is a Directory", "EISDIR"); } } catch (CacheException e) { sendReply("fileAttributesAvailable", 19, e.getMessage(), "EACCES"); } finally { removeUs(); } } private void sendRemoveInfoToBilling(FileAttributes attributes, String path) { DoorRequestInfoMessage infoRemove = new DoorRequestInfoMessage(DCapDoorInterpreterV3.this._cellAddress, "remove"); infoRemove.setSubject(_subject); infoRemove.setPnfsId(attributes.getPnfsId()); infoRemove.setFileSize(attributes.getSizeIfPresent().or(0L)); infoRemove.setBillingPath(path); infoRemove.setClient(_clientAddress.getHostAddress()); postToBilling(infoRemove); } @Override public String toString(){ return "uk "+super.toString() ; } } protected class ChmodHandler extends PnfsSessionHandler { private int _permission; private ChmodHandler(int sessionId, int commandId, VspArgs args, boolean followLinks) { super( sessionId , commandId , args , true , followLinks ) ; _permission = Integer.decode(args.getOpt("mode")); } @Override public void fileAttributesAvailable() { try { _pnfs.setFileAttributes(_fileAttributes.getPnfsId(), FileAttributes.ofMode(_permission)); sendReply("fileAttributesAvailable", 0, ""); } catch (CacheException e) { sendReply("fileAttributesAvailable", 19, e.getMessage(), "EACCES"); } finally { removeUs(); } } @Override public String toString(){ return "uk "+super.toString() ; } } protected class ChownHandler extends PnfsSessionHandler { private int _owner = -1; private int _group = -1; private ChownHandler(int sessionId, int commandId, VspArgs args, boolean followLinks) { super( sessionId , commandId , args , true , followLinks ) ; String[] owner_group = args.getOpt("owner").split("[:]"); _owner = Integer.parseInt(owner_group[0]); if( owner_group.length == 2 ) { _group = Integer.parseInt(owner_group[1]); } } @Override public void fileAttributesAvailable(){ try { FileAttributes attributes = new FileAttributes(); if (_owner >= 0) { attributes.setOwner(_owner); } if (_group >= 0) { attributes.setGroup(_group); } _pnfs.setFileAttributes(_fileAttributes.getPnfsId(), attributes); sendReply("fileAttributesAvailable", 0, ""); } catch (CacheException e) { sendReply("fileAttributesAvailable", 19, e.getMessage(), "EACCES"); } finally { removeUs(); } } @Override public String toString(){ return "uk "+super.toString() ; } } protected class ChgrpHandler extends PnfsSessionHandler { private int _group = -1; private ChgrpHandler(int sessionId, int commandId, VspArgs args, boolean followLinks) { super( sessionId , commandId , args , true , followLinks ) ; _group = Integer.parseInt(args.getOpt("group")); } @Override public void fileAttributesAvailable(){ try { if (_group >= 0) { _pnfs.setFileAttributes(_fileAttributes.getPnfsId(), FileAttributes.ofGid(_group)); } sendReply("fileAttributesAvailable", 0, ""); } catch (CacheException e) { sendReply("fileAttributesAvailable", 19, e.getMessage(), "EACCES"); } finally { removeUs(); } } @Override public String toString(){ return "uk "+super.toString() ; } } protected class RenameHandler extends PnfsSessionHandler { private String _newName; private RenameHandler(int sessionId, int commandId, VspArgs args) { super( sessionId , commandId , args , true , false ) ; _newName = args.argv(1); } @Override public void fileAttributesAvailable() { try { checkUrl(); _pnfs.renameEntry(_fileAttributes.getPnfsId(), _path, _newName, true); sendReply("fileAttributesAvailable", 0, ""); } catch (CacheException e) { sendReply("fileAttributesAvailable", 19, e.getMessage(), "EACCES"); } catch (Exception e) { sendReply("fileAttributesAvailable", 23, e.getMessage(), "EACCES"); } finally { removeUs(); } } @Override public String toString(){ return "rn "+super.toString() ; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // the file rmdir handler // protected class RmDirHandler extends PnfsSessionHandler { private RmDirHandler(int sessionId, int commandId, VspArgs args, boolean followLinks) { super( sessionId , commandId , args , true , followLinks ) ; } @Override public void fileAttributesAvailable() { try { checkUrl(); _pnfs.deletePnfsEntry(_message.getPnfsPath(), EnumSet.of(DIR)); sendReply("fileAttributesAvailable", 0, ""); } catch (CacheException e) { sendReply("fileAttributesAvailable", 23, e.getMessage(), "EACCES"); } finally { removeUs(); } } @Override public String toString(){ return "uk "+super.toString() ; } } protected class MkDirHandler extends PnfsSessionHandler { private MkDirHandler(int sessionId, int commandId, VspArgs args, boolean followLinks) { super( sessionId , commandId , args , true , followLinks ) ; } @Override public boolean fileAttributesNotAvailable() throws CacheException { String path = _message.getPnfsPath(); FileAttributes attributes = FileAttributes.ofFileType(DIR); int uid = getUid(); if (uid != UNDEFINED) { attributes.setOwner(uid); } int gid = getGid(); if (gid != UNDEFINED) { attributes.setGroup(gid); } if (_vargs.hasOption("acl")) { String acl = _vargs.getOption("acl"); attributes.setAcl(ACLParser.parseLinuxAcl(RsType.FILE, acl)); } _pnfs.createPnfsDirectory(path, attributes); sendReply("fileAttributesNotAvailable", 0, ""); return false; } @Override public void fileAttributesAvailable() { sendReply("fileAttributesAvailable", 20, "Directory exists", "EEXIST"); removeUs() ; } @Override public String toString(){ return "mk "+super.toString() ; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // the check file handler // protected class CheckFileHandler extends PnfsSessionHandler { private final String _destination ; private final String _protocolName ; private List<String> _assumedLocations; private CheckFileHandler(int sessionId, int commandId, VspArgs args) { super( sessionId , commandId , args, false, true ) ; _info = new DoorRequestInfoMessage(DCapDoorInterpreterV3.this._cellAddress, "check"); _destination = args.getOpt( "location" ) ; String protocolName = args.getOpt( "protocol" ) ; if( protocolName == null) { _protocolName = "DCap/3" ; }else{ _protocolName = protocolName ; } } @Override protected void doStart() throws CacheException { try { PnfsId pnfsId = new PnfsId(_vargs.argv(0)); _assumedLocations = _pnfs.getCacheLocations(pnfsId); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { DCapUrl url = new DCapUrl(_vargs.argv(0)); String fileName = url.getFilePart(); _assumedLocations = _pnfs.getCacheLocationsByPath(fileName); } if (_assumedLocations.isEmpty()) { throw new CacheException(4, "File is not cached"); } super.doStart(); } @Override public void fileAttributesAvailable(){ // // i) check pnfs for possible file locations. // if not found : send 'File not cached' // ii) Get PoolManager database entries for this // file : which pools would be allowed to // deliver this file to this destination. // iii) If there is no match between the // assumed pools and the pools specified // by the PoolManager database, we // send 'File not cached'. // vi) if option 'check' != strict, we // send 'File found'. // vii) if not, we check each matched pool // for the fileentry. // try{ // // we are not called if the pnfs request failed. // setStatus("Waiting for reply from PoolManager"); PoolMgrQueryPoolsMsg query = new PoolMgrQueryPoolsMsg(DirectionType.READ, _protocolName , _destination , _fileAttributes); List<String>[] lists = CellStub.getMessage(_poolMgrStub.sendAsync(query)).getPools(); Set<String> assumedHash = new HashSet<>(_assumedLocations); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (List<String> pools : lists) { for (String pool : pools) { if (assumedHash.contains(pool)) { result.add(pool); } } } if( result.size() == 0 ) { throw new CacheException(4, "File not cached"); } if(_settings.isCheckStrict()){ SpreadAndWait<PoolCheckFileMessage> controller = new SpreadAndWait<>(new CellStub(_cell, null, 10000)); for( String pool: result ){ _log.debug("Sending query to pool {}", pool); PoolCheckFileMessage request = new PoolCheckFileMessage(pool, _fileAttributes.getPnfsId()); controller.send(new CellPath(pool), PoolCheckFileMessage.class, request); } controller.waitForReplies() ; int numberOfReplies = controller.getReplyCount() ; _log.debug("Number of valied replies: {}", numberOfReplies); if( numberOfReplies == 0 ) { throw new CacheException(4, "File not cached"); } int found = 0 ; for (PoolCheckFileMessage reply: controller.getReplies().values()) { if( reply.getHave() ){ _log.debug("pool {}: ok", reply.getPoolName()); found ++ ; }else{ _log.debug("pool {}: File not found", reply.getPoolName()); } } if( found == 0 ) { throw new CacheException(4, "File not cached"); } } sendReply( "storageInfoAvailable" , 0 , "" ) ; }catch(CacheException cee ){ // timur: since this situation can occur during the normal // operation (dc_check of non-cached file) // I am changing the following log to be // logged only if the debugging is on // anyway sendReply will log the response _log.debug(cee.toString()); sendReply( "storageInfoAvailable" , cee.getRc() , cee.getMessage()) ; }catch(Exception ee ){ _log.error(ee.toString()); sendReply( "storageInfoAvailable" , 104 , ee.getMessage()) ; }finally{ removeUs(); } } @Override public String toString(){ return "ck "+super.toString() ; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // the basic IO handler // protected class IoHandler extends PnfsSessionHandler { private String _ioMode; private DCapProtocolInfo _protocolInfo; private String _pool = "<unknown>" ; private Assumption _assumption; private Integer _moverId; private boolean _isHsmRequest; private boolean _overwrite; private boolean _strictSize; private String _checksumString; private boolean _truncate; private boolean _isNew; private String _truncFile; private boolean _poolRequestDone; private String _permission; private boolean _passive; private String _accessLatency; private String _retentionPolicy; private PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg.Context _readPoolSelectionContext; private InetSocketAddress _clientSocketAddress; private IoHandler(int sessionId, int commandId, VspArgs args) throws CacheException { super(sessionId, commandId, args, false, true); _ioMode = _vargs.argv(1) ; int port = Integer.parseInt( _vargs.argv(3) ) ; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( _vargs.argv(2) , "," ) ; _passive = args.hasOption("passive"); if (_passive) { _clientSocketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(_clientAddress, port); } else { String hostname = st.nextToken(); _clientSocketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(hostname, port); if (_clientSocketAddress.isUnresolved()) { _log.debug("Client sent unresolvable hostname {}", hostname); throw new CacheException("Unknown host: " + hostname); } } _protocolInfo = new DCapProtocolInfo( "DCap",3,0, _clientSocketAddress ) ; _protocolInfo.setSessionId( _sessionId ) ; _isHsmRequest = args.hasOption("hsm"); if( _isHsmRequest ){ _log.debug("Hsm Feature Requested"); if(_settings.getHsmManager() == null ) { throw new CacheException(105, "Hsm Support Not enabled"); } } _overwrite = args.hasOption("overwrite") ; _strictSize = args.hasOption("strict-size") ; _checksumString = args.getOpt("checksum") ; _truncFile = args.getOpt("truncate"); _truncate = ( _truncFile != null ) && _settings.isTruncateAllowed(); _protocolInfo.isPassive(_passive); _accessLatency = args.getOpt("access-latency"); _retentionPolicy = args.getOpt("retention-policy"); _protocolInfo.door(new CellPath(DCapDoorInterpreterV3.this._cellAddress)); _attributes.addAll(PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg.getRequiredAttributes()); if (_vargs.argv(1).equals("r")) { _message.setAccessMask(EnumSet.of(AccessMask.READ_DATA)); _message.setUpdateAtime(true); } } public IoDoorEntry getIoDoorEntry(){ /* * as long as door waits for reply to GetFileAttributes * the _fileAttributes is null. */ PnfsId pnfsid = _fileAttributes != null ? _fileAttributes.getPnfsId() : null; return new IoDoorEntry(_sessionId, pnfsid, _subject, _pool, _status, _statusSince, _clientSocketAddress.getAddress().getHostAddress()); } @Override public void again(boolean strong) throws IllegalArgumentException { if( strong ) { _poolRequestDone = false; } super.again(strong); } @Override public boolean fileAttributesNotAvailable() throws CacheException { // // hsm only support files in the cache. // if( _isHsmRequest ) { throw new CacheException(107, "Hsm only supports existing files"); } // // if this is not a url it's of course an error. // if( ! _isUrl ) { sendReply("fileAttributesNotAvailable", _message); return false ; } _log.debug("storageInfoNotAvailable : is url (mode={})", _ioMode); if( _ioMode.equals("r") ) { throw new CacheException(2, "No such file or directory"); } // // for now we regard each error as 'file not found' // (so we can create it); // // first we have to findout if we are allowed to create a file. // String path = _message.getPnfsPath(); String parent = new File(path).getParent(); _log.debug("Creating file. path=_getStorageInfo.getPnfsPath() -> path = {}", path); _log.debug("Creating file. parent = new File(path).getParent() -> parent = {}", parent);"Creating file {}", path); FileAttributes attributes = FileAttributes.of().uid(getUid()).gid(getGid()).fileType(REGULAR).build(); if (_vargs.hasOption("acl")) { String acl = _vargs.getOption("acl"); attributes.setAcl(ACLParser.parseLinuxAcl(RsType.FILE, acl)); } PnfsCreateEntryMessage pnfsEntry = _pnfs.createPnfsEntry(path, attributes); _log.debug("storageInfoNotAvailable : created pnfsid: {} path: {}", pnfsEntry.getPnfsId(), path); if (pnfsEntry.getFileAttributes().isDefined(STORAGEINFO) && pnfsEntry.getFileAttributes().getStorageInfo().getKey("path") != null) { _info.setBillingPath(pnfsEntry.getFileAttributes().getStorageInfo().getKey("path")); } _fileAttributes = pnfsEntry.getFileAttributes(); _isNew = true; return true ; } @Override public void fileAttributesAvailable() { _log.debug("{} storageInfoAvailable after {} ", _fileAttributes.getPnfsId(), (System.currentTimeMillis()-_started)); PoolMgrSelectPoolMsg getPoolMessage; if (_fileAttributes.getFileType() != REGULAR){ sendReply( "fileAttributesAvailable", 1 , "Not a File" ) ; removeUs() ; return ; } if (_fileAttributes.getStorageInfo().isCreatedOnly() || _overwrite || _truncate || ( _isHsmRequest && ( _ioMode.indexOf( 'w' ) >= 0 ) ) ){ // if (_isHsmRequest && _fileAttributes.getStorageInfo().isStored()){ sendReply( "fileAttributesAvailable", 1 , "HsmRequest : file already stored" ) ; removeUs() ; return ; } // // the file is an pnfsEntry only. // 'read only would be nonsense' // if( _ioMode.indexOf( 'w' ) < 0 ){ sendReply( "fileAttributesAvailable", 1 , "File doesn't exist (can't be readOnly)" ) ; removeUs() ; return ; } // we need a write pool // _protocolInfo.setAllowWrite(true) ; if( _overwrite ){ _fileAttributes.getStorageInfo().setKey("overwrite","true"); _log.debug("Overwriting requested"); } if( _truncate && ! _isNew ) { try { if( _isUrl ) { String path = _message.getPnfsPath(); _log.debug("truncating path {}", path); _pnfs.deletePnfsEntry( path ); FileAttributes attributes = FileAttributes.of().uid(getUid()).gid(getGid()).fileType(REGULAR).build(); PnfsCreateEntryMessage message = _pnfs.createPnfsEntry(path, attributes); _fileAttributes = message.getFileAttributes(); } }catch(CacheException ce ) { _log.error(ce.toString()); sendReply( "fileAttributesAvailable", 1, "Failed to truncate file"); removeUs(); return; } } if( !_isUrl && (_path != null) ) { _fileAttributes.getStorageInfo().setKey("path", _path); } if( _checksumString != null ){ _fileAttributes.getStorageInfo().setKey("checksum",_checksumString); _log.debug("Checksum from client {}", _checksumString); storeChecksumInPnfs( _fileAttributes.getPnfsId() , _checksumString ) ; } // adjust accessLatency and retention policy if it' allowed and defined if(_settings.isAccessLatencyOverwriteAllowed() && _accessLatency != null ) { try { AccessLatency accessLatency = AccessLatency.getAccessLatency(_accessLatency); _fileAttributes.setAccessLatency(accessLatency); }catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { /* bad AccessLatency ignored*/} } if(_settings.isRetentionPolicyOverwriteAllowed() && _retentionPolicy != null ) { try { RetentionPolicy retentionPolicy = RetentionPolicy.getRetentionPolicy(_retentionPolicy); _fileAttributes.setRetentionPolicy(retentionPolicy); }catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { /* bad RetentionPolicy ignored*/} } // // try to get some space to store the file. // getPoolMessage = new PoolMgrSelectWritePoolMsg(_fileAttributes, _protocolInfo, getPreallocated()); getPoolMessage.setIoQueueName(_settings.getIoQueueName()); if( _path != null ) { getPoolMessage.setBillingPath(_info.getBillingPath()); } }else{ // // sorry, we don't allow write (not yet) // (except if 'overwrite' is given [FERMI ingest] // if( _ioMode.indexOf( 'w' ) > -1){ sendReply( "fileAttributesAvailable", 1 , "File is readOnly" ) ; removeUs() ; return ; } // // we need to tell the mover as well. // The client may try to write without // specifying so. // _protocolInfo.setAllowWrite(false) ; // // try to get some space to store the file. // EnumSet<RequestContainerV5.RequestState> allowedStates; try { allowedStates = _settings.getCheckStagePermission().canPerformStaging(_subject, _fileAttributes, _protocolInfo) ? RequestContainerV5.allStates : RequestContainerV5.allStatesExceptStage; } catch (IOException e) { allowedStates = RequestContainerV5.allStatesExceptStage; _log.error("Error while reading data from StageConfiguration.conf file : {}", e.getMessage()); } getPoolMessage = new PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg(_fileAttributes, _protocolInfo, _readPoolSelectionContext, allowedStates); getPoolMessage.setIoQueueName(_settings.getIoQueueName()); _info.setFileSize(_fileAttributes.getSize()); } if( _verbose ) { sendComment("opened"); } getPoolMessage.setSubject(_subject); getPoolMessage.setId(_sessionId); try { if (_isHsmRequest) { _cell.sendMessage(new CellMessage(_settings.getHsmManager(), getPoolMessage)); } else { _poolMgrStub.send(getPoolMessage); } } catch (RuntimeException ie) { sendReply( "fileAttributesAvailable" , 2 , ie.toString() ) ; removeUs() ; return ; } setStatus( "WaitingForGetPool" ) ; setTimer(_settings.getPoolRetry()) ; } private long getPreallocated() { long preallocated = 0L; String value = _fileAttributes.getStorageInfo().getKey("alloc-size"); if (value != null) { try { preallocated = Long.parseLong(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // bad values are ignored } } return preallocated; } private void storeChecksumInPnfs( PnfsId pnfsId , String checksumString){ try{ PnfsFlagMessage flag = new PnfsFlagMessage(pnfsId,"c", PnfsFlagMessage.FlagOperation.SET) ; flag.setReplyRequired(false) ; flag.setValue(checksumString); flag.setPnfsPath(_path); _pnfs.send(flag); }catch(RuntimeException eee ){ _log.error("Failed to send crc to PnfsManager : {}", eee.toString()); } } public void poolMgrSelectPoolArrived( PoolMgrSelectPoolMsg reply ) { setTimer(0L); _log.debug("poolMgrGetPoolArrived : {}", reply); _log.debug("{} poolMgrSelectPoolArrived after {}", _fileAttributes.getPnfsId(), (System.currentTimeMillis() - _started)); Object error = reply.getErrorObject(); switch (reply.getReturnCode()) { case CacheException.NO_POOL_CONFIGURED: _log.error("Pool selection failed: no pools configured for transfer: {}", error); sendReply("poolMgrGetPoolArrived", 33, "No pools configured for transfer.", reply instanceof PoolMgrSelectWritePoolMsg ? "ENOSPC" : "EPERM", "No pools configured for transfer: " + error); removeUs(); return; case CacheException.NO_POOL_ONLINE: _log.error("Pool selection failed: no pools available for transfer: {}", error); // handle as generic error; i.e., retry, possibly after a delay. break; case CacheException.PERMISSION_DENIED: _log.error("Pool selection failed: permission denied: {}", error); sendReply("poolMgrGetPoolArrived", 33, "Permission denied.", "EPERM", "Permission denied: " + error); removeUs(); return; case CacheException.OUT_OF_DATE: again(true); return; } if (reply.getReturnCode() != 0) { if (_settings.getPoolRetry() == 0) { again(true); } else { setTimer(_settings.getPoolRetry()); } return; } String pool = reply.getPoolName(); if (pool == null) { sendReply( "poolMgrGetPoolArrived" , 33 , "No pools available" ) ; removeUs() ; return ; } // use the updated file attributes from PoolManager/SpaceManager _fileAttributes = reply.getFileAttributes(); _pool = pool ; _assumption = reply.getAssumption(); PoolIoFileMessage poolMessage; if( reply instanceof PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg ){ _readPoolSelectionContext = ((PoolMgrSelectReadPoolMsg) reply).getContext(); poolMessage = new PoolDeliverFileMessage( pool, _protocolInfo , _fileAttributes, _assumption); }else if( reply instanceof PoolMgrSelectWritePoolMsg ){ poolMessage = new PoolAcceptFileMessage( pool, _protocolInfo , _fileAttributes, _assumption, getPreallocated()); }else{ sendReply( "poolMgrGetPoolArrived" , 7 , "Illegal Message arrived : "+reply.getClass().getName() ) ; removeUs() ; return ; } poolMessage.setBillingPath(_info.getBillingPath()); poolMessage.setTransferPath(_info.getTransferPath()); poolMessage.setId( _sessionId ) ; poolMessage.setSubject(_subject); // current request is a initiator for the pool request // we need this to trace back pool billing information poolMessage.setInitiator( _info.getTransaction() ); if(_settings.getIoQueueName() != null ) { poolMessage.setIoQueueName(_settings.getIoQueueName()); } if(_settings.isIoQueueAllowOverwrite() && ( _ioHandlerQueue != null ) && ( _ioHandlerQueue.length() > 0 ) ) { poolMessage.setIoQueueName(_ioHandlerQueue); } if( _poolRequestDone ){ _log.debug("Ignoring double message"); return ; } try{ _poolMgrStub.start(reply.getPoolAddress(), poolMessage); _poolRequestDone = true ; }catch(RuntimeException ie){ sendReply( "poolMgrGetPoolArrived" , 2 , ie.toString() ) ; removeUs() ; return ; } setStatus( "WaitingForOpenFile" ) ; } public void poolIoFileArrived( PoolIoFileMessage reply ){ _log.debug("poolIoFileArrived : {}", reply); if( reply.getReturnCode() != 0 ){ // bad entry in cacheInfo and pool Manager did not check it ( for performance reason ) // try again if (reply.getReturnCode() == CacheException.FILE_NOT_IN_REPOSITORY) { again(true); return; } sendReply("poolIoFileArrived", reply); removeUs(); return; } _moverId = reply.getMoverId(); // // nothing to do here ( we are still waiting for // doorTransferFinished ) // setStatus( "WaitingForDoorTransferOk" ) ; } public void poolPassiveIoFileMessage( PoolPassiveIoFileMessage<byte[]> reply) { InetSocketAddress poolSocketAddress = reply.socketAddress(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder() ; sb.append(_sessionId).append(" "). append(_commandId).append(" "). append(_vargs.getName()). append(" connect ").append(poolSocketAddress.getHostName() ). append(" ").append(poolSocketAddress.getPort() ).append(" "). append(Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(reply.challange()) ); println( sb.toString() ) ; setStatus( "WaitingForDoorTransferOk" ) ; } // FIXME: sleep with lock public synchronized void doorTransferArrived( DoorTransferFinishedMessage reply ){ try { if( reply.getReturnCode() == 0 ){ long filesize = reply.getFileAttributes().getSize() ;"doorTransferArrived : fs={};strict={};m={}", filesize, _strictSize, _ioMode); if (_strictSize && _ioMode.contains("w")) { for( int count = 0 ; count < 10 ; count++ ){ try{ FileAttributes attributes = _pnfs.getFileAttributes(_fileAttributes.getPnfsId(), EnumSet.of(SIZE)); if (attributes.isDefined(SIZE)) {"doorTransferArrived : Size of {}: {}", _fileAttributes.getPnfsId(), attributes.getSize()); break; } }catch(Exception ee ){ _log.error("Problem getting storage info (check) for {}: {}", _fileAttributes.getPnfsId(), ee); } try{ Thread.sleep(10000L); }catch(InterruptedException ie ){ break ; } } } if (_ioMode.contains("w")) { _info.setFileSize(filesize); } sendReply( "doorTransferArrived" , 0 , "" ) ; }else{ sendReply( "doorTransferArrived" , reply ) ; } }finally { /* * mover is already gone */ _moverId = null; removeUs() ; setStatus( "<done>" ) ; } } @Override public String toString(){ return "io ["+_pool+"] "+super.toString() ; } @Override public void removeUs() { Integer moverId = _moverId; if (moverId != null) { PoolMoverKillMessage message = new PoolMoverKillMessage(_pool, moverId, "killed by door: " + _explanation); message.setReplyRequired(false); _cell.sendMessage(new CellMessage(new CellPath(_pool), message)); } super.removeUs(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // the basic opendir handler // protected class OpenDirHandler extends PnfsSessionHandler { private DCapProtocolInfo _protocolInfo; private String _pool = "dirLookupPool" ; private OpenDirHandler(int sessionId, int commandId, VspArgs args) { super( sessionId , commandId , args , true, true ) ; int port = Integer.parseInt( _vargs.argv(2) ) ; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( _vargs.argv(1) , "," ) ; InetSocketAddress clientSocketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(st.nextToken(), port); // // _protocolInfo = new DCapProtocolInfo( "DCap",3,0, clientSocketAddress ) ; _protocolInfo.setSessionId( _sessionId ) ; String pool = args.getOpt("lookupPool"); if( pool != null ) { _pool = pool; } _message.setAccessMask(EnumSet.of(AccessMask.LIST_DIRECTORY)); } @Override public void fileAttributesAvailable(){ // // we are not called if the pnfs request failed. // FsPath path = _message.getFsPath(); if( _fileAttributes.getFileType() != DIR) { sendReply( "fileAttributesAvailable" , 22, path +" is not a directory", "ENOTDIR" ) ; removeUs() ; return ; } DirRequestMessage poolIoFileMessage = new DirRequestMessage(_pool, _fileAttributes.getPnfsId(), _protocolInfo, _authz); poolIoFileMessage.setId(_sessionId); if (_settings.getIoQueueName() != null) { poolIoFileMessage.setIoQueueName(_settings.getIoQueueName()); } if (_settings.isIoQueueAllowOverwrite() && (_ioHandlerQueue != null) && (_ioHandlerQueue.length() > 0)) { poolIoFileMessage.setIoQueueName(_ioHandlerQueue); } try { _cell.sendMessage(new CellMessage(new CellPath(_pool), poolIoFileMessage)); } catch (RuntimeException ie) { sendReply("poolMgrGetPoolArrived", 2, ie.toString()); removeUs(); } } public void poolIoFileArrived( PoolIoFileMessage reply ){ _log.debug("poolIoFileArrived : {}", reply); if( reply.getReturnCode() != 0 ){ sendReply( "poolIoFileArrived" , reply ) ; removeUs() ; return ; } // // nothing to do here ( we are still waiting for // doorTransferFinished ) // setStatus( "WaitingForDoorTransferOk" ) ; } public synchronized void doorTransferArrived( DoorTransferFinishedMessage reply ){ if( reply.getReturnCode() == 0 ){ sendReply( "doorTransferArrived" , 0 , "" ) ; }else{ sendReply( "doorTransferArrived" , reply ) ; } removeUs(); setStatus( "<done>" ) ; } @Override public String toString() { return "od ["+_pool+"] "+super.toString() ; } } public String execute(VspArgs args) throws CommandExitException { _lastCommandTS = new Date(); int sessionId = args.getSessionId(); int commandId = args.getSubSessionId(); DcapCommand dcapCommand; try { dcapCommand = DcapCommand.get(args.getCommand()); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { return protocolViolation(sessionId, commandId, args.getName(), 669, "Invalid command '"+ args.getCommand() +"'"); } try { switch(dcapCommand) { case HELLO: return com_hello(sessionId, commandId, args); case BYEBYE: return com_byebye(sessionId, commandId, args); case OPEN: return com_open(sessionId, commandId, args); case CHECK: return com_check(sessionId, commandId, args); case CHGRP: return com_chgrp(sessionId, commandId, args); case CHOWN: return com_chown(sessionId, commandId, args); case CHMOD: return com_chmod(sessionId, commandId, args); case LSTAT: return com_lstat(sessionId, commandId, args); case MKDIR: return com_mkdir(sessionId, commandId, args); case OPENDIR: return com_opendir(sessionId, commandId, args); case PING: return com_ping(sessionId, commandId, args); case RENAME: return com_rename(sessionId, commandId, args); case RMDIR: return com_rmdir(sessionId, commandId, args); case STAGE: return com_stage(sessionId, commandId, args); case STAT: return com_stat(sessionId, commandId, args); case STATUS: return com_status(sessionId, commandId, args); case UNLINK: return com_unlink(sessionId, commandId, args); default: /* * just in case we added a new command */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("command not supported: " + dcapCommand); } } catch (CommandExitException e) { throw e; } catch (CommandException e) { return commandFailed(sessionId, commandId, args.getName(), e.getErrorCode(), e.getErrorMessage()); } catch(CacheException e) { return commandFailed(sessionId, commandId, args.getName(), e.getRc(), e.getMessage()); } catch(RuntimeException e) { _log.error(e.toString(), e); return commandFailed(sessionId, commandId, args.getName(), 44, e.getMessage()); } } private String commandFailed(int sessionId, int commandId, String name, int errorCode, String errorMessage) { String problem = String.format("%d %d %s failed %d \"internalError : %s\"", sessionId, commandId, name, errorCode, errorMessage); _log.debug(problem); return problem; } private String protocolViolation(int sessionId, int commandId, String name, int errorCode, String errorMessage) { String problem= String.format("%d %d %s failed %d \"protocolViolation : %s\"", sessionId, commandId, name, errorCode, errorMessage); _log.debug(problem); return problem; } public void close() { for(SessionHandler sh: _sessions.values()) { try { sh.removeUs(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { /* * we catch all RunTimeExceptions to be able to remove all sessions */ _log.error("failed to removed session: " + sh, e); } } } @Override public void getInfo( PrintWriter pw ){ pw.println( " ----- DCapDoorInterpreterV3 ----------" ) ; pw.println( " User = " + Subjects.getDisplayName(_authenticatedSubject)); pw.println( " Version = " + (_version == null ? "unknown" : _version)); pw.println(" VLimits = " + _settings.getMinClientVersion() + ":" + _settings.getMaxClientVersion()); pw.println( " Started = "+_startedTS ) ; pw.println( " Last at = "+_lastCommandTS ) ; for( Map.Entry<Integer, SessionHandler> session: _sessions.entrySet() ){ pw.println( session.getKey().toString()+ " -> "+session.getValue().toString() ); } } public void messageArrived(CellMessage msg, Message reply) { SessionHandler handler = _sessions.get((int) reply.getId()); if (handler == null) {"Reply ({}) for obsolete session: {}", reply.getClass(), reply.getId()); return; } if( reply instanceof DoorTransferFinishedMessage ){ ((IoHandler)handler).doorTransferArrived( (DoorTransferFinishedMessage)reply ) ; }else if( reply instanceof PoolMgrSelectPoolMsg ){ ((IoHandler)handler).poolMgrSelectPoolArrived( (PoolMgrSelectPoolMsg)reply ) ; }else if( reply instanceof PnfsGetFileAttributes ){ ((PnfsSessionHandler)handler).pnfsGetFileAttributesArrived( (PnfsGetFileAttributes)reply ) ; }else if( reply instanceof PoolIoFileMessage ){ ((IoHandler)handler).poolIoFileArrived( (PoolIoFileMessage)reply ) ; }else if( reply instanceof PoolPassiveIoFileMessage ){ ((IoHandler)handler).poolPassiveIoFileMessage( (PoolPassiveIoFileMessage<byte[]>) reply ) ; } else { _log.warn("Unexpected message class {} source = {}", reply.getClass(), msg.getSourcePath()); } } private void postToBilling(DoorRequestInfoMessage info) { _cell.sendMessage(new CellMessage(_settings.getBilling(), info)); } }