package org.dcache.poolmanager; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import diskCacheV111.poolManager.CostModule; import diskCacheV111.util.CacheException; import diskCacheV111.util.CostException; import diskCacheV111.util.PnfsId; import org.dcache.pool.assumption.PerformanceCostAssumption; import org.dcache.vehicles.FileAttributes; import static; import static java.lang.Math.max; import static*; /** * Legacy partition that provided the classic dCache pool selection semantics. Now * it only serves as a base class for WassPartition containing old code that is * expected to be replaced in the future. */ public abstract class ClassicPartition extends Partition { private static final long serialVersionUID = 8239030345609342048L; public enum SameHost { NEVER, BESTEFFORT, NOTCHECKED } /** * COSTFACTORS * * spacecostfactor double * cpucostfactor double * * COSTCUTS * * idle double * p2p double * alert double * halt double * slope double * fallback double * * OTHER * max-copies int * fallback-onspace boolean * * Options | Description * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * idle | below 'idle' : 'reduce duplicate' mode * p2p | above : start pool to pool mode * | If p2p value is a percent then p2p is dynamically * | assigned that percentile value of pool performance costs * alert | stop pool 2 pool mode, start stage only mode * halt | suspend system * fallback | Allow fallback in Permission matrix on high load * fallback-onspace | Allow fallback on write if out of free space * error | How much the performance cost of a pool may exceed * | limits before it rejects a request */ private static final Map<String,String> DEFAULTS = ImmutableMap.<String,String>builder() .put("max-copies", "3") .put("p2p", "0.0") .put("alert", "0.0") .put("halt", "0.0") .put("fallback", "0.0") .put("fallback-onspace", "no") .put("spacecostfactor", "1.0") .put("cpucostfactor", "1.0") .put("sameHostCopy", "besteffort") .put("sameHostRetry", "besteffort") .put("slope", "0.0") .put("idle", "0.0") .put("error", "0.2") .build(); protected final SameHost _allowSameHostCopy; protected final SameHost _allowSameHostRetry; protected final long _maxPnfsFileCopies; protected final double _costCut; protected final boolean _costCutIsPercentile; protected final double _alertCostCut; protected final double _panicCostCut; protected final double _fallbackCostCut; protected final boolean _fallbackOnSpace; protected final double _spaceCostFactor; protected final double _performanceCostFactor; protected final double _error; protected final double _slope; protected final double _minCostCut; /** * Order by performance cost. */ protected transient Ordering<PoolCost> _byPerformanceCost; protected ClassicPartition(Map<String,String> inherited, Map<String,String> properties) { this(DEFAULTS, inherited, properties); } protected ClassicPartition(Map<String,String> defaults, Map<String,String> inherited, Map<String,String> properties) { super(defaults, inherited, properties); initTransientFields(); _allowSameHostCopy = SameHost.valueOf(getProperty("sameHostCopy").toUpperCase()); _allowSameHostRetry = SameHost.valueOf(getProperty("sameHostRetry").toUpperCase()); _maxPnfsFileCopies = getLong("max-copies"); _alertCostCut = getDouble("alert"); _panicCostCut = getDouble("halt"); _fallbackCostCut = getDouble("fallback"); _spaceCostFactor = getDouble("spacecostfactor"); _performanceCostFactor = getDouble("cpucostfactor"); _error = getDouble("error"); _slope = getDouble("slope"); _minCostCut = getDouble("idle"); _fallbackOnSpace = getBoolean("fallback-onspace"); String costCut = getProperty("p2p"); if (costCut.endsWith("%")) { String numberPart = costCut.substring(0, costCut.length() - 1); _costCut = Double.parseDouble(numberPart) / 100; _costCutIsPercentile = true; if (_costCut <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number " + _costCut + " is too small; must be > 0%"); } if (_costCut >= 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number " + _costCut + " is too large; must be < 100%"); } } else { _costCut = Double.parseDouble(costCut); _costCutIsPercentile = false; } } @Override public SelectedPool selectReadPool(CostModule cm, List<PoolInfo> pools, FileAttributes attributes) throws CacheException { checkState(!pools.isEmpty()); /* Randomise order of pools with equal cost. In particular * important when performance cost factor is 0. */ Collections.shuffle(pools); /* Find best pool, taking min cost cut into account. */ PnfsId pnfsId = attributes.getPnfsId(); double pcf = _performanceCostFactor; double mcc = _minCostCut; Comparator<PoolInfo> byPerformanceCost = (a, b) -> (Math.max(a.getPerformanceCost(), b.getPerformanceCost()) < mcc) ?, a), minCostCutPosition(pnfsId, b)) : * pcf, b.getPerformanceCost() * pcf); List<PoolInfo> best = .sorted(byPerformanceCost) .limit(2) .collect(toList()); PoolInfo bestPool = best.get(0); /* Check cost cuts. */ double cost = bestPool.getCostInfo().getPerformanceCost(); boolean isPanicCostExceeded = isPanicCostExceeded(cost); boolean isFallbackCostExceeded = isFallbackCostExceeded(cost); boolean isCostCutExceeded = isCostCutExceeded(cm, cost); if (isPanicCostExceeded) { throw new CostException("Cost limit exceeded", null, isFallbackCostExceeded, isCostCutExceeded); } if (isFallbackCostExceeded || isCostCutExceeded) { throw new CostException("Cost limit exceeded", new SelectedPool(bestPool, PerformanceCostAssumption.of(_error, _panicCostCut)), isFallbackCostExceeded, isCostCutExceeded); } /* Add an assumption of the load being lower than the second best pool while still * taking the min cost cut into account. */ double nextBest = (best.size() > 1) ? Math.max(best.get(1).getPerformanceCost(), mcc) : Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; return new SelectedPool(bestPool, PerformanceCostAssumption.of(_error, _panicCostCut, _fallbackCostCut, _costCut, nextBest)); } /** * Returns a hash of pnfsId and pool. */ protected int minCostCutPosition(PnfsId pnfsId, PoolInfo pool) { return (pnfsId.toString() + pool.getName()).hashCode(); } /** * Establish the costCut at the moment for the given set of parameters. * If the costCut was assigned a value from a string ending with a '%' then * that percentile cost is used. * @param cm current CostModule * @return the costCut, taking into account possible relative costCut. */ protected double getCurrentCostCut(CostModule cm) { return _costCutIsPercentile ? cm.getPoolsPercentilePerformanceCost(_costCut) : _costCut; } protected boolean isPanicCostExceeded(double cost) { return (_panicCostCut > 0.0 && cost > _panicCostCut); } protected boolean isFallbackCostExceeded(double cost) { return (_fallbackCostCut > 0.0 && cost > _fallbackCostCut); } protected boolean isCostCutExceeded(CostModule cm, double cost) { return (_costCut > 0.0 && cost >= getCurrentCostCut(cm)); } protected boolean isAlertCostExceeded(double cost) { return (_alertCostCut > 0.0 && cost > _alertCostCut); } /** * Internal immutable helper class to hold precomputed performance * and space cost. */ protected static class PoolCost { final PoolInfo pool; final double performanceCost; final String host; public PoolCost(PoolInfo pool) { this(pool, pool.getCostInfo().getPerformanceCost()); } public PoolCost(PoolInfo pool, double performanceCost) { this.pool = pool; this.performanceCost = performanceCost; = pool.getHostName(); } } protected double getWeightedPerformanceCost(PoolCost cost) { return Math.abs(cost.performanceCost) * _performanceCostFactor; } protected static PoolCost toPoolCost(PoolInfo pool) { return new PoolCost(pool); } private void initTransientFields() { _byPerformanceCost = new Ordering<PoolCost>() { @Override public int compare(PoolCost cost1, PoolCost cost2) { return, getWeightedPerformanceCost(cost2)); } }; } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { stream.defaultReadObject(); initTransientFields(); } }