package org.dcache.poolmanager; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import diskCacheV111.pools.PoolCostInfo; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.DAYS; /** * Pool selection algorithm using Weighted Available Space Selection (WASS). * * The weighted available space is defined as: * * scf * available * ---------------------- * (pcf writers) * 2 * * where available is the unweighted available space, writers the * current number of write movers, pcf is the performance cost * factor, and scf is the space cost factor. * * The space cost factor adjusts the preference for using pools by * available space. A space cost factor of 0 means that the * selection is independent of available space. A value of 1 means * that the preference of a pool is proportional to the amount of * available space. The higher the value the more the selection is * skewed to pools with lots of free space (negative values mean * the selection is more skewed towards pools with little free * space; that's unlikely to be useful). * * A selection purely guided by space risks accumulating writers * on a pool, eventually causing pools to become overloaded. To * add a feedback from write activity we reduce the available * space exponentially with the number of writers. * * Intuitively the reciprocal of pcf is the number of writers it * takes to half the weighted available space. * * Setting pcf to 0 means the available space will be unweighted, ie * load does not affect pool selection. A value of 1 would mean * that every write half the available space. The useful range of * pcg is probably 0 to 1. * * The performance cost factor used in the expression is the * product of a per pool value and the performance cost factor of * the partition. A per pool value makes it possible to specify * how quickly a pool degrades with load. * * Note that setting both factors to zero causes pool selection to * become random. This it the same behaviour as with the classic * partition. */ public class WeightedAvailableSpaceSelection implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 6196398425106858164L; /* SecureRandom is a higher quality source for randomness than * Random. */ protected static final SecureRandom RANDOM = new SecureRandom(); static final double SECONDS_IN_WEEK = DAYS.toSeconds(7); static final double LOG2 = Math.log(2); private final double performanceCostFactor; private final double spaceCostFactor; public WeightedAvailableSpaceSelection(double performanceCostFactor, double spaceCostFactor) { this.performanceCostFactor = performanceCostFactor; this.spaceCostFactor = spaceCostFactor; } protected double random() { return RANDOM.nextDouble(); } /** * Returns the amount of removable space considered available for writes. * <p/> * We treat removable space as decaying at an exponential rate. Ie the longer a removable file * has not been accessed, the less space we consider it to occupy. */ protected double getAvailableRemovable(PoolCostInfo.PoolSpaceInfo space) { double removable = space.getRemovableSpace(); double breakeven = space.getBreakEven(); double lru = space.getLRUSeconds(); /* Breakeven is traditionally defined as the classic space * cost after one week, ie when lru equals one week. * * We interpret this as a halflife for removable space such * that breakeven specifies the undecayed fraction of the * least recently accessed removable byte. * * There is an even older interpretation of breakeven that * applies when it is 1.0 or larger. Pool manager used it as a * corrective factor for space cost computation. That is not * translatable to a halflife and hence we use a constant * instead. * * See also diskCacheV111.pools.CostCalculationV5. */ double halflife; if (breakeven >= 1.0) { halflife = SECONDS_IN_WEEK * 2; } else if (breakeven > 0.0) { halflife = SECONDS_IN_WEEK * -LOG2 / Math.log(breakeven); } else { /* Breakeven of zero means that we don't want to take the * age of removable space into account. Hence we just * consider it available. */ return removable; } /* The exponential decay process is defined as * * N(t) = n * 0.5 ^ (t / T) * * where T is the halflife and n is the size of the removable * file. Ie. at age t only N(t) of a removable file "still * exists" (figurably). * * Ideally we would know the last access time of each * removable file on the pool. We do however only know the * number of removable bytes, r, and the last access time, l, * of the least recently used removable file. * * We linearly interpolate this data such that the age of the * youngest removable byte is zero and the age of the oldest * removable byte is lru. That is * * age(x) = (l / r) * x * * for x being the index of a removable byte. * * Combining the above two expressions gives us: * * N(x) = 0.5 ^ (age(x) / T) = 0.5 ^ ((l * x) / (r * T)) * * Here N(x) is the fraction of the x'th byte that isn't * decayed yet. Note that the file size, n, is no longer in * the expression because we interpolated the age for each * byte, not for each file. * * We now want the definite integral of N from 0 to r. First, * the indefinite integral of N is: * * r T * -(---------------------) * (l x)/(r T) * 2 l Log[2] * * The definite integral from 0 to r then becomes * * r * T * (1 - 2 ^ (-l/T)) / (l * Log(2)) * */ double undecayed; if (lru > 0) { undecayed = removable * halflife * (1 - Math.pow(2.0, -lru / halflife)) / (lru * LOG2); } else { undecayed = removable; } return removable - undecayed; } /** * Returns the available space of a pool. * <p/> * Available space includes free space and removable space deemed available for writes. The gap * parameter of the pool is respected. */ protected double getAvailable(PoolCostInfo.PoolSpaceInfo space, long filesize) { long free = space.getFreeSpace(); long gap = space.getGap(); /* If the pool cannot hold the file without eating into the gap, the * pool is considered full. */ if (free + space.getRemovableSpace() - filesize <= gap) { return 0; } double removable = getAvailableRemovable(space); /* The amount of available space on a pool is the sum of * whatever is free and decayed removable space. */ return free + removable; } protected int getWriters(PoolCostInfo info) { int writers = 0; if (info.getStoreQueue() != null) { writers += info.getStoreQueue().getWriters(); } if (info.getRestoreQueue() != null) { writers += info.getRestoreQueue().getWriters(); } if (info.getP2pQueue() != null) { writers += info.getP2pQueue().getWriters(); } if (info.getP2pClientQueue() != null) { writers += info.getP2pClientQueue().getWriters(); } for (PoolCostInfo.PoolQueueInfo queue : info.getExtendedMoverHash().values()) { writers += queue.getWriters(); } return writers; } protected double getWeightedAvailable(PoolCostInfo info, double available, double load) { return (available == 0) ? 0 : (Math.pow(available, spaceCostFactor) / Math.pow(2.0, load)); } private double getLoad(PoolCostInfo info) { return performanceCostFactor * info.getMoverCostFactor() * getWriters(info); } /** * Selects a pool from a list using the WASS algorithm. * <p/> * Returns null if all pools are full. */ public <P> P selectByAvailableSpace(List<P> pools, long filesize, Function<P, PoolCostInfo> getCost) { int length = pools.size(); double[] available = new double[length]; /* Calculate available space adjusted by space cost factor. Determine the smallest * load of all pools able to hold the file. */ double minLoad = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { PoolCostInfo info = getCost.apply(pools.get(i)); double free = getAvailable(info.getSpaceInfo(), filesize); if (free > 0) { available[i] = free; minLoad = Math.min(minLoad, getLoad(info)); } } if (minLoad == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { return null; } /* Weight available space by normalized load. Load is normalized to ensure that at least * for one pool we maintain enough precision to not reduce available space to zero. */ double sum = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { PoolCostInfo info = getCost.apply(pools.get(i)); double normalizedLoad = getLoad(info) - minLoad; double weightedAvailable = getWeightedAvailable(info, available[i], normalizedLoad); sum += weightedAvailable; available[i] = sum; } /* Randomly choose one of the pools. */ double threshold = random() * sum; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (threshold < available[i]) { return pools.get(i); } } if (sum == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { throw new IllegalStateException("WASS overflow: Configured space cost factor (" + spaceCostFactor + ") is too large."); } throw new RuntimeException("Unreachable statement."); } }