package; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.Set; import; import; import static org.junit.Assert.*; /** * A set of tests to check LinkInfo object */ public class LinkInfoTests { static final String LINK_NAME = "test link"; LinkInfo _info; @Before public void setUp() { _info = new LinkInfo( LINK_NAME); } @Test public void testGetId() { assertEquals( "Cannot get correct ID", LINK_NAME, _info.getId()); } @Test public void testInitiallyEmptyPools() { Set<String> pools = _info.getPools(); assertEquals( "Unexpected number of pools from empty LinkInfo", 0, pools.size()); } @Test public void testInitiallyEmptyPoolgroups() { Set<String> poolgroups = _info.getPoolgroups(); assertEquals( "Unexpected number of poolgroups from empty LinkInfo", 0, poolgroups.size()); } @Test public void testInitiallyEmptyUnitGroups() { Set<String> unitGroups = _info.getUnitgroups(); assertEquals( "Unexpected number of unitgroups from empty LinkInfo", 0, unitGroups.size()); } @Test public void testInitiallyEmptyUnits() { for( LinkInfo.UNIT_TYPE type : LinkInfo.UNIT_TYPE.values()) { Set<String> units = _info.getUnits( type); assertEquals( "Unexpected number of units of type " + type, 0, units.size()); } } @Test public void testAddPool() { String poolName = "TEST POOL"; _info.addPool( poolName); Set<String> pools = _info.getPools(); assertEquals( "Unexpected number of pools", 1, pools.size()); assertTrue( "Unexpected pool set membership", pools.contains( poolName)); } @Test public void testAddPoolTwice() { String poolName = "TEST POOL"; _info.addPool( poolName); _info.addPool( poolName); Set<String> pools = _info.getPools(); assertEquals( "Unexpected number of pools", 1, pools.size()); assertTrue( "Unexpected pool set membership", pools.contains( poolName)); } @Test public void testAddTwoPools() { String poolName1 = "TEST POOL 1"; String poolName2 = "TEST POOL 2"; _info.addPool( poolName1); _info.addPool( poolName2); Set<String> pools = _info.getPools(); assertEquals( "Unexpected number of pools", 2, pools.size()); assertTrue( "Unexpected pool set membership", pools.contains( poolName1)); assertTrue( "Unexpected pool set membership", pools.contains( poolName2)); } @Test public void testAddPoolgroup() { String poolgroupName = "poolgroup"; _info.addPoolgroup( poolgroupName); Set<String> poolgroups = _info.getPoolgroups(); assertEquals( "Unexpected number of poolgroups", 1, poolgroups.size()); assertTrue( "Unexpected poolgroup membership", poolgroups.contains( poolgroupName)); } @Test public void testAddPoolgroupTwice() { String poolgroupName = "poolgroup"; _info.addPoolgroup( poolgroupName); _info.addPoolgroup( poolgroupName); Set<String> poolgroups = _info.getPoolgroups(); assertEquals( "Unexpected number of poolgroups", 1, poolgroups.size()); assertTrue( "Unexpected poolgroup membership", poolgroups.contains( poolgroupName)); } @Test public void testAddTwoPoolgroups() { String poolgroupName1 = "poolgroup 1"; String poolgroupName2 = "poolgroup 2"; _info.addPoolgroup( poolgroupName1); _info.addPoolgroup( poolgroupName2); Set<String> poolgroups = _info.getPoolgroups(); assertEquals( "Unexpected number of poolgroups", 2, poolgroups.size()); assertTrue( "Unexpected poolgroup membership", poolgroups.contains( poolgroupName1)); assertTrue( "Unexpected poolgroup membership", poolgroups.contains( poolgroupName2)); } @Test public void testAddUnitStoreUnit() { assertUnitType( LinkInfo.UNIT_TYPE.STORE); } @Test public void testAddUnitDcacheUnit() { assertUnitType( LinkInfo.UNIT_TYPE.DCACHE); } @Test public void testAddUnitNetworkUnit() { assertUnitType( LinkInfo.UNIT_TYPE.NETWORK); } @Test public void testAddUnitProtocolUnit() { assertUnitType( LinkInfo.UNIT_TYPE.PROTOCOL); } @Test public void testWritePrefZero() { assertSetPref( OPERATION.WRITE, 0); } @Test public void testReadPrefZero() { assertSetPref( OPERATION.READ, 0); } @Test public void testP2PPrefZero() { assertSetPref( OPERATION.P2P, 0); } @Test public void testCachePrefZero() { assertSetPref( OPERATION.CACHE, 0); } @Test public void testP2PPrefMinusOne() { assertSetPref( OPERATION.P2P, -1); } @Test public void testWritePrefPositive() { assertSetPref( OPERATION.WRITE, 5); } @Test public void testReadPrefPositive() { assertSetPref( OPERATION.READ, 5); } @Test public void testP2PPrefPositive() { assertSetPref( OPERATION.P2P, 5); } @Test public void testCachePrefPositive() { assertSetPref( OPERATION.CACHE, 5); } @Test public void testInitialReadAccessable() { assertFalse( "Checking initial state for accessability of READ operation", _info.isAccessableFor( OPERATION.READ)); } @Test public void testInitialWriteAccessable() { assertFalse( "Checking initial state for accessability of WRITE operation", _info.isAccessableFor( OPERATION.WRITE)); } @Test public void testInitialP2pAccessable() { assertFalse( "Checking initial state for accessability of P2P operation", _info.isAccessableFor( OPERATION.P2P)); } @Test public void testInitialCacheAccessable() { assertFalse( "Checking initial state for accessability of CACHE operation", _info.isAccessableFor( OPERATION.CACHE)); } public void testWriteZeroIsAccessableFor() { assertSetPref( OPERATION.WRITE, 0); assertFalse( "Unexpected result of inaccessable link", _info.isAccessableFor( OPERATION.WRITE)); } public void testReadZeroIsAccessableFor() { assertSetPref( OPERATION.READ, 0); assertFalse( "Unexpected result of inaccessable link", _info.isAccessableFor( OPERATION.READ)); } public void testP2PZeroIsAccessableFor() { assertSetPref( OPERATION.P2P, 0); assertFalse( "Unexpected result of inaccessable link", _info.isAccessableFor( OPERATION.P2P)); } public void testCacheZeroIsAccessableFor() { assertSetPref( OPERATION.CACHE, 0); assertFalse( "Unexpected result of inaccessable link", _info.isAccessableFor( OPERATION.CACHE)); } public void testWritePositiveIsAccessableFor() { assertSetPref( OPERATION.WRITE, 5); assertTrue( "Unexpected result of accessable link", _info.isAccessableFor( OPERATION.WRITE)); } public void testReadPositiveIsAccessableFor() { assertSetPref( OPERATION.READ, 5); assertTrue( "Unexpected result of accessable link", _info.isAccessableFor( OPERATION.READ)); } public void testP2PPositiveIsAccessableFor() { assertSetPref( OPERATION.P2P, 5); assertTrue( "Unexpected result of accessable link", _info.isAccessableFor( OPERATION.P2P)); } public void testCachePositiveIsAccessableFor() { assertSetPref( OPERATION.CACHE, 5); assertTrue( "Unexpected result of accessable link", _info.isAccessableFor( OPERATION.CACHE)); } public void testP2PMinusOneWriteZeroIsAccessableFor() { assertSetPref( OPERATION.P2P, -1); assertSetPref( OPERATION.WRITE, 0); assertFalse( "Unexpected result of inaccessable link", _info.isAccessableFor( OPERATION.P2P)); } public void testP2PMinusOneWritePositiveIsAccessableFor() { assertSetPref( OPERATION.P2P, -1); assertSetPref( OPERATION.WRITE, 5); assertTrue( "Unexpected result of accessable link", _info.isAccessableFor( OPERATION.P2P)); } @Test public void testEmptyEquals() { LinkInfo otherInfo = new LinkInfo( "another link"); assertEquals( "Test empty links are equal", otherInfo, _info); } @Test public void testSetPrefsEquals() { LinkInfo otherInfo = new LinkInfo( "another link"); _info.setOperationPref( OPERATION.READ, 5); otherInfo.setOperationPref( OPERATION.READ, 5); assertEquals( "Test empty links with set preferences are equal", otherInfo, _info); } @Test public void testDiffPrefsNotEqual() { LinkInfo otherInfo = new LinkInfo( "another link"); _info.setOperationPref( OPERATION.READ, 5); otherInfo.setOperationPref( OPERATION.READ, 10); assertFalse( "LinkInfo with different READ prefs", _info.equals( otherInfo)); } @Test public void testInfoWithPoolEquals() { String poolName = "a pool"; LinkInfo otherInfo = new LinkInfo( "another link"); otherInfo.addPool( poolName); _info.addPool( poolName); assertEquals( "Test links with same pool are equal", otherInfo, _info); } @Test public void testInfoWithDifferentPoolEquals() { String poolName1 = "pool 1"; String poolName2 = "pool 2"; LinkInfo otherInfo = new LinkInfo( "another link"); otherInfo.addPool( poolName1); _info.addPool( poolName2); assertFalse( "Test links with same pool are not equal", _info.equals( otherInfo)); } @Test public void testInfoWithSamePoolgroupEquals() { String poolgroupName = "poolgroup"; LinkInfo otherInfo = new LinkInfo( "another link"); otherInfo.addPoolgroup( poolgroupName); _info.addPoolgroup( poolgroupName); assertEquals( "Test links with same poolgroup are equal", otherInfo, _info); } @Test public void testInfoWithDifferentPoolgroupEquals() { String poolgroupName1 = "poolgroup 1"; String poolgroupName2 = "poolgroup 2"; LinkInfo otherInfo = new LinkInfo( "another link"); otherInfo.addPoolgroup( poolgroupName1); _info.addPoolgroup( poolgroupName2); assertFalse( "Test links with same poolgroup are equal", otherInfo.equals( _info)); } @Test public void testInfoWithSameUnitEquals() { String unitName = "unit"; UNIT_TYPE unitType = UNIT_TYPE.DCACHE; LinkInfo otherInfo = new LinkInfo( "another link"); otherInfo.addUnit( unitType, unitName); _info.addUnit( unitType, unitName); assertEquals( "Test links with same " + unitType + " unit are equal", otherInfo, _info); } @Test public void testInfoWithSameDcacheUnitEquals() { assertUnitTypeEquality( UNIT_TYPE.DCACHE); } @Test public void testInfoWithDifferentDcacheUnitEquals() { assertUnitTypeInequality( UNIT_TYPE.DCACHE); } @Test public void testInfoWithSameStoreUnitEquals() { assertUnitTypeEquality( UNIT_TYPE.STORE); } @Test public void testInfoWithDifferentStoreUnitEquals() { assertUnitTypeInequality( UNIT_TYPE.STORE); } @Test public void testInfoWithSameNetworkUnitEquals() { assertUnitTypeEquality( UNIT_TYPE.NETWORK); } @Test public void testInfoWithDifferentNetworkUnitEquals() { assertUnitTypeInequality( UNIT_TYPE.NETWORK); } @Test public void testInfoWithSameProtocolUnitEquals() { assertUnitTypeEquality( UNIT_TYPE.PROTOCOL); } @Test public void testInfoWithDifferentProtocolUnitEquals() { assertUnitTypeInequality( UNIT_TYPE.PROTOCOL); } private void assertUnitTypeEquality( UNIT_TYPE unitType) { String unitName = "unit"; LinkInfo otherInfo = new LinkInfo( "another link"); otherInfo.addUnit( unitType, unitName); _info.addUnit( unitType, unitName); assertEquals( "Test links with same " + unitType + " unit are equal", otherInfo, _info); } private void assertUnitTypeInequality( UNIT_TYPE unitType) { String unitName1 = "unit 1"; String unitName2 = "unit 2"; LinkInfo otherInfo = new LinkInfo( "another link"); otherInfo.addUnit( unitType, unitName1); _info.addUnit( unitType, unitName2); assertFalse( "Test links with different " + unitType + " unit are not equal", otherInfo.equals( _info)); } /** * Check whether adding a single unit of the specified type works as * expected. * * @param type * the LinkInfo.UNIT_TYPE we wish to test. */ private void assertUnitType( LinkInfo.UNIT_TYPE type) { String unitName = "unit"; _info.addUnit( type, unitName); for( LinkInfo.UNIT_TYPE testType : LinkInfo.UNIT_TYPE.values()) { int expectedEntries = (testType == type) ? 1 : 0; Set<String> units = _info.getUnits( testType); assertEquals( "Unexpected number of entried for type " + type, expectedEntries, units.size()); if( testType == type) { assertTrue("Unexpected set membership", units.contains(unitName)); } } } private void assertSetPref( OPERATION operation, int preference) { _info.setOperationPref( operation, preference); assertEquals( "Unable to set " + operation + " preference of " + Integer.toString( preference), preference, _info.getOperationPref( operation)); } }