package org.dcache.tests.repository; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.Random; import org.dcache.pool.repository.Account; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class DiskSpaceAllocatorTest { @Test public void testNegativeTotalSpace() { try { final Account account = new Account(); account.setTotal(-1); fail("IllegalArgumentException should be thrown in case of totalSpace < 0"); }catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { // OK } } @Test public void testTotalSpace() { final Random random = new Random(); final long space = Math.abs(random.nextLong()); final Account account = new Account(); account.setTotal(space); assertEquals("set/getTotalSpace() miss match", space, account.getTotal()); } @Test public void testFreeSpaceNoAllocations() { final Random random = new Random(); final long space = Math.abs(random.nextLong()); final Account account = new Account(); account.setTotal(space); assertEquals("getFreeSpace() do not match getTotalSpace() without allocations", space, account.getFree()); } @Test public void testUsedSpaceNoAllocations() { final Random random = new Random(); final long space = Math.abs(random.nextLong()); final Account account = new Account(); account.setTotal(space); assertEquals("Non zero used space without allocations", 0, account.getUsed()); } @Test public void testBadSize() throws Exception { final Account account = new Account(); account.setTotal(2); try { account.allocate(-1); fail("IllegalArgumentException should be thrown in case of size < 0"); }catch(final IllegalArgumentException iae) { //OK } } @Test public void testAllocateNonBlockOK() throws Exception { final Random random = new Random(); final long space = Math.abs(random.nextLong()); final Account account = new Account(); account.setTotal(space); final long allocSize = space / 2; account.allocateNow(allocSize); assertEquals("used space do not match allocated space", allocSize, account.getUsed()); assertEquals("free space do not match after alloc", space - allocSize, account.getFree()); } @Test public void testAllocateMultipleNonBlockOK() throws Exception { final Random random = new Random(); final long space = Math.abs(random.nextLong()); final long allocSize = space / 4; final Account account = new Account(); account.setTotal(space); account.allocateNow(allocSize); account.allocateNow(allocSize); account.allocateNow(allocSize); assertEquals("used space do not match allocated space", 3*allocSize, account.getUsed()); assertEquals("free space do not match after alloc", space - 3*allocSize, account.getFree()); } @Test public void testFree() throws Exception { final Random random = new Random(); final long space = Math.abs(random.nextLong()); final Account account = new Account(); account.setTotal(space); final long allocSize = space / 2; account.allocateNow(allocSize);; assertEquals("used space do not match after free", 0, account.getUsed()); assertEquals("free space do not match after free", space, account.getFree()); } @Test public void testAllocateMoreThanFreeNonBlock() throws Exception { final Random random = new Random(); final long space = Math.abs(random.nextLong()); final Account account = new Account(); account.setTotal(space); final long allocSize = space / 2; account.allocateNow(allocSize); assertFalse("allocateNow should return false if there is no space available", account.allocateNow(space)); } @Test(timeout=60_000) public void testAllocateWithFree() throws Exception { final Random random = new Random(); final long space = Math.abs(random.nextLong()); final long allocSize = space / 2; final Account account = new Account(); account.setTotal(space); account.allocateNow(allocSize); assertEquals("used space do not match allocated space", allocSize, account.getUsed()); assertEquals("free space do not match after alloc",space - allocSize, account.getFree()); long delay = 200; // 0.2 seconds DiskSpaceAllocationTestHelper.delayedFreeEntry(account, allocSize, delay); // Should block until space is freed. account.allocate(space); assertEquals("used space do not match allocated space", space, account.getUsed()); assertEquals("free space do not match after alloc", 0, account.getFree()); } @Test public void testSetTotalInc() throws Exception { final Random random = new Random(); final long space = Math.abs(random.nextLong()); final long newTotal = space + 20; final Account account = new Account(); account.setTotal(space); final long allocSize = space / 4; account.allocateNow(allocSize); account.setTotal(newTotal); assertEquals("total space do not reflect to new value", newTotal, account.getTotal()); assertEquals("used space should not change after total space increase", allocSize, account.getUsed()); assertEquals("free space do not reflect new total space",newTotal - allocSize, account.getFree()); } @Test public void testSetTotalDec() throws Exception { final Random random = new Random(); final long space = Math.abs(random.nextLong()); final long newTotal = space / 2; final Account account = new Account(); account.setTotal(space); final long allocSize = space / 4; account.allocateNow(allocSize); account.setTotal(newTotal); assertEquals("total space do not reflect to new value", newTotal, account.getTotal()); assertEquals("used space should not change after total space increase", allocSize, account.getUsed()); assertEquals("free space do not reflect new total space",newTotal - allocSize, account.getFree()); } @Test public void testSetTotalDecMissing() throws Exception { final Random random = new Random(); final long space = Math.abs(random.nextLong()); final long newTotal = space / 4; final Account account = new Account(); account.setTotal(space); final long allocSize = space / 2; account.allocateNow(allocSize); try { account.setTotal(newTotal); fail("new space can't be smaller than used space"); }catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { // OK } } @Test(timeout=60_000) public void testAllocateWithSetTotalInc() throws Exception { final long initialTotalSize = 1000; final Account account = new Account(); account.setTotal(initialTotalSize); final long newTotalSize = 2*initialTotalSize; final long delay = 100; // Allocate all the space account.allocateNow( initialTotalSize); assertEquals( "Used size incorrect", initialTotalSize, account.getUsed()); assertEquals( "Free size incorrect", 0, account.getFree()); DiskSpaceAllocationTestHelper.delayedAddSpace(account, newTotalSize, delay); final long newAllocSize = initialTotalSize/4; account.allocate(newAllocSize); final long newUsedSize = initialTotalSize + newAllocSize; assertEquals( "Total size incorrect", newTotalSize, account.getTotal()); assertEquals( "Used size incorrect", newUsedSize, account.getUsed()); assertEquals( "Free size incorrect", newTotalSize - newUsedSize, account.getFree()); } @Test(expected=IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testFreeMoreThanReserved() throws Exception { final Random random = new Random(); final long space = Math.abs(random.nextLong()); final Account account = new Account(); account.setTotal(space);; } }